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Exercise Thread ~ February 1st - 7th


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RedSq- hope you got some rest

wintermom-tennis in the snow?   LOL ya'll are crazy

Rieshy- double class of MA sounds brutal

lollie010-keep up the good work!

Slache--BMI   Laura Corin posted a BMI thing a while back ago. 

Laura--your walks must have amazing scenery.  So good for refreshing the soul.



Today skillwork, stretch roll.   I'm just sore as heck from last week with kind of a wiped out, run down feeling.  This week is active recovery for me, but MA is on double, triple time.    I don't always list it for some reason but MA is every day this week.

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 Last night's double Martial arts was such an amazing workout that I was soaring when I got home- we were mostly boxing and always moving and at the end we practiced flying knee kicks.  Soooo fun! We also did approximately a million atomic abs.  Not to mention my boxing partner was one of the sensei who was participating instead of teaching- holding pads for him was a real treat.  I was elegantly dripping sweat.


Today is home school co-op day so no running (again) but martial arts and kettle bell tonight.


I go by measuring tape and clothing.  BMI is a curiosity but I don't feel like it gives me any real info.  It's not for the slight of bone or the muscular.


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Laura--your walks must have amazing scenery.  So good for refreshing the soul.



I'm looking forward to a little more light - we are on a latitude with Alberta, so we don't get much sun in winter and it's hard now that I work to be outside in daylight.  Come midsummer, we only get a few hours of darkness though.


A slower paced day today - might not have time to walk, but have a yoga class this evening.



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I think you need to go to the doctor to get a good body fat measurement.


No matter how much I work out I'm skinny. I have definitely moved from underweight solidly into the middle of the BMI spectrum without gaining a single dress size! Woot! Pants size went up but only because of my incredibly sexy butt.

Same here. I just have the doctor tell me BMI and she uses the regular chart. I know it's not perfect but I'm fine with that. I was always a 17 or 18 BMI  and now I'm 19 so I'm happy cause I know that's muscle. My clothes fit tighter in my butt and thighs and arms. I used to have skinny chicken wing arms but now they have pretty muscles. My legs on the other hand.....still chicken legs = bigger thighs with stick calves.  :lol:



Yesterday, I did not workout as I had a sore throat through the night and all day. It feels much better today. I did total body today. 


Also, I give everyone permission do something today to celebrate my birthday.  :thumbup: Have something yummy to eat, have a drink (your choice of non-alcoholic or alcoholic), and/or do something fun or naughty like skip chores and watch TV or read brain candy books. It's a holiday after all.  :D

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Same here. I just have the doctor tell me BMI and she uses the regular chart. I know it's not perfect but I'm fine with that. I was always a 17 or 18 BMI  and now I'm 19 so I'm happy cause I know that's muscle. My clothes fit tighter in my butt and thighs and arms. I used to have skinny chicken wing arms but now they have pretty muscles. My legs on the other hand.....still chicken legs = bigger thighs with stick calves.  :lol:



Yesterday, I did not workout as I had a sore throat through the night and all day. It feels much better today. I did total body today. 


Also, I give everyone permission do something today to celebrate my birthday.  :thumbup: Have something yummy to eat, have a drink (your choice of non-alcoholic or alcoholic), and/or do something fun or naughty like skip chores and watch TV or read brain candy books. It's a holiday after all.  :D

Happy birfday!!


The thing is that if I go by the chart I've gone from 40% to 36% despite going from a size 23 to a size 14 (I'm a 12 when I'm really thin). My doctor says I'm less than 30% but I haven't been in over a year and have lost a ton since then. Essentially my issue is that every time I talk to my mother she asks how much I weigh and then judges me. It's so much fun. If I was able to tell her my BMI was 25%, or even 20 (a girl can dream) I think it might shut her up for a while.

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wintermom-tennis in the snow?   LOL ya'll are crazy



Thank goodness we play inside in a heated dome. It's awesome to wear shorts and t-shirt inside to play, after bundling up in multiple layers of pants, hats, mitts, etc. when getting to the tennis dome. Like a little taste of summer in the middle of winter!!  :hurray:


I got in some delightful  :coolgleamA:  snow shovelling last night in - 21C + windchill. Blah. I understand better every year why so many Canadians head south for Jan - March. 


I get to play tennis again this evening!! It's a semi-private lesson to work on technique and doubles strategy. Should be great!

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Also, I give everyone permission do something today to celebrate my birthday.  :thumbup: Have something yummy to eat, have a drink (your choice of non-alcoholic or alcoholic), and/or do something fun or naughty like skip chores and watch TV or read brain candy books. It's a holiday after all.  :D


Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for the invitation to help celebrate! My favourite tea these days is Bengal Spice, which tastes a little sweet due to the cinnamon but has no sugar or artificial sweeteners. It's very yummy.

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I'm looking forward to a little more light - we are on a latitude with Alberta, so we don't get much sun in winter and it's hard now that I work to be outside in daylight.  Come midsummer, we only get a few hours of darkness though.



I grew up in Alberta, and remember the long, dark winters. (Parts of) Ontario is a little further south, which is kind of nice. We're getting a whole 10 minutes more sunlight every week now. Doesn't that make you cheer (or cry)? ;)

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I grew up in Alberta, and remember the long, dark winters. (Parts of) Ontario is a little further south, which is kind of nice. We're getting a whole 10 minutes more sunlight every week now. Doesn't that make you cheer (or cry)? ;)


Our daylight shifts really fast (because it has to go from so little to so much).  At the moment, we are gaining four or five minutes per day.  But at least it's not very cold (we are only five miles from the sea, and the Gulf Stream wraps around the UK).  The temperature is hovering around freezing at present.



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Our daylight shifts really fast (because it has to go from so little to so much).  At the moment, we are gaining four or five minutes per day.  But at least it's not very cold (we are only five miles from the sea, and the Gulf Stream wraps around the UK).  The temperature is hovering around freezing at present.




I wish our weather hovered at any one place this winter. We've yo-yoed between -20s C for several days, up to a steamy -5 for a day, then back down to - 20. I still haven't gotten up the courage to go skiing on that one "warm" day this year. Maybe I'll ski next year. ;)

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Ok, so I did a 30 min kettlebell/cardio interval workout and that was a good workout. And then I started to do a 20 min ballet body core workout when I glanced at the clock. It was already 10pm! I just had to stop. I hadn't realized we had got off to such a late start. I honestly thought it was not quite 9pm.


Tomorrow my youngest has TKD so I can get a solid 60 mins of exercise peace and quiet at a decent hour

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Happy Birthday mom-ninja
Winter mom-warm tennis sounds good
Ausmumof3- I can't dance. Truly. I look like a frenzied zombie.

Which made my zip(zumba w/weights) especially mortifying last night. I also did an hour yoga class after that. I swam laps in the morning. I have no idea how many because I would have to focus and count. My mind wanders too much. Another reason to run. Runkeeper counts miles for me. Off to run again this morning because the temp is supposed to get colder and snow start at noon. Forty-sixs days until spring, right! Right?

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After a sluggish start on cardio at the gym yesterday, I felt like a superstar by the time I finished. My favorite thing right now are the box jumps, which are simply wooden boxes of varying heights placed on the floor. I can't believe I can jump like that. I was scared the first few times, thinking I might fall. I love it, because it's a pure act of will. I have to talk to my legs and tell them they better move (both at the same time) when I tell them to or we will all land flat on the floor. Lol.


I feel like the only thing lacking in my workout is a good abdominal program. I do a few sit-ups when no one is looking. I should probably start doing that at home.

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Yoga teacher introduced 'plank-jacks' into the class last night.  Goodness knows what I looked like.  Oh well - the advantage of being the oldest person in the class (there's one woman in her forties and then twenty people who are three decades younger than me) is that whatever I manage has got to seem like a miracle to all the other participants.


Hobbes has a one-hour Chinese class this evening, so I should be able to get about four miles of walking in.  I didn't meet my 10,000 step goal yesterday because I did yoga instead, but I'm trying not to get too obsessive about that.....



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  I didn't meet my 10,000 step goal yesterday because I did yoga instead, but I'm trying not to get too obsessive about that.....




I know what you mean.  I used to get my steps in every day because walking was what I did to keep active. But now I do other things that don't accumulate a lot of steps and it's been an adjustment to realize that 6000 steps and an hour of weights/HIIT and other gym work is really more effort than the 12,000 steps I was getting last summer by just walking.

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Rieshy- Your class sounded like it was an amazing good time!  Love it!

Slache-- Your mom should not be asking you about your BMI.  Tell her you don't discuss it.   Religion, politics and BMI are not good dinner conversations.  ;)

myblessings4--feel better soon!

joyofsix--OMG you did a lot yesterday.    How do you feel today?

lollie010--You *are* a superstar!   :D



Today WO, stretch, roll, MA.   My goal today is to make sure I'm really eating a lot today.  Yesterday, I felt a little (maybe more than a little) wiped out towards the end of MA.   I seriously can't afford that this week.

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I have a meeting this morning, but I managed to get my quick 2 mile run in.  I had originally talked myself into running after the meeting, but I never seem to quite get the workout in if I put off.  So I ran.  and I'm going to the meeting a little sweaty... oh well!


I am going to do a 7-min. workout when I get home, before my shower.  I will check back in if I make that happen...

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FB cardio/toning day. Then I was off to the dentist. 


Btw, witch hazel on cotton pads make for great wipes when you need to leaver quickly right after a workout. Just wipe your sweatiest areas with witch hazel, put on deodorant, and throw on your clothes. 



I tried a new breakfast I saw in Shape magazine. Half an avocado (with some of the flesh scooped out) and crack an egg in the hole. Then bake for about 15 min. It's pretty good but it needs salt or salsa or something.

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Today WO, stretch, roll, MA.   My goal today is to make sure I'm really eating a lot today.  Yesterday, I felt a little (maybe more than a little) wiped out towards the end of MA.   I seriously can't afford that this week.



Chicken breasts baked in something like a spicy salsa and then cut up in pieces (I keep a bowl in the fridge handy for people to snitch from) has become a go-to snack, along with flour tortilla/peanut butter rolls for martial arts snacks.  You mentioned doing ma class every night this week- are you revving up for a test?


I jumped up a weight level in my TGU's for kettle bell and single hand swings.  It felt wonderful.


The rest of today is an active rest day of stretching, rolling, slow katas, maybe some handstands and a long walk.  

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I've had the flu for the past week or so and haven't broken 3,000 steps. Thanks for the mother comments. There are a lot of issues there.


SD-The point of this underwear is?

Ausmumof3-Coordination? I believe I've broken my nose 8 times in my life (it's really easy after your 1st). Watching me work out would be a terrifying endeavor that I would never subject someone to.

wintermom-I highly recommend http://www.gnc.com/GNC-Pro-Performance-AMP-Amplified-Wheybolic-Extreme-60-Original/product.jsp?productId=41785886&cp=3593186.45669946.45670056


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This afternoon was so beautiful, that I decided to go on a walk... and once I was out on a walk, I decided to run.  It was such a beautiful day in the 50's!  I was able to run outside with just a long sleeve shirt, no jacket or hat or gloves!  Lovely!!


So, I can add 25 minutes of running to my 2 mile run this morning.  And I was able to do one 7 minute workout set.  

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You folks have weather in the 50s!  I am so darn jealous.  I would be happy to see 30. It is supposed to be 18 tomorrow, with a wind chill of -16, but at least we are supposed to get our daily inch of snow.


Anyway, I did 40 mins of Tonique Premier for my cardio and a 15 min Tracy Anderson butt workout. I am happy to say that I am feeling much stronger doing the Tonique. I am doing the whole first part (squats) with weights now. I couldn't do weights at all when I started, but I have been doing a little bit more every time. Next I am going to work on the second part, lunges. I am going to ignore weights for that part for now and really focus on getting a good deep lunge. Once that is better I will add weights.

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Wendy in HI--50 degrees?  Oh my.  I bet there was sunshine too?  Running outside in sunshine?   I bet it was beautiful!

Mom Ninja--that avocado breakfast sounds good!  I love avocados!

Rieshy--beginner tourney (first!!!)  PM me the chicken recipe.  I've never done it that way.

Slache--get better!  My goodness the flu just sucks the life out of you, doesn't it?   The Pros are for wearing under uniform.  I need serious anti-up the butt factor for MA.    Rieshy?



Today:  skillwork, stretch, roll, MA.     If I have time to soak, I will.  Does that count as part of my WO?  :p


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This morning it is 5. Note the lack of a zero after that 5 :p. I went to the gym where I was the only person so i worked my way through each and every weight machine. Ten reps each with as much as I could do. I had to read the instructions on them because I didn't even know what they were. I'm better off than I thought and an assisted pull up may change my life. I also did the elliptical.Good times!

Have a great day all!

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Okay, if it were 50 here and I went out to run I'd be wearing a winter coat, hat, ear muffs, and gloves. 


Slache, my mom used to harp about my weight saying I was too skinny. She used to try and goad by telling me that men like "real women" that have "real curves" and how was I supposed to keep my dh happy? 


She finally stopped when I just repeated over and over my weight is what it should be any time she made comments. 



My throat started hurting again yesterday. My kids had a cold last week, and it's toying with me this week. Sore throat on Monday. Nothing on Tuesday. Then scratchy yesterday. This morning I could barely shallow. So I got up a bit late, but I still did my scheduled workout. It was a low impact day. I did negative push ups and tricep push ups today. Haven't done those in a long time. Got to love the shaky arm action. :D

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Wendy in HI--50 degrees?  Oh my.  I bet there was sunshine too?  Running outside in sunshine?   I bet it was beautiful!



I'm sorry to say that we are not in HI any more.  I need to change my name...  we are in Northern VA, now (which is a little better than our last duty station in South Dakota, but not quite Hawaii!!)  


I don't think it was ever as cold as 50 degrees where we lived in Hawaii.  When the temps dipped into the high 60's everyone would pull out their puffy coat vests ;)   I was a good runner in HI, and would run at about 6am daily.  I wore a long sleeve shirt just twice in the 3 years we were there while running, and regretted it both times.  I miss Waimea Bay!  Nothing like a long run along the North Shore followed by a nice float in the ocean!


Back to reality.  Cold windy morning.  I went on a 3 mile run (mostly run, a little walking).  I'm glad I went.  And I did a little stretching.  


Have a great day!

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Did push ups to hand stand practice (against a door) this morning- and then so did 3 of my kids.  We discovered that this activity puts our dog into total panic mode. ??  


Martial Arts tonight.


This afternoon I have kettle bell, stretching, and kata work.  I need to run but the scones I made for breakfast have turned into a heavy weight in my stomach and all I want to do now is sleep;  Excuse me children, school yourselves, momma's going back to bed.


Snickerdoodle- soaking totally counts as part of your workout.

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Our kettle bell instructor had us do something similar to this Tuesday night- but he had us on the heel of our straightened leg and he wanted us to go into the deepest squat possible, making sure to track bent knee correctly.  I couldn't do it well even without weights Tuesday night- Some weird coordination glitch I guess, so I"ve been practicing it holding onto the corner of a piece of furniture.  I hope to add weights today.  He also said it's something you could do holding onto TRX equipment.

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