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Dd13 used to play the violin.  She quit last fall.  I'm hoping she'll start up again.


Dd11 plays flute -- and now piccolo.


Dd9 wants to learn violin.


And so does dd7.  Dd7 played recorder last semester.


And ds15 played trumpet for one semester and didn't like it.  He prefers to play baseball.   ;)


Dh plays trumpet and tuba, but he hasn't touched them in a while.  (We don't own a tuba.)


I tried to play oboe when I was 9.  As a first instrument.  It didn't go well.


My dad is a musician, so we three girls all play...something, although none of us continued. I remember playing my dad's trumpet as my instrument in school in primary school. My dad doesn't remember that. I told him he must have blocked out those memories. I certainly remember carrying that case with "Love Bones" written on it.  :lol:  I can pick up things on the piano when I put my head to it (I play by ear). I used to play keyboard for the kid's church choir when I was a teen. I mostly tell people I play tambourine.


Dd16 started picking up piano when she was younger. She's now interested in the guitar. Don't know where she's going to learn that.


Dd5 (turns 5 on Friday!) wants to learn violin. Good luck to her with that... Well, there is a music store in town that rents instruments. They're in our homeschool group too. :D

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John said that when he moves out he's going to miss me and come visit me. Mary and I got into an argument over whether or not I'm naked. Now Matt's reading to them and imma make coffee. Wait... no. Tea. Sleepy time tea.


Gymnast keeps telling me she's always going to live with me. I believe I shared with ITT that she was sobbing and carrying on that she never wants to leave me. It wasn't until the 3rd day that I said that she and her husband could live in the same house with me that she finally calmed down.


We like sleepy time tea, too. Gymnast calls it her sleepy tea.

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Gymnast keeps telling me she's always going to live with me. I believe I shared with ITT that she was sobbing and carrying on that she never wants to leave me. It wasn't until the 3rd day that I said that she and her husband could live in the same house with me that she finally calmed down.


We like sleepy time tea, too. Gymnast calls it her sleepy tea.

About a year ago John and Mary wanted desperately to get married. Matt kept saying no and it made them so sad. Finally I told them they can when they're both 18. Matt was so angry with me. I don't understand why. It won't be an issue by then and if it is we've got bigger problems.

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Dd13 can be dd9 and dd7's violin coach.


Oboes start to sound like instruments after about 3 years of practice. It is difficult to get to that point, particularly when you must deal with your family's efforts to burn it in the dead of night.


We have an ITT marching band, but I think it would be nice to have a string orchestra as well.


Yes, I'm hoping that dd13's interest will be renewed by helping her younger siblings.  She's already been telling them about rosin and she got their bows ready for them.


As for the oboe, I would still like to conquer it at some point.  But with the RA, I don't know that it's likely to happen.  :(

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In fact, I am currently arranging a piece to be played by beginner to advanced string players, with the addition of a flute, piccolo, oboe, trumpet, bass drum, and cymbal. Auditions not necessary.


Is that the kitchen utensil one that you linked the other day?

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About a year ago John and Mary wanted desperately to get married. Matt kept saying no and it made them so sad. Finally I told them they can when they're both 18. Matt was so angry with me. I don't understand why. It won't be an issue by then and if it is we've got bigger problems.


I don't understand why he got mad either. By that age, they'll realize they can get married, just not to each other.  :lol:  But, really, what is it about these kids wanting to get married. That is all Gymnast would talk about for a while - getting married and having 10 kids. I'm like, child you're only four. Go play!

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I don't understand why he got mad either. By that age, they'll realize they can get married, just not to each other.  :lol:  But, really, what is it about these kids wanting to get married. That is all Gymnast would talk about for a while - getting married and having 10 kids. I'm like, child you're only four. Go play!

Mary's been pregnant since my last ultrasound. It's cute.

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About a year ago John and Mary wanted desperately to get married. Matt kept saying no and it made them so sad. Finally I told them they can when they're both 18. Matt was so angry with me. I don't understand why. It won't be an issue by then and if it is we've got bigger problems.

When dd was younger she told dh she didn't want to get married and she wanted to live with us the rest of her life. Of course,  he gently told her that when she was older she wouldn't feel that way, blah, blah blah. You know, like any good, reasonable, rational dad. Well, it kind of got her upset. So, I told her she didn't have to get married and she could live with us the rest of her life. That satisfied her and I told DH, "What does it matter right now? You know she'll probably change her mind and I know she'll probably change her mind. But what's the point of trying to convince her of that now?" That made sense to him. So now, we just agree with whatever she says.


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2016 Booklist:


Parenting & Skool:

10 Ways To Destroy The Imagination of Your Child, Anthony Esolen

Laying Down The Rails, Sonya Shafer

How To Bring Your Child To Christ, Ray Comfort

Simplicity Patenting, Kim Payne & Lisa Rose

Consider This, Karen Glass

Knowing & Teaching Elementary Mathematics, Liping Ma

Deconstructing Penguins, Lawrence & Nancy Goldstone

Shepherding A Child's Heart, Tedd Tripp



The Pursuit of God, A. W. Towzer

The Attributes of God, A. W. Pink

Basic Theology, Charles Ryrie

Lotus Buds, Amy Charmichael

How Should We Then Live?, Francis Shaeffer



The Consequences of Ideas, R. C. Sproul

Plunder & Deceit, Mark Levin

Grey's Anatomy (any opinions on editions welcome)

Boundaries (stopped reading when I got a series of migraines)



It's 12. Don't count them.


Eta: And no, I won't finish them all. The list is pretty though.


I'm quoting this to remind myself to get a book list together. I only know for sure two books I'm reading... :mellow:  :laugh:

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Good Morning!  I slept in til almost 6:00. 


Survived our first day of school yesterday.  It was probably hardest on 12yo dd.  Her co-op homework is non-negotiable, but I agree in theory with the need to ease back in gradually.  I cut math and writing for her yesterday.  I'll probably wait all week on writing and start it next week.  Cutting math is not a habit I want to start, so we'll have to do it today.  Ugh, sometimes I hate Saxon.  But everytime I try something else with her, retention is poor.  Anyway, I digress.  Mostly what I hate about Saxon is jumping back in after a break. 


10yo ds argued with me a bit yesterday and ended up with some extra copywork for it.  And didn't finish his math until after he got home from basketball (only because he got mad at me about the extra copywork and wasted part of the afternoon).  I cut piano and science for him, but he's a much more efficient worker anyway.


7yo dd.  I'm wondering about math again for her.  It's possible she will be the one bright star who would do better with a mastery approach - she just doesn't seem to need lots of repetition or tons of review.  But I don't do well with mastery because when we get to the length and weight and measuring I always feel like we should skip it and get to the more important stuff, lol.  I'd rather the "side" topics be built in a little bit along the way.  I looked at CLE again because it's so easy to teach, but 5 pages/day would have her revolting no matter what the number of problems.  Anyway, I'm thinking about getting her Mathematical Reasoning.  Also, not that you asked, but I loathe math programs where the teaching is in the TM or even a separate textbook (singapore, MIF).  I prefer all teaching in the student "worktext."  (Math Mammoth won't work either.  The pages are horrible looking - so cluttered! and too many problems.)  And I don't want to just cross them out - I've been doing that in Horizons.  BJU might be okay, though generally, I don't like their stuff, and I hate TMs.  I know I'm being ridiculously picky.  



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Good morninig!


Yay for 1st day survival!


I think we will go the the art museum after lunch today.


I read this and thought that yesterday was Monday (which was our first day).  I thought I had lost a day...


And good luck at the art museum.  I have never done this with children.

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The last time I was at an art museum was when I was a senior in high school... and I was there for less than a minute!


Level 3 and Level 4 foreign language students were awarded with a field trip to the art museum in DC every spring.  So, if you took 4 years of a language, you went two years in a row.


During my senior year, we had a French exchange student in my Spanish 4 class.  He had never been to DC before and was going to be returning to France in a few weeks (after our graduation).  My Spanish teacher pulled our class aside (I think there were 6 of us), and said something like this:  "Most of you saw the art museum last year.  T has never been to DC before.  There's more to DC than the art museum.  Don't get arrested.  Don't miss the bus."


We walked in the revolving doors and right back out.  We didn't get arrested and we didn't miss the bus.

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Lynn, I have a love/hate relationship with Saxon math, too.


Dh wants me to use Saxon; but, I'm not a math person at all.  I wish he would teach the high school math classes, but he really is too busy. 


We started using the Saxon Teacher cds this year.  Ds15 is doing really well using it for Alg 2.  

Dd13 doesn't like it at all and pretty much refuses to use it.   :glare:

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Good morning all!


I have slept wonderfully the past 2 nights. That sleepy time tea is better than drugs. I recommend it to Tex. I dreamt of Robin Hood and a fire engine crash. They were intertwined somehow.


JoJosMom, yes, but only to make you laugh. It's $20 for a pink racer back and I think I might get it. I have one that I wear to races that says "Slow runners make fast runners look good. You're welcome."


Lynn, good point. Thanks.

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Saxon was my plan before I discovered vintage math and here's why. As I've said before I know several adult homeschoolers. I actually know another family with 6 more kids but mom and I never talked curricula because we hardly ever get together. I asked all 3 moms for advice, all 3 said to use Saxon Math. It worked for each kid, was independent, had video classes for the upper levels and each kid did great on the SATs. I'm sure there are better things out there like AOPS products, but Saxon is way better than the hive will admit. These kids held onto their math too. Good math skills in their adult lives.

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Well, I finally got around to reading bits of WTM at the library. Sorry ITT, I love ya all, but that book is full of circular logic and abuse of logical fallacies (while it accuses others of same, which is ironic.) It's a bit of a cluster.


Love the board, love the folks, the book is nutso bananas.

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Well, I finally got around to reading bits of WTM at the library. Sorry ITT, I love ya all, but that book is full of circular logic and abuse of logical fallacies (while it accuses others of same, which is ironic.) It's a bit of a cluster.


Love the board, love the folks, the book is nutso bananas.


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I need chocolate and wine.  I just sat with dd for her entire Saxon lesson.  Every single problem.  To her credit, she remembered somethings I didn't think she would.  And then there were other things, of course, that she needed some help with.  That's the thing about saxon and breaks.  It interrupts the review of things that are not yet solid, which often requires re-teaching after the break. 


We survived it.  I didn't kill her.  I only threatened to which she thought was funny. 

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Well, I finally got around to reading bits of WTM at the library. Sorry ITT, I love ya all, but that book is full of circular logic and abuse of logical fallacies (while it accuses others of same, which is ironic.) It's a bit of a cluster.


Love the board, love the folks, the book is nutso bananas.

Stop hiding your feelings, Mark. Just come out and tell us how you really feel! ;)
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I'm quoting this to remind myself to get a book list together. I only know for sure two books I'm reading... :mellow: :laugh:

I have some books started, but I never have an uninterrupted minute to read. And the books I'm reading are great, but take some time to "get in to" and then some one interrupts me. And so I have to start over. Reading for myself has been a constant source of frustration ever since I've had kids. And then, I do exactly what Kon-Mari says not to do. I hear of a book and buy it before I'm ready to read it. Anyhow, these are on my list to finish. Maybe if I state it out loud, I will actually finish them:

The Iliad

"The Forge of Christendom: The End of Days and the Epic Rise of the West" by Tom Holland

"Inferno: The World at War 1939-1945" by Max Hastings

The Theodore Roosevelt trilogy by Edmund Morris

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I know y'all are sick of educational posts.  BUT.  I was thinking (as I read various threads about various math curricula) how funny it is that I can feel guilty one moment for not using a discovery type math program and then feel just as guilty the next minute for considering one that doesn't give enough instruction.  Clearly, I'm weak-minded.  :hat:

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I know y'all are sick of educational posts.  BUT.  I was thinking (as I read various threads about various math curricula) how funny it is that I can feel guilty one moment for not using a discovery type math program and then feel just as guilty the next minute for considering one that doesn't give enough instruction.  Clearly, I'm weak-minded.  :hat:

I'm not tired of educational posts! You could be one of those people that does 3 math programs and spends 2 hours a day on math. Doesn't that sound fun?

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I'm not tired of educational posts! You could be one of those people that does 3 math programs and spends 2 hours a day on math. Doesn't that sound fun?


We're currently doing:


Abeka Arithmetic 1 -- dd5


Abeka Arithmetic 2 -- dd7 (will be finished this month)


Abeka Arithmetic 3 -- dd9 (will be finished soon)


Saxon 7/6 -- dd11


Saxon Algebra 1 -- dd13


Saxon Algebra 2 -- dd15



I think that's enough.   :D


Although I am intrigued by Beast Academy...




ETA:  No, it isn't fun.

Edited by Junie
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 I was woken up by a phone call.  But because it was a good friend, I didn't mind.  (If it had been someone else like a telemarketer there might have been some bad words spoken.)


I called and got an appt. this morning for the doctor to put me back together.  This means I need to go on a pants hunt. 


Going on a pants hunt

I'm going to find a big one!

I'm not scared.

Are you? 

Not me!


Here comes the laundry room. . .


Open up the dryer. . .


Pull out the clean clothes. . .


Phew!  I found some pants! 



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We're currently doing:


Abeka Arithmetic 1 -- dd5


Abeka Arithmetic 2 -- dd7 (will be finished this month)


Abeka Arithmetic 3 -- dd9 (will be finished soon)


Saxon 7/6 -- dd11


Saxon Algebra 1 -- dd13


Saxon Algebra 2 -- dd15



I think that's enough.   :D


Although I am intrigued by Beast Academy...




ETA:  No, it isn't fun.

I meant 3 per kid. Some do that!


I am going to take a shower now because I don't think the doctor will like me smelling like goat. 

I had a gyno complement me on how clean I am when I come in. I was horrified at the thought what exactly he meant by that.

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Well, I finally got around to reading bits of WTM at the library. Sorry ITT, I love ya all, but that book is full of circular logic and abuse of logical fallacies (while it accuses others of same, which is ironic.) It's a bit of a cluster.


Love the board, love the folks, the book is nutso bananas.


I have never read it.  Thus, I cannot be part of this conversation. 









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I've just been doing school with the boys and looking around at grammar for next year. Yesterday it was geography, and I settled on what I want for that. Today I've settled grammar. 

Writing was settled long long ago. :laugh: But I'm still debating if I'd like to blow some Christmas money on The Creative Writer for my boys. Just for fun.

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I didn't wear pants to either of my doctor appointments today.















I wore a skirt. Easier to get imaging done that way.  I sweet-talked the rad tech into just letting me take off my bra instead of having to wear those nasty gowns. 


Also, now I look like I'm super high.  My macula and retinas are happy, though, so good for them.


My doctor wrote in my summary notes that I am "pleasant and interesting".  Maybe I wasn't clean??? ;)

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Why did I click on that thread again?  WHY?  (I am yelling at myself.)  I know why, though.  Because deep down I really want to post my reaction, even though I know it will not go over well.   I shall resist the temptation.  I shan't post on that thread.



Quick, Ellie!  I need a hula video!

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Also, now I look like I'm super high. My macula and retinas are happy, though, so good for them.


My doctor wrote in my summary notes that I am "pleasant and interesting". Maybe I wasn't clean??? ;)

My doctor told me I had a beautiful cervix.


And, apparently I also have a beautiful Booya/h! And in honor of El Niño finally arriving in our drought ridden state (where a half inch of rain makes headlines) ...

"I'm singin' in the Booya/h

Just singin' in the Booya/h

What a glorious feelin'

I'm Booya/h again!"

Edited by KrissiK
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Why did I click on that thread again?  WHY?  (I am yelling at myself.)  I know why, though.  Because deep down I really want to post my reaction, even though I know it will not go over well.   I shall resist the temptation.  I shan't post on that thread.



Quick, Ellie!  I need a hula video!


My doctor told me I had a beautiful cervix.

Well that's quite a compliment!

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