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  • KrissiK


I just took a nap. Not a long one that makes me feel all groggy when I wake up. Just a nice 20 minute nap. Of course I woke up in a panic at 6:15 this morning. I was sure it was Monday morning and DH was going to be late for work. So I woke him up, too. Poor guy. I didn't sleep well last night.


Hope you sleep better tonight.

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Ugh. This professor is not answering my emails. The last one I sent was Thursday. I turned in a couple of assignments late, but within the late timeframe to be considered for grading, But I don't know if she's going to grade them. If she doesn't, I'm going to fail this class. So close...

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I have no idea if I have to link each blog post or if you can see others from the one I linked.  Ignore me if I am being redundant or obnoxious in any way.


Blog for day 2 of camp for those who might be interested.  http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=5980325


day 3:  http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=5981046


day 4:  http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=5982107


day 5:  http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=5982214


day 6:  http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=5982957

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Boy oh boy were we working today. On a day of rest. Sigh. Truly, though, our church small group started back up today and we needed to clean. Really clean. Dh was able to fix the vacuum and boy what a difference a working vacuum makes in the overall cleanliness of the house.


I think I had an allergic reaction to something from dinner. My neck and face started feeling this weird pressure (though not my windpipe or esophagus, so that's good). It is better now, but I am still feeling a bit...off.


Good to have you back, Jean! Love your work at camp!



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Renai, keeping my fingers crossed for graded homework and passing and finishing your class!  And a big hug and "go get em" for a full week of preschool!


Jean, Krissi and Renai (and well, everyone, right?) - hope all of you got a good night's sleep!


Hi Tex!


Hi Ikslo!


Hi Susan!  Vacuuming can make such a difference even if I don't get to "everything."  Now you can "rest" all week because you have a clean house, lol.   


I"ll be in and out a lot today.  Probably won't see you guys until tomorrow.


(Do you think a Star Wars You Tube breaks board rules about posting celebs ?)

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I think I had an allergic reaction to something from dinner. My neck and face started feeling this weird pressure (though not my windpipe or esophagus, so that's good). It is better now, but I am still feeling a bit...off.


What did you eat?

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The Star Wars video breaks the rules of YouTube, but they allow embedding so its not against portals. Autocorrect?


I got 7 hours of sleep and am about to do sports agility training, read for an hour and get some quick housework and school done because the short ones have check ups at 10. Then hubby's home for the rest of the day!

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What did you eat?

A hamburger (made by someone else) with a wheat bun, onion, tomato, ketchup, mustard, and mayo, and corn on the cob. I am wondering if it was the corn - thats the only thing that I rarely eat unless there was something weird in the hamburger or bun.


Lynn, you are so right about having a clean house to start the week!

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Jean - So glad you had a great week at camp. REALLY glad your breathing held out (luckily the fires didn`t plague you at camp).


Hope those forest fires get put out very soon. I`d send you some of our rain, if I could.



It was a flurry of activity this weekend getting the master bedroom painted and refloored. It`s 99% done!! Just one last row of laminate and the trim to put in. It looks so nice. 


The next project looming in our face is the staircase upstairs. We`ve got most of the carpet off and will have to start sanding soon. We want to paint it and put a runner carpet up the middle. It all sounded really easy a month ago, but now that we`re actually doing it.... it`s not easy. ;)

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I am still soooo tired.  Of course this morning Dh had to get up extra early for work.  I actually overslept and couldn't get his breakfast made in time.  I told him to eat his sandwich for breakfast and get something else for lunch.  I now have to drop ds off at work and then keep going on into the big city for my bloodwork.  


There is so much to do here at home:  pay bills, do tons of laundry, grocery shop since I've been gone and probably more but those are the biggies.  All I really want to do is to sleep and/or do nothing.  


OK - got that off my chest.  I will stop being a complainy pants now.


(PS - my understanding is that we are ok with posting YouTubes.)

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Renai - Good luck with with your first week of preK!


Slache - Have fun with your hubby!


wintermom - We pulled old carpet on stairs and scraped and scraped and scraped and sanded...and never did stain and get the runner we had envisioned.  It is hard work, indeed.


Susan - Good luck finding the culprit.  Could be corn.  I'd lean more towards something in the burger, but you never know.  My DS is allergic to some very strange things.


Jean - You can complain all you want.  You are one busy lady.  I'll take my FT job and homeschooling an only any day over what some of you ladies post.  I am amazed at how much you all accomplish.  Reading it all wears me out!  LOL

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I was a dry shriveled up turnip this morning.  I had a really good phlebotomist (she's worked on me before) but she could find nothing.  Finally she did a move that I've never seen done before - she got blood out of me by going from the top of my arm (instead of the inside where they usually look for veins).  Phew!  It's done!  

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Renai, keeping my fingers crossed for graded homework and passing and finishing your class!  And a big hug and "go get em" for a full week of preschool!


Jean, Krissi and Renai (and well, everyone, right?) - hope all of you got a good night's sleep!


Hi Tex!


Hi Ikslo!


Hi Susan!  Vacuuming can make such a difference even if I don't get to "everything."  Now you can "rest" all week because you have a clean house, lol.   


I"ll be in and out a lot today.  Probably won't see you guys until tomorrow.


(Do you think a Star Wars You Tube breaks board rules about posting celebs ?)









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Renai - Good luck with with your first week of preK!


Slache - Have fun with your hubby!


wintermom - We pulled old carpet on stairs and scraped and scraped and scraped and sanded...and never did stain and get the runner we had envisioned.  It is hard work, indeed.


Susan - Good luck finding the culprit.  Could be corn.  I'd lean more towards something in the burger, but you never know.  My DS is allergic to some very strange things.


Jean - You can complain all you want.  You are one busy lady.  I'll take my FT job and homeschooling an only any day over what some of you ladies post.  I am amazed at how much you all accomplish.  Reading it all wears me out!  LOL





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Big fast blurry exciting week with rellies is over with.  Sad to see them leave.  (I have the bestest inlaws ever).  


It will take a little recovery though, because SIL's medical routine meant that we fell into a "late-to-bed-late-to-rise" habit.  




Can I say once again how glad I am that we are not starting school until the 14th?  Lots.To.Do.   :willy_nilly:  

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wintermom - We pulled old carpet on stairs and scraped and scraped and scraped and sanded...and never did stain and get the runner we had envisioned.  It is hard work, indeed.



I have fears of stalling after the carpet and staples are gone. A power sander would be fun, though (in theory). 

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Landry Academy hates me.  Also, we had a very hard week last week for many reasons so my boys did NO Spanish homework.  It is due today.  I am computer illiterate. I hate myself and I also hate Landry Academy.  I am fully convinced it would be less painful to quickly learn to be fluent in Spanish and teach them myself rather than "outsourcing" to Landry Academy.


Why does Landry Academy hate me?

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((Tex)).  I know nothing about Landry but if it isn't a good fit for you, can you get your money back and do Spanish some other way?  

D.  None of the above

E.  Run away from home*


*Does anyone want me?  I have to have a place to run.


I think we mostly figured it out.  I cannot overemphasize how technologically incompetent I am.  It is the reason I don't want to and probably won't go back to university teaching.  I don't want to do Power Points.  I want to stand at a lecturn with a fistful of notes and speak to people.  No Power Point.


My goal is to figure it out, teach the boys and then have them take it over. May the force be with me.

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D.  None of the above

E.  Run away from home*


*Does anyone want me?  I have to have a place to run.


I think we mostly figured it out.  I cannot overemphasize how technologically incompetent I am.  It is the reason I don't want to and probably won't go back to university teaching.  I don't want to do Power Points.  I want to stand at a lecturn with a fistful of notes and speak to people.  No Power Point.


My goal is to figure it out, teach the boys and then have them take it over. May the force be with me.

Young lady, you need to let the boys go at it and then ask them to teach it to you.  Much less stress and they will figure it out in no time.  

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Young lady, you need to let the boys go at it and then ask them to teach it to you.  Much less stress and they will figure it out in no time.  

They don't have a clue, either!  I long for the day when they can do their own stuff AND help me.  This is why I enjoyed working - there were always plenty of people to help me with the computer stuff.  Ironically, my last job was navigating a lot of different computer programs/systems to enter data.  I hated it.


Also, Jean, you are supposed to just say you want me.  <pout>

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Why is my sock mosh pit always so large?  I just separated out the couples and put them in their drawers but the single's mosh pit is never empty or even down to one or two singles.  It's always a party in there.  


 I was just thinking the very same thing.  Got the singles pile down to three this afternoon.   

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I appreciate the kind offers of accommodations.


We have carpenter ants.  I think that they are coming in to get the syrup rug and syrup couch.  We've never had a single ant in 15 years.


I'm currently looking hard for my big girl panties to pull up.



21 muleteam borax (sp*, it is in the laundry supplies) mixed with sugar. 1 box:1 cup of sugar. Mix well sprinkle around outside of  house. I put it in a gallon size baggie and cut out a corner. Safe to use around pets and children. It has taken care of all ant species here. You could put some in a plastic lid and put under couch if they are really bad.



You are welcome to come up here. Love to have ya.  


Last week sucked major.....I was miserable, but doing better now.


The weather is beautiful; sunny with a breeze, clear blue skies, and 80F.  Bbq ribs and fried potatoes for supper tomorrow night. 

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