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Why does my cat poop on the bed on rare occasions?


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Gross alert - cat and poop people only.  You have been warned.  lol


She has no health problems which cause this.  Her litter box is cleaned daily.  I have not changed her food.  She gets Wellness grain free canned food and has access to fresh water. I add a bit of canned tuna to the food to entice her to eat it. Her routine has not been disrupted.  There is never poop anywhere else except once when we had foster kittens in the bathroom and she pooped on the stairs.  I think she was very disturbed by the kittens.  They have been gone for almost a year, though.


Twice in the past three months, I have found cat poop on the bed in my son's room where the cat sleeps and where her food and litter box are.  There have also been smears of poop on the bed sheets a couple of times like she used it to wipe her bottom.


Her poop does seem a bit constipated maybe?  It is dark colored and kind of dry.  She is our only cat so I don't really know if this is within the norm.  Should I put something in her food to make her poop less firm?  I don't know.  Looking for some cat poop help here.  :D

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One of our cats has been known to scoot to wipe her bottom. This happens if she gets something like tuna that upsets her digestion. She gets really freaked out when it happens, and runs around the house like it's the Worst Thing Ever, which I suppose is sort of true.


I got nothin' on the bed poops, though. We've had a cats do stuff like that, but we could usually figure out the reasons.


How old is your cat?

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I don't know. We had a cat (in my avatar) who pooped with purpose. If his litter box didn't meet his cleanliness standards (perfectly empty), he would dig a pair of DH's unders out of the laundry pile into the middle of the hallway and poop in them. We changed litters and litter boxes and he finally stopped, but it was an interesting several months.


Constipation sounds like a possibility. What food does she eat? ETA: saw you said! Sorry. Did they change the formula? Maybe try another food just for kicks?


I always recommend Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract litter for elimination issues. Cheapest on Amazon.

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She is eight years old.  Maybe the tuna bothers her?  I will eliminate it and see how it goes.  We've had the food and the litter box in the same room for over a year, and it does not seem to be a problem but maybe she has decided it is not okay.  I will move them as far apart as possible.

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Constipation sounds like a possibility. What food does he eat?


I always recommend Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract litter for elimination issues. Cheapest on Amazon.

She eats Wellness canned grain free Turkey and Salmon exclusively.  No dry food.


We used Dr Elsey's Precious Cat litter but it is not Cat Attract...I suppose this is a different type.  However, sometimes I run out and use whatever unscented litter I can get at the store.  This morning I put some Dr. Elsey's on top of what we had in the box.  Maybe she doesn't like the ever-changing brands, even though they are all clumping and unscented? 


Cats are particular.

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We had a cat who peed on our bed frequently, we went through boatloads of nature's miracle.  Turned out to be medical. I really thought it was a gesture of contempt for a while there. 


I have no advice if your vet has cleared your kitty.  Just didn't want to read and not reply My ex-cat was gross too.


ETA: my now-deceased cat. "Ex -cat" makes it sound like I rehomed the little guy.  Nope.  Kidneys did do him in, though :(

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She eats Wellness canned grain free Turkey and Salmon exclusively. No dry food.


We used Dr Elsey's Precious Cat litter but it is not Cat Attract...I suppose this is a different type. However, sometimes I run out and use whatever unscented litter I can get at the store. This morning I put some Dr. Elsey's on top of what we had in the box. Maybe she doesn't like the ever-changing brands, even though they are all clumping and unscented?


Cats are particular.

Ding ding ding! I bet that's it! The 40 lb bag of the regular Precious Cat was $14.xx last week on Amazon. I ordered 3. My UPS guy hates us...

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We had a cat who peed on our bed frequently, we went through boatloads of nature's miracle.  Turned out to be medical. I really thought it was a gesture of contempt for a while there. 


I have no advice if your vet has cleared your kitty.  Just didn't want to read and not reply My ex-cat was gross too.

Was this a boy kitty?  Boys are known to do this more than girls.  Mine is a girl.


She is a fabulous kitty, but I don't like the poop on the bed.  Washing the comforter as we speak...

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Is it enough that it looks like the entire episode was done on the bed, or is it just a little on the bed? Sometimes it gets stuck in their fur, and then she might be cleaning it off while sitting on the bed. If that's the case, you can clip the fur back there (easier said than done ;) )

One time it was the whole kit and caboodle, but this time there was just one piece. I did wonder if it hung there until she could deal with it.  (This is gross but whatever - I need some help.  :D )

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One of our cats was a scooting ass-wiper, and switching to a high protein diet helped get rid of that. Also, get your cat an butt shaving (AKA a sanitary clip in vet circles) to eliminate hangers-on, IYKWIM. As for the outright pooing on the bed, and assuming it's just pooping in this one inappropriate place, I would close the door to that room, in order to retrain the cat to go elsewhere; it might have become habitual by now. If the pooping on the bed is a regular thing, enclose the cat in a separate room with his litter box, food, and toys for 3-4 weeks so that he gets out of the bed pooping habit and learns to use his litter box all the time. Lots of things with cats are habitual and just need retraining.

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This may sound weird, but I don't think it is angry or habitual. I think there is a problem with her food, or her litter or something and she is trying to tell us. I know that sounds weird, but it is my gut on it.


Cat psychology. :tongue_smilie:

I've felt the same way at times, trying to figure out the message of the poops and pees. Sort of like reading tea leaves, but even more peculiar.

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Her poop does seem a bit constipated maybe?  It is dark colored and kind of dry.  She is our only cat so I don't really know if this is within the norm.  Should I put something in her food to make her poop less firm?  I don't know.  Looking for some cat poop help here.  :D


Since you're feeding canned Wellness,  I'll tell you what happened to one of my cats who used to eat canned Wellness, too.  He developed Inflammatory Bowel Disease.  The vet tested him for food allergies  and it turned out that he is very allergic to flaxseed.  When I looked at the label, sure enough, there's ground flaxseed in the grain-free Wellness.   (He never had diarrhea...constipation was more likely, and he was also throwing up frequently.) 



This website has the Bristol Stool Chart:  http://www.littlebigcat.com/health/constipated-cats/

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This may sound weird, but I don't think it is angry or habitual.  I think there is a problem with her food, or her litter or something and she is trying to tell us.  I know that sounds weird, but it is my gut on it. 


Cat psychology.  :tongue_smilie:


Well, I am not as experienced in cat psychology as in dog psych but we once had a large cat that got so pi$$ed off at us for something that he showed us who is in control...

Is the cat older? Incontinence problems?


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You say "litter box."  You only have one?  If so, you might try adding another box.  Some cats like one for pee and one for poop.  I've never seen that preference develop in an older cat used to using just one box, but it's certainly probably possible.  'Cause . . .  cat. ;)

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Dog person here, but my parents had a dog that would pee on their pillow when she was mad at them (if they left town leaving her with my grandparents or something like that). Maybe she's mad at you?? (Do cats get mad at their people?)

It's never happened to me but I did know a woman whose cat would poop on her bed when she went out of town. She figured he was upset about her being gone and this was his way of expressing it.

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It's never happened to me but I did know a woman whose cat would poop on her bed when she went out of town. She figured he was upset about her being gone and this was his way of expressing it.


Or he was attempting to leave a scent to help her find her way home. ;)


(Still upset, but a bit of a different spin.)


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Our baby is an anxious soul, not really the angry, leave a message type.  She does have an autoimmune disorder (stomatitis) and has most of her teeth removed.  When we went out of town this summer and left my niece at the house to care for her, the cat had a flare of her disease about two weeks after we returned.  She did not have any litter box issues then.  So her response to change is anxiety and internalization and sickness.  We try to keep her life low-key and low-stress.  She is a fragile little flower. :)


But yes, I do think cats can pee or poop due to having feelings.


I will check the ingredients of the Wellness...

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Since you're feeding canned Wellness,  I'll tell you what happened to one of my cats who used to eat canned Wellness, too.  He developed Inflammatory Bowel Disease.  The vet tested him for food allergies  and it turned out that he is very allergic to flaxseed.  When I looked at the label, sure enough, there's ground flaxseed in the grain-free Wellness.   (He never had diarrhea...constipation was more likely, and he was also throwing up frequently.) 



This website has the Bristol Stool Chart:  http://www.littlebigcat.com/health/constipated-cats/

OOh, a poop chart.  :D


I will examine the poop more closely, but it is probably 3-4 so she is not too bad off.  I have never seen her poop.  She is shy.  She also goes poop once daily, always in the same spot in the litter box.  She pees several times a day, always in the front of the litter box.


I have an extra box and can add it if needed.

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Well, I am not as experienced in cat psychology as in dog psych but we once had a large cat that got so pi$$ed off at us for something that he showed us who is in control...

Is the cat older? Incontinence problems?


She is eight, but she doesn't have incontinence. 

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We had a cat that peed with purpose (litterbox needed cleaning, we were out too long, etc.) but usually when he pooped out of the box there was a medical or food issue. I don't know what to say about yours, other than possibly food. And as another poster suggested, don't keep the food and litterbox in the same area.



 Also, get your cat an butt shaving (AKA a sanitary clip in vet circles) to eliminate hangers-on, IYKWIM. 


AKA a poop chute. We get one clipped for our dog - a Shetland Sheepdog. As for the hangers-on, we call them cling-ons. Yes, we're pet owners and nerds. :)

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 I have never seen her poop.  She is shy.  She also goes poop once daily, always in the same spot in the litter box.  She pees several times a day, always in the front of the litter box.


If she is shy, perhaps there was not a private moment available in time?  Perhaps changes in household routine have interrupted her own routine?  Visiting small children, for example, tend to create chaos for shy cats.

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Or he was attempting to leave a scent to help her find her way home. ;)


(Still upset, but a bit of a different spin.)




Awwwww, that sounds so sweet when you put it that way!


Once we were out of town for a couple of days, got home late at night, did perfunctory things like put out fresh food and scoop the litter boxes, then crashed in bed.  The cat gave me a 6am wakeup call the next morning by taking a dump on the nightstand right next to my pillow.  A very pointed message, to be sure.

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Your cat is probably mad at you for some reason.  We have a cat that likes to sleep next to dh or on his pillow.  One of our other cats, who previously slept under our bed, started sleeping in our bed and the first cat pooped on the bed while dh was sleeping there! LOL!  Yes, cats are very good at sending angry messages.

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