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I craved McDonald's when I was pregnant. I think I needed meat that didn't smell or look like meat. I was not raised on McD's nor did I ever enjoy it as a teen. It was in my mind, up to that point, emergency road food.

When I was pregnant with dd16 I craved McDonald's French fries. She weighed 9 lbs 10 oz. With Ds20 it was pretzel sticks and French onion dip, and the twins, bacon and scrambled eggs.

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You should allow me to make a comment. I'll even make a fake fb for it. :D But, nah. It would come back and bite you in the butt.



Oh, you have no idea. I should change my name to something not me. My mother found this site once while stalking me online. That did not go over well.

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Outta likes for the third time today. 


Home from swim meet day 2.  Thanks for keeping me entertained while I was there.  I'm getting ready to throw towels in the dryer and then go to bed. 


Cake is not my favorite desert, but I'm in favor of letting "them" eat it. 


I feel like I can still smell chlorine. 


Good night! 

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Oh Lynn. I want my kids to do well in swim but this thread is making me feel like... I don't know. Maybe I don't want my kids to have a passion.


Isn't Sahamamama's thread dealing something with passion? (it's the one that she deleted the title and left ... in its place)

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Napoleon Dynamite can fix what ails anyone.


I cleaned up the kitchen, cleaned the sink and countertops and did all the dishes.  Yes, this is notable.


I have random things to say:


This is day 14 of Paleo.


I swept the floors, vacuumed, did two loads of laundry, walked the dog, did a rockin' dinner, and bossed Jean around some.  It was a good day.


I can smell chlorine because of Another Lynn, but it is better than cat pee.


ETA:  Peace out, all Kip-like.

Edited by texasmama
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Renai - I mentioned your flashdrive problem to DS18 AKA Tech Support.  He said that it could be a "problem with the soldering joint".  He asked if it works if you hold it a certain way.  If so, someone with a soldering iron and a steady hand, could fix it.   He also said that first, you should try the flashdrive in another USB port just to make sure that it isn't the USB port that is bad.  

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Renai, what seems off about the baseline?


Yay! She started giving some feedback before we have to turn it in. She's told everyone, except one person, that everything looked great (but he needed to include number of participants). In my baseline, I'm just going to make clear that I have access to the assessment (I'm the one doing it, even though it is state). She also wants me to flesh out the setting more.

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Renai - I mentioned your flashdrive problem to DS18 AKA Tech Support.  He said that it could be a "problem with the soldering joint".  He asked if it works if you hold it a certain way.  If so, someone with a soldering iron and a steady hand, could fix it.   He also said that first, you should try the flashdrive in another USB port just to make sure that it isn't the USB port that is bad.  


Yes, it works when held at just the right angle. For about a split second. I have tried it in other ports, so it probably is the soldering joint. I'll have to look that one up. Thanks!

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Kids back from swimming and now all including baby are gone again.  I need to:

  • clean my desk out so that I can find the bills I need to pay
  • pay them
  • move the junk in the garage back into the bleepity-bleep-bleep crawlspace
  • except for the junk that I plan to kon-mari
  • but can't because dh wants to "discuss" kon-mari-ing it first, and keeps putting that discussion off because he's not emotionally ready for it,
  • and cook ziti for the babysitter tonight
  • so that we can go out on a date
  • which should be lovely date because we actually have a reservation and won't just end up at the vietnamese lunch counter place again
  • unless we discuss kon-mari-ing things 
  • in which case the date will be a flop because I will feel like he values our exersaucer and  his dad's broken end table over my own sanity
  • while he will feel that I am foolishly unwilling to plan for future unforeseen circumstances in which we may NEED an exersaucer and his dad's broken end table.


I am overwhelmed.  Hence/Thus I think I will start with lunch.  


Date went well! Because Kon-Mari did not attend, I think.  


She will have to show up tomorrow, though, because it's getting cold and I neeeeeeed to be able to park in the garage. 


Still outta likes.  I started multiquoting to like everything, but gave up.  Y'all are too dang likeable. 


Bravo Dawn!


Yay for Lynn!


Hugs for all who are vomiting!


And an envious sideglance to all empty-nesters who partied all day.  (That be YOU, Ellie).  Which reminds me, I have an Augusta Suite for a guestroom.  Well, until kids.  Now it looks more like the Augusta Orphanage.  

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Yay! She started giving some feedback before we have to turn it in. She's told everyone, except one person, that everything looked great (but he needed to include number of participants). In my baseline, I'm just going to make clear that I have access to the assessment (I'm the one doing it, even though it is state). She also wants me to flesh out the setting more.

Good feedback.

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Good feedback.


I hope so. the last instructor gave me citation feedback that had me confused. When I asked this current professor about it (we had to turn in our last week's work so she could see what we were working on), she said that feedback was incorrect. I knew that, but if someone else had corrected based on that wrong feedback, well, they'd been wrong. Sigh. 3 more weeks. This is actually coming together quite well since we're doing it in pieces, then putting it all together at the end.

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Remember that family that took me in as a kid? They had a 12 year old boy at the time. He's actually the one that convinced them to take me in. He was over for dinner tonight with his woman and apparently they got engaged yesterday. I was so happy I squealed like a rodent being run over by an old Ford.

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Isn't Sahamamama's thread dealing something with passion? (it's the one that she deleted the title and left ... in its place)


Yes, it is. :D


Swim meets are really something else, though. But as a sport I think swim is the best one, in theory. Even though I'm not good at it. But it's so healthy! 

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I agree that swimming is a great sport.  And there are worse ways to spend a weekend.  It's a bit of a fine line to take a near 17 yr old, who doesn't really need me there.  I  had a good laugh with another older mom there.  We were in no hurry to get into the pool area.  She noticed younger moms rushing in with all their stuff and clipboards, etc.  Yeah, I'm no swim coach.  Only here because ds needs a driver.  Nice to talk to someone who understood, lol. 

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Good morning, ITT.   :)


Sleep report:  slept from 11 ish to 5 am.  Been up since then.  I will be tired later, but I accept it for now.  


Don't have to leave for three hours.


Another Lynn, you have found your swim peeps so you will be good without me.   :hat:


ETA:  Let's see what kind of trouble I can get into on the Chat Board...

Edited by texasmama
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I agree that swimming is a great sport.  And there are worse ways to spend a weekend.  It's a bit of a fine line to take a near 17 yr old, who doesn't really need me there.  I  had a good laugh with another older mom there.  We were in no hurry to get into the pool area.  She noticed younger moms rushing in with all their stuff and clipboards, etc.  Yeah, I'm no swim coach.  Only here because ds needs a driver.  Nice to talk to someone who understood, lol. 


OMG a clipboard!!! In our league you write their races on their bodies with a sharpie... and the really with-it moms take a picture of that with their phones. The records are all online anyway.


My MIL said that her happiest moment was when she realized her kids, 10 and 12, had gone the whole meet without coming to her... she said after that she only went to the away meets and then she brought work with her. That's like, 3 years away for me!

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I was trying out my new dryer, which plays music to me instead of an obnoxious honk or buzz when it wants attention. I'm hoping the charm doesn't wear off, because I don't see any way to tell it to just be quiet.


Trust me, Lynn, that I will never be watching football when I should be on the internet. Unlike certain people.

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So, besides Tex, where are you guys? Watching football? You're not taking this thread seriously. <insert toe-tapping smiley>.

I was checking out the chat board to see if there was any trouble to get into, but alas, hence, and thus, I found none. Dh and ds10 got back from their camp-out and despite the 30* temps last night, they had a great time. They were hiking in the area of the Cumberland Plateau (TN) which is a beautiful area.


Later tonight we'll drive an hour to hear ds's university symphony concert.


Right now I plan to have a snack and ignore the fact that I should be making co-op lesson plans (oooh just felt my stomach tense up. Must. Ignore. More. Vigorously. )

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I was checking out the chat board to see if there was any trouble to get into, but alas, hence, and thus, I found none. Dh and ds10 got back from their camp-out and despite the 30* temps last night, they had a great time. They were hiking in the area of the Cumberland Plateau (TN) which is a beautiful area.


Later tonight we'll drive an hour to hear ds's university symphony concert.


Right now I plan to have a snack and ignore the fact that I should be making co-op lesson plans (oooh just felt my stomach tense up. Must. Ignore. More. Vigorously. )

Oh, no! I hate that feeling, and I will try to avoid it always.


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I am watching my dh as he herds our whole crew along the sidewalk back toward out house.  They are all bundled up in winter gear, and laughing after their walk.




(I would have enjoyed the walk with them but today is the day when everyone who has potty-issues chose to have accidents.  So laundry.  Because poop.)


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