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Dd, aka Events Planner and Executer and Energizer Bunny, is just too high maintenance for me. 


Sounds like my Gymnast. And the reason I keep thinking she'd do well in school. Except for the whole attitude and picking up other bad habits thing.

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Yep. So did my husband's. Sometimes they arrived broken. It was very annoying. A lot of reviews online said the same thing. It's the main reason we're switching.


My Fitbit has needed the battery changed twice since I've got it. Which was April 25th, not even 3 full months yet.

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My bad joke of the day:

The geometry text instructs me to reproduce a polygon. I say I can't, on account of not being a frog. Crickets, I tell you. My kids are no fun at all.


If it helps you feel better, dd16 thought it was funny. She even snorted.

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All three?

I'm confused too.

The church thing didn't work out, other applications have not panned out, and I really am not sure which direction to take.

This was my Gideon's fleece. I laid it out and said, God, if You want me to keep teaching, here it is. Do your magic because this is so far from my original intent and what I thought You wanted.


So, yeah, I am at a loss right now. I feel like I'm crazy, but maybe it was the plan all along. Who knows.


Yeah, same here.

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Sounds like my Gymnast. And the reason I keep thinking she'd do well in school. Except for the whole attitude and picking up other bad habits thing.


I was thinking about school just this morning for mine. . .    Except, that I'm fairly sure that she would be one of those kids who does fine socially (at least with some of her peers) but would fall through the cracks academically. 

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If it helps you feel better, dd16 thought it was funny. She even snorted.

 I quoted the wrong thing but I only have one hand and I'm not going back now. The battery is the Jawbone's problem but it can't be changed so I needed a whole new band. The one I linked for Lynn has a watch battery.

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She got frustrated yesterday when she pooped in her panties. I said, Riv, you have to poop in the potty.

She got upset and said, But I don't know HOW. I never learned and I just don't know!

She was pretty sad about it.



poor girlie & poor you :( 


So I hate to try to give advice because you've probably btdt with everything already but  I was just reading a review of Gut by Guilia Enders and she talks about two sphincters. I didn't know we had 2! We have the external one that is under our control, but there's an internal one which decides when it's safe to let things move down. So I'm wondering if your dd is just not able to feel the sphincters well. So - in addition to chiro work, because I think good chiro would be looking at the spinal column where the nerves controlling those two sphincters are - I was wondering if you could bring some conscious control there through a variation of kegels? I dunno. Maybe it's a stupid idea and maybe it would make things worse but I wondered if she tried stopping her pee once she started - kind of like a game - stop start etc whether that would help start to feel that whole pelvic floor area? 


And also, that same book is really gung ho on using toilet squatting stools. Stuff like the Squatty  Potty. Because when you sit, the angle is wrong & you make things more difficult for your poop. http://www.squattypotty.com/5-problems-with-sitting-on-your-toilet/   I think kids often end up leaning oddly because they're worried about falling in too so that would make it worse. So a good squatting position. 


And last, maybe a set squatting time every day? Someone I knew, her ds had a prob and they did an intervention where he tried every day at the same time, for just a bit & then he used a suppository. This was all under dr supervision but the idea was that this whole thing would become a set routine and set a rhythm...  

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Why does dd8 think that "being quiet because Mommy has a headache" means that singing the Veggie Tales theme song at full volume is still ok?   :glare:


However, dd13 volunteered to work in the church nursery in my stead tonight.  :)

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poor girlie & poor you :( 


So I hate to try to give advice because you've probably btdt with everything already but  I was just reading a review of Gut by Guilia Enders and she talks about two sphincters. I didn't know we had 2! We have the external one that is under our control, but there's an internal one which decides when it's safe to let things move down. So I'm wondering if your dd is just not able to feel the sphincters well. So - in addition to chiro work, because I think good chiro would be looking at the spinal column where the nerves controlling those two sphincters are - I was wondering if you could bring some conscious control there through a variation of kegels? I dunno. Maybe it's a stupid idea and maybe it would make things worse but I wondered if she tried stopping her pee once she started - kind of like a game - stop start etc whether that would help start to feel that whole pelvic floor area? 


And also, that same book is really gung ho on using toilet squatting stools. Stuff like the Squatty  Potty. Because when you sit, the angle is wrong & you make things more difficult for your poop. http://www.squattypotty.com/5-problems-with-sitting-on-your-toilet/   I think kids often end up leaning oddly because they're worried about falling in too so that would make it worse. So a good squatting position. 


And last, maybe a set squatting time every day? Someone I knew, her ds had a prob and they did an intervention where he tried every day at the same time, for just a bit & then he used a suppository. This was all under dr supervision but the idea was that this whole thing would become a set routine and set a rhythm...  

I did not know that we had two!! 

I was just talking to someone about the squatting thing, so she has a stool and I'm going to put a book or something on it so help her legs get up a bit higher. We also talked about having a set time for trying to poop. I think I will definitely try that. 


I will see if she can stop her pee. Sometimes, she doesn't recognize she's peeing. I think a lot of sensation has gone due to constipation, though. (At least, that's how it sounds based on what I've read.) 

I may buy the squatty potty, gosh darn it. Anything!! 


And no worries about the advice - this was all pretty new! YAY YOU! lol 

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Gather ye around to hear my tale of woe.  This week Dd the Insatiable is at day camp.  My plan was to do a marathon blitz on my camp lesson plans.  It is Wednesday.  I haven't touched them.  But I have been non-stop busy.  I have touched nary a bon-bon. 


Monday - a day of collapse from exhaustion.  I slept/sat in a stupor all day.  Couldn't be helped.  The old body pooped out on me.


Tuesday - spent all day going through all the paper on our dining room table (there was a lot). 


Wednesday - spent all day dealing with bills and I still haven't even gotten to the medical bills.   Oh and ironing out business glitches over the phone.


I can see me being insanely busy all week and never getting to writing my lessons. 

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Dd5 just started using the potty a few weeks ago -- and she's going to be 6 soon.  I know how frustrating it can be.  Thankfully, we don't have the daycare issue that you have, but it is a bit strange that my child learned to do two-digit addition with carrying before she learned to use the toilet.


There were probably some physical issues involved with her.  She has a birth defect that caused her to develop slowly.  Some of her muscles were/are? weak.  (She didn't learn to sit unassisted until after her first birthday.)


Anyway, hugs to ya.  I get it.

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Gather ye around to hear my tale of woe. This week Dd the Insatiable is at day camp. My plan was to do a marathon blitz on my camp lesson plans. It is Wednesday. I haven't touched them. But I have been non-stop busy. I have touched nary a bon-bon.


Monday - a day of collapse from exhaustion. I slept/sat in a stupor all day. Couldn't be helped. The old body pooped out on me.


Tuesday - spent all day going through all the paper on our dining room table (there was a lot).


Wednesday - spent all day dealing with bills and I still haven't even gotten to the medical bills. Oh and ironing out business glitches over the phone.


I can see me being insanely busy all week and never getting to writing my lessons.

Ya know,Jeanie, I was just thinking about you and camp, and wondering when you had it,
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I slept for an hour. This VBS stuff is killing me. Two more days. Two more days!


Go, Krissi, Go!!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


Our VBS is still looking for a first grade teacher.  No.  A thousand times no.  I get exhausted just dropping my kids off and picking them up.   :svengo:

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I'm having fun today. I had a character in my first draft who is important to the story, but just really wouldn't get off the page for the entire first draft. Quiet, didn't want to show up to work, didn't get aggravated enough to deal with the protagonist until the end of the story, and just generally wasn't working. Well, he showed up to work today. :hurray:

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I'm having fun today. I had a character in my first draft who is important to the story, but just really wouldn't get off the page for the entire first draft. Quiet, didn't want to show up to work, didn't get aggravated enough to deal with the protagonist until the end of the story, and just generally wasn't working. Well, he showed up to work today. :hurray:

I would love to see an animated rendition of your character/story development posts! :)

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I would love to see an animated rendition of your character/story development posts!  :) 


:laugh: I just hope he stays on for the rest of the book. He's a complicated kind of guy, much more difficult to deal with than the protagonist. I call him my diva character. Got to keep him happy.

I am now over 31,000 words for the second draft. Going a lot faster than I expected, but still there is a long way to go.

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I guess an animation of the a day in the life of writing a story would go something like this:

:huh: What do I write about?

:hurray: Story!

:leaving: What if it's a bad story?

:coolgleamA: Who cares! 

:smash: Write! Write! Write!

:hat: I like this story. It will make me a squillionaire!

:cursing: Roadblock!

:lurk5: Think! Think! Think! 

:svengo: Got to go to bed and work on this tomorrow.


Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Dh found out today that his (83yo) dad has such trouble with his knees because he needs his hips relaced. Ugh. They are still struggling to pay for MIL's hip replacements and therapy co-pays.


canada, canada, canada.... it's probably rude to say but I'm so happy to live here. MIL has had 2 hips and one knee. Or 2 knees and one hip? Whatever is left also needs doing and she will be getting that soon. Free, free, free. 


My dad had a hip done.... 

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Dd5 just started using the potty a few weeks ago -- and she's going to be 6 soon. I know how frustrating it can be. Thankfully, we don't have the daycare issue that you have, but it is a bit strange that my child learned to do two-digit addition with carrying before she learned to use the toilet.


There were probably some physical issues involved with her. She has a birth defect that caused her to develop slowly. Some of her muscles were/are? weak. (She didn't learn to sit unassisted until after her first birthday.)


Anyway, hugs to ya. I get it.

Yay!!! For your dd, Junie!

:grouphug: to Mary's dd and good luck with the jobs, Mary?

Edited by ikslo
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Good morning! It is Thursday. A good day for coffee!


I must take ds to work, then dh to work, then go to grocery store, then home for lunch and then kids to music lessons, then pick up dh from work and go out to dinner with dh's boss and his department. At some point in there I need to take a shower. Because goat.


Good Billygoat Booyah!

Edited by Susan in TN
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