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I pruned half the back yard. It feels so good. I love pruning. Dh hates it when I prune because I am not nearly so conservative as he is with the clippers. But I am a good pruner. And I like to do it. So much more satisfying than housework. I'll come prune ya'lls' yards if you want. (So is that correct? Two apostrophes for plural possessive of ya'll? It's so hard to combine good grammar with bad English. Although Glenn, on The First and Second Form Latin vids like of legitimized it for me. Don't tell anyone, but I have a secret crush on him)


You need a pruning/crush booyah


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I'm not going to say duh since you're pregnant. Yes. Chai tea is steeped in milk. Use any milk you want though, if cow milk is not agreeing with you. Dd16 says it tastes really good with almond milk. She's the chai expert in the household.


I cannot stand chai tea.  I have some Kenyan friends.  They always serve me chai.  I always drink it and smile.  (But I still hate it.)

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There is an excellent audio version of Frankenstein-makes it much easier to get through!





I'll have to check the library.



It was 8 degrees this morning. And windy.  cold.gif  In addition, all THREE horses decided to do science experiments last night, so I had to dump and scrub THREE water tubs.  And the poop froze into the ground and had to be chopped out with a rake. faint.gif


On the plus side, I started my morning NOT with the computer but with a devotional and then a book.  And then did my outside chores. (see above.)  And now, finally, am allowing myself to catch up here.  Do I get points for virtue?  :laugh:


Wow.  You accomplished more this morning than I have all year!  ;)


And, that's about a thousand more reasons not to own a horse.


I pruned half the back yard. It feels so good. I love pruning. Dh hates it when I prune because I am not nearly so conservative as he is with the clippers. But I am a good pruner. And I like to do it. So much more satisfying than housework. I'll come prune ya'lls' yards if you want. (So is that correct? Two apostrophes for plural possessive of ya'll? It's so hard to combine good grammar with bad English. Although Glenn, on The First and Second Form Latin vids like of legitimized it for me. Don't tell anyone, but I have a secret crush on him)


Oooh, oooh, oooya/h! I got a booya/h!



I thought it was y'all.  And I guess it would be y'all's. 


Krissi, What Lynn said about y'all.  It's already plural.  Like ustedes.

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I don't find Frankenstein a slog once I got past the frame of the letter writing man on the ship. It does have some esoteric vocabulary but nothing as bad as Dickens.


Yes, I think it did get better then.  But (cry) with all of the (whine) interruptions (MOM!) at my (I'm bored!) house, it's (whine) really a (cry) hard thing to (Do I have to do the dishes?) get through.



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Susan - did you ever figure out why oh why you were all on a field trip to the mall in the first place? On a weekend, no less???

Apparently it is supposed to be fun to walk around and look at the shops. I would probably have more fun looking at the shops if I had any money to spend there. :D They did enjoy the Lego and Disney stores and the big fish tank at Bass Pro.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Pampered Princess kitten thinks that since she is supervising math and spelling and so forth she should have the opportunity to digest the Memoria Press catalog. And paper airplanes since that would give her leap a boost. 

I've never had a cat more determined to be a paper shredder.

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What Lynn said about y'all.  It's already plural.  Like ustedes.


No. It would be y'all's when you're talking about possessive.


Y'all: you


All y'all: all of you


All y'all's: belongs to all of you


I'm confused.  Y'all isn't plural?

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I think it can be singular or plural for a small group; similar to when a psychiatrist asks how "we" are doing today. :D


I thought that y'all was a small group or a part of a group and that all y'all was the whole group.


Learning more new stuff every day.  ;)


(Where I come from, though, y'all is a four-letter word.)  I picked it up when I went to college in the South, and when I returned to Pennsylvania for break, my little brother was appalled at the bad word I used.   :lol:

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Tex, have you met the boyfriend yet?  How are you feeling?

Met him with migraine and Imitrex brain.  It went well.  He is a grown up, smart, has a good sense of humor, and has a real job.  He is halfway through his degree, has interesting hobbies, and the cat approved of him.  He allowed her to sit in his lap and did not act disgusted even though he is a "dog person".  Lily is a good judge of character.  


What Lynn said about y'all.  It's already plural.  Like ustedes.



I'm confused.  Y'all isn't plural?

Y'all is plural.  It is a contraction for you all, which means more than one person.  When speaking to or of one person, y'all is never used.


Also, I am an expert at this.

Edited by texasmama
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Met him with migraine and Imitrex brain.  It went well.   :grouphug:


He is a grown up,  +1


smart, +1


has a good sense of humor, +1


and has a real job.  +1


He is halfway through his degree, +1


has interesting hobbies, +1


and the cat approved of him.  He allowed her to sit in his lap and did not act disgusted even though he is a "dog person".  Lily is a good judge of character. +1


He is a bit overconfident -1


, and he talked a lot.  -1 I prefer that to underconfident and can't hold a conversation.  


He made a stupid comment about vaccinations, but we vax so I let it go.  -1


When asked about his opinion of homeschooling, he had a safe enough but honest answer which showed the typical "want the kids to have social outlets" statement, but I can work with that. -1


His blood type is A-, +1


and he has no major mental illness in his family.  +1


He is smart, already mentioned, but worth another +1


likes history +1


and does military reinactments around the state.  +1


He was essentially reared as an only child due to having two brothers who are significantly older.  -1


His mom lives with his middle brother and wife.  ?


He is a Texan so points for that.  +1


His religious affiliation passed my check, +1


and he was respectful of a very different denomination which his brother is affiliated with.  +1


He is military +1


and thus pretty far right on the political scale,  ?


but he didn't say anything stupid, and this earned points with dh.  +1


He has a puppy +1 (considering the circumstances)


and two roommates.  +1 (because it saves money on rent)


He let college girl pick out some clothes for him to buy +1


and didn't seem bothered that she did this or told him that he "dresses like a dad".  +1


He can banter.  +1


He answered all questions thus far.  +1


He had a nice, firm handshake.  +1


He greeted each of the siblings with a nice greeting and a handshake. +1


I told him we have guns and a seasonal creek and no one would hear anything but that so far, he passes.*  


*This is not a joke.  I really said this.  However, we were well into the conversation at this point.  I didn't smile too much when I said it so he knows I have an edge.  




Y'all is plural.  It is a contraction for you all, which means more than one person.  When speaking to or of one person, y'all is never used.  Thank you.


Also, I am an expert at this.  I don't doubt it.   :)


It looks like college girl might have picked a good one!!

Edited by Junie
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Hey!  We're watching the Mythbusters Marathon and one of the Mythbuster guys just said "And Bob's Your Uncle....."  :hat:


Dagnabit! DH owns the tv and is watching football.  One of the few things DD watches is Mythbusters (BTW, they came to Really  Big City on Jamie's farewell tour.  And sold out within hours. And I missed it.  So I'm going to parent Hell. sorry2.gif)

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I've been on a diet for less than 48 hours.



I think I'm going to die.




ETA:  Boo-flipping-Ya.


Dieting stinks.


Even if I'm fat and deserve it.

I lost 8 ponds on the Whole30 in 30 days and it stayed gone. Matt lost a lot more, but I wasn't working out due to the carb flu.

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