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You went to a mall *today*? These ducks are very impressive people! Hawks do not do the mall in December.



Mrs. Mallard would have preferred hanging out with the hawks. Or getting a root canal.  Or gouging her eyes out.


Mr. Mallard wanted to go the mall the week before Christmas.  He likes to go every year, to show the kids all the decorations and then hang out in the Lego store and then eat in the food court and then go back home without buying anything but dinner. We rarely go at any other time, so it's sort of a study in contemporary culture, a field trip, he says.  He may be right.  My weird homeschooled kids (who have never heard of hatchimals or Daniel Tiger or those disturbing little finger monkeys) loudly gawk and squeal at everything like we are at Disney World.  The escalator is like Space Mountain to them... most are too terrified to attempt it. 


It is both amusing and embarrassing.

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Dh has informed me that, owing to his broken wrist, he can no longer shovel the driveway, wash dishes, brush teeth, or....do pretty much anything useful.


He owes me big time in four weeks. Like, me jetting off to Paris by myself for a month kind of big time.

Tell your dh that when my dh shattered his wrist, he was at work the next day, painting. With his non dominant hand. He brushed his own teeth. He did get some help in the shower. He had to do stuff, or else he would have been sitting around in a lot of pain being angry with everyone. Mama wasn't having it. (When I say shattered, I mean it looked like his hand was falling off, except the skin didn't break.) Let's see if that helps your dh feel more capable of things. ðŸ˜

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Good Thursday Morning!


(((Spuds)))  You did the right thing and hopefully it will bear the intended fruit in good time.


Go Jean!  Go EP!  (Did I miss it?  What are we sanding?  Homemade Christmas ornaments for ITTers?)


:grouphug:  for Mr. Mallard and  :lol:  at his field trip.  


Oldest got home last night.   :hurray:


I need to order 2018 calendars for dh and me and I need to send out Christmas cards.   :leaving:





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I have two more months left if my planner (glorified calandar). Then I'll buy one. When they go on sale.

I need caffeine.

Taxes are like lunch money. You give it to the bully to keep him from beating you up, and sometimes the teachers give part of it back to you.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Good morning!


We are lazing about. Dh has taken the day off work to help us get the van ready and packed. Fingers are crossed that he doesn't have to deal with any major work emergencies. I am hungry.


Luuknam has a good grasp of the tax system.


Jean, how do you play "heavy metal feet"?


There is an ice storm forecast for our Saturday travel. I am not amused.


How did it go, Spudz?



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Good Thursday Morning!


(((Spuds))) You did the right thing and hopefully it will bear the intended fruit in good time.


Go Jean! Go EP! (Did I miss it? What are we sanding? Homemade Christmas ornaments for ITTers?)


:grouphug: for Mr. Mallard and :lol: at his field trip.


Oldest got home last night. :hurray:


I need to order 2018 calendars for dh and me and I need to send out Christmas cards. :leaving:

Remember the Lichtenberg figures made with homemade “lightning “? We’re making ornaments with those.

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So, Dancer noticed a spot on her eye a couple of weeks ago that still hasn't gone away. She came in this morning and said she remembered that's what the morphea on her leg looked like when it first started.  :svengo:  She doesn't have an appointment until May. :thumbdown:  So, she went back to her room, and Gymnast came in to tell me that her sister was crying.  :crying:


So, I called the derm clinic (attached to the university hospital), and the responder said there were no appointments, there was nothing she could do. I asked if she could at least leave a note for the doctor. That's what we did the last time we had a question, and the doctor called us back. As she's fiddling around getting the message in, she said, "oh, we just got a cancellation, can you come in two hours?" Why, yes. Yes we can.  :hurray:


So, we are leaving in another 45 minutes to have this doctor look at this spot and hope it's not morphea. I am so glad I took an extended nap after working today. I slept until 9am (almost 2 hours). It is a two hour round-trip drive.

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Holiday-PO. I'd avert your eyes.


  :rant: I swear, next time Christmas rolls around, I'm sticking my head in the covers and not getting out of bed until it's all gone. I swear my blood pressure hit critical today just driving through town and stopping at a few stores to get the stocking stuff. We can have Christmas in March. I might be ready for it by then.

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Sanding is done.  Though I  had to sand some more where the kids had supposedly sanded.  Just like their determinations of what is "clean" is different from mine, so apparently is their determination of what is "sanded".  Or I just might be picky.  But I'm not as picky as dh.  These ornaments are going to look handmade.  Dh is not satisfied unless it looks like a high-end woodworking shop did it but since he hasn't offered more than consulting services, he doesn't get a vote on what is good enough. 

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The slow cooker, dishwasher, and laundry are going. I cried like a pregnant woman watching Lifetime while cutting the onions.



Slache, do tell!

I'm sure there's more!



Warning  Crisis Post:


My favorite paper planner (really, my brain) is no longer available.   :svengo:  :svengo:  :svengo:


I'm going to need a moment.   :(



Deleted my prev post



Oh crumbcakes.  I missed my shower window. 

Why do you shower in a window? And why were you trying to hit it?

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I talked to my soon-to-be 93  year old mom.  And I had to enforce a boundary and hang up on her.  I was nice about it.  I told her that I had to go and I would talk to her soon and I love her but I'm hanging up now.  And I did.  Then I let my sister know because if Mom complains to anyone about it, it will be to my sister.  Mom doesn't have dementia or anything but she does get stuck on certain obsessions and it doesn't do anyone any good to let her obsess about them. 

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I made a good start on a picture for MIL. I think it looks good, but I'd stop short of saying it's exactly what I wanted. Don't know if it's what she had in mind either. I ought to go over on Saturday when it is done and see if the size and style is right, or if she wants me to do something a little different with it.

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