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I have my first five agents picked out. Now I get to rewrite the query letter for each one, rewrite the synopsis for one, and get ready to wonder if I did anything right from submission to writing the story for the next 12 or more weeks. I'm supposed to try to submit to 50 agents in 6 months. :svengo:


ETA: Two a week. Keep telling myself that. Two a week.



You can do it!  Rah rah rah!



You could also take a brief break to check out today's Google doodle, too.  Just if you want.  A little kids' coding fun.  With cute little bunnies!

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Hello, dear friends! I've missed you all and thought of everyone many times each day. Many things have happened, but, then again, it hasn't amounted to very much. Everyone is still alive, with the exception of a dear uncle that passed away kinda suddenly.I


Mom has kept me busy. She is at her home. I have to go everyday. It is hard, but I don't want to complain. That which does not kill us makes us stronger, right?


I hope everyone is healthy and happy. :wub: ITT :wub:

Glad you stopped by! :wub:


Sorry about your uncle. :grouphug:

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My eyesight got blurry at work today. If I mention blurry eyesight again in, say, the next six months, make me go get my eyes checked, okay? I think I’m just tired. Or the lights were bright. Or I have a tumor.


So did mine. It was weird. I was in the middle of teaching online, too, so needed to see the screen.



Or you need to get your blood pressure checked.

Oh, right. I forgot about that aspect. We can't find the cuff...

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DD13 told me about a dream she had just before waking.  She dreamed she was running about having lots of adventures, doing all the things and succeeding wildly, and finally, after the grand finale adventure, she hit the sack to get some well earned sleep.  And as she dreamed she closed her eyes -- her alarm went off and it was time to get up for real.


:svengo:  :lol:  :lol:

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I have a massage this morning.  I was thinking of cancelling, but I think I need it.  I can give my massage therapist her Christmas card today, too.


Then grocery store for milk, then DD13's ballet (with a card for the ballet teacher).  I'll need to mention to the ballet teacher that DD might not make it the next week.


Then home for more tasks, then Aikido this evening.



And tackling sinus stuff.  DD16 can barely breathe, and she has a voice lesson tomorrow and a recital Saturday.  Poor DD.  Today has one of two fronts hitting us in very rapid succession.

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Wait until he has to pay for the daily restaurant meals.  He'll start seeing the sense of at least some cooking at home.


I told him his pizza is better than Hungry Howie's. He conceded that he'd be willing to cook for us sometimes if there were money attached. I reminded him that I paid for the ingredients, and he'd only make a few dollars, but he still likes the idea. "Then I can buy food for refugees!" :001_wub:


Happy Tuesday, ITT! I'm going to quit coffee for a while once what we have is gone, but I had some today. Now for some adulting.

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Good morning!


Heard the stormy cold front moving through earlier. Very windy! I ordered everyone to sleep late. Unless they are being super quiet, orders are being followed. (Except for dh who left hours ago.)


We have a light day of school today, music lessons this afternoon, and kids' orchestra concert tonight.


I thought the stealth copter was at the disposal of all ITTers. If so, it's not really stealing.

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Susan tries to keep it all to herself.


I didn't know anyone else knew how to fly it.


I'm the only one with the keys. Stealth 'Copters are very expensive so I can't just pass it around willy nilly. :willy_nilly:



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I told him his pizza is better than Hungry Howie's. He conceded that he'd be willing to cook for us sometimes if there were money attached. I reminded him that I paid for the ingredients, and he'd only make a few dollars, but he still likes the idea. "Then I can buy food for refugees!" :001_wub:


Happy Tuesday, ITT! I'm going to quit coffee for a while once what we have is gone, but I had some today. Now for some adulting.


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It's morning. I woke up around five, couldn't get back to sleep, then the alarm went off and that put me out like a candle. Slept and dreamed until almost 7:30.

I've got a big day of working over the query letter, coming up with a bio that will make an agent want to work with me, sharpening the synopsis for one person who likes a tighter synopsis than I like, and so on and so forth.

And there's school today, I'm making chili and sweeping the house before writers' meeting. I'm leading it again this week. Our fearless leader is out on personal business for a while.

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I'm tired. And it appears that working every damn day isn't making enough, so I'm out job hunting again, this time for a second job. Wth, God? I know there's a plan. I know it. And this will be good. I know that, too. I'm just tired. And discouraged. And DH is on the verge of freaking out, so I'm trying to keep my downness under wraps, which makes it burrow instead of pass.


Is any of this making sense?


Book #I don't remember right now - Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I’m happy. I took a carload of computer carcasses to the computer recycling place. I was afraid that they would charge me an arm and a leg to take them off my hands but it was free!! I’m trying to get rid of most of Ds’ computer boneyard.



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When you're done, could you come sort through DH's collection? I'm too afraid. TIA!


Dh took dd15 to a nearby (empty) parking lot to try her hand at driving. :svengo: He said she's a natural. I told her that's great, she has another 10 years to hone her skills. :D


Dd8 is trying to think of something to give Choir Boy for Christmas. He gave her a cute necklace tonight at rehearsal. Nothing expensive, just something a 9/10yo boy might make for a girl. 🙄


We went to the first hour of the Mega Christmas Extravaganza - it is being filmed and televised by PBS, so this was a kind of "dress rehearsal performance." (They gave parents of choir members a couple free tickets to the dress rehearsal filming - we had to leave early to get the others to their rehearsals elsewhere.) We got to practice clapping at three levels of excitement for the sake of the recording. The sign language interpreter was awesome and actually signed the orchestra tuning. I've never seen that before but it was cool. I don't think there were any diplomats in my area, but Sheryl Crow sang a song that was pretty nice. I have to leave in an hour to pick up dd11 and ds13 from the place.


Wait, WHAT???? Y'all are gonna be on the Tee-Vee???


When?  I must DVR!


I know where you live.



Did you also steal the Stealth 'Copter?



Maybe. Not tellin’


Oh, my. Jean was being naughty. Sure hope Santa wasn't watching...i-cant-look-smiley-emoticon.png

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Good Morning!!




Tuesday! Too Busy Tuesday!!👎


There’s frost on the pumpkin this morning. Our first hard freeze.â„ï¸ The wind machines are running out in the orchards to keep the oranges from freezing. Sounds like a whole load of helicopters landed.

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Good Morning!!




Tuesday! Too Busy Tuesday!!👎


There’s frost on the pumpkin this morning. Our first hard freeze.â„ï¸ The wind machines are running out in the orchards to keep the oranges from freezing. Sounds like a whole load of helicopters landed.


We've cycled back from Spring to Winter here, too. Yesterday morning and today I woke to 20 degree temps. Tonight it's supposed to get down into the teens.  BRR!  I feel sorry for the animals; we've had some CRAZY temperature swings in the past few months, and they don't get any time to adjust!

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Time for school. I was a busy writer and spent my morning researching yet another agent. That makes six. Two more and I've got my eight for the month and I can start checking out books that each agent enjoys, drawing comparisons, personalizing letters and so forth.

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So, I think I need to make playdates or field trips a priority this year. Probably need to find a co-op for next year. 
"Mom! I have no friends! It's all your fault! You made me not go to school and now I have no friends!" - cue bawling (someone's emotions are VERY high right now)
Later - "When I can I go to a new school? I want to go to a new school because there are kids there." 

She is so much more social than I am. I don't even think about it, but I think I need to really focus on how to address this. 

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This is me. I am quite fine with no people around. I have to force myself to join activities so dc can occasionally be around other kids. And I hate co-op!

The hard thing is that two of the co-ops I'm interested in are on Mondays. We have speech on Mondays an hour away. 

Then, another one on Tuesdays is during swim and at this time, we can't change that due to our other therapies. It's so frustrating. 

Homeschool PE is on Thursdays, but we didn't join in time because she was still so dysregulated with her ADHD and I was worried about how it would go (It's always right after she gets done with an hour of swim, so she's usually starving and exhausted.)

I can rearrange easily next year, I think, but this year is rough. :( 


I think I will have to make it a priority to go to our special needs group outings (they do a trampoline park on one Wednesday every month), then sometimes they have random events. 



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So, I think I need to make playdates or field trips a priority this year. Probably need to find a co-op for next year. 

"Mom! I have no friends! It's all your fault! You made me not go to school and now I have no friends!" - cue bawling (someone's emotions are VERY high right now)

Later - "When I can I go to a new school? I want to go to a new school because there are kids there." 



She is so much more social than I am. I don't even think about it, but I think I need to really focus on how to address this. 


I remember a time when I was young that I wanted friends quite badly. Unfortunately for me, I was one of those unusually imaginative kids that couldn't play the games and finding friends went pretty badly for a while. I eventually found one who wasn't put off by me. Sometimes I think it should have been easier. But it was what it was. 

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I remember a time when I was young that I wanted friends quite badly. Unfortunately for me, I was one of those unusually imaginative kids that couldn't play the games and finding friends went pretty badly for a while. I eventually found one who wasn't put off by me. Sometimes I think it should have been easier. But it was what it was. 

With her ADHD, she's pretty immature and still doesn't quite comprehend the whole "making friends" concept. It was easier for her in preschool because they were all together from 2years on...

Now, she just bombards anyone she sees. I agree - it wish it was easier. 

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With her ADHD, she's pretty immature and still doesn't quite comprehend the whole "making friends" concept. It was easier for her in preschool because they were all together from 2years on...

Now, she just bombards anyone she sees. I agree - it wish it was easier. 

You can tell her that good friends aren't like going shopping and picking out your favorites from the apple bins. It's not that easy. It's more like going out into the orchard and finding the perfect tree first. Then finding the perfect apple. Sometimes you have to wait. Seasons matter.

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I had just gotten into bed last night and Ds came to tell me that “something was growing†on his wall. Just what I need, right? I get up to look and it was all dark right where he always puts his hand going out his door. I handed him the magic eraser. I wish that all problems are that easy to solve!



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So, I think I need to make playdates or field trips a priority this year. Probably need to find a co-op for next year.

"Mom! I have no friends! It's all your fault! You made me not go to school and now I have no friends!" - cue bawling (someone's emotions are VERY high right now)

Later - "When I can I go to a new school? I want to go to a new school because there are kids there."



She is so much more social than I am. I don't even think about it, but I think I need to really focus on how to address this.

((Mary and Riv))
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Small rant: When one buys ground beef at the store on Sunday, it should not look or smell old by Tuesday morning.

I had to dump out two gallons of milk from the Afsa because it smelled bad and it wasn’t even past the expiration date. DH said I should take it back, but the Afsa is 15 minutes away and then i’d Have to get out of the car and stand in the return line, blah blah blah. All I could say was, “no! Just no!â€
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