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I just told dh that I'm going to sleep in tomorrow until "forever".  He told me that he has a work thing where he needs to leave around 6:30 am.  Sigh.  I don't have to get up or anything but it's not like I won't hear him. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Any chance you can get back to sleep afterwards?

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Sometimes John doesn't want to do school. On those days he's required to read, play with something math related, watch something in Spanish and copy something. Today, apparently, he copied the back of the ketchup bottle.



Atta boy!

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I am now mad at my endo.  Last week when I called them about certain symptoms/side effects I am suffering they said they would call me back by Monday.  Today I had to call again because they never called back.


Last week the gal said the doctor's schedule was quite packed for the next couple of weeks so it would be unlikely they could squeeze me in earlier than my appointment in a few weeks.  Okay, I didn't ask for an earlier appointment.  I just wanted to report the problems I was having and ask if I should back off some on the Metformin.


Today she told me the doctor didn't see the message about my call last week because of some miscommunication -- it wasn't put in the right place for him to see it.  It turns out they are NOT busy this week, they have closed the office for this week and next so they could take turns minding the phones for prescription matters for patients and going on vacation themselves.  They weren't telling patients this because "it was too complicated to explain and patients wouldn't understand."  Oh, really.  You are closing the office to allow staff to take vacations but you will have someone handling the prescription calls while the office is closed.  What's not to understand?


After she checked with the doctor she called me back less than an hour ago.  I am not impressed by the gross generalizing (hot flashes are not always due to menopause!).  He did, however, instruct me to stop the Metformin until the diarrhea has stopped for a full week, then start at the lowest dosage and gradually work up again.


Okay, my suspicion is confirmed -- probably too much Metformin -- and I have permission to stop/lessen it.  I'll do that, and Monday I'll start doctor-shopping for a new endo.  I'll still keep my appt. in a few weeks because it will likely take longer for me to get in to see anyone else, but once I get seen by someone else I'm switching.



Grrrrrrr.   :angry:



Time for bed.  Nighty-night!

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I'm worried about Lynn.


Sorry.  I should have posted a quick hello or given a heads up.  Thanks for everyone thinking of me.  I'm still ketchup-ing.  Oldest and I were on another college visit AND I forgot to take wall charger for my phone, so battery life was at a premium.  This is the trip I should have pm'ed Susan about, but ran out of time.  And we wouldn't have had time to meet up even if I had.  But we're home.  It was fun.


....back to ketchup-ing.


Happy Birthday, Angi!  (Belated)


Jean, I love that your ds is loving the music class and talking about adding more!   

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In other news, I slept in until almost 6:30, peeps!  Read it and weep!


And the ponies will just have to wait 'til I feel like changing out of my jammies - it's Slow Saturday!



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Good Morning!




The boys have a soccer game, but I have to go to this thing at our church. It's this church revitalizing seminar/ conference thingie whatever, but I am bored out of my ever-lovin' mind! Last night was 2.5 hours of being lectured to. The guy said it was going to be interactive, but I guess his idea of being interactive is having us answer quick questions about a Bible passage he read. And then he'd "high-five" us if we came up with the answer he was looking for. I got a "high-five". Now I have to go to a morning of being lectured to again! Does Kristen have a bad attitude? Yes, she does. But, we've been struggling with the whole " church thing" for a while now (I posted it about it months ago) and it hasn't gotten any better. About the only thing I'm taking away from this thing is that the church needs to be involved in its community, and we do not live in the community where our church is. We know we need to change churches, but...it's hard, we have friends we love here. Ugh! Why does like have to be complicated.

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Happy Saturday!


I did Insanity. It was terrible.


Sorry.  I should have posted a quick hello or given a heads up.  Thanks for everyone thinking of me.  I'm still ketchup-ing.  Oldest and I were on another college visit AND I forgot to take wall charger for my phone, so battery life was at a premium.  This is the trip I should have pm'ed Susan about, but ran out of time.  And we wouldn't have had time to meet up even if I had.  But we're home.  It was fun.


....back to ketchup-ing.


Happy Birthday, Angi!  (Belated)


Jean, I love that your ds is loving the music class and talking about adding more!


You should feel terrible. You weren't here to remind me to make coffee and the kids went all day without food because of it!
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We camped at a state park last night with friends. We slept on a hard rock slab. We began packing up the tent at 7 am.


Ds's Cub Scout requirements for camping = done.



I take it your bed was firm enough, then?   :laugh:

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My son has 20 t shirts,13 of which feature a superhero. That's a lot of t shirts.

He only has 1 pair of pants that fit.


Me too! Probably 30 shirts, 20 of which are graphic Ts, 1 pair of pants, 1 skirt, 1 bra that's now broken.

I have 2 yoga pants, 1 pair of worn jeans, several T shirts (mainly from school, church, or Walmart), and several nice tops that may or may not fit right. Oh, and a pair of dress pants that I don't need anymore.

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DH has been in Vegas all week, so I've been holding down the fort. Trying to do the at home job, but it's actually quite frustrating. Hopefully, soon, it'll pick up.


Also, I'm watching dd play outside. There was a near abduction in a neighboring town. We have a fence, but it's only chain link and I don't trust anybody right now...especially since she is currently yelling her name to the neighbors. Poor thing needs a playmate.


I think I'm going to visit the local Classical Conversations here in town later this month. Since we have so few acquaintances in this town, and most will be in PS, I'm hoping it will give her some friends to play with next year.

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I slept for 9 1/2 hours.



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My morning plans were thwarted by Boy Scout popcorn selling. Ds needed me to sit with him at Kroger for his show & sell because someone else pulled out. Good news is he is still young/small enough for the cute factor to pull in a few extra sales. :)


I may have convinced dh to go to set committee for me today since I think they are doing actual construction, and I am useless in that capacity.

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We now have bigger, buffer, shinier new garbage disposal.  As a result of that work DH also got to replace the filters in the R/O system, and I cleaned -- CLEANED -- the cabinet under the sink.  I had to declutter under there some to make room for the new disposal, and so it's still quite crowded even though I tossed or relocated some things.  Our two fire extinguishers, however, are still there within easy reach.  That's non-negotiable.


It's a kitchen sink fix-up booyah!


Oh, and the sealant is dry on the drain so I should go run the R/O filter to get rid of the carbon dust in the water from the new filters.  And try my new disposal.  This one will chop stuff up very fine, and it has the added advantage of NOT having cracks in the housing.  We found at least 4 cracks in the housing of the old one, so even if the motor hadn't died the disposal would have started leaking anyway.

Edited by AMJ
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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Can you rest more today?


Some.  It's 11:30 now and I've done almost nothing.  I do have to run the dishwasher and the washing machine though since I'm out of clean dishes and clothes.  The kids will help too but they have other things on their plate as well and I am not going to offload all my things onto them. 

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Back home from work and the big library. I was mobbed on my way in the door by the boys. They seriously wait for me on days when I get to hit the big library, because that means great big coffee table books about the solar system, or bugs, or weather, or whatever. What is it about boys and coffee table books? I think it's the pictures. Everything is better with great big colorful pictures.

Now it is time for the usual Saturday afternoon debate: Write? or Nap? Hmmm. Maybe nap, then write? That idea has merit.

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Some.  It's 11:30 now and I've done almost nothing.  I do have to run the dishwasher and the washing machine though since I'm out of clean dishes and clothes.  The kids will help too but they have other things on their plate as well and I am not going to offload all my things onto them. 



I'm glad you got a bit more rest at least.  I understand about dishes and laundry.

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I have one pair of denim capris, one pair of denim shorts, and no jeans. And I wear that kind of thing to work every day. Very few shirts, but my job supplies shirts.



Yesterday my personal trainer asked me how my non-exercise clothes are fitting now.  I told her all I seem to wear anymore are exercise clothes because I'm either working out with her or doing cardio every day.  I don't change into multiple outfits unless I'm taking a mid-day shower or there's a special occasion.  I just keep wearing the exercise clothes.

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Back home from work and the big library. I was mobbed on my way in the door by the boys. They seriously wait for me on days when I get to hit the big library, because that means great big coffee table books about the solar system, or bugs, or weather, or whatever. What is it about boys and coffee table books? I think it's the pictures. Everything is better with great big colorful pictures.

Now it is time for the usual Saturday afternoon debate: Write? or Nap? Hmmm. Maybe nap, then write? That idea has merit.



Heck, yeah!  This is why I am STILL addicted to really great kids' picture books!

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I briefly looked at agents looking for my kind of book yesterday. I never thought I'd get to a point where I'd be thinking about looking for an agent. :scared:

Not ready to submit a query letter yet, but I thought it might be a good idea to start looking around.



One step closer!   :party:  :party:

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I'm going to go buy another roast for DH to smoke on his grill.  I want more Scratchy Soup and I'm all out.  If I have DH smoke the roast this evening I can turn it into soup tomorrow.  Mmmm......



Just to say:  12 quarts of the soup didn't last this family a week.  Every time I went to the fridge to heat up more for myself or for supper I discovered that the kids had gotten into it for their lunches as well.  I might have to hide some of the soup in the freezer after I make this next batch.



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I'm thinking that I have a lot of clothes compared to most of  you. 




I have one hanging rack, about 2.5 feet long.  A skinny drawer for undies and socks.  And two shelves (about 2 feet wide each) for folded jeans and sweaters.  No off-season bin, because I don't have the energy for such things after dealing with the kids' seasonal wardrobes.  But it all works very well, as on any given day I am lucky to even have my pants on anyway; and I love everything I do own, and have also eliminated decision-fatigue in the process.

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