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For fun: Things I never would have said before homeschooling


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My most recent I-never-expected-to-say-that statement came up on a recent road trip:


DD13 answered a question with the timeless and austere "because."  My prompt response:  "Because isn't an answer.  It's a subordinating conjunction."  Much hilarity resulted from DH, with groans from DD13 and giggles from DD10.  Later in the trip this came back to bite me.  When I gave a non-helpful answer to a question DH asked he replied, "That's a subordinating conjunction."  And thus the latest family catch phrase got its ignominious start.


So, what have you got?


:bigear: :biggrinjester:

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The couple of times DD said whatever to me, I shrieked, "Pronoun!" That got rid of the "whatever," but now she says "pronoun" with "talk to the hand" gesture.


I'll try to remember that one, in case my kids ever pick up that verbal habit!

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After Mom died I took my dc to the funeral home to see her body. I hadn't slept much that week (well, truth told I hadn't slept much for the nearly 3 months Mom was in the hospital, as I stayed w/ her nights), so I drew a blank when dd, upon looking into the casket and sniffing, asked, "What is that smell? Formaldehyde?"


My brain just couldn't come up w/ the answer, so I said, "Let's go find out." So, I took my then 7 yr old dd (w/ 3 yr old ds trailing behind) to ask the funeral home staff. She asked those men in their black suits the same question. I wish you could have seen the looks on their faces when this sweet little girl asked if she smelled formaldehyde!


Homeschoolers never miss an opportunity to teach!


And Mom would have loved it, and she would have bragged about how smart dd is! 

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"No! No bomb making (vinegar & baking soda pop bottle for science) until we get home from the library." It took about 2 seconds before I realized how that sounded and that before homeschooling it would have never been said in my house..  :w00t:


:lol: :lol: :lol:. Yep said that!!!  Ds was all into science and seeing how loud of a pop he could make. 


By the way have y'all taken the little snap pop things (throw on ground and they pop) dumped several into a tissue.  Brought tissue up and twisted together with a little tape holding the twist.  (giant snap pop)  Then threw it down to see how loud a pop it would make.  The more snap pops the louder the pop.


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During our spelling lesson today, I told my children to remember that there are two asses in "assassin." Hilarity ensued..."Mom, you said ass!" And then writing in all capital letters to belabor the point.


I can't decide if that makes me a bad teacher or a bad mother. Probably both.

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During our spelling lesson today, I told my children to remember that there are two asses in "assassin." Hilarity ensued..."Mom, you said ass!" And then writing in all capital letters to belabor the point.


I can't decide if that makes me a bad teacher or a bad mother. Probably both.


But they spelled the word right, right?


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:lol: :lol: :lol:. Yep said that!!!  Ds was all into science and seeing how loud of a pop he could make. 


By the way have y'all taken the little snap pop things (throw on ground and they pop) dumped several into a tissue.  Brought tissue up and twisted together with a little tape holding the twist.  (giant snap pop)  Then threw it down to see how loud a pop it would make.  The more snap pops the louder the pop.


Uh! No! But I see it in our future  :laugh:

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"Guys! You may NOT set leaves on fire on the sidewalk!!" They were experimenting with their magnifying glass.

"Hey! Look at how cool your name looks in hieroglyphics!" Said during our history project.

"We MIGHT mummify an apple, NOT a chicken!" 'Nuff said.

"Ooooh mom! Can we memorize the countries in Africa next??!!" From dd1.

"Um, can you not chop those bushes down? We have created a habitat for our favorite lizard in there..." Said to the rental property management company when they came to do their annual landscaping thing.

"You want to keep a pet moth? Well sure, but let's make sure we know what it needs to survive." Said to dd3.

"Sweetie, you can stay up as long as you want reading!" Said to dd2 who is just getting to that point, and presenting her with her own book light.

"Babe!!! These science kits were 75% off at Barnes and noble!!! I picked up three for Christmas!!!" Said to dh when he suspiciously eyed my bags.

"Could you pick up six goldiblox kits for me and mail them?!?! I'll paypal you now!" Said to my dear friend who found them on clearance at target, and being a fellow homeschooler, thought to shoot me a text from the store. ;)

"It's really important to me that we have enough land to have chickens, a vegetable garden, and a beehive..." My requirements to our realtor. She gave me a funny look.

"Screen time is up, it's been an hour. Oh! You're playing DragonBox? Carry on then." :)

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