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Need something to brighten your day?  My beautiful, godly friend is posting here and here about her equally beautiful daughter (severely autistic, seizure disorder, non-communicative) who is currently undergoing RPM training in Texas.  Be still my heart.


 I am just too happy not to share.   :party:

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:seeya: Where'd everybody go?

I have been attempting to pull together our first day of school. Have most of the books and workbooks except for the ones I have but can't find. Can't find the maps I so wisely printed out a week ahead of time. I had violin and cello students in and out all day so it was very hard to help ds10 with his math and when I came up from an hour of teaching he was sobbing at the table. Sigh. Only a couple more weeks of having this many students in and out, and then we will get back to "normal".

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Now, if I could just find someone willing to hang our drywall... apparently our job is too small for anyone to want to bother with.   :glare: But once the drywall and new carpeting are done, I'll be about to move us back into our schoolroom.   :hurray:


Too bad we don't live close. Dh would do it.

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  I registered for my fall courses, taking 4 of them, 3 for my early childhood program, 1 from mental health.  THe end is coming close for early childhood, I will only have 1 course and 1 practicum remaining for winter term and then I will graduate from that one.


Hear, hear! I'm on my last three courses. Week 3 of 5 in the emergent literacy course, and then 2 research courses. Last day of last class is 11/7!

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My, it was quiet around here today!  


Our mason was a no-show.  I get it, really I do.  It's the nature of the job.  But still slightly annoying, since I'd hoped to catch up with him first and now I'm likely to be out when (if) he arrives tomorrow.


Dd's conjunctivitis was ruled "allergic" last week, but now four more of us have had it (including me today) when NONE of us have ever reacted like this to seasonal allergies.  So I'm doubting the diagnosis.  But taking zyrtec and hoping for the best. 

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Good Morning!


No C25K for us this morning.  We're thinking of switching to evenings to get the kids to go with us.  But that's at least a 10 degree change, made worse by humidity.  Also, I feel like I need to do something on the C25K off days, but I don't know what.  Dh suggested P90x core, but I think that's quite a bit beyond me. 

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I love chickpeas in any form.   :D  But at the bottom of that recipe post there's a link to a similar recipe at desert candy that roasts the chickpeas crispy instead.  


Crispy, sweet chickpeas sound good!  I do love hummus, but find chickpeas a little dry and squishy otherwise (kind of like beans). 

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Good Morning!


No C25K for us this morning.  We're thinking of switching to evenings to get the kids to go with us.  But that's at least a 10 degree change, made worse by humidity.  Also, I feel like I need to do something on the C25K off days, but I don't know what.  Dh suggested P90x core, but I think that's quite a bit beyond me. 


Great idea to get the dc included, though it's nice to have some alone or adult time for exercise to recharge your own batteries. Do you and the family bicycle? That can be a really fun family activity. Badminton or tennis can also be fun. Personally, I'm saving up for kayaks, but I keep using up the money on indoor tennis in the winter.

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Need something to brighten your day? My beautiful, godly friend is posting here and here about her equally beautiful daughter (severely autistic, seizure disorder, non-communicative) who is currently undergoing RPM training in Texas. Be still my heart.


I am just too happy not to share. :party:


Bubbling over with more happiness! Part 3. The last link I'll share, but I know Jeneil would love your thoughts and prayers as they move forward from here.



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((Hugs)) for all ITT ladies. Looks like we're all needing a break! I've been feeling a little tired and anxious myself and I'm not sure why. However, the bright spot of my morning was spotting a black-billed grosbeak at my feeder this morning and I've never seen one of those before, though he was easy to identify! Gorgeous black and orange bird!


Have a good day, ladies!

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Just popping in quickly to let you know I'm not ignoring ITT.  I'm planning more lessons for the coming school year, trying to get more curricula ordered, dealing with GI issues I assumed were due to my recent choice of foods, trying to get the house tidied up more, dealing with a sick child whose symptoms make me suspect I might be wrong as to the cause of my own GI troubles, and constantly running around trying to remember the multitudinous things I think I have forgotten.


Basically life is :sad: :willy_nilly: :confused: :( :willy_nilly: :banghead: :zombie: :wacko: :ack2:   right now.

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I forgot :svengo:



Though I did get the homeschool table cleared, expanded a little, and set back up again with less clutter.  And I hand-scrubbed the floor underneath -- dry erase markers and colored pencils tend to leave a lot of flakes that stick to tile.  Especially when a rolly chair rolls over them repeatedly.


Hugs for everyone, since I'm sure we all need deserve them!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I LOVE rubber chicken games!! Did you find them? We used to sell them at my former job - they were for fun variations of physical activity games. http://www.ciraontario.com/chicken-and-noodle-games

We found rubber chickens.  At our local pharmacy.  (I'm not sure what that says about our local pharmacy which is more like a small general store but hey someone bought them, right?)


I am going to order that book!  It won't help with this year's camp but there is always next year.  

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We watched Running Wild with Bear Grylls last night where he takes a different celebrity each time out into the wilderness.  This episode was Michelle Rodriguez who I guess is an actress in the Fast and Furious movies.  (I haven't watched those movies so I didn't recognize her.)  But . . . this actress - she is my SIL in so many ways!  How she looks, how she talked, her mannerisms!  Do you ever watch something and say "That person reminds me of _______?"  I was doing that the entire show.  

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Need something to brighten your day? My beautiful, godly friend is posting here and here about her equally beautiful daughter (severely autistic, seizure disorder, non-communicative) who is currently undergoing RPM training in Texas. Be still my heart.


I am just too happy not to share. :party:

Wow! I was in tears. (Really, and not like on Facebook when everything brings everyone to tears, it it really did touch me!)
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The allergic conjunctivitis has now spread to me and dh and dd6.  So methinks it's not allergic.  





Dh called in sick, which he never does, and we've all been stuck inside in the rain.  With the exception of a rather unique medieval playmobil battle involving a wild chicken knight and ds14mos growling like Smaug while throwing flaming tin foil boulders from the couch where he was perched safe and sound from all the choking hazards on the floor, it's been a boring day.


Which is okay.  Easy Peasy Mac-n-Cheesy for dinner tonight, then bed.  I'm looking forward to that.  

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Ducklings, I don't like that your "allergies" are contagious.  Ouch!  I can totally picture your medieval playmobil battle including the wild chicken knight (I think we have some of those) and the 14mos old throwing from the couch.  How cute!  Hope you all feel better soon.


Wish it was one of Jean's rubber chickens.  THAT would have been really hilarious.  But it was entertaining nevertheless.  And now I'm dyyyyyyyiingggggg.........gasp gasp.  last breath.  And I'm gon

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I'd edify you with even more boring posts about my boring day, but I Am Now Running On Reserve Power.


You may thank my dh and his on-going, all day online pre-season Packers research.   Someone tell me please : how much can the pre-season football landscape actually change in 25 minutes?


Does he play fantasy football?  He and my dh would have a lot to talk about.



OOOOH, and BOOYAH!  or (booya for some)




This is the thread that never ends....


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Today I KonMaried last year's cup of crayons. Now we have a cup of nice, new crayons.


Also, I am looking for a product, robot, or pet that can be programed or trained to find #2 pencils and put them away in the supply caddy. The ability to sharpen the pencil or add an eraser when needed would be a plus.

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