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But not the Internet?


Do you guys use your phones as hotspots then? I am looking for a way to reduce expenses further. I suggested to the family phones as hotspots for individual laptops since we all have phones anyway.


The natives were nonplussed, but my question is WHY both?


Everyone wants data so WiFi is not enough regardless.






Proof that there is an H, otherwise how could it contain all the colors of the rainbow? And if it didn't contain all the colors of the rainbow, how could we justify a pink exclamation point?

You have much wisdoms:-)
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I have uncomfortable undergarment problems.


If I can't say it here, where can I say it?


I have washed my hair, and now I will let it dry, paint the gray roots with the mascara wand stuff, and curl it tomorrow 





Edited by texasmama
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I knew I should have bought gf graham crackers at the store last night.  I even looked right at them.   But I used will power and left them on the shelf.


Tonight dd11 requested s'mores for snack because it is The Night Before Braces. 


We had regular graham crackers, so dd11 got to eat s'mores.  (As did everyone else except Mama.)


Edited by Junie
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I have uncomfortable undergarment problems.


If I can't say it here, where can I say it?


I have washed my hair, and now I will let it dry, paint the gray roots with the mascara wand stuff, and curl it tomorrow before we leave for bball tourney. This is very strategic, as I have schedule myself a professional hair appointment for next Wednesday for all sorts of voodoo. Also, the boys will have a haircut.





I understand undergarment issues. Does anyone remember the thread that linked to the Reddit post on properly measuring for bOOkshelves? Well, I did that and came up with a size that has me skeered, lol. But the awesome chick who wrote the post said not to worry. So yesterday I ordered new bOOkshelves from the UK in the new, ahem, size.


I will keep you posted because I know you all care deeply about the welfare of my bOOks :D

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We had raccoons eat our cats' food until we started bringing it in. Once we had a family of 5 raccoons in our backyard at the same time. Those things are mean!

I hate raccoons. As far as I am concerned they are giant, rabid, territorial rats. They attack kitties and small dogs and children, they strew garbage. I wish we could take animal control into our own hands when those little poops showed up. I understand and accept that we cannot but I dislike it.

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Good Morning!


Lynn, :lol: I love the worker guy. He was going to put his hands up on his head. Exactly what I would've done. :lol:


The day has already started badly. I dropped a coffee cup and broke it. It was a good one too.


Ellie, I hope you feel better today. I wish I could offer you some bunny slippers, but I am not smart enough, yet. I may figure it out one day.

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But not the Internet?


Do you guys use your phones as hotspots then? I am looking for a way to reduce expenses further. I suggested to the family phones as hotspots for individual laptops since we all have phones anyway.



Yes, it was my phone using data. :(  Apparently DShad been building in Minecraft which does not require internet, and I didn't realize I had left my data on from the day before, so I did not notice Internet was out as well.  When I typed my response to ITT I went, "Hey, wait a minute.." LOL  As soon as I realized that, I turned off my data and sent child to do his math by flashlight.  He was no longer happy.  (We did play games later - but only after math was completed.  Did not go as smoothly as the previous day's math.)


We are still without power this morning. 


I am grumpy.

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My right eye is swollen nearly shut. Left eye is about half shut. What is the deal?!?


More importantly, is this reason enough to go back to bed? :D


Yes.  Yes, it is.


I'm fairly certain this firmly establishes that this is not a good morning. 

(Go ahead.  Someone argue with me.  I dare you.  :glare: )

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Something seems to be in the air today. I could not pry myself out of bed and my throat hurts. I hope it is just dry air.


I hope everyone's days go better. We have a little sunshine this morning, and I am sending it to all of you:-)




You are my sunshines,

My only sunshines,

Y'all make me hap-peeeee,

When skies are gray,

You'll never know, dears,

How much I love you,

Please don't take my sunshines away.


How's that for poetry?



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SO TIRED. I was up late last night talking my friend through a long distance break up. 

They met online and they live on opposite coasts, so it's obviously not an easy relationship to start. It's been difficult, but my friend thought they were fine. They've been making plans for the next time she can go out there.
So, last night she gets a TEXT (WHO DOES THAT?!) saying that there's another girl. Obviously, my friend was blindsided. She confronts him and says that he's been lying to her for the last 2 months. He says "But, I told you there was someone else." (Ha - he didn't. She wouldn't have continued in the relationship if he had said that.) 
What did he actually say? "I have other girls that are friends."  :huh:  What doofus thinks that saying "I have girls that are friends" is the same as saying "Oh yeah, by the way, my pastor introduced me to a girl 2 months ago, so we've been seeing each other"? 

He kept throwing this "I knew I'd mess this up" pity party the whole time. Kept saying "I'm so horrible and you're so great".
She said, "You're right. You are...and I am. But nah, bud. You don't get to assuage your guilt because you were too cowardly to address this 2 months ago." 

I just do not understand little boys who pretend to be men and lead women on. I just don't get it.  :cursing:  

Also, remind me never to make her mad. She's the most level-headed, logical person ever, but when she gets mad, her Irish comes out. A hot temper with incredible vocabulary and arguing skills? whew.
I got burned reading her midnight email to him and I'm not the one who broke up with her!! lol

Anyway, I am downing Dt. Coke and coffee like a drought is coming.  

ETA: Crappy boyfriend booyah. I want to kick him in the booyah. :/ 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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