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Gratitude Week 2!


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A family that doesn't mind pitching in and helping with things.


A young pony (2) who caught on to (most of) the things young ponies should know without ever having had lessons in them last year.  I've no idea how she caught on, but I'm really thankful for it!


Safe air travel that helps us avoid lengthy winter transportation via car.

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I have a ton because I have been thinking a lot about what I worked hard for after the thread on how people make it.


I worked so much harder than my parents and was sad that I'd never get the retirement they will get, or have property like they had the chance to get. Not if I sacrificed everything I have. BUT--


--I have real weekends.

--I have a job that doesn't require a real retirement, because it's physically easy and yet not so long that I don't have time to exercise.

--I am partnered with my best friend. Joy. (My poor parents never got remarried. :( )

--What I wanted most as a child--a good education in a good school district with smart friends, music lessons, sports, and language, my kids have (even if it means we save less).

--I actually live near my mom, which my mom and dad did not do, partly because their parents were distant, and partly because they chose to leave the crappy materialistic Southern California culture they grew up with. I'm very lucky we live in such a fantastic place.

--Unionized holidays--we are planning a month off this summer. Yay.


Also, I traveled for ten years when I was young. You know how old people say, youth is wasted on the young? I actually didn't waste mine. I spent my entire late teens and twenties running around the whole gosh darn world and going to clubs and trying new things, not hard drugs or sex but getting to know people and their music and dancing and trying all kinds of foods. I sacrificed for that doing hard work and I couldn't have done it had I not studied hard in college and put my nose to the grindstone. But ultimately, one thing I can say is that I don't envy young people for all their fun because I had all of it. More and more I know people who did not have their fun and I feel very lucky because once you have kids, you're never going to get that freedom back, ever.


So that is a lot but I thought I'd share because I have had a very rough 2014 in terms of realizing my place in life, how I'd probably never really get a decent place, unless I sacrificed it all for money.


Finally, I have small boobs so I never have to wear a bra except with a white button-down shirt (as for white tee-shirts, you're welcome, fellas). That's nice.

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For not getting the car stuck in the slushy melting snow. Was worried I wouldn't make it and have no way to pick up ds from school.


For a yummy supper.


That my biggest problem this evening is deciding if I should make cookies.


Also, I really enjoy reading everyone's gratitude posts. I am usually nodding my head as I read.

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Today I am grateful for blue skies and bright sunshine.  It has been so dreary lately, the contrast is invigorating.


Good coffee.  Mmmmm.


And I'm grateful for good friends.  :)




Also, I traveled for ten years when I was young. You know how old people say, youth is wasted on the young? I actually didn't waste mine. I spent my entire late teens and twenties running around the whole gosh darn world and going to clubs and trying new things, not hard drugs or sex but getting to know people and their music and dancing and trying all kinds of foods. I sacrificed for that doing hard work and I couldn't have done it had I not studied hard in college and put my nose to the grindstone. But ultimately, one thing I can say is that I don't envy young people for all their fun because I had all of it. More and more I know people who did not have their fun and I feel very lucky because once you have kids, you're never going to get that freedom back, ever.



Binip, I loved your whole post, but had to quote the above.  I could have written the same.  :)  I hope that my kids will have a similar experience in their 20s.  

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I was sick at the end of last week and had to cancel a bunch of plans. A friend of mine called over the weekend to check on me and see if I needed any thing. I've moved several times in the past five years and it's been awhile since I've had a good friend who thought to call and check on me. It made me really happy. So this week I'm grateful for friends. I love my family and they are wonderful, but friends make things a little brighter.

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Today ds was working on Japanese while I was working on my Ancient History. These are our respective favorite subjects. It didn't last long and it's been kind of an overwhelming crappy week ( just little things), but it felt nice to sit for a moment and enjoy learning with my son. 


Ds has a new interest he wants to learn, investing. For someone who graduated high school with zero money management skills, I feel like our plan to help ds know more than we did (yes ex and I planned the teaching money management part) is working. 



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For a long phone call with middle son yesterday keeping up on his life.


For youngest son pitching in and doing things around the house - unasked.


For hubby who willingly takes on anything that needs to be done - no task too big or small and certainly none beneath him.  I'm so glad I married him!

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