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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


<mom voice begins> Ok, kids, no more fighting. Start a new thread if you want to fight. This is a thread of peace, love and joy. If you want snark, sanctimonious opining, or sarcastic battles of rhetoric, there are PLENTY of other threads. We come here to enjoy one another. Full stop. Don't make me come down, over, or around there. <mom voice ends>


On a lighter note, the kittehs, puppies and other very cute things have made me smile.


Tex, ((hugs)) I have been feeling that way lately too.


My day has been filled with constant interruptions from all of the many souls living here. If I am not suffering from some form of ADD already, it is surely going to happen soon. Tonight, my plan is to do Pilates, take a long, hot shower and finish the book I am reading. That is all. Oh and I suppose I should feed everyone. But what, that is the question?


Oh and I finished Farewell to Arms. Is it totally nuts that I actually like Hemingway? There is something about his feeling-stunted staccato that really speaks to me :lol:

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<mom voice begins> Ok, kids, no more fighting. Start a new thread if you want to fight. This is a thread of peace, love and joy. If you want snark, sanctimonious opining, or sarcastic battles of rhetoric, there are PLENTY of other threads. We come here to enjoy one another. Full stop. Don't make me come down, over, or around there. <mom voice ends>


On a lighter note, the kittehs, puppies and other very cute things have made me smile.


Tex, ((hugs)) I have been feeling that way lately too.


My day has been filled with constant interruptions from all of the many souls living here. If I am not suffering from some form of ADD already, it is surely going to happen soon. Tonight, my plan is to do Pilates, take a long, hot shower and finish the book I am reading. That is all. Oh and I suppose I should feed everyone. But what, that is the question?


Oh and I finished Farewell to Arms. Is it totally nuts that I actually like Hemingway? There is something about his feeling-stunted staccato that really speaks to me :lol:

But mo-om!


Congrats on the book!

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I think it's inconsistent to be rigorous about academic and educational theory but then get a bit wobbly when your pet issues are being discussed, especially when you're the one on the soapbox.


I disagree. I think there is a categorical difference between a description of a community and a lifestyle, and an instructional text by an expert. I think that she does take risks in bringing her own personal motivations and history into the book, and again, I read this a while ago so I remember very much her descriptions of being homeschooled and the fun parts of it, but not so much any broad comments about public school that, in a good state of mind, I would disagree with wholeheartedly. But I should note that I hadn't been to this forum either, so the political debates and all that were far from my mind. Instead, I was thinking about my background in classics, my own dislike of my rural high school, my dislike of the international private school system, and how I would educate my kids. I know the US school system is lacking and that's one reason we live where we do. I hate broad generalizations, but then, IIRC, the tone of WTM is much more "Here are concerns people have, here are issues people face, so if you are in that situation, you may find this alternative compelling." That is totally different than sweepingly saying, "Public schools lie so you can't send a kid there in good conscience." I can understand how you'd take the latter interpretation after being on the net all day though... the Internet is full of people who make me so angry. As is the press. But at the time I'd been reading Melville and Rumi and Firdowsi and I was in a better state of mind I suppose.


I did not read it from cover to cover, but I did read some early chapters on theory that seemed fairly sound (I didn't agree with all of it, but it seemed earnest and honest)... and then I saw the "Fallacies" bit in the TOC and that put my hackles up because it was just pontificating and not well supported.


What is the "fallacies" section? Is that new. I honestly don't remember it... hmmmm.... Okay, will go home and read. Is this 'fallacies about homeschoolers' type thing?


So, I think if it was couched in something like "look, as the author, I'm human, and here are my personal feelings and perhaps, biases" but it's not framed like that at all. It's framed as if the public school system is "afraid" to address religious topics and it kind of just comes off as self-aggrandizement.


So yeah, up a few posts I was definitely more flip than necessary. I should have been specific in my criticism. So I'm sorry for that.


But a polite, Donna Reed culture of never challenging anybody's biases is not healthy for education in general and on a forum that ostensibly exists for that purpose it's distressing.


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Oh and I finished Farewell to Arms. Is it totally nuts that I actually like Hemingway? There is something about his feeling-stunted staccato that really speaks to me :lol:


It's not nuts. There's a reason it's a classic. Not my style at all but I can see the value.

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Dd13 totally amazed me this afternoon.


She gave dd9 and dd7 a 2 1/2 hour violin lesson! She taught them how to properly hold the instrument, how to bow correctly (they're still squeaky, though), and she taught them all four strings. She said that I could quiz them -- they know them in any order!

Wow! Marathon session!

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Back from the art museum. It was nice - last day of the Michelangelo sketches exhibit and they also had lots of beautiful Islamic art ranging from 1000 years old to modern. Also an artist from NY who does multi-medium works in rainbow colors using paints and fabrics. Then we spent some time in the "kids art" section and did some projects/crafts.


The museum parking lot was full so we parked a few blocks away at the public library and enjoyed the walk through the city.


Leftovers for dinner.


I like puppies and kittehs and piggies and SWB and awesome people. Jean, come back to your happy place!

Edited by Susan in TN
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Ok, slap me upside the head, tell me I'm crazy, or whatever you need to do to knock some sense into me.


As I've said before, my ultimate goal is to work the rest of this school year and then all of next year. I do not plan on returning to teach the 2017-2018 school year. Dd will be 5 that year and I plan on homeschooling. And, if you've read any of my teaching posts, you know that at times I truly dislike it; I don't really want to teach anymore, and if I could quit now, I would.


So, that brings me to why I need some sense knocked into me.

Over the Christmas break, 2 teachers combined their classrooms and are going to teach in the larger of the rooms. They will use the smaller room for other needs, one on one teaching, etc.

They also got rid of all their desks, got new furniture (couches, pub tables with bar stools, and more alternative seating), and basically, it just looks exactly like what I was trying to do this year, but with VERY limited funds. I'm not really jealous, but I do wish that since I got the ball rolling with the alternative seating, that I could have received some funding instead of spending my own money.

ANYWAY, now I'm second guessing my desire to stay home. I'm all "Maybe it's not that bad. Maybe if I do xyz, abc, lmn, etc that I'll like it again."


My mom calls me a butterfly. I flit from one thing to another all the time. (I think some of this just goes back to second guessing myself and my decisions.)


Anyway, just smack me upside the head, tell me to snap out of it, and remind me that I don't want my child's education to be the one that I'm currently providing. That's all. :)


Your child deserves a great education.


Fixed typo.

Edited by ikslo
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The finish line is insight and I'm getting antsy, I think.

No one here will think any less of you if you give up on your goal of sticking it out a few more years. Why not just be done after this year to give yourself time to ease into the SAHM role? Promise your DH more teA. He'll be onboard.

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I really like Dr. Seuss.

He was a Liberal before it was cool and disinterested in organized religion when being so was almost dangerous in this country. Cool dude and a brilliant satirist.

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Anyhow, working on phonemes with the littlest today. First time we've really gotten down to brass tacks since we pulled her because.. life keeps happening.


I'm now officially (well, quasi-officially) telecommuting 3 days a week, with flexible hours, and so instruction can begin in earnest. We're just gonna start with reading, math, and self-directed study as she finds interests for now.

That sounds like a good start.

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Please do not let me post on the Narcissism and Theology thread. Nothing good will come of it, particularly in my current condition.

See? I'm glad I'm not the only one who is biting my tongue. Although we might be freaking about different things. Because as one poster noted, that thread is a train wreck!

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Do you think maybe you should put her back in school until you can take the time to really teach her? Don't forget about education unboxed.


A lot of people recommend de-schooling when you take kids out. I don't think low key for a few months through the holidays was a bad move at all.

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See? I'm glad I'm not the only one who is biting my tongue. Although we might be freaking about different things. Because as one poster noted, that thread is a train wreck!

Hee hee. I think I must be jaded or maybe I have been on the boards too long. I can see the potential for train wreck, but I don't think it has gotten there yet. The archives have some whoppers. And it still isn't locked, so there's that. :lol:


I really want pizza.

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A lot of people recommend de-schooling when you take kids out. I don't think low key for a few months through the holidays was a bad move at all.

I agree, but his constant remarks about not having the time to teach her and needing to quit and not being able to quit are disconcerting.

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I have bought a bag of caramels. And root beer to have with the pizza. 

I've had one of those afternoons where everything just seemed to get under my skin and bite. And really, they were very small things. Piddling, trifling nonsense, but I just couldn't seem to ignore them. All better now! :001_smile:


Pizza and movie night coming up!


We are doing pizza too.


And I have the stuff to make caramels.


And I'm totally not self-sabotaging my anti-inflammatory diet that I'm supposed to be starting...again.


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College girl's boyfriend is in the Navy reserves and his friend wrote something on a FB thread of his that college girl said is crude deployment humor but she won't tell me what it means. I want to know.

Tell me what he said. I'll bet I can tell you. And if I can't, I will ask dh. (Do we have a shame-faced emoji?)

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I agree, but his constant remarks about not having the time to teach her and needing to quit and not being able to quit are disconcerting.



Oh dear let's not get into what's disconcerting because if you want to get personal it won't be nice.

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We are doing pizza too.


And I have the stuff to make caramels.


And I'm totally not self-sabotaging my anti-inflammatory diet that I'm supposed to be starting...again.


Stop tormenting me with pizza, people!!


That does it. When I take DS to youth group, I am going to pick up some 'za:-)

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Tell me what he said. I'll bet I can tell you. And if I can't, I will ask dh. (Do we have a shame-faced emoji?)

She says it is an inside joke that means a fart sandwich. :huh: I don't even know what that means. :confused1:


It was "Texas toast".


I thought it was crude in a s3xual way.  


I cannot tell if I'm getting a straight answer, and I am not a shrinking violet so I want me a straight answer!


Also, if folks want to have private inside jokes, they shouldn't put them on FB.  Now, it is public property, and I have the right to know. :lol:

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She says it is an inside joke that means a fart sandwich. :huh: I don't even know what that means. :confused1:


It was "Texas toast".


I thought it was crude in a s3xual way.


I cannot tell if I'm getting a straight answer, and I am not a shrinking violet so I want me a straight answer!


Also, if folks want to have private inside jokes, they shouldn't put them on FB. Now, it is public property, and I have the right to know. :lol:

i always thought a fart sandwich is a frat thing when two guys smash another one between them (of course none of them are clothed for whatever gross reason) and they fart on the one in the middle. Hmmm. Now I need to ask Dh about this.


Don't worry, Tex. We will get to the bottom of this!

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i always thought a fart sandwich is a frat thing when two guys smash another one between them (of course none of them are clothed for whatever gross reason) and they fart on the one in the middle. Hmmm. Now I need to ask Dh about this.


Don't worry, Tex. We will get to the bottom of this!

I certainly hope so!  It is really bothering me. :lol:

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