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Nothing New 2015 - Anyone wish to do a challenge with me?


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Ok, I'm in. Where do I sign?


Funny you ask, because I was thinking I am not sure when to put up the first post! The first "week" ends Jan 3 (going Saturday-Saturday), so I'm not sure whether I put up the first post now and the second post Jan 3, or just start Jan 3 as week one! I guess it doesn't matter, but I'm open to suggestions!

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Funny you ask, because I was thinking I am not sure when to put up the first post! The first "week" ends Jan 3 (going Saturday-Saturday), so I'm not sure whether I put up the first post now and the second post Jan 3, or just start Jan 3 as week one! I guess it doesn't matter, but I'm open to suggestions!


I say Jan 3. At least around here that will be when we're gearing up for school again. Jan 1-2 feels like it's part of Christmas break. Though we will start our new budget year on Jan 1. Hmmm. Maybe start Jan 1 and run that first "week" through the next week--Jan 9? That might cover it better.

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In addition to the "no new stuff" I've also determined to stop going to (the actual store) Walmart (it's the only store within 30 miles of me.).  I go in for TP/soap and end up spending $100.  Walmart is the cheapest for certain items like TP, paper towels, laundry soap etc.... but is rarely the cheapest for food since I only shop sales.  I figure if I stay out of the actual store and purchase all the stuff from them online once a month I should be able to save at least $100- $150 (buying stuff I don't actually need).  

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In addition to the "no new stuff" I've also determined to stop going to (the actual store) Walmart (it's the only store within 30 miles of me.).  I go in for TP/soap and end up spending $100.  Walmart is the cheapest for certain items like TP, paper towels, laundry soap etc.... but is rarely the cheapest for food since I only shop sales.  I figure if I stay out of the actual store and purchase all the stuff from them online once a month I should be able to save at least $100- $150 (buying stuff I don't actually need).  


Last year in December dh and I spent a couple of hours making lists and buying ALL the household goods we needed for the year. ( I had a discount available that gave me 25% off at Walmart) 


Oh my gosh. We saved SO much money this year by not needing to go buy toilet paper, trash bags, toothpaste, etc. Because like you, I would go in to buy tp and dishwasher soap and come out with bags of stuff that wasn't on my list. 


We overbought on some things, but are considering doing it again in January even without a discount. Staying out of the stores was a real budget saver.  And since we kept detailed records of what we bought and when it ran out, we have a really good grasp on how much we use of household things.  

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With regards to gifts, a couple of friends of mine tried to do homemade gifts for a while.  They actually made some really neat gifts - and so did their kids.  I remember one birthday her younger girl made a huge cookie (possibly cookie sheet sized...) for the birthday girl and decorated it with icing.  It was a big hit at the party.  What kid doesn't want to receive a giant cookie or a box of cupcakes for him or herself :) I have received a number of handmade gifts over the years - the most precious being a felted bag that two of my friends made together for me.  


The friends who did this handmade gift thing were both very talented.  They were able to knit and sew and can things and bake things.





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With regards to gifts, a couple of friends of mine tried to do homemade gifts for a while. They actually made some really neat gifts - and so did their kids. I remember one birthday her younger girl made a huge cookie (possibly cookie sheet sized...) for the birthday girl and decorated it with icing. It was a big hit at the party. What kid doesn't want to receive a giant cookie or a box of cupcakes for him or herself :) I have received a number of handmade gifts over the years - the most precious being a felted bag that two of my friends made together for me.


The friends who did this handmade gift thing were both very talented. They were able to knit and sew and can things and bake things.

I am not opposed to doing this for gifts, but IMO it matters who the recipient is. I have to say I was scarred a little by my mom always giving second-hand gifts. In the last few years, she has done this to much better effect, partially because I give her ideas and partially maybe she just is able to think it through better now than years ago.


I am considering an idea for my nephew and his wife. They seem to be a rather "foodie" couple. This year, I grew and hand-dried herbs, but plan to do it more extensively this coming year. I am thinking of putting together a spice set in tiny mason jars, all from herbs and spices I grew and hand-dried myself. The wedding is not until September, so this might work. I was thinking I could also either craft a spice rack from something that presents itself, or hand-weave a basket (a skill I possess) to hold the jars. Maybe knit some dish towels in there, too.

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I am not opposed to doing this for gifts, but IMO it matters who the recipient is. I have to say I was scarred a little by my mom always giving second-hand gifts. In the last few years, she has done this to much better effect, partially because I give her ideas and partially maybe she just is able to think it through better now than years ago.


I am considering an idea for my nephew and his wife. They seem to be a rather "foodie" couple. This year, I grew and hand-dried herbs, but plan to do it more extensively this coming year. I am thinking of putting together a spice set in tiny mason jars, all from herbs and spices I grew and hand-dried myself. The wedding is not until September, so this might work. I was thinking I could also either craft a spice rack from something that presents itself, or hand-weave a basket (a skill I possess) to hold the jars. Maybe knit some dish towels in there, too.

You can make flavored salts to add to the basket.  Very easy and cheap.   

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Okay, I need to drop out already.  

Let me 'splain.  I went in to Lands End to return some gift items that didn't fit my girls.  I was trying to maintain composure as I turned the corner and saw the sale signs.  No use, I saw a beautiful luxurious bathrobe on sale for 40% off.  The clerk reminded me everything in the department was an extra 10% off.

So I caved.  Then I caved again and bought a beautiful raspberry colored hooded squall jacket  (was $120 - got it for $65), two fleece pullovers at $15 each (have paid as much as $40 for these all purpose pieces of clothing), and a new crisp white dress shirt for $29 (normally $42).


In my defense my old dress shirt gapes at the important parts and just doesn't work, three females here share an old purple raincoat and I live with 6 other people who are tired of seeing me run from the bathroom downstairs to our hidey cave upstairs wearing only a towel.


I also got a $15 off January spending over $75 and $15 off February spending over $75 to repeat the process two more times.


I may be the first to go down with the ship - but at least I'll look good doing it.

(this is me being cheeky but nonetheless saying I must leave the thread - I'm no help to anyone, lol)

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Ok so if I stay, what are the rules again?  And do we just keep posting here regularly about what we do end up spending, or share the success when we decline a purchase?  

I just want to know the parameters before I commit because I'm starting to sweat.

Just kidding.

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Ok so if I stay, what are the rules again? And do we just keep posting here regularly about what we do end up spending, or share the success when we decline a purchase?

I just want to know the parameters before I commit because I'm starting to sweat.

Just kidding.

I think I'm going to do it like this:


Open the post as "Nothing New Challenge(s) Week One", give an outline of my concept, remind everyone to tailor it however they need, then the thread will commence reflecting of our wins or Momentary Loss of Focus (;)) for the week just finishing. I really do believe the Universe provides a solution when we ask for it, rather than just buy away our concerns. I was going to save this little story for my Week One post, but this illustrates what I'm talking about so well, i will share it now.


For several years, I have had pairs of slide-on white tennis shoes. They start out as my good shoes, but because they are so easy to slide on when I need to run out to the garden or the chicken house, they start getting dingy. Eventually, that pair gets demoted to Dirty Job shoes and I buy new good ones. Only, the last time I decided i am not getting white anymore. It just looks yucky too soon and they are expensive-ish. So I haven't bought any new good ones. I just continue to wear the Dirty Job pair.


So, i went to Goodwill yesterday, just to do a quick browse-around. I was looking for something to serve as a compost bucket, because I melted mine in the dishwasher. Haven't thought about the shoes in a while. But I looked through the shoe section on a whim and - you know what was there? A pair of black, slide-on tennies in my size, looking practically new!* Five bucks and change!


I love it when that happens!





*I know not everyone finds used shoes acceptable. It does not bother me. YMMV.

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Sounds interesting. I would be in but I plan to finish my kitchen this year and am looking at an indoor aquaponics system. No way to not buy anything this year. :)


Though aside from Christmas I never went to a store and never went shopping this year. I bought only new clothes, shoes, food and future food (chickens, hog, seeds). It was nice but I did not save all that much money as I am not a shopper anyway.

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Sounds interesting. I would be in but I plan to finish my kitchen this year and am looking at an indoor aquaponics system. No way to not buy anything this year. :)


Though aside from Christmas I never went to a store and never went shopping this year. I bought only new clothes, shoes, food and future food (chickens, hog, seeds). It was nice but I did not save all that much money as I am not a shopper anyway.

You'd be a total ringer if this were a competitive event.

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So, i went to Goodwill yesterday, just to do a quick browse-around. I was looking for something to serve as a compost bucket, because I melted mine in the dishwasher.


Ok, what did you use for a compost bucket that melted in the dishwasher??


I have a bowl for food scraps on the counter but it is taken to the chickens daily, and let them compost it. I cannot picture anything that would he good to hold compost and melt in the dishwasher.

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You'd be a total ringer if this were a competitive event.

I have an unfair advantage. I live rural so going to the store is usually a chore and the nearest city is horribly laid out. The parking lot is a pain in the neck to navigate and get around, making it undesirable to go to. I have a child who does not want anything and a very strict budget. I allow only $15/week/person for extra spending money. $15 does not buy anything these days, and I usually just use mine at the grocery store for extra fruit.


The $15/week for unrestricted spending is an amount I came up with in college. I usually went to a movie and ate out at Subway or another sandwich shop once a week. I am not sure I could do that on that amount these days.

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Ok, what did you use for a compost bucket that melted in the dishwasher??


I have a bowl for food scraps on the counter but it is taken to the chickens daily, and let them compost it. I cannot picture anything that would he good to hold compost and melt in the dishwasher.

It was a former ice cream bucket. Inexpensive plastic, with a handle, one gallon. My DW water gets hot enough to reshape light plastics. So, it wasn't totally ruined, it was just very misshapen and the handle was moot.


I also have a chicken bucket, but not everything that I put on the compost is good for the chickens and vice versa.

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I downloaded the YNAB trial today. I have a thumping headache, but I think I may have got most of it set-up (although the line-of-credit thing nearly did me in). I like it so far. I like having to allocate to $0. Only being able to allocate money you actually have (rather than what you think you might get this month) is really helpful, too. Much less room for error: no money, no purchase. Easy!

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Ok, what did you use for a compost bucket that melted in the dishwasher??


I have a bowl for food scraps on the counter but it is taken to the chickens daily, and let them compost it. I cannot picture anything that would he good to hold compost and melt in the dishwasher.


I used a large, red Folgers coffee container for a very long time. Very heavy plastic with an easy-grip handle. I think it might melt/warp if I put it on the bottom rack and left it there through the dry cycle.

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I downloaded the YNAB trial today. I have a thumping headache, but I think I may have got most of it set-up (although the line-of-credit thing nearly did me in). I like it so far. I like having to allocate to $0. Only being able to allocate money you actually have (rather than what you think you might get this month) is really helpful, too. Much less room for error: no money, no purchase. Easy!


I don't put in credit cards or lines of credit.  We have a separate spread sheet for that. That sounds sad, that we have a debt spreadsheet! lol.  It's not as bad as it sounds, and we are almost done digging out.

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I would just like to share how this challenge is already helping me...


DH and I took a day trip to a very large city.  We could have shopped at expensive stores and ate at any number of restaurants.  He took the day to do some side work and I just sat with him, enjoying the quiet and beauty of some very nice homes we visited.


We chose to do that instead of buying stuff I really didn't need and eating outrageously expensive food that provides a fleeting pleasure (but adds to the waistline).  We ordered simply at a very nice restaurant on the way home and window shopped a couple of surrounding stores.  


I did stop at our favorite fancy french cafe and brought home $30 worth of goodies for the family.  All totaled under $150 including gas and dh made more than that in sidework.


YAY!  One more positive to mention = no post shopping guilt, no more STUFF to find a place for and I had a very quiet, restful, reflective day instead of one spent bargain/window/post Christmas sale shopping.  The whole day would have been different for me were I not in a "no-new" mindset so thanks, ladies.

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I would just like to share how this challenge is already helping me...


DH and I took a day trip to a very large city. We could have shopped at expensive stores and ate at any number of restaurants. He took the day to do some side work and I just sat with him, enjoying the quiet and beauty of some very nice homes we visited.


We chose to do that instead of buying stuff I really didn't need and eating outrageously expensive food that provides a fleeting pleasure (but adds to the waistline). We ordered simply at a very nice restaurant on the way home and window shopped a couple of surrounding stores.


I did stop at our favorite fancy french cafe and brought home $30 worth of goodies for the family. All totaled under $150 including gas and dh made more than that in sidework.


YAY! One more positive to mention = no post shopping guilt, no more STUFF to find a place for and I had a very quiet, restful, reflective day instead of one spent bargain/window/post Christmas sale shopping. The whole day would have been different for me were I not in a "no-new" mindset so thanks, ladies.

That's great!


My victories have all been related to books I did not buy on Amazon but instead reserved at the library. In just a few days it was 5. Lol

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Dh and I ordered parts for our dryer ($75) and will try and fix it this weekend.  After talking about it, we realized we don't need the bells and whistles of a "fancy" dryer.   I hang 90% of our clothing to prolong the wear and tear, and probably wouldn't use a new one to dry these clothes, anyways.  

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That's great!


My victories have all been related to books I did not buy on Amazon but instead reserved at the library. In just a few days it was 5. Lol

Ha! I can relate overly well. I actually lost my resolve today and DL a book to Kindle. I just picked up two library books I reserved yesterday, in addition to the three I had pulled last week and the two in reserves, but in which I am behind a few other patrons. So, I essentially bought it to avoid the imaginary embarrasement of the Library Ladies speaking amongst themselves, "This Danielle woman thinks we are her personal book valets! What the hell does she do with all these books anyway? Surely she doesn't read ALL these books! And - is she schizo? Her subject matter is all over the map! One day she requests books on gender identity, then a stack of books on poverty, then two books on financial management! What's next? Yoga pants?" :D

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Dh and I ordered parts for our dryer ($75) and will try and fix it this weekend. After talking about it, we realized we don't need the bells and whistles of a "fancy" dryer. I hang 90% of our clothing to prolong the wear and tear, and probably wouldn't use a new one to dry these clothes, anyways.

I used to line-dry my clothes. I don't have a drying line anymore, though. I can't decide if I'm happy about that or sad. I know the dryer eats a lot of KWs. And when I hang them, I never need dryer sheets.* OTOH, I admit that it's very nice to just deal with a mountain of laundry over the course of the day and have it all done, dry, folded and basketed at day's end.


*Dryer sheets - the one item for which I have never found a non-trash, frugal replacement. It's not softness I seek, and God knows, it's not scents I'm after. It's anti-static I want. I've tried foil balls; I've tried those little dryer hedgehogs. They make a giant racket and do diddley squat for static. If you have a frugal hack for dryer static that I haven't heard of, I'm all ears.

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I never realized static was a problem. What works for me is to take clothes right out of the dryer when it rings or a few mins before and hang them up on hangers. Of course, underwear, socks, pj's and play clothes I just fold. Occassionally, a shirt will be staticish but I just fluff it out on a hanger and haven't had any problem. I do dry most of the clothes on low. 

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I've never used dryer sheets (I have to wash my thrifted clothing to strip the scent of regular detergent and dryer sheets out- I have pretty sensitive skin) but I've never had a static problem. Maybe I have one but I just don't know it. My clothes don't seem to stick together though.

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I've never used dryer sheets (I have to wash my thrifted clothing to strip the scent of regular detergent and dryer sheets out- I have pretty sensitive skin) but I've never had a static problem. Maybe I have one but I just don't know it. My clothes don't seem to stick together though.

We never use them either and I don't think we have anything staticky. Maybe every now and then I need to snap out a few shirts, but that is pretty rare.

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My mom taught me laundry at a very early age.  Following her advice, I've never had to iron anything.  I hated it when I was younger, but appreciate it when we don't look like slobs, either.   :001_smile:


We don't have a problem with static here, but understand how in some climates it could be a problem.  Downy for the clothes wash, just vinegar for the towels.  

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My mom taught me laundry at a very early age. Following her advice, I've never had to iron anything. I hated it when I was younger, but appreciate it when we don't look like slobs, either. :001_smile:


We don't have a problem with static here, but understand how in some climates it could be a problem. Downy for the clothes wash, just vinegar for the towels.

Man, all winter I have static if I don't use a dryer sheet. Any soft fabric sticks together (flannels, fleece, fuzzy socks). They will stick together with such ferocity that I can see visible sparks when I separate things. My flannel sheets are like a defibrillator.


ETA: typo

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I bought ynab through steam! Thanks, guys! Now, y'all might have to teach me how to use it!!!


I registered for the free trial when I read this thread. I got it mostly set up today, and I took the webinar class to get some tips. They give away a free download code at the end of their classes, and I won! Super excited! 

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Hmmm I'm doing a 365 day penny challenge. At the end it's $667.95. We are starting tomorrow with 3.65 and ending at 1 cent next New Years eve :)

That's one I haven't heard before. Interesting.

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I've also heard about the $1 a week challenge. First week is $1, second week is $2, and so on until you get to the 52nd week which is $52. By the end of the year, we should have $1,378. I may start with $52 though and go backwards as December is usually a more expensive month.

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I've also heard about the $1 a week challenge. First week is $1, second week is $2, and so on until you get to the 52nd week which is $52. By the end of the year, we should have $1,378. I may start with $52 though and go backwards as December is usually a more expensive month.


I should probably do this.  It would fund our Christmas next year. 

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I do MUCH better with a monthly amount.


Want to save $1,378?  Put away $114.83 per month.



I've also heard about the $1 a week challenge. First week is $1, second week is $2, and so on until you get to the 52nd week which is $52. By the end of the year, we should have $1,378. I may start with $52 though and go backwards as December is usually a more expensive month.


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I think stuff like that is part of staying healthy, so part of the challenge.  I'm allowing myself workout clothes and new running shoes as needed. 



I can't do used workout stuff, I never see stuff with tags at the thrift store, and new stuff on eBay costs just as much or more as stuff from the store.



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I've also heard about the $1 a week challenge. First week is $1, second week is $2, and so on until you get to the 52nd week which is $52. By the end of the year, we should have $1,378. I may start with $52 though and go backwards as December is usually a more expensive month.



I do this going backwards.  It's a lot easier to save more at the beginning of the year than it is in December.  It also adds up faster, which helps to keep me motivated.

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Have I exhausted my options? I'm so torqued right now about a college textbook! I have a winter class that starts next week. I am trying to get the necessary textbook, preferably without buying one new at $139.00. This is the ISBN:

ISBN: 0-9677747-8-0

ISBN13: 978-0-9677747-8-7

Author: Connect


I tried to get it from Textbooks.com, Neebo, Chugg. My only option is new. It also looks like it's one of those accursed books written particularly for my college, which always means re-selling it is useless. I generally don't prefer to rent, but I would in this case if I could, mostly because it is a fast condensed class and because my prospects for resale are lame.

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