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GSWL II: Keep Going With Latin UPDATE: It's Happening!!

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Wow, I'd definitely have said YES to this a couple of years ago! But now that I have the entire set of Latin's Not So Tough from level 3 upward, I don't need it. But I'd say yes because GSWL is one of my favorite resources, definitely one of the biggest bangs for the buck, and I'd probably buy a sequel just as a thanks.

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Yes, definitely!  GSWL has been great for DS1 and DD1.  Even if a sequel came out after they were in another program down the road, I would happily use it with my younger kids.  I recommend GSWL whenever a question about beginning Latin programs comes up in discussion.

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DS7 and I are slowly working through GSWL and we love it...even though we won't be done for a while it would be wonderful to know there is another book to directly continue on with.


Fun story...DS picked out a book about "faraway planets" from the library, and in an analogy/explanation of how astronomers look for planets near other stars, the author said something like, "Imagine a girl named Stella walking her dog..."    And DS interrupts and says, "I know why she's named Stella! Because Stella means star in Latin! It's a funny latin joke!"   Love it!

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My 3rd grader didn't like Prima Latina too much because of the writing but he cooperates with Getting Started With Latin and Getting Started With Spanish. We have to repeat the lessons, but hey, even five minutes six days a week will add up over time. It may take two years to finish each book, but I would love for there to be a sequel to each.

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Great! How quickly can he finish it???


This is all he wrote, "I have decided to write the book---now the problem is finding the time to do it."  Bill Linney


So it doesn't sound like it'll be soon. I think the French book is being tested through December, so he'll probably be busy with that for a while.

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