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The problem really isn't 9th grade as such.  It would be super easy for me to gather what I think are good quality books for 9th grade and to just say that I will do them.  The problem is dd.  I have a little bit of PTSD from teaching this kid.  If it is not a good fit, then she has just totally shut down in the past - no allowing me to tweak it or allowing me to get a tutor - she would just sit there and cry every time I tried to teach the subject - for months.  And 9th grade most likely will require that sort of tweaking just because it is harder.  And at the 9th grade level we just can't afford to lose months to a complete shut down. 


Now having said that, she made huge gains last year not only in skills but in her ability to tackle the harder subjects.  But I have some lingering doubts about if she's quite ready for 9th grade work.  I've already held her back one year though so if we don't do 9th grade work then she will think that it is a judgement on her and that in and of itself could cause her to shut down.  Oy Vey! 


I don't remember if you said she's been evaluated already. When high school starts (or when she turns 16), you'll want to get one or have a re-eval, because that one is the one used for college and beyond accommodations. Since she's planning on dual enrollment, the evaluation is something you may want to plan on. 


We finally got dd16's completed and I'm waiting on the report. The college used her old one to get her extra time on the exams this summer, but wanted the updated one for the fall and forward.

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Critter, discussions about school with dd tend to go like this.


Me:  "Do you have suggestions about how we should approach biology this year?


Her:  "Biology is stupid."


Me:  "How about history?"


Her:  "History is stupid." 



Tell your boys about nutritious cockcroach milk:  http://www.cnet.com/news/mmm-cockroach-milk-could-be-a-nutritious-superfood-for-people/


"Stupid or not, it still has to be done." Dd16 is the same way, to a point. It came down to what I thought would be good for her, because she'd basically agree to anything I chose. Or, everything looked good. She's still that way a bit. "Just choose something and I'll do it." But, she doesn't. It's frustrating. She's in grade 10.5 this fall because of not getting work done, but agreeing to whatever I choose. Sigh.

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So, dh and dd16 have been deposited at work and Gymnast and I are eating breakfast. Actually, I finished, and Gymnast is draping over the sofa looking at her food.


So, I will paint the second coat on the wall and while that dries, wash the breakfast dishes and straighten the kitchen. Then move furniture, because I want to, since I know the paint will then be dry. Maybe after that I'll finalize the grocery list and go shopping.


Yeah. That sounds doable.

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:seeya:   I think that I failed my catchupping; I'm pretty sure that I missed a couple of pages. Sigh.


Connecticut was...interesting. We saw and did many cool things.  DD made friends with a wonderful little girl with a fabulous family, people with whom we will likely stay in touch. Connecticut is very much not my cultural thing, though. I was very glad to get back to the land of waving at people on the road, smiling at everyone, and having real conversations at check-out counters. phew-smiley-emoticon.gif


Since returning, I had to keep at DD to catch back up in her math class (mean mommy) get caught up with my remaining work and eternal chores, and get DD ready for summer camp.  Sunday was spent taking DD to camp, but I forgot about the time change, so we were a bit late.  DD was not amused.  Nana was along for the ride, so we took the scenic route (well, where we are, every route is the scenic route, but we made a loop of it.) We saw a mama deer with triplets- woot!-but it made for a very long day. Needless to say, when I returned to my dwelling, I was ready for bed. So I gave Buddy dog his meds and let the dogs out one more time. I heard him alarm bark and figured he was chasing off a deer-monster and called him in. He didn't respond immediately, so I went out on the porch and it hit me:  The lovely aroma of burnt tires and sour stink.  The stupid dog was chasing off a skunk-monster.  To get him away from the skunk we had to corral him in the house-OOPS. So, instead of going to bed, I had to spray down 95 pounds of outrage with baking soda, peroxide, and dish soap and then bathe that same monster in the same backyard drenched with the Aroma of Yuck and then Febreze the crap out of my house.  Which didn't work. Yesterday morning I went into town and got Natural's Miracle Skunk Odor Remover (Oh, YAY them! jumping-angel-smiley-emoticon.gif), but I rather suspect that the skunk monster may be a mama skunk who has nested in my horse's sacrifice area, because the faint aroma of skunk is persisting all around my house.


In sum, you should feel very sorry for me. :nopity:


You poor dear!

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Critter, discussions about school with dd tend to go like this.


:lol:  and  :grouphug:.

But for what it is worth, you can tell her that there are a lot of stupid things to get through in life. She ought to know it by now, but a lot of stupid is tolerable with enough gravy poured on it. The trick is finding out what sauce makes the stupid palatable. Sometimes it's ketchup--blood and sweat and tears until you conquer it and move on. Sometimes it's barbecue sauce--enough sweet and tang to give the subject some flavor. Sometimes it's mustard until you can't taste the stupid thing.

But you have to deal with it. Now is the time to find out what sauce she likes. 


Even nutritious cockroaches can be made into something that doesn't taste like cockroach? What would cockroach taste like, I wonder? I've always called scorpions dry-land lobster from the way the cats seem to treat them as a delicacy.





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But for what it is worth, you can tell her that there are a lot of stupid things to get through in life. She ought to know it by now, but a lot of stupid is tolerable with enough gravy poured on it. The trick is finding out what sauce makes the stupid palatable. Sometimes it's ketchup--blood and sweat and tears until you conquer it and move on. Sometimes it's barbecue sauce--enough sweet and tang to give the subject some flavor. Sometimes it's mustard until you can't taste the stupid thing.

But you have to deal with it. Now is the time to find out what sauce she likes. 


That there is worth its weight in squillions.

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:seeya:   I think that I failed my catchupping; I'm pretty sure that I missed a couple of pages. Sigh.


Connecticut was...interesting. We saw and did many cool things.  DD made friends with a wonderful little girl with a fabulous family, people with whom we will likely stay in touch. Connecticut is very much not my cultural thing, though. I was very glad to get back to the land of waving at people on the road, smiling at everyone, and having real conversations at check-out counters. phew-smiley-emoticon.gif


Since returning, I had to keep at DD to catch back up in her math class (mean mommy) get caught up with my remaining work and eternal chores, and get DD ready for summer camp.  Sunday was spent taking DD to camp, but I forgot about the time change, so we were a bit late.  DD was not amused.  Nana was along for the ride, so we took the scenic route (well, where we are, every route is the scenic route, but we made a loop of it.) We saw a mama deer with triplets- woot!-but it made for a very long day. Needless to say, when I returned to my dwelling, I was ready for bed. So I gave Buddy dog his meds and let the dogs out one more time. I heard him alarm bark and figured he was chasing off a deer-monster and called him in. He didn't respond immediately, so I went out on the porch and it hit me:  The lovely aroma of burnt tires and sour stink.  The stupid dog was chasing off a skunk-monster.  To get him away from the skunk we had to corral him in the house-OOPS. So, instead of going to bed, I had to spray down 95 pounds of outrage with baking soda, peroxide, and dish soap and then bathe that same monster in the same backyard drenched with the Aroma of Yuck and then Febreze the crap out of my house.  Which didn't work. Yesterday morning I went into town and got Natural's Miracle Skunk Odor Remover (Oh, YAY them! jumping-angel-smiley-emoticon.gif), but I rather suspect that the skunk monster may be a mama skunk who has nested in my horse's sacrifice area, because the faint aroma of skunk is persisting all around my house.


In sum, you should feel very sorry for me. :nopity:


My mom also came home last week to a skunk v. dog fight to the death.  Passive aggressive welcome home?  So sorry that you went through that!


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I am a pretty good cook, but this is my picky eater, who would prefer to subsist on junk food. And he is tall and lean and all muscle, actually. I don't know how he does it.


Teen hormones.  You should be seeing changes other than the growth spurt soon, too, if you haven't already.  Wahoo, time to ride the adolescent roller coaster!

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I heart potatoes.


Me, too.  But not DD12.  She NOT heart potatoes, unless they are tater tots, hash browns, or french fries.  Basically she heart only fried potatoes.

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I heart rice. 


My kids and I heart rice.  Especially wild rice (well, I guess that one is mostly just me).


DH will eat rice and wild rice if I make it, but he's not crazy about rice.  He thinks it's flavorless.



I think I want to find some true Carolina Gold rice.  I've heard about it -- if it lives up to its reputation I'll cook it up, serve it, and say (silently to myself), "Tell me THAT'S flavorless!"

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I just got done ordering the last of the curriculum for fall. I think I committed to Logic this year, but I only got one book, because I want to do it once a week with the boys and we can share. I got French (CAP), Latin (MP), Chemistry (McHenry), Theodore Gray Elements and Molecules, a cool poster of the periodic table of the elements and a shower curtain with the periodic table on it because I'm weird that way. :laugh:

I've already bought some things, like Math and Writing. I didn't get anything for Literature, but I have my books picked out and can pick them up at the library as I need them.

I also got my copy of As You Like It, the Kenneth Branagh version, so I'll let you know how I like it when I hast watched it.


What is CAP again, please?  DD15 wants to study French in high school.  I need to look into options.

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What is CAP again, please?  DD15 wants to study French in high school.  I need to look into options.


Classical Academic Press. But it's kid's French. I'm planning on Breaking the Barrier French 1, 2 and 3 for High School. Hopefully with a tutor to teach it!

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It's thundering here and we've had a light sprinkling of rain. It has been GLORIOUS. I have been dreaming of rain because it's been so very long since we've had some.


Yesterday the weather was a big tease, though it finally followed through (briefly).  The storm cells formed up in a circle around us for hours, rumbling and promising and then diminishing only to build again.  One cell finally took pity on us and rained on us just long enough to dampen things down and cool the air a few degrees.

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I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do for 9th grade.  I mean, I have the books that I used with ds - once I get the schoolroom unearthed enough to find them, that is.  I very quietly hyperventilate whenever I think about the upcoming school year.  I don't really know what will be best for dd.  I know it will come as a complete surprise to you all, but she is not ds.  I'm doubly stressed because she's talked about doing dual enrollment in two years and I think that will curtail my choices somewhat because she will need to be ready for dual enrollment in two years. 


I can't think about 9th grade though until I've done all my camp lesson planning. 


Wow, I am so there with you -- schoolroom completely buried, quietly panicking over 9th grade (only it's my eldest who will be starting it), looking at the prospect of dual enrollment in 2 years...


I will run other errands today and then collect the kids from Grandma in time to get DD12 to Aikido.  The rest of this week I'll ignore things around here and take the kids over to Grandma's since two cousins are down visiting until Friday.


I will resume my panic over the coming school year next week.  I'm too busy this week.

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When I was quite young, I went the Gulf of Mexico. I was wearing one of those awful swim suits that had an embedded flotation device, and I just sort of floated way out all by myself. I was watching the shore go away, and nobody noticed me just sailing off. That had to be the worst feeling, watching everybody playing and nobody seeing or caring that I was getting taken away. I don't know why I didn't just start screaming, but I didn't. I was quite far out by the time I got rescued. At least it seemed pretty far to me! I couldn't have been very old. 

I have disliked the ocean ever since.


ETA: Not to fond of the color pink, either. That swimsuit was pink.


ETA2: Also sure that I was never in any real danger of floating away. But it sure felt like it at the time!


Completely understandable.


I live near the GOM and we (extended family) go to Jamaica Beach (a state park -- they have toilets) from time to time.  It takes every adult in our family to keep tabs on our kids.  We have a VERY firm rule that no kid is allowed to go out further than Uncle W or Uncle D, and can only go out as far as them if they are RIGHT NEXT TO THEM and each uncle has ONLY THE ONE KID TO WATCH.  These two uncles are the tallest and are strong swimmers and can help a kid stay afloat and not panic if they get swept out.  There have been a couple of times when kid and uncle have had a bit of a hike on the beach to get back to the group -- the current mostly runs sideways to the beach at this place.


We take currents, drowning, and counting heads frequently very serious.  Drowning is a quiet occurrence and easily overlooked.  See the link in my signature.

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Of course not. Because who is dueling? and with what weapon? Swords? Pistols? Wands? I mean, really... :001_tt2:


Fuel enrollment:  driver's ed

duel enrollment:  fencing class

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The problem really isn't 9th grade as such.  It would be super easy for me to gather what I think are good quality books for 9th grade and to just say that I will do them.  The problem is dd.  I have a little bit of PTSD from teaching this kid.  If it is not a good fit, then she has just totally shut down in the past - no allowing me to tweak it or allowing me to get a tutor - she would just sit there and cry every time I tried to teach the subject - for months.  And 9th grade most likely will require that sort of tweaking just because it is harder.  And at the 9th grade level we just can't afford to lose months to a complete shut down. 


Now having said that, she made huge gains last year not only in skills but in her ability to tackle the harder subjects.  But I have some lingering doubts about if she's quite ready for 9th grade work.  I've already held her back one year though so if we don't do 9th grade work then she will think that it is a judgement on her and that in and of itself could cause her to shut down.  Oy Vey! 



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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It's me.


I've been flyin' 'round in circles with obligations I must meet


To go over




That my kids have been learning


And everything that they've been reading.




I mailed off all of my paperwork to the county.  Done for another year!  And I'm happy about that, can ya tell?


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We got enough rain to dampen down the dust and wash the leaves of the plants.  Still, it had been two months without even a sprinkle.  We're a bit overcast today.  None of the local playgrounds have natural or manmade shade, so they've been unusable.  I'm going to try to get to the park with the littles today while my teen cleans the floors.

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Good afternoon, my lovelies. I have ketchupped.


I have missed y'all. I have been busy (vbs last week), kinda down (lots of headaches), and our internet has been in and out (mostly out).


Everyone here is good. Mom is being discharged from home healthcare this week. So no more nurses, aides and therapists. So there will be less people coming and going, but more work for me.


We registered dd16 for school today. She will be getting her license next week. There has been a change-up in bus routes and public schools, so if she rides the bus, her trip would be extended 30-40 minutes more one way. So she will drive to school. This worries me. She is a good driver and very cautious, but she doesn't have the experience ds21 had when he became a licensed driver.


I'm trying to plan school when I have a free moment which is not often.


Happy late birthday, Critter. :party:


Happy early birthday, ikslo. :party:


:grouphug: and :wub: to everyone.

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Good afternoon, my lovelies. I have ketchupped.


I have missed y'all. I have been busy (vbs last week), kinda down (lots of headaches), and our internet has been in and out (mostly out).


Everyone here is good. Mom is being discharged from home healthcare this week. So no more nurses, aides and therapists. So there will be less people coming and going, but more work for me.


We registered dd16 for school today. She will be getting her license next week. There has been a change-up in bus routes and public schools, so if she rides the bus, her trip would be extended 30-40 minutes more one way. So she will drive to school. This worries me. She is a good driver and very cautious, but she doesn't have the experience ds21 had when he became a licensed driver.


I'm trying to plan school when I have a free moment which is not often.


Happy late birthday, Critter. :party:


Happy early birthday, ikslo. :party:


:grouphug: and :wub: to everyone.

We'll keep praying here. Not just for you, but your kids and your mom and your marriage.



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Overchiever, my foot.  It's due in their office by August 1.


I think ours is due by the 15th. Now I'm no so sure. :willy_nilly:


The personification lesson went as I feared. However, my best writer (and both of my boys write well) came to me in a huff because he had identified about ten examples of personification that were not in the answer key.

He was correct. 

I don't know whether to be grouchy about a lax answer key or proud of the boy.

Both boys picked up a peculiar turn of phrase that the answer key had noted with a question mark. We determined that the picture was created by the writer's choice of verbs and not by any specific "trope." So if the program was supposed to inspire me to figure poetry out so that I can teach it by myself, it's doing a good job of that!

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