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I have a conundrum. I have two agents on my short list. One of them I marked out because she was closed for queries. Low and behold, while working on the letter, synopsis and so forth for another agent, I discover that the agent I nixed because of "closed for queries" is new this year to this agency where the agent I'm looking at works.

Not a big deal, right? Only, only, only...another writer I write with has met this other agent. Really liked her. Said she's dying for a setting like mine. But that was when she was working for another agency, and I don't know that it's high on her priority list now! But, but, but...she's new to this agency, probably looking to get a few new clients, and.... :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly:

I can't query them both. That's a rule. <Bites nails>

Oh dear. I just don’t know how all that works, so I can’t advise you one way or another, so i’m Just sending you “Good Decision†vibes.
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First line of a real resume: "As I Graduated High School,I have learned that I need to have a Job.." Candidate then goes on to misspell the name of their high school. Almost every sentence has two periods or an ellipsis. State is abbreviated as pa, PA, and Pa throughout - as if he couldn't decide which was correct. Bound to get it right at least once!


And we hired this person... :svengo:





Please make sure to have someone, preferably an educated someone, proofread your resume. That is all.

Oh wow!! I have no words for this. But, if I did.... I can assure you they would be spelled and punctuated correctly. Including the much maligned Oxford Comma.
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I have a conundrum. I have two agents on my short list. One of them I marked out because she was closed for queries. Low and behold, while working on the letter, synopsis and so forth for another agent, I discover that the agent I nixed because of "closed for queries" is new this year to this agency where the agent I'm looking at works.

Not a big deal, right? Only, only, only...another writer I write with has met this other agent. Really liked her. Said she's dying for a setting like mine. But that was when she was working for another agency, and I don't know that it's high on her priority list now! But, but, but...she's new to this agency, probably looking to get a few new clients, and.... :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly:

I can't query them both. That's a rule. <Bites nails>

Who made that rule?

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I have written a query specific to Agent A. :001_smile:

Agent A really wants writers to have platforms. In theory, I agree. Would love to have a platform. However, I don't know how to mention the fact that in order to use that platform, I would have to crawl up a ladder onto the roof, and sit on the chimney like Santa, whilst waving a phone in the air. Or drive up the road, park beside the old barn, get on top of my truck, and hope I'm facing the right direction depending on which tower is working that day.


Witness protection forbids me from using social media. :hat:


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Good morning. Wish me luck. Today I have to round up MIL who has dementia that is worsening. I have to get her into my car and take her to a new doctor at a place that I have never been before. And I have to get Dh on a conference call so that he can attend the doctor’s appointment long distance. And then I will have to reverse all that with an exhausted MIL who tends to flop over in my car and moan when she’s exhausted. Dd is helping me. This will take hours so no school except for math.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Good morning. Wish me luck. Today I have to round up MIL who has dementia that is worsening. I have to get her into my car and take her to a new doctor at a place that I have never been before. And I have to get Dh on a conference call so that he can attend the doctor’s appointment long distance. And then I will have to reverse all that with an exhausted MIL who tends to flop over in my car and moan when she’s exhausted. Dd is helping me. This will take hours so no school except for math.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Good luck!


Break a leg!

Go get 'em, tiger!

Live long and prosper. \V/


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Gymnast now spends 97% of her time on the trampoline now. Whether she's jumping on it or not.



When my kids were younger they took some gymnastics lessons at a local place.  The biggest room had the various bars and other things surrounded with a very springy floor -- the floor surface was literally on springs, to help lessen injuries when the students fell.  I loved it when parents were allowed to walk into that room -- what a wonderful floor!  Kids would hang out in that particular room until lessons started because they liked sitting on the floor.  The only place they liked better was the trampoline room, because they could sit on the trampolines until classes started (though that room wasn't always available).


Springy surfaces make wonderful living surfaces when furniture weight isn't an issue.

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Good morning. Wish me luck. Today I have to round up MIL who has dementia that is worsening. I have to get her into my car and take her to a new doctor at a place that I have never been before. And I have to get Dh on a conference call so that he can attend the doctor’s appointment long distance. And then I will have to reverse all that with an exhausted MIL who tends to flop over in my car and moan when she’s exhausted. Dd is helping me. This will take hours so no school except for math.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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That does suck.


What happened that makes you think that?


I start having trouble breathing; like, my chest feels heavy. This was happening last year, but I didn't make the connection that it may be a reaction to the med. I was taking it to get rid of that problem!

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Website, Facebook and Twitter. And other stuff. 

In theory, I think it's a good idea. In practice, asking that of every writer is like trying to make Cinderella's slipper fit everyone in town by cutting off their toes.



I thought the publishers liked to create those for their authors.  I didn't think it was something the authors themselves were responsible for keeping up.

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I start having trouble breathing; like, my chest feels heavy. This was happening last year, but I didn't make the connection that it may be a reaction to the med. I was taking it to get rid of that problem!



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Website, Facebook and Twitter. And other stuff. 

In theory, I think it's a good idea. In practice, asking that of every writer is like trying to make Cinderella's slipper fit everyone in town by cutting off their toes.

I will like and share FB things. Just hook us up when it's all ready. Personally, I really enjoy your little snippets and I think that if you put out a daily or weekly quotes of yours that you might have more followers. Words make me feel good and I know I'm not alone. They don't even have to be yours, just something that speaks to you and shows who you are.

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I'm in a terrifically bad mood today after being on the phone twice with someone who wants to bill via email, but evidently can't get an address correct. Or something. They asked me to get a new email address.

I told them to get a stamp. If they had simply sent the renewal via the old-fashioned route, I would have had it back in November when it was due, and they would have their money by now. 





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I thought the publishers liked to create those for their authors.  I didn't think it was something the authors themselves were responsible for keeping up.

Oh, no, no. They want you to have all those things, and if you already have a following a few thousand people, they like that better. 

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I will like and share FB things. Just hook us up when it's all ready. Personally, I really enjoy your little snippets and I think that if you put out a daily or weekly quotes of yours that you might have more followers. Words make me feel good and I know I'm not alone. They don't even have to be yours, just something that speaks to you and shows who you are.

The problem for me is operating it with an internet that is so, so bad. I wouldn't mind having a website that I could update, put free stuff on, and things like that. I think it would be fun and I love talking writing, characters, story and all things fantasy with people. It's just miserable trying to do any of that where I'm at. 


The husband is set to climb up on the roof to see if we can install a booster on the chimney so that we can get cell-phone here at the house. We can't get satellite. DSL is worse than dial-up due to the old lines out here. I'm not half-kidding about sitting like Santa on the chimney. 

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Oh, bummer!


Oh, no!!  That's bad.  Stop using it and call your allergist  pronto!  ...  Nope, no excuses.  Just do what I say.


Oh, I stopped taking it the first day. Or the second. I don't remember. Sometimes I'm slow, and it takes me a moment to figure out what is really going on.


This was the med I was fighting to get that insurance didn't want to pay for. I was having constant "random" asthma attacks almost daily in August-October, and the doctor (not allergist) thought maybe an infection was going on and prescribed a med. The first med I knew I was allergic to, because the first times I was using it, I broke out in little tiny bumps all over my body and face. It was quite unpleasant.

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The problem for me is operating it with an internet that is so, so bad. I wouldn't mind having a website that I could update, put free stuff on, and things like that. I think it would be fun and I love talking writing, characters, story and all things fantasy with people. It's just miserable trying to do any of that where I'm at. 


The husband is set to climb up on the roof to see if we can install a booster on the chimney so that we can get cell-phone here at the house. We can't get satellite. DSL is worse than dial-up due to the old lines out here. I'm not half-kidding about sitting like Santa on the chimney. 

Of course, a writer that has to get up on the roof to update a website, check facebook or send a tweet could be an interesting angle for a bio.


Writer on the Roof


Up on the rooftop, click, click, click,

The writer is writing, pick, pick, pick

Under an umbrella, drip, drip, drip,

Careful on the ladder! Don't slip, slip, slip.


Random Musings

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I'm in a terrifically bad mood today after being on the phone twice with someone who wants to bill via email, but evidently can't get an address correct. Or something. They asked me to get a new email address.

I told them to get a stamp. If they had simply sent the renewal via the old-fashioned route, I would have had it back in November when it was due, and they would have their money by now. 







"get a new email address"?  Really?  No, you folks get it right!  My getting a new email address won't address your problem with messing up email addresses!

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We are the Christmas elves, we are the concretizers of dreams...🧚â€â™€ï¸


We become the crushers of dreams as well if we forget about doing the things! It's no fair- the kids don't whine at DH if the  :cursing: elf forgets to move.


You are so right about this. I’d be curious as to how many moms who are still “in the thick of things†regarding child-raising really and truly love the Christmas Season. There are things I enjoy, but overall I just feel a lot of pressure and anxiety, and i’m Not the type who totally goes over the top.


I don't go over the top either, or don't think I do, but the kids love all the Christmas things so much! Thank goodness they are getting old enough to initiate some of it themselves. And I have 12 nieces and nephews...that's a lot of shopping not even including my own. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


You HAVE been busy!  I hope you find some new friends there.  Just be yourself and enjoy being a mother of a baby with other mothers of babies.  Your being newer to the area could be an ice-breaker subject, if needed.  First time mothers might feel a little unsure of themselves offering advice to a mother who has older kids, but they will happily share info and advice on local stuff to someone new or new-ish to the area.  And many will find your presence reassuring, because it will show that they, too, can continue to look to such groups for support when they have more kids in the future, that the group need not be only for those completely new to parenthood.


They did not know I have more than 1 kid. I noticed one mom in the back who introduced herself as a family of 7, so I went and talked to her at the end- everyone else seemed to assume I had just Baby and I didn't dissuade them because they didn't ask. She's probably near my age, but I'm a horrible judge of age. It was actually kind of nice to just be Baby's mom for a little bit. The place was much more crowded than I expected and I think that made things a little less friendly, but I'll probably go back next week. It was nice to get out and I think I'm addicted to the baby scale. It turns out Baby is not a huge monster baby- he's only about the 12th percentile which has seemed huge to me because my girls were all well below the 3rd percentile and DS is so old I can't remember. 


I can totally feel this. Except my kids are 11 years apart and I don't have any in between. There is a very high chance there will be at least one other that feels too old and disillusioned to be there. Unless she stays home because she didn't know you'd be there. :( So go, so you two can get together. Gymnast had a tongue tie. I think that may be why she nursed every 1.5 hours... Her dad has a tie that was never fixed. It's interesting-looking. 


Did you fix Gymnast's tongue tie? The lactation consultant said Baby has an obvious and significant tongue tie and a bit of a lip tie as well. She's surprised we're doing as well as we are. I wish the doctor had fixed it back when he was a newborn and she commented that we'd want to "watch out for a possible tongue tie." Now I'm nervous about pain for Baby and also for my milk supply and his speech if we don't fix it. I'm going to ask the doctor for a referral when he goes next week. The lactation consultant said it looked like an easier type of tongue tie to fix. Baby also nurses much more frequently than anyone else did and he's not very good at it. He spits up and chokes during each session and continues the spitting, choking, and coughing, and sneezing milk all day. 

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I have written a query specific to Agent A. :001_smile:

Agent A really wants writers to have platforms. In theory, I agree. Would love to have a platform. However, I don't know how to mention the fact that in order to use that platform, I would have to crawl up a ladder onto the roof, and sit on the chimney like Santa, whilst waving a phone in the air. Or drive up the road, park beside the old barn, get on top of my truck, and hope I'm facing the right direction depending on which tower is working that day.







Edited by Renai
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Oh, no, no. They want you to have all those things, and if you already have a following a few thousand people, they like that better. 



Ah, the old we-only-want-new-authors-with-a-proven-following schtick.   :rolleyes:

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The problem for me is operating it with an internet that is so, so bad. I wouldn't mind having a website that I could update, put free stuff on, and things like that. I think it would be fun and I love talking writing, characters, story and all things fantasy with people. It's just miserable trying to do any of that where I'm at. 


The husband is set to climb up on the roof to see if we can install a booster on the chimney so that we can get cell-phone here at the house. We can't get satellite. DSL is worse than dial-up due to the old lines out here. I'm not half-kidding about sitting like Santa on the chimney. 



It took multiple boosters at ILs' house down here to be able to use their phones through most of the property (5 acres), and there are still dead spots.

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Of course, a writer that has to get up on the roof to update a website, check facebook or send a tweet could be an interesting angle for a bio.


Writer on the Roof


Up on the rooftop, click, click, click,

The writer is writing, pick, pick, pick

Under an umbrella, drip, drip, drip,

Careful on the ladder! Don't slip, slip, slip.


Random Musings



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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I had to have words with DD13 about torturing her Sugar Plum Fairies.  I asked her to slow down.  It sounded like she was chasing them with a lawn mower, they were running and scrambling so fast!  They are still stumbling a bit right now (understandable after the previous fast pace!), but they don't sound quite so frantic and breathless.

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I'm in a terrifically bad mood today after being on the phone twice with someone who wants to bill via email, but evidently can't get an address correct. Or something. They asked me to get a new email address.

I told them to get a stamp. If they had simply sent the renewal via the old-fashioned route, I would have had it back in November when it was due, and they would have their money by now. 






Could it be going into your junk mail, so you're not seeing it? 


I would not get a new email.  Get a stamp is right!


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I agree on getting the tongue tie done.  We waited until dd was 6  years old and she had to be put under (I almost typed "down"!  :svengo: ) and it was a much bigger deal than it would have been if we had it done as a baby.  I have an unfixed tongue tie.  I've learned to deal with it but I do have some speech issues when I'm tired because of it.  (Otherwise I have good enunciation because I have worked hard at it.) 

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