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I like these single subject threads on the K-8 Board.  What are you using for Spelling?  What are you using for Grammar? etc.  They are leading me slowly into the deeper waters of curriculum commitment one subject at a time. 

Don't be afraid.  The water's fine.  :D

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I woke this morning to see an email from the bank requesting that I call them immediately. So my card is cancelled now. I wonder if it was from the Target hacking or the Sony Corp hacking? Or something completely unrelated to those. At least they caught it very quickly.


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Hi, everyone.  I am very, VERY sorry to have been away so long.  I bit off 'way more than I could chew, so I've been entirely self-focused for the past week or two.


Getting a new hearing aid is a VERY big change, it turns out.  One's brain gets fatigued easily from trying to incorporate and sort out the new feedback, and it takes at least 2 weeks to become accustomed to it.  In addition to getting used to the newly augmented hearing one must revamp one's morning and evening routines, plus stay quite mindful of which activities one can do with the hearing aid in and which one really shouldn't do (like swimming) while wearing it.  One must carry with one a small case in which to put said aid if one is going to be life-guarding for the swimming kids at Grandma's and Grandpa's swimming pool.  One also needs to remember to carry appropriate batteries, and one sometimes goes overboard referring to oneself as "one".


Starting something like Whole30, even if we have prior experience doing something like this before, is a major change.  It requires a lot more cooking, a lot more cleaning (more pots and pans and dishes), and a lot more time spent on planning meals and grocery shopping (lots of reading of labels).  There are also more frequent restroom visits due to the shift in diet and increase in water intake.


Doing both of these things at the same time (change diet and adapt to new hearing aid) while actually trying to do some homeschool is rather insane.  Throw in trying to plan out more of the coming school year and feeling the pressure of the already messy house (getting messier) and all I want to do is dive into Castle or Blacklist or NCIS or other escapist TV.


Yesterday was more difficult because I deliberately wore my hair down and loose.  I had been wearing it in a ponytail since getting the hearing aid because the noise of my hair brushing against the aid was constant and quite distracting.  I knew I needed to get used to it so my brain could learn to filter that out, however, so yesterday I wore my long hair down all day (it worked -- as the day progressed my brain filtered out more and more of it).  On a day when the temperature officially topped over 110 degrees F.  And we got rain for the first time in about a month, but it was very short-lived, only enough to rehumidify the air.  To top it off the annoying boy at Aikido was extra annoying.  If DD14 gets fed up with him enough we will start bringing school books so we can claim she has school work to do and must be left alone.


I think today is working out to be a wallow day -- a day during which I wallow in self-pity over my current set of difficulties (all self-inflicted) until I get fed up with myself and get off my duff and do something.  (I'm definitely getting tired of this current mode, so a good wallow ought to knock me firmly into Enough-of-all-that-land.)  I have a wonderful DH and kids who have been trying to do a bit more of the dishes and housework since I've taken on this stuff, but there's stuff I need to sort out and get out of their way so they can do the stuff they are trying to do.  DH has been doing this despite having to work longer each day -- he is doing his own work plus his boss's while his boss is away on vacation.  I need to get the wallowing out of the way before the weekend so I can focus on letting DH have some downtime.


So, I'm sorry I haven't been here at all, and I'm sorry, but I'm probably going to be gone more through the weekend at least.  I hope you all are still surviving and thriving.  I'll try to start catching up again next week.


Hugs for everyone!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I woke this morning to see an email from the bank requesting that I call them immediately. So my card is cancelled now. I wonder if it was from the Target hacking or the Sony Corp hacking? Or something completely unrelated to those. At least they caught it very quickly.


WHAT??? :scared:

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Hi, everyone.  I am very, VERY sorry to have been away so long.  I bit off 'way more than I could chew, so I've been entirely self-focused for the past week or two.


Getting a new hearing aid is a VERY big change, it turns out.  One's brain gets fatigued easily from trying to incorporate and sort out the new feedback, and it takes at least 2 weeks to become accustomed to it.  In addition to getting used to the newly augmented hearing one must revamp one's morning and evening routines, plus stay quite mindful of which activities one can do with the hearing aid in and which one really shouldn't do (like swimming) while wearing it.  One must carry with one a small case in which to put said aid if one is going to be life-guarding for the swimming kids at Grandma's and Grandpa's swimming pool.  One also needs to remember to carry appropriate batteries, and one sometimes goes overboard referring to oneself as "one".


Starting something like Whole30, even if we have prior experience doing something like this before, is a major change.  It requires a lot more cooking, a lot more cleaning (more pots and pans and dishes), and a lot more time spent on planning meals and grocery shopping (lots of reading of labels).  There are also more frequent restroom visits due to the shift in diet and increase in water intake.


Doing both of these things at the same time (change diet and adapt to new hearing aid) while actually trying to do some homeschool is rather insane.  Throw in trying to plan out more of the coming school year and feeling the pressure of the already messy house (getting messier) and all I want to do is dive into Castle or Blacklist or NCIS or other escapist TV.


Yesterday was more difficult because I deliberately wore my hair down and loose.  I had been wearing it in a ponytail since getting the hearing aid because the noise of my hair brushing against the aid was constant and quite distracting.  I knew I needed to get used to it so my brain could learn to filter that out, however, so yesterday I wore my long hair down all day (it worked -- as the day progressed my brain filtered out more and more of it).  On a day when the temperature officially topped over 110 degrees F.  And we got rain for the first time in about a month, but it was very short-lived, only enough to rehumidify the air.  To top it off the annoying boy at Aikido was extra annoying.  If DD14 gets fed up with him enough we will start bringing school books so we can claim she has school work to do and must be left alone.


I think today is working out to be a wallow day -- a day during which I wallow in self-pity over my current set of difficulties (all self-inflicted) until I get fed up with myself and get off my duff and do something.  (I'm definitely getting tired of this current mode, so a good wallow ought to knock me firmly into Enough-of-all-that-land.)  I have a wonderful DH and kids who have been trying to do a bit more of the dishes and housework since I've taken on this stuff, but there's stuff I need to sort out and get out of their way so they can do the stuff they are trying to do.  DH has been doing this despite having to work longer each day -- he is doing his own work plus his boss's while his boss is away on vacation.  I need to get the wallowing out of the way before the weekend so I can focus on letting DH have some downtime.


So, I'm sorry I haven't been here at all, and I'm sorry, but I'm probably going to be gone more through the weekend at least.  I hope you all are still surviving and thriving.  I'll try to start catching up again next week.


Hugs for everyone!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  back at ya.


One could offer words of wisdom and comfort if one were that kind of person, but if one is not, the best one can do is hugs, hoping that those are understood to speak from the deepness of one's heart what one would say if one could.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  back at ya.


One could offer words of wisdom and comfort if one were that kind of person, but if one is not, the best one can do is hugs, hoping that those are understood to speak from the deepness of one's heart what one would say if one could.


One is a very wise and comforting monarch.  My heartfelt gratitude, Your Majesticness.




It looks like quote notifications might be back!

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I'm just briefly popping in to peek while waiting for the dryer to finish wrinkle releasing.  Big hugs to Ellie, because I seem to have missed something in the last 26 pages, and because even if I didn't she obviously deserves them anyway.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


And so do the rest of you, so more big hugs for you all.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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The dude is here painting the ceiling* and is rolling it.  He will be here all day, and I was supposed to take my odd father to two grocery stores because his car is in the shop.  I will need to take my odd father to grocery stores in the evening.  


Also, the dog threw up and I scooped it into the poop scooper and tried to toss it over the fence but only succeeded in tossing it against the side of the porch, and it exploded all over the back porch, much to the confusion of the dog.   



Edited by texasmama
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Do you usually brush your ceilings when you paint them?  I always roll mine, so I'm wondering if you specified because it seems odd to you.


Some people use power sprayers or power rollers, if enough masking and covering of walls, floors, and other things is possible.

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I meant versus spraying it, which would take about an hour.  We have too much stuff, they said, and it would spray paint on our stuff.  Rolling it will take 5-6 hours when I would have been taking my odd father to two grocery stores thirty minutes away.  Now I will be going in rush hour traffic to a crowded store on a Friday Night, plus another store.  He has specific things he needs at both stores.  He will likely also complain about the way my van smells and the way I smell, which is odd, but he is odd.  He has a lot of allergies to scents and chemicals, and the way he expresses this is, "You bother me."   :lol:   It is not quite as bad as it sounds, partially because I have lived with this most of my life, the fact that I bother him.  I suggested that my SIL might be able to take him, and she and her clothes and her car "bother him" even more than me and my hair and my car.  We have an odd relationship, me and my odd father.  I bother him but am the best of his options. :lol:


Yesterday morning he called me at 8 am and asked when we could go to the stores because the ozone would be bad, which bothers him.  But I was never going to take him yesterday because I was taking ds12 to the dentist and then having over my clinical supervisee (my only paid gig).  So I called him on the way to the dentist to tell him it was Friday, but then dh scheduled a dude to come roll the ceiling.  So here I am with the ceiling rolling dude and not my odd father at grocery stores while I bother him.


You have a lot on your plate again!  How old is your odd father?  He sounds crotchety, like my dad.


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The dude is here painting the ceiling* and is rolling it.  He will be here all day, and I was supposed to take my odd father to two grocery stores because his car is in the shop.  I will need to take my odd father to grocery stores in the evening.  


Also, the dog threw up and I scooped it into the poop scooper and tried to toss it over the fence but only succeeded in tossing it against the side of the porch, and it exploded all over the back porch, much to the confusion of the dog. :lol:  Then I gave myself a B12 shot, shoved the peanut butter covered heartworm pill into the dog's mouth and squeezed out her flea and tick control on her back.  She is very suspicious about all of these happenings and will only eat the pill if I put it in her mouth covered in peanut butter.  Then she looks at me with a look of terrible betrayal and walks slowly off.


Remember when ds14 poured an entire bottle of pancake syrup on the rug/couch?  I told the painting dude about it, and he said I should roll it up and take it to a do it yourself car wash and spray it with hot water.  I think I really might do that.  I don't want detergent, though.  Do they have just hot water in one sprayer?  There is one not far from us, but it is in kind of a rough neighborhood, and I would stick out.  


Ds12 has chosen Nicholas Nickelby for us to watch while we hide from the painting dude in the upstairs office.


Did I mention that I forgot sunscreen the other day?  Ouch.


*From the repair of the ceiling when the pest control man put his foot through it.


Lots of hugs for you.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


When I was a teen we had a yellow lab and we always gave him his heartworm pill in peanut butter.  We tried jelly once when the peanut butter ran out, but he just slurped it around, spit out the pill, and swallowed the jelly.  We ended up having one jar of peanut butter that was all his because it was a cheap brand we thought tasted nasty.  It was chunky, which happened to help hide the pill a bit (we cut up the pill to make chunks the same size as the peanut chunks).


Wash-it-yourself car wash wands can be cycled at will between water and soap.  If you have a pressure washer (or can borrow one) I'd just take the rug out to the backyard or driveway and have at it with that, but if you don't then the car wash is essentially a rental power washer.  Look at the bay before you lay out your rug, however, because some bays get quite gunky with tar and grease from utility vehicles being washed there.  Find one with clean bays, even if you have to go farther afield to find one.


I sympathize on the sunscreen omission.  Been there done that, and recently, too.  (In my defense I thought I sunscreened, but the sprayer was faulty and my shoulders didn't get the coverage I thought they did.)



I'm currently taking a sanity break while waiting for the dryer to finish and the section of tile floor I mopped to dry.


The dryer is dinging.  Back to actual work.  At least I'm off my duff, somewhat.  The activity helps me tone out the cicadas that I can hear all too well.  I didn't realize there were some that were that high pitched.  They sound like electrical wires buzzing.

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I woke this morning to see an email from the bank requesting that I call them immediately. So my card is cancelled now. I wonder if it was from the Target hacking or the Sony Corp hacking? Or something completely unrelated to those. At least they caught it very quickly.


Hooray for the bank's prompt action!  Been there, done that, really appreciate sharp-eyed banks.  Hugs for you and the bank employees!  :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Also, the dog threw up and I scooped it into the poop scooper and tried to toss it over the fence but only succeeded in tossing it against the side of the porch, and it exploded all over the back porch, much to the confusion of the dog. :lol:  Then I gave myself a B12 shot, shoved the peanut butter covered heartworm pill into the dog's mouth and squeezed out her flea and tick control on her back.  She is very suspicious about all of these happenings and will only eat the pill if I put it in her mouth covered in peanut butter.  Then she looks at me with a look of terrible betrayal and walks slowly off.



Did I mention that I forgot sunscreen the other day?  Ouch.




Most days I envy your sun-filled Texan life.  


Today isn't one of them.   :lol:   


(jk!  Hope your burn heals quickly and a nice hard rain comes along to wash off the porch.)

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Most days I envy your sun-filled Texan life.  


Today isn't one of them.   :lol:   


(jk!  Hope your burn heals quickly and a nice hard rain comes along to wash off the porch.)



And the kids made fun of me when the throw up hit the side of the porch.  They were pointing and laughing as they watched through the windows.

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And the kids made fun of me when the throw up hit the side of the porch.  They were pointing and laughing as they watched through the windows.


For shame! And after all the trouble you went to to BIRTH them.  


(At least I'm decent enough to just  snicker quietly behind your back from 1800 miles away, and you didn't even birth me.)

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Big hugs to Ellie, because I seem to have missed something in the last 26 pages, and because even if I didn't she obviously deserves them anyway.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


And so do the rest of you, so more big hugs for you all.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Health issues. Not life threatening, but life affecting. Whine whine whine.


One appreciates the hugs, of course.

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My poor odd father is 76. I'm pretty sure he is on the autistic spectrum. Once I decided that, it really helped me with our relationship. I figured this out a couple of months ago when we got the final dx of my son as ASD. My father loves me more than he loves anyone in the world, and he showers me with praise about what a fabulous person, mother, etc. I am.


He tells me I am his mother, which, in effect, I am. He had a poor mother, and I am a good mother so I don't mind. I am already mothering plenty of people so what is one more?




This is a lovely thought. And another reason we love Tex:-)

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It is! It is!


This is the thread that never ends...


I dedicate this BOOYA to Jean and Ellie :hugs:


And Quackers for the cute finger thingie.


And Tex for loving her daddy.


And Renai for educating you minds,


Aw heck, for ALL of you for educating young minds:-)

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My wonderful DH took the day off work and all four of the children camping. I packed them up and they just left. I am home ALONE.


insert party icon here


This is the first night I have been ALONE in my house since.....I don't know, maybe ever.


What will I do????? I am not sure. Maybe watch a movie I couldn't watch with children? Any suggestions?

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My wonderful DH took the day off work and all four of the children camping. I packed them up and they just left. I am home ALONE.


insert party icon here


This is the first night I have been ALONE in my house since.....I don't know, maybe ever.


What will I do????? I am not sure. Maybe watch a movie I couldn't watch with children? Any suggestions?

Fill me in because I'm soon to be home alone for 4 days. I know I'm going to sew some skirts and prep a few months worth of food and perhaps make some jewelry, but that's only like 2 days worth. You can be sure as anything I'm sleeping in!

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