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  • KrissiK


On the upside, Krissi, in 5 years one completely forgets the weather-ish details of Heck.



Not so.  I have been down here since the latter '90s, and I STILL suffer through every prolonged summer.  It is perpetual torture.  I must have done something bad in a previous life.

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Now, for dd14 (8th grade)


Bible (together with ds and me, orally)

Read aloud (right now, we're reading Pilgrim's Progress, History of Counting, Book of Virtues, Thirty Days Has September, etc)

History (little bit read aloud, map, timeline, orally together) not every single day

Getting Started with Latin - one lesson orally together

Memory work (Classical Conversations timeline song and presidents song)

Reading (usually a biography or other history related plus a book of choice or a book I choose. Right now it's a biography a Grimm's fairy tale book and the Grimm brothers biography)

Saxon math 6/5 with teaching tapes DVD -one lesson

Wordly Wise 7 -one activity

English Lessons through Literature 5 -one or two parts of a lesson

Math facts practice most days

Getting Started with Spanish - whenever she wants

US Presidents activity book

She writes stories. We're hopefully ordering Writing and Rhetoric Fables soon

We do science about once a week, on whatever topic we're working on. Right now it's chemistry. We do this all together.


Does that look like plenty?



I don't know anything about 8th grade, but have her add Duolingo Spanish if she wants to. It's free and awesome.


And/or she can get the link to my online conversational Spanish class to practice on Wednesdays. :D

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Maybe I'll put the answer to what I know about coffee grounds and decomposition in a book someday. :laugh:

Good meeting with the writers today. We have a new member that I really like. She shows real talent at getting into voice for characters. She did it so well that everyone else thought she was writing something cathartic and personal, but it was just a reflection she was making as she was trying to understand a person she had once met. Excellent work. I commented on it.

I got compliment on one of my critiques that I wrote for one person. He wanted to know where I learned how to give a critique. I had to say that I didn't know--I just try to get an idea of what the writer wants to do, I see what has been done well, see what wasn't in line with what he wanted to do, and then come up with ways to try to solve the problem. Basically what I try to do with my own writing.

The kid is still in the group. Don't know how that is going to be resolved.

Had a flat tire in the library parking lot. One person offered to help, but I sent him on, because he's having shoulder surgery, and I figured he didn't need to do any more damage to himself. DH came and we held Car Repair 101: How to Change Your Flat and not curse a blue streak. :tongue_smilie:

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Had a flat tire in the library parking lot. One person offered to help, but I sent him on, because he's having shoulder surgery, and I figured he didn't need to do any more damage to himself. DH came and we held Car Repair 101: How to Change Your Flat and not curse a blue streak. :tongue_smilie:


:grouphug:   :ohmy:





True story.




No I don't. I have a B O O Y A.




(Some people just refuse to get it right. Sigh.)


Those of us who do must soldier on, hoping to enlighten those who yet refuse to be enlightened. :001_wub:

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I do this too. I always run out of tape when wrapping Christmas presents, leaving a wide assortment of stickers in its place.

Sticker Christmas tags have been used to wrap a gift or two here, as well. :). When I did that I wrote the to/from on each sticker, so that it was super obvious who it was for by the time it was wrapped. I may have added a few extra for giggles.

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So...if I join the class just to talk to you, I will be expected to speak in Spanish? The only Spanish I know is what I learned from Sesame Street in the 1970's. It could work!


We can actually use the link to have an ITT online meetup to talk to one another! (It won't have to be in Spanish then...)

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Well, today will be super busy! I don't even know how I will get everything done! Getting ready for work now. I'll have kids this morning, and my DC will need to do school. I need to iron about ten tablecloths while doing all that. Then go with one boss to shop at Target, Kirkland's, and Sam's. Then dd to guitar. After guitar pick up ds30 at dealership. Figure out lunch during all this, plus do other stuff I need to get done at work. Pick up meat from butcher shop for dh to grill tonight. Finish cleaning restaurant at work and set up for tonight's event. Then work tonight's event. At least the roomba is doing its work all by itself this morning!!!

I'll check on you ladies later!

My brain shut down half way through this. Good luck to you! :D


More coffee!


(The good news is that I finally have the movie for history, so I can plop the kids in front of a screen for an hour this afternoon.)

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DH is off to get new tires for my truck. I was all set to go get the flat mended, but he's been barking about new tires for a month. That was the easiest flat I've assisted with or done in a while. I still want a cheater bar to give me some extra leverage on the nuts, though. My back is sore from shoving.

Caffeine, and then I have to decide what we can do today. We've got some outside stuff that is going to get in the way.

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Maybe I'll put the answer to what I know about coffee grounds and decomposition in a book someday. :laugh:

Good meeting with the writers today. We have a new member that I really like. She shows real talent at getting into voice for characters. She did it so well that everyone else thought she was writing something cathartic and personal, but it was just a reflection she was making as she was trying to understand a person she had once met. Excellent work. I commented on it.

I got compliment on one of my critiques that I wrote for one person. He wanted to know where I learned how to give a critique. I had to say that I didn't know--I just try to get an idea of what the writer wants to do, I see what has been done well, see what wasn't in line with what he wanted to do, and then come up with ways to try to solve the problem. Basically what I try to do with my own writing.

The kid is still in the group. Don't know how that is going to be resolved.

Had a flat tire in the library parking lot. One person offered to help, but I sent him on, because he's having shoulder surgery, and I figured he didn't need to do any more damage to himself. DH came and we held Car Repair 101: How to Change Your Flat and not curse a blue streak. :tongue_smilie:



Nice news about your group.  The new member sounds like she will be a valuable add.  As for the kid, has he done any critiquing of other group members' works yet?  How has he done in group discussions?  Is the group changing what they say to each other about each others' work because he is there to hear, or are they proceeding as usual regarding each other and just being cautious in regards to him and his work?




When I was growing up full service gas stations were still the norm and it was only slowly that the self-service pumps began to make an appearance, mostly as a cost-saving measure (lower gas prices at the self-serve pumps).  Boys got a lot of automobile education from their dads and from auto shop class, but girls generally weren't taught much, so as self-serve became more common and more women were driving on their own some Women On Wheels (WOW) classes started cropping up to teach women and girls how to check fluids, fan belts, filters, etc., and use jacks and change tires.  My Mom took one of these classes.  My Dad determined that I would know these things, too, so when I was learning to drive he taught me and made me practice on my own without assistance.  My instruction included the proper way to stow the flat tire after changing it so that the luggage won't obscure the driver's view any more than it did before the flat was changed.


Then came donut spares -- bane of my existence -- and now many cars are sold without any spare tire (or place for one) at all.  This is part of the reason I was so happy when we bought my truck -- I not only have a full-size spare tire (and a jack!), I have someplace to put a flat tire without evicting any cargo, luggage, or passengers.


When I was growing up I lived in a place where it was fairly quick and easy to find someplace off the road to change a tire, and the highways had wonderfully wide shoulders which gave ample room for such an activity.  Now I live in a suburban environment where most of the streets and roads don't have shoulders at all (those that do have very narrow ones) and it can be tricky to get off the road to someplace safe for changing tires.  When the girls get to driving age we will need to teach them not only how to change tires, but when not to -- when to decide to sacrifice the tire and rim because there isn't a safe enough location nearby.  (We will also need to teach them how to recognize a tire going flat while driving, and how to modify one's driving when driving with a flat.)


Times keep on a-changin'.

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I teach online with the Virtual Homeschool Group. The Spanish I classes are full, but the conversational class isn't.



So, how much Spanish does a kid need to have to get by in the conversation class?  When do you start another Spanish 1 class, and would it be okay for a 7th grader?

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Nice news about your group.  The new member sounds like she will be a valuable add.  As for the kid, has he done any critiquing of other group members' works yet?  How has he done in group discussions?  Is the group changing what they say to each other about each others' work because he is there to hear, or are they proceeding as usual regarding each other and just being cautious in regards to him and his work?




When I was growing up full service gas stations were still the norm and it was only slowly that the self-service pumps began to make an appearance, mostly as a cost-saving measure (lower gas prices at the self-serve pumps).  Boys got a lot of automobile education from their dads and from auto shop class, but girls generally weren't taught much, so as self-serve became more common and more women were driving on their own some Women On Wheels (WOW) classes started cropping up to teach women and girls how to check fluids, fan belts, filters, etc., and use jacks and change tires.  My Mom took one of these classes.  My Dad determined that I would know these things, too, so when I was learning to drive he taught me and made me practice on my own without assistance.  My instruction included the proper way to stow the flat tire after changing it so that the luggage won't obscure the driver's view any more than it did before the flat was changed.


Then came donut spares -- bane of my existence -- and now many cars are sold without any spare tire (or place for one) at all.  This is part of the reason I was so happy when we bought my truck -- I not only have a full-size spare tire (and a jack!), I have someplace to put a flat tire without evicting any cargo, luggage, or passengers.


When I was growing up I lived in a place where it was fairly quick and easy to find someplace off the road to change a tire, and the highways had wonderfully wide shoulders which gave ample room for such an activity.  Now I live in a suburban environment where most of the streets and roads don't have shoulders at all (those that do have very narrow ones) and it can be tricky to get off the road to someplace safe for changing tires.  When the girls get to driving age we will need to teach them not only how to change tires, but when not to -- when to decide to sacrifice the tire and rim because there isn't a safe enough location nearby.  (We will also need to teach them how to recognize a tire going flat while driving, and how to modify one's driving when driving with a flat.)


Times keep on a-changin'.


My parents' method of teaching me to change a tire was to buy me a AAA membership.  I puffy-heart love AAA.  :001_wub:

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DH is off to get new tires for my truck. I was all set to go get the flat mended, but he's been barking about new tires for a month. That was the easiest flat I've assisted with or done in a while. I still want a cheater bar to give me some extra leverage on the nuts, though. My back is sore from shoving.

Caffeine, and then I have to decide what we can do today. We've got some outside stuff that is going to get in the way.



Oh, yeah, a cheater bar!  I need to get one of those, too.  Thanks for the reminder!

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Time for class.  Then personal training.  Then groceries.  Then making myself appear wise sharing my experience with MCTLA on another thread.  Then in-laws, maybe with swimming.


It is nicely cool-ish this morning (overnight temp actually dropped below 70 degrees!).  The morning news said we have gone 115 days with temps constantly over 70 degrees.  It is still supposed to reach 89 degrees later today (coolest high in probably that long, too), but the lows each night are supposed to be in the high 60s this week, so we are getting a little relief.

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Nice news about your group.  The new member sounds like she will be a valuable add.  As for the kid, has he done any critiquing of other group members' works yet?  How has he done in group discussions?  Is the group changing what they say to each other about each others' work because he is there to hear, or are they proceeding as usual regarding each other and just being cautious in regards to him and his work?


Yes, I like the new member. The kid has not done any critiques yet, and hasn't been a part of the discussions yet. Yes, the members are being cautious about what they read, and that bothers me. The new member felt very nervous about sharing her story and her poem, more so than she would have been, because she was worried that it wasn't material suitable for a young person. It was fine. But she worried about it, and I don't like that. 

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I made a stupid mistake and overdrew our account. We have another transaction pending which we could have covered, but now we can't so it'll be $70 in fees instead of $35. I might take the baby into the bank and cry and ask to have the fees waved. I'm so irritated! Matt's the one that does this, not me! Oi. We're still recovering from that $1,800 loss. Everything will be better once we get our tax return. Do you think I could ask for it early? :laugh:

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At our first therapy appointment of the day. We should have a little time between appointments. Not enough to actually go home, but we'll probably go to the park for a bit. I think I've given up on schooling him on Wednesdays. As long as we read together, I'll call it good.


Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk

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I made a stupid mistake and overdrew our account. We have another transaction pending which we could have covered, but now we can't so it'll be $70 in fees instead of $35. I might take the baby into the bank and cry and ask to have the fees waved. I'm so irritated! Matt's the one that does this, not me! Oi. We're still recovering from that $1,800 loss. Everything will be better once we get our tax return. Do you think I could ask for it early? [emoji23]

I've made that mistake more than I'd like to admit. I'm currently trying to not spend any money today. There's some stuff I need, but we get paid tomorrow. It'll just have to wait.


Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk

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Same here. We've been AAA members for over 30 years, and we've used the roadside service more than once. :001_wub:



When I was in college in Colorado I kept up a AAA+ membership (Plus members got a higher number of no-charge tows).  Between my car and the cars of my friends I managed to fully use my towing allotment each year.  This is mostly because of the older-and-in-need-of-expensive-repairs cars we could afford, though a few were for pulling cars out of snow-filled ditches after we hit ice on the road.


The daughter of a friend (age 18) is considering moving from their corner of Colorado to Oregon for better job and college prospects.  Once she declares that yes, she's going to make that move, we will look into which state's AAA memberships are better (they aren't all the same), and we will get her one.  I think driving across country is a good experience, though it will ease our minds (and perhaps hers) if there's that safety net to call upon if needed along the way.

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Yes, I like the new member. The kid has not done any critiques yet, and hasn't been a part of the discussions yet. Yes, the members are being cautious about what they read, and that bothers me. The new member felt very nervous about sharing her story and her poem, more so than she would have been, because she was worried that it wasn't material suitable for a young person. It was fine. But she worried about it, and I don't like that. 



So for now the kid is sitting in, basically, and that is impacting the effectiveness of the group, right?  Might the person who included the kid be willing to consider partial attendance by said kid, in which he attends maybe one out of 4 group meetings (or some other arbitrary number the group might accept)?  The group needs freedom to be the group they were intended to be.  Including the kid in an adult's group won't give the kid the benefits intended if the group's work and behavior are modified because of the kid's youth and inexperience.

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I made a stupid mistake and overdrew our account. We have another transaction pending which we could have covered, but now we can't so it'll be $70 in fees instead of $35. I might take the baby into the bank and cry and ask to have the fees waved. I'm so irritated! Matt's the one that does this, not me! Oi. We're still recovering from that $1,800 loss. Everything will be better once we get our tax return. Do you think I could ask for it early? :laugh:



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I made a stupid mistake and overdrew our account. We have another transaction pending which we could have covered, but now we can't so it'll be $70 in fees instead of $35. I might take the baby into the bank and cry and ask to have the fees waved. I'm so irritated! Matt's the one that does this, not me! Oi. We're still recovering from that $1,800 loss. Everything will be better once we get our tax return. Do you think I could ask for it early? :laugh:


If you can fix the mistake before the end of the business day, all fees will be waived.  I don't know if that is possible, but just putting that out there. 

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My stupid body is trying to be sick.  Having dental work done is not helping as dislodged bacteria taxes my already compromised immune system. 


ETA:  Getting sick at this time of year has meant ER visits, 6 months straight on antibiotics one year, 7 months straight the next. . . stuff like that.  So I'm a bit nervous about this getting sick thing. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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My stupid body is trying to be sick. Having dental work done is not helping as dislodged bacteria taxes my already compromised immune system.


ETA: Getting sick at this time of year has meant ER visits, 6 months straight on antibiotics one year, 7 months straight the next. . . stuff like that. So I'm a bit nervous about this getting sick thing.

Dear Body of Jean,

Please settle down and behave properly. There is no need for all the bacterial and viral drama. You had your show last year, now give it a rest.


The Elephant Ninja Brigaide

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My stupid body is trying to be sick.  Having dental work done is not helping as dislodged bacteria taxes my already compromised immune system. 


ETA:  Getting sick at this time of year has meant ER visits, 6 months straight on antibiotics one year, 7 months straight the next. . . stuff like that.  So I'm a bit nervous about this getting sick thing. 


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


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Slache, we have found that if it is not a regular occurance, the bank is likely to give you a break and take off at least some of the fees. Taking the adorable baby in in person might also be helpful. :D (((Slache)))


It's a Slachey Banking Booya!


This is the thread that never ends!

Edited by Susan in TN
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