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I love you, Susan.  I love you, Jean.  I love you, ITT peeps everywhere.  




(I just sent a bunch of I love you texts too, and am beginning to wonder if maybe I'm hormonal? Which in no way negates the puffy-hearts;  it just explains why I may have to spend a page and a half hugging each of you individually.  Followed by a group hug.)  


I don't get I love you texts.


I am despondent.







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I put a sweatshirt in the dryer and then on my person, and now I'm happy.


Also, I washed my hair about 12 hours ago, and it is still damp.  This likely contributes to my coldness.  I put it in a messy bun damp to go to the grocery store, but I wore my snow boots so I think it balances out.

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I posted in the bullet journal thread while looking at my old bullet journal and MAN I got a lot of stuff done last year. Seriously. I was depressed because I was injured, didn't lose as much weight as I wanted, and didn't pay as much debt off, but I kicked some booty! I read the entire Bible. Like, the whole thing. Every word. There are a lot of words in that book! And the whole KonMari thing. BOOYA! I accomplished a lot with the intention of making our lives easier and it worked. This January was so much better than last January. I should get some sort of trophy or something. Or maybe just lose the other 20 pounds. I think I'd rather have that.



Duck loves Slache!  



Hugs and trophies.   :party:

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Those are not sexy, but I would totally wear them.  And they look really snake-proof.


The part above the ankle is neoprene (think scuba stuff), so I don't know.  Since we don't have poisonous snakes here (a MAJOR point in the plus column when considering where we'd land), I haven't really considered snake-proof-ness.  But what a boot-y booya!

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I am contemplating getting Henle Latin. Somebody kill me now! I hate that book. I've seen it, despised it's microscopic print, growled and snarled over the difficult-to-decipher answer key; but syntax is getting difficult now and I need some help to explain it to myself. I'm going to see if Wheelock will work for me, but if not, I'll have to just swallow my bile and choke on Henle Latin.


ETA: If someone sees KrissiK tell her this is all her fault. :laugh:

I'm sorry Critter!




Not really!



This is good for you!

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I hate taking new meds.  I have two new prescriptions: nortriptylin and isometheptene mucate.


I haven't taken either of them yet.  I never take new meds before bed; I only start one at a time; I make sure that dh is available to take care of the kids just in case; and I make sure that there's nothing special on the calendar that a trip to the ER would ruin.





And, Junie, I don't like your posts--I just have the same considerations about meds and leaving kids behind while I go in an ambulance. That happened once, and it was awful.

And here I was just worried about turning purple and growing horns.  ;)



I have taken my kids with me to the ER more times than I want to admit. 

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Good morning, my ITT peeps. :grouphug:


Clear and cold here today. Some friends are staying with us for a couple of days, and the wife and I are going to goof off in a cute little town nearby. We will try to behave ourselves. Well, I will try; she's not nearly as much of a goof-off as I am. :D

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Dh keeps waking me up at night and it kinda irks me. He gets up 2-3 times a night to pee, shuffle around, whatever, and is not quiet about it. My sleep is hard won, you know?   :rant:

I have slept much better with earplugs and the white noise machine.  It does not help when dh throws himself over to change positions, but I am waking up less in general because I am unaware of his presence.  I have even gotten used to the earplugs.

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Good morning, friends.


Lynn, your boys are totes adorbs. :hat:


Going to the oncology appointment today.  I did some research so I would not be lost in the woods with terminology, and the most likely type she has is very curable.  Also, she appears to have stage 1 from what I know.  I made her more smoothies but this time a lot of strawberries since she dislikes blueberries.  Will meet them at noon.  I have the journal and the calendar.  


Must get everyone here on the straight and narrow before I leave.  Actually, the boys are almost completely independent with their work.  I am still available for English class questions, but that is really all I do with them.  Little dd's mom-dependent work does not take too long.  English class is prepared.  The kitten is back to normal.

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I have cleaned two bathrooms and washed my hair and my face, and am waiting for the first of two loads of wash to spin so I can flip the clothes to the dryer and start the second load.


Overachievers rule.

Edited by Ellie
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Sugar detox is no joke. 
I'm an emotional, depressed mess today. 
I dealt with depression and anxiety all through high school and college, but have been off medication and symptom free for about 8 years. This morning, it was a huge flood of depressive thoughts and I'm walking through school trying not to cry - for no reason at all. The only thing I can trace it back to is that I've been off sugar for a week and detox is hitting hard. 

On the upside, I found a cute Valentine's Day writing activity for my students, so I don't have to "deal" right now. (We are required to change out our student work every 4 weeks, so I'm meeting at least one school requirement.) 

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Sugar detox is no joke. 

I'm an emotional, depressed mess today. 

I dealt with depression and anxiety all through high school and college, but have been off medication and symptom free for about 8 years. This morning, it was a huge flood of depressive thoughts and I'm walking through school trying not to cry - for no reason at all. The only thing I can trace it back to is that I've been off sugar for a week and detox is hitting hard. 


On the upside, I found a cute Valentine's Day writing activity for my students, so I don't have to "deal" right now. (We are required to change out our student work every 4 weeks, so I'm meeting at least one school requirement.) 



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In honor of the year of my birth, of course. (And I guess man walking on the moon, if you believe all that government propaganda. :D )






Your spelling powers impress me greatly.

Thanks to Jean, I have located the statement for my odd father, printed it, and put it in the mail.


Jean is my new favorite person.  All other persons pale in compare to Jean.  If she is purple, all the better.


She is the bomb.

Her thoughts are her problem, thus your decision to ignore her opinion is spot on. :D If she's that stressed, give her a list of homeschool books she can buy herself to read. That'll kill two birds with one stone: you won't spend money that you need to homeschool your kids, and she will be too busy buying books for herself that she won't spend the money on books for the grandkids you'll never use. See how that works?

This advice should be pinned to the top of something:-)


Why does the paperwork never end?  I'm sure that the pioneers didn't have constant paperwork. . .    Weren't we supposed to be a paperless society by now?



Well, we do have toilets and heat, so there's that:D. I was remembering that "paperless" promise yesterday. Predictions are awfully funny sometimes.


DS spent 25 minutes complaining about an assignment that took him 10 minutes to complete.



Of course he did. Because it is so much more efficient :lol:


I love JoJosmom!


Ellie, behaving is highly overrated:D


Lynn, the cuteness is killing me:-)

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Sugar detox is no joke.

I'm an emotional, depressed mess today.

I dealt with depression and anxiety all through high school and college, but have been off medication and symptom free for about 8 years. This morning, it was a huge flood of depressive thoughts and I'm walking through school trying not to cry - for no reason at all. The only thing I can trace it back to is that I've been off sugar for a week and detox is hitting hard.


On the upside, I found a cute Valentine's Day writing activity for my students, so I don't have to "deal" right now. (We are required to change out our student work every 4 weeks, so I'm meeting at least one school requirement.)

I'm sorry sweetie. Yes, sugar is a drug. I hope you feel better soon.
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I think I covered the major points from the last 24 hours.


A math saga update.

We spent NINE HOURS doing math yesterday. There were a few breaks and I let him eat. :lol: I gave incentive. Basically, if you get caught up, you get to go to youth group. If not, tough noogies. He brought his grade up from 68% to 80%, so now he has seen what the numbers look like IRL.


Today, he has to finish two assignments that are due tomorrow. Plus his other schoolwork, of course.


I do believe this week will be forever remembered at the week we did nothing but math.


Tex, which math thread? I can't believe I missed one, lol. Oh, and still no course listing from WTM:-(

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I just realized that I am almost through my first cup of coffee and am still barely functional.  Uh-oh.


Dawn:  Praying for health and for wisdom for your doctor.


Ellie:  Where'd you get a wife?  I need me one of them.


Tex:  The (poison-less) snake-less paradise was a plan.  I spent many of my formative years in Florida.  I have images burned into my brain of our small john boat (a little fishing boat) being attacked by a water moccasin.  I hate scary snakes.  (On the other hand, the cute little grass snakes we have here are A-okay.)


Renai:  I want your wisdom.  It would go well with the slave wife that Ellie shall find for me. 


Slash:  I think Renai's advice was great.


I can't remember anything else.




Oh, Friday.  The fact that it is Deadline Friday takes the fun out of it.  Bummer.  Wish I hadn't remembered just yet.  Stupid wall calendar.

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