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For the past few days there has been an actual horse fly outside of our apartment. We have no clue where this thing came from. Last night when we came home from evening service John kept holding the door open to see something. We kept yelling for him to close it and he kept saying hold on. Well, guess what happened. So last night Matt was chasing this horse fly around with vinegar spray thinking it would fall to the ground if we shot it. It didn't. He did manage to get it with the vacuum after I locked it in the bathroom. We had a little mini celebration. Well, I just walked out into the living room and what should I happen to find? Did he miss it last night? Did it survive the vacuum? I don't understand how we missed it. So I'm chasing the thing around with the vinegar and manage to trap it in a little hole that I can't get to. So I got a wet paper towel and covered the whole. Now the damn thing can starve to death.

Edited by Slache
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Probably not in danger of death from your rash. However, I would add ringworm to your differential diagnosis list. I would move poison ivy down because you don't have it on your hands, and I would assume that in a tree farm, you would be touching the trees with your hands before you would touch it with your face. Go see if it glows under UV light for fun. Sometimes ringworm will do that--very Christmas green. 


Not sure I agree with that part about the hands.  Did I ever tell you guys about the time I had poison all over my face one Christmas from a live tree?  My hands were fine.

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You are not old.  You are mature - and I really mean that.  At 30, I was still adjusting to being a SAHM.  I had a two year old.  I did not have a plan for housekeeping or cooking.  I did not know how to structure my days (without work or school to do it for me).  I was not working out.  (I had been to my first homeschool conference though, lol!)  Look at you!  You know so much about educational materials and how to use them.  You're successful with a budget.  You have household routines in place.  You are working out (aside from a few interruptions, lol.).  You have kon-mari'ed.  You have a Bible reading plan.  You have all the things! 


The day I turned 30 I was 6 months pregnant with my 4th.  So 30 is so not old.  I was in low income housing, still fighting with ex about the divorce, though he signed over custody not long after and finally started paying child support after 6 years of nothing.  I felt old at 30, but that was due to stress not actually being old.  

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Good Morning!


My internet was screwed up this morning, but now it is fixed. I had to reset the router. The children have been fed. The animals have been fed. Now it is time to go to the store and get the tlih some fresh groceries and her medication. Then put it all away in her apartment before picking her up from rehab. I have to unload gifts from the van first. I have to hide two bicycles in the garage and put everything else in the trunk of the car (ds's old car which will be dd16' s when she gets her license) without anyone seeing me. Somewhere in there I will have to go to Wal-Mart and find bicycle gift bags. The walmart I was at yesterday was sold out. Amazon didn't have any suitable ones. Otherwise I wonder if 55 gallon trash bags would work?


I say save your money on the gift bags and just put a bow on them.


The Christmas I was ten and my sister twelve, we got 10-speed bikes.  Parents stuck a bow on them, and they were the first thing we saw when we woke up.  I have a very fond memory of us shrieking so loud it woke my parents up.  Shortly after we were jumping up and down on their bed. 


I think wrapping would have lessened the impact, as we would have known it was a bike from the size/shape but not had that instant WOW feeling, kwim?

Edited by ikslo
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Back from running after a week and a half break.  I have to say I'm rather glad I did it, otherwise I would feel so lazy reading about everyone's Christmas preparations, helping people, traveling to family. 


I have not run in awhile.  I also have not prepped my house for Christmas, because no one is coming over this year and it will just be the 3 of us.  (Yay!!!!)


I have, however, spend numerous hours watching the Walking Dead on Netflix in the past few weeks.  Yay, me!  How's that for being lazy?

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Dh took Ds15 to watch Star Wars.  The only other time our dc have been to a movie theater was to watch a free showing of Veggie Tales -- about 10 years ago.


I think this will be an improvement.  ;)


I'll probably get to go see it later this week or next week.  I don't want to go alone, and if I go with dh we will have to pay for a babysitter; so, I guess ds15 will have to watch it again.  I'm sure he won't mind.

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And lunch today at my house was probably just as loud as Star Wars.


It's ds15's turn to set the table this week.  Since he is at the movie theater, I asked dd7 to set the table.  Dd7 cried (loudly, and with gusto) about having to set the table.  Then dd5 started crying and whining because she didn't get to set the table.


Dd11 and I laughed loud and long at them.

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I'm about to engage in a cookie baking frenzy! Wish me luck!


Good luck!


Can you send some my way?  I forgot to make cookies for the librarian and security guard at the library. (Library is at a art school, so the security guard is for the school, not the library, but she's super nice just like our librarian.)  I think I am going to resort to scratch tickets, LOL.

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The day I turned 30 I was 6 months pregnant with my 4th.  So 30 is so not old.  I was in low income housing, still fighting with ex about the divorce, though he signed over custody not long after and finally started paying child support after 6 years of nothing.  I felt old at 30, but that was due to stress not actually being old.  


I was pregnant with my 1st/only.

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At 30 I was still a newlywed.


I'm a later bloomer than you! I was still an old maid at 30. Living in a little apartment, listening to my neighbors fight through the bedroom walls, teaching at a Christian school and really wondering if I was ever going to get married.
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IT to me, the analyst: "What do you need all that data for, anyway?"


Also, they refuse to fix a serious error that requires a major update. The error is that the server doesn't tell you if it downloaded all the data. So like imagine if your bank only recorded half the transactions and they don't know which half because no error. And literally that dire because we administer financial aid. And then IT tells everyone it's all fine and the students get screwed.


And nobody will listen to me.



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And lunch today at my house was probably just as loud as Star Wars.


It's ds15's turn to set the table this week. Since he is at the movie theater, I asked dd7 to set the table. Dd7 cried (loudly, and with gusto) about having to set the table. Then dd5 started crying and whining because she didn't get to set the table.


Dd11 and I laughed loud and long at them.

:D sounds familiar, somehow!

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Not sure I agree with that part about the hands.  Did I ever tell you guys about the time I had poison all over my face one Christmas from a live tree?  My hands were fine.


No, I don't think you've told us that story.

Of course, if one were to get the oil on one's hands, then wipe the face, then get home and wash the hands well, but forget the face, it would be a way to get poison ivy on the face without getting it on the hands. And don't we have somebody here who likes to go out and smell her tree?


ETA: Also not allergic to poison ivy.

Edited by Critterfixer
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For the past few days there has been an actual horse fly outside of our apartment. We have no clue where this thing came from. Last night when we came home from evening service John kept holding the door open to see something. We kept yelling for him to close it and he kept saying hold on. Well, guess what happened. So last night Matt was chasing this horse fly around with vinegar spray thinking it would fall to the ground if we shot it. It didn't. He did manage to get it with the vacuum after I locked it in the bathroom. We had a little mini celebration. Well, I just walked out into the living room and what should I happen to find? Did he miss it last night? Did it survive the vacuum? I don't understand how we missed it. So I'm chasing the thing around with the vinegar and manage to trap it in a little hole that I can't get to. So I got a wet paper towel and covered the whole. Not the damn thing can start to death.


Do y'all not have fly swatters?  I have never in my life chased a fly with vinegar.  :lol:


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I am not allergic to poison ivy

I'm extremely allergic. I'll gladly give you some of my reaction, then we can just be mildly allergic together. Please? 


At 30 I was still a newlywed. 


Same here. 


I'm a later bloomer than you! I was still an old maid at 30. Living in a little apartment, listening to my neighbors fight through the bedroom walls, teaching at a Christian school and really wondering if I was ever going to get married.

I feel ya there. I got married a month before I turned 30, but I did all the rest you mentioned. ALL of my friends were married and had at least 2 kids by the time I even got around to having a boyfriend. I was too shy and too insecure. I felt like it would never happen. 


I met my husband on Christian Mingle. He found me and contacted me. But, I did not want to talk to him. He looked old and bald. (He is bald  (shaves his head) and is 10 years older than me.) He kept pestering me and I was trying to be nice, but still say no. I'd respond with very short answers and I found out quickly that he doesn't take hints very well. lol Because I was too nice to just block him, we started talking and went on our first date exactly 6 years ago this past Saturday. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Also, adding on to the 30's old conversation...
I don't feel that old. Half the time, I still think I'm in my 20s and I'm just pretend playing house. 
But, I know I'm getting older because I have to really stop and think about how old I am. And, sometimes, I can't remember, so I have to do the math. 
If it's that bad now, I'm doomed when I get to my 60s and 70s. 

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I am having a really crappy day.  WOn't go into details and bore everyone, basically 1st world problems.  Just a bad day, and I have to go into work with unbrushed hair because the f*cking stupid dog ate my hairbrush, and even though we own at least 7 more I can not find them anywhere, so unbrushed, dried while still wet hair, here I go.  Looks like I have to go get a 3rd job again, because working 40-45 hours a week isn't enough even with an okay wage.  Especially when they close for 2 weeks causing me to be over $1000 short on this months paycheque, at the most expensive time of year and right when term 2 fees are due to the college.  I hate this time of year.  EVen when I maintain a small shopping budget it screws me up because of the work closure and other costs.  Like I said 1st world problems, I just don't know how I will fit in 1 more thing, and yet I have to, if it is this hard now in september when oldest turns 18 and child support for him stops, and disability payments and child tax benefit (income all canadians get to help for the cost of raising kids) and yet he will not be moving out, he will only be starting gr 12, and still have bipolar and need his meds which will no longer be covered etc.  In other words I will be out close to $1500 every month with even more expenses, and now college graduation is pushed back a year so even longer before I can get a better job, so I have to take on a 3rd one.  My kids have essentially gone feral now due to my lack of being home with them.  And they do not do any school work when I am not home, so if I take on a 3rd job they will either have to go to ps (both teens said they will not, they would rather count themselves as drop outs if I enrolled them, by law they are old enough to make that choice), or I have to let them fail high school at home.  Okay pity party over, I will get through this like I always do, the holidays are almost over, the last 3rd of January things will start to be okay even if I can't take all my courses next term.  I will over come, but I don't know how much more I can sanely take on my plate.  I feel so close to breaking at the best of times.

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Do y'all not have fly swatters?  I have never in my life chased a fly with vinegar.  :lol:



No.  I use a dish towel. 


DS joined me the last time, and it probably looked like we were doing some ritualistic dance in our kitchen with dishtowels. :lol:

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I am having a really crappy day.  WOn't go into details and bore everyone, basically 1st world problems.  Just a bad day, and I have to go into work with unbrushed hair because the f*cking stupid dog ate my hairbrush, and even though we own at least 7 more I can not find them anywhere, so unbrushed, dried while still wet hair, here I go.  Looks like I have to go get a 3rd job again, because working 40-45 hours a week isn't enough even with an okay wage.  Especially when they close for 2 weeks causing me to be over $1000 short on this months paycheque, at the most expensive time of year and right when term 2 fees are due to the college.  I hate this time of year.  EVen when I maintain a small shopping budget it screws me up because of the work closure and other costs.  Like I said 1st world problems, I just don't know how I will fit in 1 more thing, and yet I have to, if it is this hard now in september when oldest turns 18 and child support for him stops, and disability payments and child tax benefit (income all canadians get to help for the cost of raising kids) and yet he will not be moving out, he will only be starting gr 12, and still have bipolar and need his meds which will no longer be covered etc.  In other words I will be out close to $1500 every month with even more expenses, and now college graduation is pushed back a year so even longer before I can get a better job, so I have to take on a 3rd one.  My kids have essentially gone feral now due to my lack of being home with them.  And they do not do any school work when I am not home, so if I take on a 3rd job they will either have to go to ps (both teens said they will not, they would rather count themselves as drop outs if I enrolled them, by law they are old enough to make that choice), or I have to let them fail high school at home.  Okay pity party over, I will get through this like I always do, the holidays are almost over, the last 3rd of January things will start to be okay even if I can't take all my courses next term.  I will over come, but I don't know how much more I can sanely take on my plate.  I feel so close to breaking at the best of times.


:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  


That's all the hugs it'll allow.  I'd give more if I could.

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No, I don't think you've told us that story.

Of course, if one were to get the oil on one's hands, then wipe the face, then get home and wash the hands well, but forget the face, it would be a way to get poison ivy on the face without getting it on the hands. And don't we have somebody here who likes to go out and smell her tree?


ETA: Also not allergic to poison ivy.


We went and tagged it, went back and cut it, and brought it home.  I decorated.  Shortly after I noticed a small pussy bump on my face.  With 24 hours it has spread, and within a fortnight I had a weeping, pussy face.  I spent three weeks on the couch watching VHS movies.  Which meant the same 10 movies I owned over and over and over.  One was Titanic, so it wasn't so bad.  Jack! Rose!


Ended up needing to go to the dermatologist for steroids.   It was bad.  Very, very bad. 


It spread to other parts of my body but my face was the worst.


And whenever people tell me it doesn't spread, I just laugh at them, because um, yes, it does.  At least for me.  YMMV.

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Susan - you need these:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003U6A3EY?keywords=Xlarge%20ziploc%20bags&qid=1450729727&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1 They will zip and you can put them on top of your car and cover with a tarp - less likely for moisture to get in, imo.  I think I've bought them in Meijers and maybe in Walmart. 

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I am having a really crappy day.  WOn't go into details and bore everyone, basically 1st world problems.  Just a bad day, and I have to go into work with unbrushed hair because the f*cking stupid dog ate my hairbrush, and even though we own at least 7 more I can not find them anywhere, so unbrushed, dried while still wet hair, here I go.  Looks like I have to go get a 3rd job again, because working 40-45 hours a week isn't enough even with an okay wage.  Especially when they close for 2 weeks causing me to be over $1000 short on this months paycheque, at the most expensive time of year and right when term 2 fees are due to the college.  I hate this time of year.  EVen when I maintain a small shopping budget it screws me up because of the work closure and other costs.  Like I said 1st world problems, I just don't know how I will fit in 1 more thing, and yet I have to, if it is this hard now in september when oldest turns 18 and child support for him stops, and disability payments and child tax benefit (income all canadians get to help for the cost of raising kids) and yet he will not be moving out, he will only be starting gr 12, and still have bipolar and need his meds which will no longer be covered etc.  In other words I will be out close to $1500 every month with even more expenses, and now college graduation is pushed back a year so even longer before I can get a better job, so I have to take on a 3rd one.  My kids have essentially gone feral now due to my lack of being home with them.  And they do not do any school work when I am not home, so if I take on a 3rd job they will either have to go to ps (both teens said they will not, they would rather count themselves as drop outs if I enrolled them, by law they are old enough to make that choice), or I have to let them fail high school at home.  Okay pity party over, I will get through this like I always do, the holidays are almost over, the last 3rd of January things will start to be okay even if I can't take all my courses next term.  I will over come, but I don't know how much more I can sanely take on my plate.  I feel so close to breaking at the best of times.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Brandy, you make my vent look like a veritable dream. I'm sorry.


WHOA. A booyah! I am sorry to have missed it. I was on a phone! So the new page didn't come up as a new page because the settings are different.






Booyah, to a real great. 


I need this today. Bruce Lee was very wise beyond his years.

Edited by Tsuga
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No worries folks, not trying to bring everyone down, just frustrated. Now at work bleaching toys instead of at home cleaning. But I will be happy to return to work after the break to. Spotless classroom ready to face the new term. I will work on my house tonight for the same reason. I hate cleaning, but it is certainly therapeutic

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