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Quick! What do I do with my breasts?


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They have been marinating in teriyaki sauce, but I don't know what I want to do to make them into dinner. These are chicken BTW. ;) I don't really want to grill them because we just had grilled chicken last week. I'd like to cut them up and sauté them with...somethings? And. Maybe serve over pasta? Not sure. Give me ideas, please!

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I opened for the thread title too.  Well done!  LOL


Bake them (grill them, whatever, just cook them!) and then make them into fried rice?

Or slice them and stirfry them with broccoli (and carrot, onion, beansprouts, whatever you have....) and serve over rice.

Or cook them any-old-how and do a donburi kind of thing, including the cooked egg.

To be honest, teriyaki and pasta doesn't strike me as a good combo.  I like fusion cuisine normally, but I'm not that keen on sweet pasta, and teriyaki is pretty sweet.  Unless you do a soba or an udon type thing, I guess...still not my fave, but it works.

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I actually assumed you were talking about chicken based on the title. How boring am I? Lol.


I also would stir fry with veggies and serve over rice.


Of course. If it wasn't chicken, she'd have asked, "What can I do with my bOOks?"



I'm doing a sort of primavera with chicken.  :) i put in onions, garlic, yellow and red peppers, sherry, and Herbs de Provence. Over pasta.



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