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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK


You get 50(?) likes for a 24 hour period. When you reach your max you have to wait to like again.


So, if someone likes something I said, I get another like to use? Because I ran out of likes early this afternoon, and now I'm able to like some things again.

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So, if someone likes something I said, I get another like to use? Because I ran out of likes early this afternoon, and now I'm able to like some things again.

No. You get 50 in a 24 hour period. If you hit the 24 hour mark at 10 AM, and you're 49th like was at 10:05 the previous day you will get another like at 10:05. I'm having a hard time explaining this. Does that make sense?

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No. You get 50 in a 24 hour period. If you hit the 24 hour mark at 10 AM, and you're 49th like was at 10:05 the previous day you will get another like at 10:05. I'm having a hard time explaining this. Does that make sense?


Yep. Got it. But, that means I shouldn't be able to use any likes for the rest of today, but I can.  :confused1:

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Yep. Got it. But, that means I shouldn't be able to use any likes for the rest of today, but I can. :confused1:

It's 9:00 now. You've used 50 likes since 9:00 last night. You have to wait until the time after 9:00 that you used a like.

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I guess the thread is now complete. And consider your day, made.

yes, I am soooooo late to this party (and maybe I missed someone else posting kilts because I skipped pages (*gasp*) ) but no thread is complete without kilts.  Scroll to post #8 



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There are lots of different causes, some treatable.  In my case it is believed to be hereditary hearing loss (not treatable), and each note of ringing will be there until I can no longer hear that frequency at all in that ear.  Still, it has been several years since I was seen by and ENT and I really should get my hearing checked again to see if it's bad enough to warrant hearing aids yet.  I keep hoping they will come up with some way to get rid of it without me losing more of my hearing, but no luck yet.


I have found that on occasion some really great acoustics with melodious music can sort of cancel out the ringing for a spell.  There's a local venue that a couple of times a year gets in a musician or two that I like, so we go when we can.  I get that relief in bits and pieces during the concerts, at least.  It's like sinking into a wonderfully fluffy feather bed when it's blizzardy outside, only auditorially.




That's cool about the acoustic relief you sometimes get.  So sorry it's not treatable; glad you don't need aids yet.  Hearing is so taken for granted by people (like me) who have no problems.  My father has Meniere's disease and talks all the time about how isolating it is.  (Thankfully his vertigo spells are rare -- maybe 4x/year for a couple of days at a time -- so he has not suffered surgery with its accompanying complete hearing loss.  But he really hears very little anymore, even with aids.)

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Oh, I see how it is.



I'm sorry. I think. I'm really tired.



Oh no!! I was totally teasing, Slache, and not even remotely offended.  My brain damage is a source of constant good-natured teasing among my sibs, and had THEY posted your post, they clearly would have intended a jab at the state of my overall mental faculties, and I obviously would have retorted with some snide insult.   :D


Infinitely points for being sorry about something that you didn't even need to feel sorry about. BFFs Forever, OBB​™ .  (I think the forever in that is redundant, but oh well.)  

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I'm just bratty enough to post.5b.jpg



yes, I am soooooo late to this party (and maybe I missed someone else posting kilts because I skipped pages (*gasp*) ) but no thread is complete without kilts.  Scroll to post #8 





Big huge welcome party!!!!!   :party:  :party:  :party:

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Arghety arrgh!


I have tinnitus. For nearly 20 years now, I think. One does get used to it, but there are times it's worse and times it's better. It drove me nearly insane for the first 2 or 3 months, however. I had sleep deprivation until I grew so tired I just slept through it.


This just reminded me of something, my fellow couch md's. I have been getting dizzy for the last few months. But it is only when I tip my head in a certain direction. This would indicate fluid in the ear, but the dr didn't see much. So when I lay on my left side, I get a wave of dizzy, but then it equalizes and I am fine. Until I get up... Lol. Anyone experienced this. Maybe I just need to load up on Claritin for a while:-( it isn't horrible. Just mildly irritating.

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Huh. I was expecting to find zombies and here y'all are still at it. :D


Have to quit pretending that I am planning for our camping trip and actually do some work!


How do you know we're not?


And what's your problem with zombies, anyway???

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back from the movies. Bear peed all over himself in his sleep. Yay. Big dogs make big puddles. I think he feels bad but I told him not to worry.


Poor Bear.


Poor hornblower. :grouphug:


It's hard managing is-it- end-of-life issues for our fuzzy friends. :sad:

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How do you know we're not?


And what's your problem with zombies, anyway???

Your coherent typing gives you away.


Here is zombie typing:


Sdifhluilvhuear pihua refhfluvis dilhufv dscduhi sgruhail,s gdfs


Dfowg n

Po hgfd ohfi




DBWRKfjherigregula Bl ehav

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Your coherent typing gives you away.


Here is zombie typing:


Sdifhluilvhuear pihua refhfluvis dilhufv dscduhi sgruhail,s gdfs


Dfowg n

Po hgfd ohfi




DBWRKfjherigregula Bl ehav


You've obviously been hanging out with sub-par zombies.


Bless your heart.

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Ds is doing copy work of his own volition. Which is great, except that I really need to do other schoolwork with him right now before baby awakes.


So do I interrupt a child who is happily unwittingly completing schoolwork, just so that I can do other schoolwork? The dilemma.

Nope. Leave him be. You will just have to trust me on that.
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I cannot begin to imagine Listerine post-dental surgery.


:scared: :scared:





It's been a looong time since I had dental surgery.  I'd forgotten how bad that can be.  


ETA: Thankfully, Renai's listerine should hurt as much. 


ETA AGAIN:  That should say shouldn't!  Renai's listerine SHOULDN'T hurt as much!!  Golly, I'm having a bad morning.  Apparently I can't type when the kids are awake.  

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Nope. Leave him be. You will just have to trust me on that.


Okay.  Trusting.


He just asked me how to spell something, and I turned it into a spelling/phonics lesson on the board.  So I feel a little less delinquent.  


(He's got every superhero book he owns out, and is writing his own superhero story by finding words he wants and copying them into sentences.  Which of course requires reading, and he hates reading so this is especially nice.)


Sacrificing my own plans… I can do this, I can do this…..

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Sacrificing my own plans… I can do this, I can do this…..


Not sacrificing. Restructuring.

Believe me, when the urge to write strikes a child, get the heck out of the way and do a little dance when nobody is watching. 

It's a beautiful thing.

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Okay.  Trusting.


He just asked me how to spell something, and I turned it into a spelling/phonics lesson on the board.  So I feel a little less delinquent.  


(He's got every superhero book he owns out, and is writing his own superhero story by finding words he wants and copying them into sentences.  Which of course requires reading, and he hates reading so this is especially nice.)


Sacrificing my own plans… I can do this, I can do this…..


I'm not a control freak. At all. So I totally cannot really relate.  But I can imagine that this is hard.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Confession, Quackers.  I lied.  I'm a total control freak.  I totally get it.


More :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .


I have ONE.  And God made her my COMPLETE opposite.  Oh, the growth opportunities.


Even more :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .

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