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I finished the day with a migraine, which is not surprising given my eating out diet and lack of sleep the past few days.  It does mean that I will be postponing things I had planned to do which require a brain.  It will be a busy week.


ETA:  What a horrible booya(h)!


I'm right there with ya.


I know nothing about calling missing cats or using a bazooka.


I have never eaten a stuffed mushroom.  We don't have mushrooms around the house often because my dear sister is deathly allergic to them.  Anaphylaxis and all that.  And so we don't let any of the dc eat mushrooms until they are old enough (and mature enough) to articulate, "Mommy, my  throat feels funny..."


We're not quite there yet, so we are mushroom deprived.

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Well, the one Sunday that I miss church is when there is an adventure.


Apparently, not long after Mass started, about 10 people walked into the church and up to the altar. One of them was blasting away on a trumpet. Another announced that Jesus was coming. The priest walked up to that one and asked him to leave; he was helped out the door by several ushers. The priest continued with Mass; at the end, when he makes announcements, he told the congregation that there was no extra charge for the entertainment. :D


It is ironic that this happened when it did; at last month's pastoral council meeting (I'm on the pastor council), our COO talked about security issues and how those were being worked on; I'm sure we'll have a lively discussion next Saturday at the next meeting!


Was he playing the trumpet well?

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What happens to people whose parents think their feelings are everyone's number one priority? Like to the point that they call coaches, teachers? I've called teachers to apologize for my child, or to ask for clarification (do they have to do the online thing or can we continue with our program?) but  not to ask that she be given more consideration than others. It's never been my experience that there is gross unfairness and if there were we'd leave the team. But really, seriously--four kids, two of them for two years, the others for nine and six, and I have never once seen a team in which one kid doesn't "get enough time".


So what happens to those children? Are they just embarrassed? Or do they take it seriously? How do they cope?

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Ok, I have a wonderful heart-warming cat story. And it's true!


So, about 5 years ago we acquired another cat. A very sweet and dignified gray tabby, we called Tabby. She wasn't with full time, so we suspected she had another family (dh suspected the weird family down the street), but we loved her anyway. Well, the weird family moved a couple weeks ago and we hadn't seen Tabby since, so we figured they took her with them. I was qute sad because I really liked her. She was a nice kitty. Then, tonight I am walking around the neighborhood and I am about 2 blocks from home and I hear this, "meow" and it's Tabby and she's running across the street toward me. We have this big ol' love fest in the middle of the street for a while and then I start to go home, hoping she'd follow me. Well, she gets right in front of me and starts climbing my leg. So I picked her up and carried her for a while. I put her down once when a person walking a dog walked by (I didn't want to get scratched) and she begged to be picked up again. So I brought her home. Gave her some food, which she wolfed down and she is now sleeping in her box by the sliding glass door. I am so happy she's home. She is such a good kitty!

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Good Monday Morning friends! 


I am much cheered by the wine and mushrooms and bazooka party and Krissi's sweet Tabby story.  No sign of our cute Kit-Cat yet.  Dh will do some more checking around later this morning.  I woke up at 2am and didn't go back to sleep until 4ish.  It rained a lot during the night.  I spent much of the time praying for Kitty and confessing how little control I have over all the wonderful things in our lives. 


I would have stayed in bed longer, but it's CC day.  And I might be subbing in one of the classes.  Got to get moving! 


By the way, I don't think I mentioned that DH had his last day of work Friday?  He is off all of March (Woo-Hoo!)  before training and deployment this spring (Boo-Hoo!) 

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Good Morning!


Not much going on here today, just the normal stuff.


Lynn, I hope you find your kitty, and I am glad your dh is getting a bit of a vacation.


Thanks, for the invite JJM. I'm on my way.


Krissi, so happy for the kitty's return. That was a wonderful story.


Tex, sometimes in our quest to make the world a better place, we find that there are just too many idiots in our midst. So, yes, take a break. You deserve it.:)

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:seeya:   It's take Nana to Not-Quite-So-Big-City-For-Her-Hair-Appointment Day.  Keeping my fingers crossed that the short person stays on task while I'm gone.  (Algebra started back up on Tuesday.  We've not yet readjusted; she's got 3 challenge problems and the writing problem to complete.  Today. :glare: )


Have a great day, everyone!


(Except Susan.  That'd be too much pressure.  Harm no one, Susan!  And keep your brain alive!)

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What happens to people whose parents think their feelings are everyone's number one priority? Like to the point that they call coaches, teachers? I've called teachers to apologize for my child, or to ask for clarification (do they have to do the online thing or can we continue with our program?) but  not to ask that she be given more consideration than others. It's never been my experience that there is gross unfairness and if there were we'd leave the team. But really, seriously--four kids, two of them for two years, the others for nine and six, and I have never once seen a team in which one kid doesn't "get enough time".


So what happens to those children? Are they just embarrassed? Or do they take it seriously? How do they cope?

 My aunt and uncle raised a son kind of like this, being overprotective and such.  So at 25, he was jobless, had flunked out of the CC several times (quite a bright young man), and they were paying his rent while he lived with an unemployed, mentally ill girlfriend.  


Good Monday Morning friends! 


I am much cheered by the wine and mushrooms and bazooka party and Krissi's sweet Tabby story.  No sign of our cute Kit-Cat yet.  Dh will do some more checking around later this morning.  I woke up at 2am and didn't go back to sleep until 4ish.  It rained a lot during the night.  I spent much of the time praying for Kitty and confessing how little control I have over all the wonderful things in our lives. 


I would have stayed in bed longer, but it's CC day.  And I might be subbing in one of the classes.  Got to get moving! 


By the way, I don't think I mentioned that DH had his last day of work Friday?  He is off all of March (Woo-Hoo!)  before training and deployment this spring (Boo-Hoo!) 

Yes to the bolded.   :grouphug:


I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep.  I have a feeling I'm going to crash this afternoon.

(((hugs)))  Junie


Tex - Stay strong.

Y'all will need to remind me of my pledge.   Old habits die hard and all.  But I feel good about it, all James Brown style.   :D

Edited by texasmama
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Three cheers for Mr. Another Lynn having a month off!!


I am sorry about the deployment for your sake, but thankful for the sake of my family. :)


Hey, do you think he might give us all some bazooka training? We could have an ITT Elephant Ninja retreat where we learn (or brush up on) ninja, duct tape, bazooka, laser glare, mushroom preparation, kitty calling, and rat medicating skills!


And Ellie could teach us Hula and we would treasure all her technical and cultural instruction!


And poopaerobics! Can't forget about exercise!

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Three cheers for Mr. Another Lynn having a month off!!


I am sorry about the deployment for your sake, but thankful for the sake of my family. :)


Hey, do you think he might give us all some bazooka training? We could have an ITT Elephant Ninja retreat where we learn (or brush up on) ninja, duct tape, bazooka, laser glare, mushroom preparation, kitty calling, and rat medicating skills!


And Ellie could teach us Hula and we would treasure all her technical and cultural instruction!


And poopaerobics! Can't forget about exercise!

Sounds like the making of an ITT retreat to me!
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I am eating stuffed mushrooms for breakfast. We actually have a treasure under our ash tree that comes up every spring that I will also treat to the "stuffing" process and messily devour. The DH took off today and is safely out of the mushroom fume zone because he's out changing oil in my truck.

The boys have decided (at least for today) that fractions are as easy as pie. It won't last, but it's funny anyway.

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 She came from a horribly abusive and neglectful background so she has no roadmap for parenting.




There is definitely a balance to be struck by those of us raised poor, or raised neglected, or whatever, to find what is "normal". 


Off to work, last kid is out. Wish me luck with the lawyer. I need to get a copy of my divorce papers for the house--ARGH!!! And I don't have the schedule they want! I ordered it from the county but no luck.

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Oldest discovered yesterday that it's important to read through a recipe ALL of the way first.  I asked him to make chocolate chip cookies. I verbally explained the process.  He put the ingredients in in the order listed, but skipped the instructions.


FWIW, if you add butter last to a recipe, it makes amazingly bad cookies. They were burnt and lacey around the edges and raw in the middle. The texture was like sawdust.  No one could eat a full cookie.

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Also, while I am not in anyway begrudging sending sympathy flowers to dh's friend's father's wake, it just constantly amazes me how expensive it is to order flowers - even ordering from a local shop. I told them to get a nice peace lily or plant and with delivery, that was $63.05. I know that that is actually pretty cheap in some areas, but golly, it hits the checkbook hard sometimes. :/ 
I should have been a florist. 

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Oh man, on the one hand I hate it when that happens.


On the other hand, I do love the security that my CC provides. At least it's all in your cart ready to go through when it gets re-opened!

Yeah, I'm sure it looks sketchy - it's on my Amazon and Walmart account, with my principal's name on the credit card, being sent to an elementary school with my name on it.  :huh: 

My bil works in Walmart's fraud protection department. So, I'm really surprised that that one went through quickly. 

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DH complains about his job all. the. time.  So I told him about the FT Janitor position that was just posted at my place of employment which is second shift like he is now, and all he would have to do was sweep floors, dust, and clean toilets.  So he's applying.  :lol:


(I really don't care.  We have discussed for a while now him "retiring" after 31 years in a toxic environment, and replacing with an easy job.  So it's not totally out of the blue.  His current job is going to kill him.)

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DH complains about his job all. the. time.  So I told him about the FT Janitor position that was just posted at my place of employment which is second shift like he is now, and all he would have to do was sweep floors, dust, and clean toilets.  So he's applying.  :lol:


(I really don't care.  We have discussed for a while now him "retiring" after 31 years in a toxic environment, and replacing with an easy job.  So it's not totally out of the blue.  His current job is going to kill him.)

Toxic environments are horribly draining. I don't blame him. 


Fingers crossed for a new job!




Edited by Southern Ivy
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So my dd8 was loud and feisty again today.  Refusing to do any work, throwing books and pencils.  This is getting really old.  She is losing stuffies and privileges.  Losing snack is next.


Ds15 had a serious suggestion for me:









duct tape!   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

When I told him that I couldn't do it because it's against the law, he asked if it was against the law for him to do it!

Edited by Junie
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Over half of my class is out of my room. Today and tomorrow is ACCESS testing - it's a large-scale English language proficiency assessment for our ESL kids. Teaching on days like this is hard. I don't want to teach new concepts and have my ESL kids miss out, but I don't want my non-ESL kids to just play on iPads all day. It's an interesting balance. 

So, we're doing math apps, research projects, and a reading program that's online. It's fairly independent and they are still learning, but I'm not going to have to reteach for my students that are missing. 

Also, how 10 students are making more noise than 23, I have no idea. :/ 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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