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The thread on the chat board about looking old vs. older is really depressing.  It doesn't help that I keep remembering about ten years ago when I was visiting my parents, my middle sister with no filter came in and said "Oh, I was wondering who that little old lady was.  Then I realized that it was you!"  The thing is, I do look old.  My hair is greying and stringy.  I'm washed out.  I'm achy and creaky and move like it most of the time. 


Constraints on just going out and doing something about it:


budget - I don't have money and only get my hair cut every six months because of it.  I also wear dead people clothes (donated to me from my friends' older relatives' estates when they die).  Fortunately some of them dressed better than I did so my wardrobe is getting better.


health - I'm achy.  And I don't want to add any chemicals to my hair or skin.


time - Achy people take a lot longer to do things.  Just doing my responsibilities takes all my time and I don't have time or energy left to primp.


Whine over on account of needing to help with algebra.  WHINE! 






and WINE!



(chocolate too..)

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Menopause has not been kind to me.  My already ridonkulous hair went gray overnight, and I could stand to lose at least 15 pounds, never mind the wrinkles.  


But dd8 throws her arms around me and calls me her fluffy lovey mama anyway, and drew a picture of me sporting a ginormous smile.  I posted it on the bathroom mirror to remind me that how she and my other ducklings see me is really all that matters.   I wouldn't go back to being young and insecure and frowny-faced for anything.



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I typically trust stylists to know their profession if they are at an established salon, and that should include color choices and how to deal with anything that goes wrong with color.


The last one I went to that wasn't one of my trusted people ruined my trust. Now I just go to Supercuts or something so I won't be disappointed and I can't get too sad if I'm only paying $15! 


Can SIL do it and you can keep it up?


I don't know. She'll only be here for a day or two, though, and I don't want to make her work on her vacation. It would also mean she has to see it now, which I was kind of hoping to avoid!


I just had this dilemma before my sister's wedding.  My hair has cool tones, and any time I use peroxide products in a salon, it tends to pull brassy.  If I use Redken Shades at home, it doesn't fully cover my grey.  I chose to do nothing, and leave my hair with grey.  I don't want to start having to pay $120 every 8 weeks to have my hair professionally colored.


What about just cutting off the brassy ends?  You're about to head into postpartum hair loss anyway, having shorter hair = looks thicker.


Cutting off the ends would make my hair way, way, too short. I like it long enough for a ponytail and cutting off the ends would have it over my ears. 




You are pretty young yet, so I might recommend using that brown, since you have it anyway, and then going blonde a little later, after the benefit of the brown starts to go.  That recommendation is entirely from a frugality mindset, however, so only consider that if it would actually make you happy.


Go with what you like, and don't worry about the timing just yet.


Being frugal makes me happy. I've never had it light enough that the roots were a problem like it'd be w/ blonde. I don't know what to expect from maintenance. I just remember a beautiful friend of mine w/blonde hair who told me once that her hair was naturally dark brown but she had so many grays that most of the roots were gray and didn't show up. She was probably only 35. Her hair was such a pretty color which makes me want to do it, but I don't think my hair is gray enough yet. Although it may be after I see the regrowth from the postpartum hair loss. It's already much grayer at the roots than it was 3 months ago. 


Purple. You're welcome.

 BTDT!! It was an unfortunate accident a couple of years ago that I'd prefer not to repeat. Have you seen Disney's Descendants? It looked like Mal's hair. 

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Can I get y'all's input? 


Each year at Christmas, I drive myself crazy trying to come up with a gift for DH's uncle and aunt/uncle (one gift for the married couple). We go to the aunt/uncle's house for Christmas dinner only because that's where the whole group goes. However, due a variety of things, DH has pretty much stopped all visits others than Christmas. 

He still likes to take a gift to his aunt and his 2 uncles, though. (All are in their 70s). As he's not really close with them, we don't really budget a lot. In the past, he's wanted to get restaurant gift cards for his aunt/uncle since he knows that his uncle is cheap and doesn't take the aunt out. We recently found out that they give those away, which is their prerogative, but we'd rather find something they'd use. 

For his single uncle, we usually just do one of those cheese/summer sausage mini-baskets. 

Anyway, as I said, we don't spend a ton - usually $25 for the one uncle, at most $40 for his aunt/uncle. 


This year, I came across Candy Crates. They have retro candy from each decade. So, I was thinking that a small gift basket of candy from the 40s or 50s would be fun, but I can't decide. 


Thoughts? Other ideas? 



Go for it.  It's nostalgic, it's different, and if they don't like it at least you learn another thing that doesn't work.  It is the thought that counts, after all, and you are trying to think of presents they might enjoy.  Who knows?  Even if they can't eat the stuff anymore it might spark some fun reminiscing.

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When we run out of likes we often respond with "Argh!"  It voices the frustration of no likes, can be pirate speak for "like", and generally is yet another fun shtick of ITT.   :laugh:

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Susan gives you classy music.  I give you this: 


(This is today's get-up-and-go music) 



I had forgotten about some of those hot-stuff outfits!   OW!shuffleshuffleshuffle

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I made the mistake of looking up exercises on Pinterest and now my feed is full of fitness models in thongs. 😒



:ack2:   I can never look at such pictures and think, "S/He looks good."  I'm always thinking, "That CAN'T be comfortable!"

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I did the art. I got the pumpkin. I ate all the things. Now I need to clean out the art bag, clean out the pumpkin and clean out the kitchen. At least I've got a head start there since I ate all the things.


It's cold. Like really cold for us at this time of year. DH informed me that the last cold snap we had before this one, sleet fell in the mountains--earliest winter precipitation recorded since early 1900's. So maybe the persimmons are right. At any rate, I wish I had a fire in the fireplace and hot chocolate.





After a rather nippish weekend it is warmer today and threatening some rain.  It's supposed to get warm (think low hot) and muggy for the rest of the week.

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The thread on the chat board about looking old vs. older is really depressing.  It doesn't help that I keep remembering about ten years ago when I was visiting my parents, my middle sister with no filter came in and said "Oh, I was wondering who that little old lady was.  Then I realized that it was you!"  The thing is, I do look old.  My hair is greying and stringy.  I'm washed out.  I'm achy and creaky and move like it most of the time. 


Constraints on just going out and doing something about it:


budget - I don't have money and only get my hair cut every six months because of it.  I also wear dead people clothes (donated to me from my friends' older relatives' estates when they die).  Fortunately some of them dressed better than I did so my wardrobe is getting better.


health - I'm achy.  And I don't want to add any chemicals to my hair or skin.


time - Achy people take a lot longer to do things.  Just doing my responsibilities takes all my time and I don't have time or energy left to primp.


Whine over on account of needing to help with algebra.  WHINE! 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


We need a cheese icon.  That was some quality whine there, and deserves a cheese accompaniment.


I not only look older than I feel, I LOOK LIKE MY DAD.  This is less and less a good thing.  I don't want his horseshoe hair and ear tufts!



But DH still says I'm beautiful, so that's all that matters.   :001_wub:  :001_wub:

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Unless you’ve got something medical going on with your back you’ll probably want to start with a 15lb.ii use a 25 lb for deadlifts now, but I could handle a 30 or 35 by now. It is nice to have more than one size for different exercises, though. I se the 15lb one I started with for arm exercises.



Spud is tough!  Mine is only 10 lbs.

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OK, I need everyone to stop ITTing for like 2 minutes so I can catch my breath!


We have done all the Reformation Day things. The paper cut-out Luther Roses turned out surprisingly well. (I expected them to resemble mangled snowflakes.) We made chocolate chip pumpkin bread and muffins (sans moon-drop grapes). We read and watched and have moved on to Halloween decorating and making costumes for the small IKEA mice. One is a mummy and one is a ninja. The (real) bunnies have refused any form of costume.


Dh wore a small black fake spider in his beard to work today. 🕷

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This is a Phi-Mo-Po (Philosophical Moment Post)


Ok, so I am kind of reeling from this and had to share. You all know I've been struggling HSing second DS, and then we tried on-line school and that didn't work out at all. He's very low in math (although he's doing very well in 5th grade math, he seems to be understanding things and making progress) and other subjects. So, when we pulled him out of on-line school I told myself 2 things.... I was going to work hard on encouraging his strengths and secondly, I was going to think outside the box academically. I wasn't going to get hung up on grade levels or anything like that. So, Sunday they made an announcement in church that they needed helpers today to get ready for tonight. From 9am- noon. DS asked to do it. My first thought was, "we do school in the morning" but my second thought was, "he needs to do this. One of his real strengths is working with people, he loves to be with adults, he loves to volunteer" so I said yes. And when I went to pick him up, I saw he'd been working with the jr. High director, who is a very fine young man, and several people mentioned that he'd worked hard all morning. And all my anxiety about this kid just kind of went away. Yes, I need to educate this child so he can survive in the world, but academics is not all there is.

Edited by KrissiK
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This is a Phi-Mo-Po (Philosophical Moment Post)


Ok, so I am kind of reeling from this and had to share. You all know I've been struggling HSing second DS, and then we tried on-line school and that didn't work out at all. He's very low in math (although he's doing very well in 5th grade math, he seems to be understanding things and making progress) and other subjects. So, when we pulled him out of on-line school I told myself 2 things.... I was going to work hard on encouraging his strengths and secondly, I was going to think outside the box academically. I wasn't going to get hung up on grade levels or anything like that. So, Sunday they made an announcement in church that they needed helpers today to get ready for tonight. From 9am- noon. DS asked to do it. My first thought was, "we do school in the morning" but my second thought was, "he needs to do this. One of his real strengths is working with people, he loves to be with adults, he loves to volunteer" so I said yes. And when I went to pick him up, I saw he'd been working with the jr. High director, who is a very fine young man, and several people mentioned that he'd worked hard all morning. And all my anxiety about this kid just kind of went away. Yes, I need to educate this child so he can survive in the world, but academics is not all there is.


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I don’t know. I have a cast iron one and another kind that has plastic over the handle. I need weightlifting gloves with either, but I have sensitive skinon my hands. As far as durability it’s hard for me to imagine that being a big issue since you have to be so careful with them so as not to hurt yourself or your house. But idk.


I know a hive member that uses them. I'll harass her.

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I left the boys taking the guts out of a pair of pumpkins.


ETA: It's a pumpkin-carving Booyah!



Yank those guts out, and then ROAST 'EM!



Yum, roast guts!  A great Halloween treat!

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The last one I went to that wasn't one of my trusted people ruined my trust. Now I just go to Supercuts or something so I won't be disappointed and I can't get too sad if I'm only paying $15! 



I don't know. She'll only be here for a day or two, though, and I don't want to make her work on her vacation. It would also mean she has to see it now, which I was kind of hoping to avoid!



Cutting off the ends would make my hair way, way, too short. I like it long enough for a ponytail and cutting off the ends would have it over my ears. 



Being frugal makes me happy. I've never had it light enough that the roots were a problem like it'd be w/ blonde. I don't know what to expect from maintenance. I just remember a beautiful friend of mine w/blonde hair who told me once that her hair was naturally dark brown but she had so many grays that most of the roots were gray and didn't show up. She was probably only 35. Her hair was such a pretty color which makes me want to do it, but I don't think my hair is gray enough yet. Although it may be after I see the regrowth from the postpartum hair loss. It's already much grayer at the roots than it was 3 months ago. 


 BTDT!! It was an unfortunate accident a couple of years ago that I'd prefer not to repeat. Have you seen Disney's Descendants? It looked like Mal's hair. 



Keep in mind that hair that goes gray sometimes goes back to color again, especially if it was a stress event that caused the first shock of gray.  My own hair did this for a bit.  Choose something for now and go with that.  Don't worry about later.  Later will come soon enough, and you will have had time to go through any post-partum losses, regrowth, and follicular fickleness.

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DD(10)'s teacher assigned tons of homework for tonight! She's hurrying to finish it before trick or treat. I can't decide if the teacher is mean or clueless. My middle school and HS kids don't have homework. 



Clueless.  When she was working out her plan she didn't plan for Halloween, and she can't or won't deviate from the plan now.  Or so I imagine, having been there and done something quite like that.



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This is a Phi-Mo-Po (Philosophical Moment Post)


Ok, so I am kind of reeling from this and had to share. You all know I've been struggling HSing second DS, and then we tried on-line school and that didn't work out at all. He's very low in math (although he's doing very well in 5th grade math, he seems to be understanding things and making progress) and other subjects. So, when we pulled him out of on-line school I told myself 2 things.... I was going to work hard on encouraging his strengths and secondly, I was going to think outside the box academically. I wasn't going to get hung up on grade levels or anything like that. So, Sunday they made an announcement in church that they needed helpers today to get ready for tonight. From 9am- noon. DS asked to do it. My first thought was, "we do school in the morning" but my second thought was, "he needs to do this. One of his real strengths is working with people, he loves to be with adults, he loves to volunteer" so I said yes. And when I went to pick him up, I saw he'd been working with the jr. High director, who is a very fine young man, and several people mentioned that he'd worked hard all morning. And all my anxiety about this kid just kind of went away. Yes, I need to educate this child so he can survive in the world, but academics is not all there is.



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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SerPo (Serious Post)


Any ideas for living with a depressed person without becoming depressed myself? I can't get upset with him. That'd be like kicking a puppy. It's still hard to handle, though.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Surround yourself with good support.  And keep coming here.  We have unlimited hugs!

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I would second making sure you get support for yourself, and take steps to keep yourself emotionally partitioned--that's the best way to describe it. You don't care less, but you can objectively say to yourself, "That's depression talking," and not take it personally.

Is this person being treated for the depression?

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((Bookmom!!)) The girls gave you good advice!!


And this is a Toast to the Wisdom of the ITT Ladies Booya/h!!


(toasting, of course, with the beverage of your choice, delivered by Rocco and Roderigo who are looking especially spiffy in their polo shirts and Bermuda shorts)

Edited by KrissiK
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I guess another thing I would suggest is be careful not to fall into the "fix it" trap. It's easy to start thinking that if this, that or the other could be changed through your actions, that the problem would go away. That's kind of a depressive pattern of thinking in itself. While changes in circumstances, or in personal behavior might help something--symptoms, say--the real problem with depression is chemical. Changes in body chemistry often do require medication, they usually require plenty of rest, and time. It's an illness. 

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I think emotionally dd9 could use a break from the more challenging stuff for a bit, and the last chapter of BA felt a lil shaky. What’s a cheap workbook I could get for reviewing imperial vs metric and telling time?

Math Mammoth dark blue series.
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I want to have hidden rainbow unicorn hair....looks normal, until I put it in a ponytail and you see all of my rainbow glory underneath.


I go to a conservative church, though, that frowns upon unnatural hair color, body piercings, and tattoos....body = temple of the Lord.


I'm kinda secretly hoping that when I get to Heaven God is going to be cool with it. :)

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