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Help me stay hydrated this winter


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Good question.  I don't want to drink so much coffee or tea, either, but nor do I enjoy regular water in winter, mostly because I prefer cold water, but don't like cold water in winter, except, perhaps at meals.  I do drink flavored bubble waters like La Croix, and that helps at times.  La Croix has no sweeteners at all, only natural flavor.  Kinda like a Perrier, but much, much cheaper.

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I got a SodaStream for Christmas and I use it to make sparkling water - I don't use syrups. Cold bubbly water hits the spot in a way that plain water just doesn't. I drink a lot of water now!


I realize that you're probably not looking to buy a machine, but try out sparkling water and keep your eye out on craigstlist for a sodastream if you want to do it long term.

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This sounds gross, but I have the same problem, so here goes...


I put a splash of cranberry juice in the bottom of my water bottle, and then fill it up with warm water.  


The tartness of the cranberry juice makes warm water a bit more palatable.  I love carrying it around, too.  Warm hands. ;)



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Tepid water with lemon or lime.  Dh prefers sparkling water, and sometimes it really does hit the spot.


Soup or stews to eat. Foods with lots of liquids help with the amount of liquid consumed.  Oatmeal, applesauce, pie, chili, puddings, jello.


We've been on a smoothie kick for the past few weeks, typically making recipes that have protein and fats as well as liquids.  These often become partial meal replacements, if not total meal replacements.  A couple of somewhat decadent dessert-type examples: Apple Pie in a Glass http://healthyblenderrecipes.com/recipes/vegan_apple_pie_smoothie (leave out the ice cubes if you want) or lemon cheesecake http://healthyblenderrecipes.com/recipes/raw_vegan_lemon_cheesecake_smoothie (dd does a variation of this with less lemon, leave out the banana and add frozen raspberries).


One thing I've learned in our smoothie-o-mania is that romaine lettuce is a diuretic.  Just throwing that information out there since I discovered it when I had to run to the bathroom hourly after a chocolate banana romaine smoothie.

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I also like warm drinks in winter--mostly coffee and herbal tea. I try to drink a cup of water before every cup of coffee or tea. I personally find seltzer water like LaCroix just goes right through me; it has a more diurectic effect on me than coffee. Dh doesn't have the same problem though. Someone linked True Lemon type powders. They make unsweetened versions of the lemon and lime (it's in the baking sections vs beverages at my local Kroger) that work great in water.

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