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Dr Hive - help for a friend of mine? (maybe some TMI)


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I have a friend who's been in misery for months.  She's finally got a doc looking into what's going on, but can any of you throw out some ideas?  She's miserable, and the testing is going slowly, and it's stressful.


Here's the basics:


Watery pale yellow stools up to 20+ times a day, no appetite, unexplained weight loss, itchy skin all over, nausea, vomiting. No cramping, gas. Feeling full after just a bite of food. No blood in stool. Dark urine unless drinks a ton of water. Taking probiotics. Starting to feel fatigued in the evening, just in the last month. Progressively gotten worse since end of May. No gall bladder. Doc has ruled out IBS, liver issues, Hepatitis, diverticulitis, Crohn's, anything contagious. Waiting on a test for Celiac disease to come back. Colonoscopy to be scheduled next week. Doctor vague about looking for "growths and/or abnormalities on pancreas" but super detailed about everything else. 


Any ideas?  She's worried.  I think the vagueness about what he's looking for re: the pancreas is most stressful.  

Does this sound like it could be Celiac?  What about a bile duct obstruction, even without the gall bladder? How would they check that?  


Thanks for any thoughts!

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Sounds like she needs an upper GI test as well. My mom had a colonoscopy and upper GI all in the same morning. I would push to get both of them during the same appointment if possible. I would also push to have these done sooner than next week. Can she get into a GI specialist ASAP?


I'll suggest that.  Poor thing.  She feels terrible, and the not knowing is the worst part.  A GI specialist is a good idea.  Thanks!

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Any more thoughts? Just got more bloodwork results - she's negative for Celiac. Is that blood test reliable?


She's not keeping any food down. Any ideas on how to keep something down?


GI specialist appt is a few weeks away, so she's looking for support/ideas how to get through till then, and any BTDT thoughts on what it could be.

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Any more thoughts? Just got more bloodwork results - she's negative for Celiac. Is that blood test reliable?


She's not keeping any food down. Any ideas on how to keep something down?


GI specialist appt is a few weeks away, so she's looking for support/ideas how to get through till then, and any BTDT thoughts on what it could be.


She must be miserable, she'll be in my thoughts and prayers, how frustrating! No other ideas, but if I were in her shoes, I wouldn't hesitate to go the ER and/or ask for a direct admission from her primary. I would be worried about electrolyte imbalances, dehydration and other serious complications of non-stop diarrhea and vomiting. She needs a full workup and I'd be hesitant to wait any longer. Poor lady!

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I'm sorry to say I would look at going in via the ER if needed. Some of those symptoms are the same my dad had and it was, well, not a good diagnosis.... esophageal cancer. I would not wait "a few weeks" for any appointments.

I mean how much nutrition can she be getting at this point? My dad did lots of soups, ensure type drinks when he had that full feeling after a bite or two of "real food".

Did she have a full CAT scan yet??? I think she may need a doctor who is taking this a bit more serious. My dr has gotten DH a specialist appt the same week for a much less serious problem.

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Um, my dear, these are some of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer:

The weight loss, pale stool, diarrhea, itching, nausea, dark urine - it's all on there.


She needs to be seen asap. 

I ditto going to the ER if she can't get the full  tests any other way right now.

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I, too, think she needs the ER and/or a hospital admission. I'd pick a major hospital that would have the appropriate specialists on staff. I'm confused about why her doctor doesn't think lack of intake and that many stools a day is an emergency or potential emergency. Does she have jaundice? I have known 2 people with pancreatic cancer, so a small sample, but both had noticeable jaundice.

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I am so sorry. I agree with all the above that long term, multiple serious symptoms need better medical attention than what she is getting. She needs to cut that doctor loose and get to a hospital that has specialists in a variety of fields. If ER is the only way in, that would be the way to go.


No one should be miserable for months. It sounds as though the doctor has been trying one test at a time? Your friend needs everything asap.

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My first thought was pancreas, but the getting full with just a bite of food part and a few other makes me think she also needs to see her gynecologist to rule out ovarian cancer. She needs a transvaginal ultrasound and a full abdominal CT upper and lower abdomen. Does she have a bloated or round looking belly?


She needs an upper GI work up, rule out pancreatic cancer, and rule out ovarian/ peritoneal cancer. If she has any family history of ovarian cancer, please contact me via pm because we need to talk.

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She should definitely try the ER.  Get a upper and lower endo and a abdomen ultrasound if she hasn't and rule out all the worst possibilities.  Had she had her Urine tested?  Blood?  She really needs a full work up


If all that comes back negative, I would do a HUGE elimination diet and maybe start working with a more holistic practitioner.  I had almost a year of unexplained bowel issues that really was IBS combined with stress and poor nutrition with many of the same symptoms.  I'm not sure how they can rule out IBS.  Usually that is the default when everything else has been ruled out.  The dark urine is worrisome and unusual though.

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Has she been checked for parasites?


I was going to suggest this as well.  I had a friend years ago who had years of some sort of undiagnosed intestinal disorder.  A new doctor started off with some sort of anti-parasitic concoction, and her issues cleared almost immediately.  Giardia alone, which is fairly common, can cause similar symptoms, though maybe not for six months.


In any event, I agree with everyone who says that this is too many months of pussy-footing around.  She needs some answers or a doctor who will look harder (and faster) for them.

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