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Incessant cough in 4 yr old


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It could be asthma.


If you put your ear to her chest, do you hear wheezing? Sometimes you can hear a little "catch" and sometimes not but it can still be asthma.


I know the logistics are difficult but it is something I'd go to the doctor for. IME, 4 year olds can get in breathing trouble really quickly.

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I would watch for retractions, especially movement around the shoulders/collarbone/neck area or below the ribcage while breathing (if you see that, you want to go in asap!  Check youtube if you're not sure what I mean).


It's also possible that it's just a sinus infection.  Or pneumonia.  Or asthma.  (BTDT with all of the above.)  It's hard to know until your child is seen.  Considering that the coughing is incessant, I would go in.  (Sorry, I totally get that too, BTDT with six kids.)


FWIW, in our house, we do not give cough medicine.  The cough can be important to get stuff out and/or keep things moving to keep pneumonia from developing.  Lots of water.

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Yes, I'd go in, too.  I first thought of cough variant asthma, too, but especially since you've had the flu at your house (aka plague, LOL), I'd want someone to listen to her lungs and do a pulse ox.  (Unless you have a pulse ox at home?)  The flu that's going around is nasty for kids, and it caused quite a flare up of DS's cough variant asthma.  We needed to use the nebulizer a lot.  You want to be sure your little one is getting enough oxygen.  


I don't have med recommendations - we don't do cough meds, due to asthma.  Other than the nebulizer, of course.


I hope she feels better soon!

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My son had a similar cough that started at that age. It was worse at night when he was lying in bed. Our pediatrician said it was likely allergies. He started on daily Zyrtec and a daily inhaler called Flovent. He also has albuterol for bad days. But we almost never need the albuterol except when he has colds. He doesn't wheeze anymore.


We took him for allergy testing, as well. That doctor agreed with our current course. We removed his carpet since it was old, and dust mites was one of his allergies. We covered his pillows with the special allergen covers, and I wash his sheets very often. He is doing so much better now. He has not been diagnosed with asthma. He was a preemie and had severe lung issues at the time, so he's really doing we'll not to be asthmatic.


I would take your daughter for allergy testing. If you don't do that right away, at least go to your pediatrician get her checked out. The Zyrtec my son takes made a lot of difference even without the inhaler. Hope that helps.


Edited to add: I just saw you said the cough just started, so my example probably wouldn't apply. My son's cough went on for a month or two before it became an obvious problem.

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Yes I had the flu almost 2 weeks ago. She has been vaccinated. This child always seems to get a nasty cough whenever she is sick. I always think it's whooping cough.


I guess I will make an appt. our pediatrician is a nightmare to get in to & the wait is so long once you are there. I Am in a small town so there isn't a good option.


I don't usually do cough meds (except at night to help them rest) either but this is really bothering her. I tried some herb tea & it helped but she wouldn't keep drinking it. I tried just honey. And ACV. She's been taking elderberry syrup.


I am so sick of sick. Another one of mine has ran fever past 2 days & the baby has a bit of a cough. Blah!!!!!

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Yes I had the flu almost 2 weeks ago. She has been vaccinated. This child always seems to get a nasty cough whenever she is sick. I always think it's whooping cough.


I guess I will make an appt. our pediatrician is a nightmare to get in to & the wait is so long once you are there. I Am in a small town so there isn't a good option.


It could be cough variant asthma triggered by viruses.  I just had the bug where I had a fever and was miserable for 12 hours but then the fever broke and I felt better but had a terrible cough.  I ended up with inhalers, oral steroids and a nasal spray..........cough variant asthma.

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I'll throw out another suggestion, what I think I currently have--bronchitis or a chest cold. Mine started with a completely dry cough but started producing small amounts of mucus in a day or two. I'm in my second week of it. One thing that definitely helps is a nice steamy hot shower if she'll put up with it. I'm finding smoothies, 7-up, popsicles, fudgesicles, and even a chocolate shake or two to be soothing. Vitamin C drops (Halls) will calm the cough for a bit, and other sugary candy would probably help too.

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We've had so many coughs these past two years. When we use cough medicine, we make sure to get an expectorant only. Not a cough suppressent. This might not apply to you, but just wanted to throw it out there--there are different types of cough syrup. An expectorant lets you continue coughing, but loosens the stuff in your lungs so you can cough it out.

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I've had a dry cough now for 4 weeks after the flu, and various things help temporarily, but the last few days, a steam 'bath' with eucalyptus oil and Vicks Vaporub has helped immensely. 


I just pour a capful of the eucalyptus oil and a fingerful of Vaporub in a basin.  Pour boiling water over, and sit at the table with the bowl in front of me, with a towel over my head to trap the steam.  At first, it's a little strong, so I need to just breathe it in with no towel over, but within a minute or so, it's not so strong, and I use the towel.  I try to breathe in the steam through nose, and mouth (separately).  If a nostril is a little blocked, hold the opposite one closed, and try to get some steam into the blocked one.  I probably do 5 breaths through the nose, then 5 through the mouth, then repeat...for five minutes.  This has helped reduce my coughing and wheezing to almost nil so that I can sleep longer periods.  Up till then I'd slept no more than about 2 hours without waking from wheezing or coughing.

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This worked for me the other day. My DS5 had a cough that was keeping her and her sister up. It was driving everyone crazy. Poor girl. Found a natural remedy. Boiled 2tblsp of fresh organic thyme in water for ten minutes, strain the thyme out and add a tsp of fresh ginger and some lemon juice and honey to taste. The thyme is the most important ingredient. It will relax the muscles to stop the coughing. It will also hydrate the child to give a more productive cough when she does cough. It worked amazingly for my kid. Thyme is used in many countries to treat whooping cough. It's that good.


Edited it for more clear instructions.

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Look into "cough variant asthma." My DS was diagnosed with this around the same age. He had a very persistent, hacking cough, worse at night. No wheezing, so I never thought about asthma.

I agree.....my 12-year-old was diagnosed with asthma about six months ago. He also had a persistent dry cough, worse at night or if upset. Never had wheezing, so I never thought about asthma.

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This worked for me the other day. My DS5 had a cough that was keeping her and her sister up. It was driving everyone crazy. Poor girl. Found a natural remedy. Boiled 2tblsp of fresh organic thyme in water for ten minutes, strain the thyme out and add a tsp of fresh ginger and some lemon juice and honey to taste. The thyme is the most important ingredient. It will relax the muscles to stop the coughing. It will also hydrate the child to give a more productive cough when she does cough. It worked amazingly for my kid. Thyme is used in many countries to treat whooping cough. It's that good.


Edited it for more clear instructions.

Thanks! She isn't coughing much today but I will save this for the future. I forget about thyme!

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