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Oooh, oooh, I was going to tell you about Ambleside Online too! That one might be right up your alley. I use a lot of their stuff too, lol.


I think I have a problem.


LOVE AO! I want to do all the things.


Don't encourage her.  I've had that stupid song stuck in my head for days now.  :glare:

Siggy, not member title. Look down. :D
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Okay, I feel like all I go is vent lately.  So before I leave to have small needles stabbed into me on purpose, I will say only 8 more working days until I get 2 weeks off-ish.  I say that because I still have some things I need to get done at home over the break for work but it's not the same.  I can do them whenever I feel like it.  I was trying to think the other day how it is the other lady that was director was able to leave at 430 each day and not have work to keep going.  a few things occurred to me, a) she had me.  Even when she was director I did all the grocery shopping, all the laundry, all the prize shopping, programming, all the trips to and from the shed etc.  B) she only did office hours and not direct hours with the kids, where as I do more direct hours and fewer in the office.  C) I came in on days off/ breaks etc to do all the cleaning, organizing, etc.   D) while she was the one to ultimately write someone up for infractions, it never really had to happen because I was the loudmouth that kept the staff in line, she seldom had to be bossly about stuff like that.  No wonder she thought it was a piece of cake to get everything done as director.  I am still doing all of that while also now doing all the office aspect, and all the rest.  What I need is a clone of me...or a super hero cape.  Because I am freaking rocking this gig, haha.  

Also when I leave next year and she returns, she is so screwed lol (they decided not to open a new center in my town, and I refuse to work under old director when she returns, so I will be moving on for a new career for next fall).  

So I am going to buy myself a pack of gold stars when I get to the dollar store today and everytime I accomplish one of the above things I am going to award myself one hahaha.  

Yup I think that break is in order, I may be losing my mind :P

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No thank you. I still really dislike politics. All I did was to write one short letter and copy and paste it to all the council members. I listened to impassioned citizens urging the council to have some common sense and nodded my head vigorously when I agreed because the mayor forbade clapping. And I sat in a seat and listened to bickering over dry budgetary stuff. This is not my thing but if the council keeps ignoring us we might be forced to move because we won't be able to afford living here anymore.



If the council makes it too expensive to live there people won't be able to sell their places to people who CAN afford to live there, because those savvy buyers will wonder why so many people are leaving the area.  The local economy will falter and their tax base will decline.

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Okay, I feel like all I go is vent lately.  So before I leave to have small needles stabbed into me on purpose, I will say only 8 more working days until I get 2 weeks off-ish.  I say that because I still have some things I need to get done at home over the break for work but it's not the same.  I can do them whenever I feel like it.  I was trying to think the other day how it is the other lady that was director was able to leave at 430 each day and not have work to keep going.  a few things occurred to me, a) she had me.  Even when she was director I did all the grocery shopping, all the laundry, all the prize shopping, programming, all the trips to and from the shed etc.  B) she only did office hours and not direct hours with the kids, where as I do more direct hours and fewer in the office.  C) I came in on days off/ breaks etc to do all the cleaning, organizing, etc.   D) while she was the one to ultimately write someone up for infractions, it never really had to happen because I was the loudmouth that kept the staff in line, she seldom had to be bossly about stuff like that.  No wonder she thought it was a piece of cake to get everything done as director.  I am still doing all of that while also now doing all the office aspect, and all the rest.  What I need is a clone of me...or a super hero cape.  Because I am freaking rocking this gig, haha.  


Also when I leave next year and she returns, she is so screwed lol (they decided not to open a new center in my town, and I refuse to work under old director when she returns, so I will be moving on for a new career for next fall).  


So I am going to buy myself a pack of gold stars when I get to the dollar store today and everytime I accomplish one of the above things I am going to award myself one hahaha.  


Yup I think that break is in order, I may be losing my mind :p



Better to vent here where we love you and will listen than to blow up IRL where there will be IRL consequences.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:   We are here for you!


I think the change of workplace next year and the gold stars are good ideas.  So, why is she coming back next year?  Is she on maternity leave or something?

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Okay, I feel like all I go is vent lately. So before I leave to have small needles stabbed into me on purpose, I will say only 8 more working days until I get 2 weeks off-ish. I say that because I still have some things I need to get done at home over the break for work but it's not the same. I can do them whenever I feel like it. I was trying to think the other day how it is the other lady that was director was able to leave at 430 each day and not have work to keep going. a few things occurred to me, a) she had me. Even when she was director I did all the grocery shopping, all the laundry, all the prize shopping, programming, all the trips to and from the shed etc. B) she only did office hours and not direct hours with the kids, where as I do more direct hours and fewer in the office. C) I came in on days off/ breaks etc to do all the cleaning, organizing, etc. D) while she was the one to ultimately write someone up for infractions, it never really had to happen because I was the loudmouth that kept the staff in line, she seldom had to be bossly about stuff like that. No wonder she thought it was a piece of cake to get everything done as director. I am still doing all of that while also now doing all the office aspect, and all the rest. What I need is a clone of me...or a super hero cape. Because I am freaking rocking this gig, haha.


Also when I leave next year and she returns, she is so screwed lol (they decided not to open a new center in my town, and I refuse to work under old director when she returns, so I will be moving on for a new career for next fall).


So I am going to buy myself a pack of gold stars when I get to the dollar store today and everytime I accomplish one of the above things I am going to award myself one hahaha.


Yup I think that break is in order, I may be losing my mind :P

You deserve many gold stars.


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Now I want gold stars. And a new calendar to put gold stars on. But not a planner. Because my brain would explode. :laugh:

After lunch we have to go pick up my son's new glasses. We are all a little excited about his glasses. Then I'm going to take them to pick out their writing journals for Christmas.

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I fear that I am sick.  Like, for reals sick.  As in, I get dizzy when I stand and must find a place to not be so vertical.


Please confirm for me that this is an illusion, because I really, really don't have time to be sick.





Feeling better?  :grouphug:

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Back from the ortho. Kids are complaining that they have to do all the school. You know, I don't know how it is that I've got such a houseful of whiners. I don't complain. I try to be really intentional abut not complaining about things, taking things as they come, doing what is expected.... but my kids.... Whiners! All of them!

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I have survived the arctic blast and pooperaerobicized.  It is so cold that my feet turned numb in my insulated boots with toe warmers inserted. :blink:


For the good news, whatever bug I have likes ibuprofen.  Two of those and the body aches stopped and the woozies went away.  I'm moving a bit slowly, though.


Thank you for the warm wishes.  :001_wub:

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I've probably asked this before, but...


Have any of you used Beast Academy?  I'm thinking of getting it for dd6.  She is ...this close... to finishing Abeka Math 2.  (If I don't have roaring headaches she could be finished by the end of December.)


We have.  DS is not mathy, and it is hard for him.  Well, the starred problems are, and he doesn't always remember some of the tricks they teach - heck, I don't always remember them either!  But it is a really good program.  I myself learned a lot of new ways to look at math, and I thought I was good in math.  Last year we did just BA, but this year went back to MiF with BA on the side, only recently I've kind of swung back into the BA mode. 


I know nothing of Abeka, so I cannot compare.

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I've probably asked this before, but...


Have any of you used Beast Academy?  I'm thinking of getting it for dd6.  She is ...this close... to finishing Abeka Math 2.  (If I don't have roaring headaches she could be finished by the end of December.)


I have Beast Academy 3A.  I really like it, but it's so fun she might blow through it quickly.


Beast Academy Booyah

Edited by kbeal
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I have finished reading all the posts on The Twelve Key Pillars of Novel Construction by C.S Larkin.  No surprise that I didn't agree with everything, but overall it was good enough that I will buy the book for the additional content. There is a workbook to go with it. Hmm. Maybe something for an elective in creative writing in high school? I am now out of yellow legal pads. This constitutes a writerly emergency which must be dealt with today! 

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We have two beds - a queen and a king.  Neither of which is anyone's.  We just sleep in whichever makes sense since our schedules are not normal. :)  Both sets of sheets get washed weekly.  Usually Saturday after the last person gets up DS has to strip the beds and I throw them in the wash.  One load and done.  Unless someone is sick, and then they get washed more frequently until the sickness has passed.  I would love an extra set of sheets for each bed just for times of sickness.  But it's a want, not a need, so...

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We're supposed to be doing school still but the Cat is sick and the Mouse is taking advantage of it. This Cat doesn't have the energy to fight it even though the Mouse hasn't fooled me like she thinks she has. The joke will be on her this summer.



I always love how surprised mine are when they end up working late into the night, or over the weekend, or into summer when they do that. Wish "duh" sounded more dignified:-0

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I look at AO about once a year. Then I leave like this. :willy_nilly: I got lazy at some point and stopped even wanting to look at all the things. Their spreadsheets are a thing of beauty, but it's just too much for poor old me.


Critter is a creative genius and the linear things are beneath her. I cannot even imagine holding different people in my head... there are enough of my own personalities up there to make me a little nutty.  :scared:

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I have finished reading all the posts on The Twelve Key Pillars of Novel Construction by C.S Larkin.  No surprise that I didn't agree with everything, but overall it was good enough that I will buy the book for the additional content. There is a workbook to go with it. Hmm. Maybe something for an elective in creative writing in high school? I am now out of yellow legal pads. This constitutes a writerly emergency which must be dealt with today! 



These are the kind I like... except I buy the cheapo packs of 10 that they sell at Office DeMax, lol.



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Not enough sleep but better day than yesterday. Only 2 ants and the kids are in a better mood. My tooth hurts. The baby's down and the kids are grinching so Imma play wiff my notebook. How often do you change your kid's sheets?



Every couple of weeks or so, basically when they get sweaty or dirty.  The kids tend to go to bed rather clean (enough), and they still change their pajamas nightly.

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I just talked to my almost 92 year old mom (in one month).  Some old guy with no filter told her that she talks too much.  So I had to repeatedly assure her that she was just fine.  She does talk a lot but she's lonely and I think she's entitled. 


If someone makes it to 92, they are entitled to talk as much as they want... What a putz!


Having ILs live with us is teaching me more than I ever wanted to know about old age. One lesson I would like to teach Mr. Putz is that he will be just as irritating as he finds her someday. Getting old bites and, unless someone is a horrible meanie, I err on the side of kindness. They don't enjoy being irritating to others (well, most of them don't, anyway.) It isn't something they aspire to. Ooh, I want to sic the bunnies on him!

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I just talked to my almost 92 year old mom (in one month).  Some old guy with no filter told her that she talks too much.  So I had to repeatedly assure her that she was just fine.  She does talk a lot but she's lonely and I think she's entitled. 



Your Mom is fine and has an active brain.  That guy should be so lucky, getting to hear her wisdom!  You tell her I said so.

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I liked this to agree with you!



If someone makes it to 92, they are entitled to talk as much as they want... What a putz!


Having ILs live with us is teaching me more than I ever wanted to know about old age. One lesson I would like to teach Mr. Putz is that he will be just as irritating as he finds her someday. Getting old bites and, unless someone is a horrible meanie, I err on the side of kindness. They don't enjoy being irritating to others (well, most of them don't, anyway.) It isn't something they aspire to. Ooh, I want to sic the bunnies on him!



Your Mom is fine and has an active brain.  That guy should be so lucky, getting to hear her wisdom!  You tell her I said so.

Well, the putz with no filter is as old as my mom is.  Plus Parkinson's.  So in a way he's as entitled as she is.  But still! 

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If someone makes it to 92, they are entitled to talk as much as they want... What a putz!


Having ILs live with us is teaching me more than I ever wanted to know about old age. One lesson I would like to teach Mr. Putz is that he will be just as irritating as he finds her someday. Getting old bites and, unless someone is a horrible meanie, I err on the side of kindness. They don't enjoy being irritating to others (well, most of them don't, anyway.) It isn't something they aspire to. Ooh, I want to sic the bunnies on him!



I am out of likes yet again.


I suspect the old guy probably struggles to keep his own thoughts straight and has trouble when other people talk.  I've been that way at times myself.  Still, he could be nicer about it.


He sounds like the guy who, when I was 7 months pregnant, told me I was putting on some weight.  I told him that tended to happen with pregnancies, and then later asked my coworkers about him.  Yup, that was typical him -- oblivious most of the time, and NO filter between thoughts and the words that come out of his mouth.

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Well, the putz with no filter is as old as my mom is.  Plus Parkinson's.  So in a way he's as entitled as she is.  But still! 



Yeah, that explains a lot.  Remind your mother that his is NOT an opinion to rely upon.

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Phew!  I thought perhaps one of us was losing it.  (And it wasn't me.)  I'm glad to know that it was autocorrect (which no longer corrects my spelling of pantz)



Just wait until you try to spell it with an "s".

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