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One more post, just to make y'all scroll past my to-do list again.  :D


I treated the kids to Linner at Panera, because lunch was ignored while I scraped up oily grime.  While there, Ds10 (my dyslexia guy) read aloud a book to the other ducklings.


Afterward, a mom and her grown son stopped by to compliment ds10 on his "fantastic reading." And, it turns out, grown son was dyslexic as well, so her words and encouragement were even more meaningful.  Possibly the best gift I'll get this Christmas.   :001_wub:     Only to be rivaled by ds10 volunteering to read Scripture (like,10 verses!) in the worship service two Sundays ago, and absolutely ROCKIN' it, even the word "ascertained."  :001_wub:  :001_wub:   So proud of that boy and his hard work.  

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In other news, dh slid on black ice and broke his wrist biking to work this morning.


Well, maybe broke his wrist.  He suffered at work all day before I packed him up and sent him off to the doctor.  He's been gone well over an hour now, so I'm guessing he's been sent on to the hospital for x-rays.  


Oh dear! I remember when dh broke his wrist. It was not a pretty sight. He thankfully had a great er doctor that set it really well before wrapping it.


Hope your dh hasn't broken it!

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:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:




Renai oh Renai

So happy it is your day

Eat lots of yummies





:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:


What she said.


In other news, dh slid on black ice and broke his wrist biking to work this morning.


Well, maybe broke his wrist.  He suffered at work all day before I packed him up and sent him off to the doctor.  He's been gone well over an hour now, so I'm guessing he's been sent on to the hospital for x-rays.  

(((Mr. Mallard)))

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In other news, dh slid on black ice and broke his wrist biking to work this morning.


Well, maybe broke his wrist.  He suffered at work all day before I packed him up and sent him off to the doctor.  He's been gone well over an hour now, so I'm guessing he's been sent on to the hospital for x-rays.  


I liked this. I'm not sure why because it is not likeable. I think I just felt it needed a response and was too lazy to think of one. But then it felt wrong, so I had to use my words.


I hope Mr. Ducky did not break himself and recovers quickly.

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This morning was something else. Confession line was so long it took us TWO hours. Ds said “[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]!†Quite distinctly in line. Just in case anyone wondered why I need to be going to Confession. 😒. Then I tried to take the kids for a walk down bu the river and ds kicked his shoe in it. As I was rescuing the shoe my phone fell in and now the microphone doesn’t work. It’s in a bag of rice hoping for a miracle.


I got back in my pajamas when I got home. :svengo:


:grouphug: I hope tomorrow is better!


In other news, dh slid on black ice and broke his wrist biking to work this morning.


Well, maybe broke his wrist.  He suffered at work all day before I packed him up and sent him off to the doctor.  He's been gone well over an hour now, so I'm guessing he's been sent on to the hospital for x-rays.  


Any news? I hope it isn't broken. Wait...biking on black ice? Like a bicycle on the ice? Brrr....I hope he's feeling better. He deserves hot cocoa and cookies.

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I was given a cash gift. I lost half of the cash gift. I just backtracked my way across town to see if anyone had turned it in anywhere. Nope. So I took the rest to the bank and put it there so that I can't lose the other half. I think that I should go to timeout. With a book. And a snack.


Relax. You'll probably find it in a pocket or something.


Cashy booya.

Edited by Slache
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I have figured out a way to keep myself accountable.  I open my tackle thread and put down three things that I want to do.  Then I leave the post open and post updates on the three things as I get them done.  I can't wander over to other threads (like this one!) until I get the three things done.  And on that note, on to three more things.  If I can move after the jumping jacks. . .    (No one scold me for the jumping jacks.  It was fun.) 


:thumbup1:   Love this!

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I liked this. I'm not sure why because it is not likeable. I think I just felt it needed a response and was too lazy to think of one. But then it felt wrong, so I had to use my words.


I hope Mr. Ducky did not break himself and recovers quickly.



I did the same and then I was lazy and liked your explanation.



I use "like" to mean "hug,"  so all's good.   :thumbup1:

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Mr. Mallard Update:  Wrist was x-rayed.   News on its condition is forthcoming.  And yes... he was biking (on a bicycle).   He is crazy like that.  All winter.  He used to drive on days when the snow/ice was especially bad, but our second car died over the summer and we haven't replaced it.  So he bought snow tires (spikes) for his bike, but didn't think he needed them yet.  Turns out, he did.   :crying:   His boss insisted he work from home tomorrow.  (Of course, I could easily drive him in, but when your boss says to WFH*, you WFH*  :hat: )




Meanwhile, I'm having sympathy pains.  4 hours crouched over the oily floor seems to have pinched a nerve or something in my ankle.  Whine.   :nopity:




*WARNING: ED PO:  Apparently that acronym is a thing.  Dh says he sees it on memos a lot.  

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Any news? I hope it isn't broken. Wait...biking on black ice? Like a bicycle on the ice? 



Dh laughed when I read him this part (I may have used a "what kind of idiot bikes on ice?" voice when I read it  :leaving: )






He also said he probably should have paid more attention to the fact that even our driveway had black ice.   


Knucklehead. He's lucky he's cute. 

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Mr. Mallard Update:  Wrist was x-rayed.   News on its condition is forthcoming.  And yes... he was biking (on a bicycle).   He is crazy like that.  All winter.  He used to drive on days when the snow/ice was especially bad, but our second car died over the summer and we haven't replaced it.  So he bought snow tires (spikes) for his bike, but didn't think he needed them yet.  Turns out, he did.   :crying:   His boss insisted he work from home tomorrow.  (Of course, I could easily drive him in, but when your boss says to WFH*, you WFH*  :hat: )




Meanwhile, I'm having sympathy pains.  4 hours crouched over the oily floor seems to have pinched a nerve or something in my ankle.  Whine.   :nopity:




*WARNING: ED PO:  Apparently that acronym is a thing.  Dh says he sees it on memos a lot.  


That's an interesting way to do that acronym. I've always seen it as WAH (work at home).

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I was given a cash gift.  I lost half of the cash gift.  I just backtracked my way across town to see if anyone had turned it in anywhere.  Nope.  So I took the rest to the bank and put it there so that I can't lose the other half.   I think that I should go to timeout.  With a book.  And a snack. 


The snack should involve chocolate.


Mr. Mallard Update:  Wrist was x-rayed.   News on its condition is forthcoming.  And yes... he was biking (on a bicycle).   He is crazy like that.  All winter.  He used to drive on days when the snow/ice was especially bad, but our second car died over the summer and we haven't replaced it.  So he bought snow tires (spikes) for his bike, but didn't think he needed them yet.  Turns out, he did.   :crying:   His boss insisted he work from home tomorrow.  (Of course, I could easily drive him in, but when your boss says to WFH*, you WFH*  :hat: )




Meanwhile, I'm having sympathy pains.  4 hours crouched over the oily floor seems to have pinched a nerve or something in my ankle.  Whine.   :nopity:




*WARNING: ED PO:  Apparently that acronym is a thing.  Dh says he sees it on memos a lot.  


That like was a sympathy like.

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It's a thing, but living in NL, I'd never heard of special tires. We don't get as much snow as WNY, but people do slip on ice every now and then every winter. BTDT, more than once. Not many people here (WNY) bicycle in winter. That said, not that insanely many people bicycle here in summer either. In NL, almost everyone bicycles (not everyone bicycle commutes, but they might still bicycle to do groceries, or to visit friends, or for fun, etc). 




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I never knew that biking in the winter was a thing- and it's such a thing that there's even special tires for it! Is it a city thing? Nobody rides their bikes in the snow here.

Oddly, when we lived in SC, no one was outside ever. Here (North of Boston) everyone is outside, four seasons. We aren’t city (small rural-turned-bedroom community) but bikers are out there constantly. And walkers. And runners. And horses. Dh prefers it now to the car, even in rain. Plus his work gives up to 3 additional vacation days for green commuting, so that’s a nice bonus. 😎. I’m beginning to think that long winters give people a greater appreciation of being outdoors when they can?

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That’s felpful!



I like being felpful. Maybe the comparison to Irkutsk in Siberia was more felpful?


If we were to go straight north to 52 degrees N, we'd be in the James Bay (part of the Hudson Bay). Maybe that's felpful.


And, WNY is the same latitude as Corsica. 

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Or, if you prefer, NL is as far north as somewhere between the Falkland Islands and Punta Arenas is south. Or, way to the south of Africa, Tasmania, or New Zealand (parts of Tasmania & New Zealand are at the same latitude as WNY - well, S instead of N, of course). 

Edited by luuknam
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