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I finished my Latin, but bailed after reproducing the one polygon. Then I sneakily worked on my novel while my boys complained loudly about their horribly mean mother who makes them do math while she writes. Am I sorry? No...not so much. :lol:

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  • KrissiK


Ikslo, he didn't like *that* Civic. That doesn't mean you're not getting a Civic.


Yes, it does.  But when it comes to getting another car, my line is going to be, "Well, I want the Civic.  Future constant repairs of any other vehicle are the result of the choice you made, not me." 

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I'm not even going to try to get ketched up.




My hula class is going well. I have nine new students, only three remaining from before, so 10-12 dancers weekly. They all love me, and they are all working hard to become awesome dancers. How kewl is that?


Planning for a family reunion next year on the Outer Banks.


Trying to keep cool in the hot Texas summer. Ugh.


That is all.



So nice to see you. And Happy Birthday!!!!

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If the IP will cook rice correctly you can declutter the rice cooker without losing any functionality.

Yes! I have now cooked rice in the IP and it is better than my rice cooker rice, which always makes a layer of browned rice on the bottom. They are nearly the same size (IP a tad bigger and a little heavier) so it should fit in the same place in the cupboard. :)

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Jean, is it VBS time for you already?


There is a fly here that will not go away and cannot be killed. It must be a bionic fly.


Not VBS.  This will be year 7 of me teaching at a week long Bible camp in August.  I teach 9 times during the week including games, crafts, songs and activities.  (I do have assistants but they don't help me with any of the planning.)  I just finished lesson 1.  :party: For a number of reasons I don't use preplanned lessons but plan and write it all myself.  I might end up going back and revamping what I just wrote as I get more lessons done but the bones of it is there to stay, I think. 

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My DH tends to be that way, too, until I once pointed out all of the things we never got done because he was "able to do it himself".  Now when we decide a home repair or something else is important we look at whether he reasonably will have the time to do the project or whether hiring someone to do it might not be worth the expense.

that's my exact angle. I want this project done before school starts because once September hits everything is going to be crazy.

I misread this as "terrifying toads"....

 toads can be and are quite terrifying.  

I am not a morning person.  They were mocking me.

that's why they are called mocking birds!  

My socks are not in my refrigerator.  I think I really need that nap.


 I'm glad your socks were not in your refrigerator.


Why do I suddenly smell fried chicken?

I don't know the answer to that one,   

I finished my Latin, but bailed after reproducing the one polygon. Then I sneakily worked on my novel while my boys complained loudly about their horribly mean mother who makes them do math while she writes. Am I sorry? No...not so much. :lol:

 I have Latin to work on, too. I took a week off due to VBS, but now back to it, 

If I put coal in my IP will it make diamonds?

yes! It will!


So, I made banana bread, regular bread, canned 7 quarts of peaches, washed the sheets and remade my bed and put another batch of peaches in the dehydrator. I am tired. Did I mention we have a gazillion peaches?

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I didn't do my workout because it's on our external hard drive which Matt took to work WHICH HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO DO!


I did two loads of laundry, prepared dinner, school and some minor house work. I need to read and Spanish and Greek. And put coal in my IP. They should advertise that feature. I imagine they would sell more. Imma use my first diamond to buy ikslo a new Civic with all the fixins.

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The Queen came! The Queen!!


Happy Birthday, Ellie! So glad your hula class is going well. Have you spent time on stage with anyone we can swoon over?


TYVM. :-)


There's nothing on the  horizon. Apparently, the two shows that I was in, American Crime and The Leftovers, have left for greener pastures because Texas does not offer incentives to film makers. I guess I'll just continue with my humdrum life. :lol:

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I have decided that my new exercise program will be: cleaning my house.


Two birds, one stone.   :)




Here's a handy online calories burned counter.  When I do a bunch of housework or other stuff I plug the time into this and then enter the calories it claimed I burned into MyFitnessPal (where my doc has me tracking what I eat).  It makes everything look a whole lot more impressive!



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DH just found online an unfortunate mug.  Apparently University of North Texas has a mug with its initials on it, about the same font size as the handle.  The C-shaped handle, on the left, right before the initials.

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Thankfully, either can taste good on the meat, depending on the recipe and the meat.

Wrong spice concoction, salmon. Fortunately I only wasted the cinnamon and a little olive oil. What would you put cinnamon on? I have a brown sugar and cinnamon chicken recipe.

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Well I tried.  But apparently everyone in this dumb world needs me to look up something or to answer something.  I give up for now.  I'll probably try for a nap again after lunch. 


I am not your mother, people!  Oh wait. . . I am. . .   :leaving:


'Scuse me, please, but I STILL smell fried chicken.  Would you look up "causes of mysterious fried chicken smells" for me?  Please?

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I'm gonna post here, just to stay motivated.


So far, I've made a gallon of tea, loaded and started dishwasher, put away my laundry, washed den daybed sheets, washed dd sheets, decluttered living room and dining room somewhat, and fed pets. Also dragged a mattress over from neighbors, but now I'm thinking we can't use it. I thought it would fit under Ds loft bed, but I forgot about the ladder.

Ds is on his second fifteen minute cycle in his room.

Dd has cleaned the den and is vacuuming her room.


Likety!  Good job!

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Well, had one cup of coffee. Feel the need for a second afternoon cuppa. Read another chapter in the bio of Theodore Roosevelt. Fascinating man. I think I should get going on the Latin now! I wonder where my boys are and what they are doing. Although it is so nice and quiet in the house... I think I will just enjoy the quiet and not think the possibilities.

Edited by KrissiK
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TYVM. :-)


There's nothing on the  horizon. Apparently, the two shows that I was in, American Crime and The Leftovers, have left for greener pastures because Texas does not offer incentives to film makers. I guess I'll just continue with my humdrum life. :lol:


Hi, Ellie!  Happy Birthday!  Got any good hula videos?

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Yeah, Tex taught me how! And then she ran off and left us! :(


Hopefully she will come back to us.  What happened to her while I was gone?  Nothing horrifically calamitous, I hope.  *missing Tex*

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My WhirlyPop came in today.  The kids and I have made 2 batches of popcorn in it already.  It's bigger than I thought, and I figured the premeasured popcorn packets I bought would be too small.  Nope, it was overflowing before it stopped, and I had to use a chop stick to knock the popcorn out from inside, it got wedged so hard.  I only got the 4 oz. packets, too; I don't think they make smaller.  I guess the kids will have to learn how to properly measure popcorn and oil.


nom nom nom....

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Suppers for the week are cooked, and sunscreen is made!! I quit! Dh will make ds bed later, and ds is still cleaning his room.


Wow, you're good!  Wanna come cook for us?  Hmm, maybe next week.  This week we are eating massive amounts of leftovers from this weekend.

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It's all in your head. 


I wish it would quit.  It's starting to smell like OLD fried chicken.  We haven't fried anything in this house for weeks now, and nowhere else in the house has the smell, just sitting at my computer.  In the middle of a big room downstairs. 

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I wish it would quit.  It's starting to smell like OLD fried chicken.  We haven't fried anything in this house for weeks now, and nowhere else in the house has the smell, just sitting at my computer.  In the middle of a big room downstairs. 


Your problem is better than mine.  I keep thinking that I smell pee.  I finally realized that it is the dog's food.  :svengo: It's quality dog food!  Honest!  No pee at all on the ingredient list. 

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Remember the Mongol Hordes that took over the park during my nephew's baby shower?  It turns out that they did not rent the park but just took over the park illegally!  I don't know what the city did to the organizers, but they refunded our money for our legitimate rental of the picnic shelter.  Apparently there were a LOT of complaints. 

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Your problem is better than mine.  I keep thinking that I smell pee.  I finally realized that it is the dog's food.  :svengo: It's quality dog food!  Honest!  No pee at all on the ingredient list. 



:seeya:  I put my mother on an airplane back to her house this morning. We had a lovely visit, but now I need to scrub my house and get ready to start school again in a couple of weeks.  Summer has flown by!



Remember the Mongol Hordes that took over the park during my nephew's baby shower?  It turns out that they did not rent the park but just took over the park illegally!  I don't know what the city did to the organizers, but they refunded our money for our legitimate rental of the picnic shelter.  Apparently there were a LOT of complaints. 



No can do. We plan to be at the beach next week! I'm preemptively cooking, so that dh and dc don't try to come to my work and eat all week.



Likety likety likety likety!

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Lynn, what do you want from a fitness tracker? I downloaded the Fitbit app but I don't have a Fitbit yet. I entered my name, age, gender and weight. :svengo: It gave me a calorie goal and I can log my food, exercise and water. An actual Fitbit would log my steps and sleep, but I don't care about steps and I think I've already learned all I can about my sleep. I think people who don't sleep well would benefit from an actual tracker.


Fitbit Flex is available through Groupon for $40 off with an additional $10 off your first purchase if you're interested. I think the discount code is WELCOME. It's all over the website so if I'm wrong it'll be easy to figure out.


I don't really want anything from a fitness tracker.  In fact, I don't want one at all.  However, I was mildly interested in getting one for a good price.  But I don't need complicated and they all sound unnecessarily complicated to me.  I found out my phone will tell me how many steps it thinks I take each day for nothing.  It's not always right because I don't always have it on me, but it's easy and cheap which is perfect.  

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I don't really want anything from a fitness tracker. In fact, I don't want one at all. However, I was mildly interested in getting one for a good price. But I don't need complicated and they all sound unnecessarily complicated to me. I found out my phone will tell me how many steps it thinks I take each day for nothing. It's not always right because I don't always have it on me, but it's easy and cheap which is perfect.

I don't give a rat's behind that what my step count is. I guess I'm odd in that respect. I like the accountability for fitness and diet. I'm looking at this now...



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The kids have gotten sucked into a show on Netflix, called Might Meds.  DH has declared it video crack -- mind-numbingly lame, but you just get so sucked in.

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I don't give a rat's behind that what my step count is. I guess I'm odd in that respect. I like the accountability for fitness and diet. I'm looking at this now...



I do care, not because the number itself is magical, but because it gives me something objective to improve.  I started out barely being able to make 1000 steps a day with the help of physical therapy to over 6000 steps daily.  I have done much higher step counts but I set my actual goal for the lower end of what I can do in order to cover the bad days. 

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