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So - losing weight thread - mindless eating


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I am not talking about binge eating, but just eating a meal because its that meal time. Sometimes, I am not even hungry but if I am feeding the kids dinner, then I also eat. I am snacking while prepping dinner and then I will eat with them, even though I am not that hungry


How do you control that or snacking because you are bored? So I end up eat too much, even if its of the healthier kind. I know I dont need to eat, but still eat anyways


What has helped you?

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Keeping extremely low-cal snack foods that I happen to ... like is the wrong word, but I don't DISlike them. For example, baby carrots -- you have to eat a LOT of them to add up to any significant amount of calories, but you still feel like you're eating SOMEthing.

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Tracking everything that goes into my mouth, even a single cracker. If I eat it, I write it down. As the day goes on, I take a look at what I've eaten and will adjust my evenings according to that. It's not easy, that's for sure. But tracking keeps a lid on my mindless eating.

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I would cut out the snacking while doing meal prep, which should leave you reasonably hungry for dinner. I say that because if I skip a meal because I'm 'not that hungry' I always find that I'm ravenous before bedtime and that leads to me eating something I shouldn't eat too close to bedtime.  


I would rather eat regular, scheduled meals on a lunch size plate than to skip a meal and overeat on snacks. 


Tracking everything really helps, too. I find that if we start getting off track, a couple of weeks of tracking gets us back into our healthy eating routine. 


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A cup of hot tea is a good idea. Or broth, if that's more your speed.

But it's pretty hot where I live. I'd rather brush my teeth when the urge hits.


Nothing tastes good after you brush LOL.

Pearly whites, great breath ... bonuses :D.


My kids are older so our meal times are staggered.

If we ate at the same time, I'd portion out a serving for myself.

Then I'd put it aside and keep snacking - raw veggies, salad, soup, etc.

If I got hungry later, I'd have a reasonable portion already set aside to eat.


I'd probably be too lazy to go warm it up though.

Voila, no mindless calories consumed ;).

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I do track and drink hot beverages but for me the best thing has been to just quit snacking.  I just made a mental change.  I eat healthful meals at meal times and that is it.  Even if I"m hungry.  My only exemption is if I am caught at say an airport or something and a bag of nuts is the best I can do and a meal is nowhere in sight.  I drink coffee, tea and have a nice herbal mint tea before bed if I think I need something.  I also agree being bored leads to snacking. Cutting the snacking has meant that I am actually hungry at meal times.  It might not work for everyone but for me I'd rather not snack because then I'm in the mindless zone of just shoving another crunchy thing in my mouth.  It doesn't matter if it's chips or carrots.  It becomes almost hypnotizing. It's just easier not to start than try 'moderation'.

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Are you open to a spiritual minded approach? Not necessarily Christian?

Joanne, please do share, depends on what the approach is


thanks for all the replies everyone. It all sounds so sensible, but sticking with it is the hard part. I might give tracking a try and see if I can write down everything I eat at home. 

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Somewhere along the line, I started snacking while reading and it's become firmly ingrained in my behavior pattern. So, I only allow healthy snacks in the house. I might have some berries or sunflower seeds, something small that makes me feel as if I've satisfied that need. I've discovered that if I allow a little bit of something then I can overcome the desire of a lot of something.


It is so hard and I'm fighting this battle right now along with you. But both dh and I are losing weight with just that change of allowing small healthy snacks when those desires are the strongest.

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calorie counters.. how do you motivate your self after a disaster of a day

i was doing great for two days a bit over on the third (ladies night out) good for a day then couldn't even count the calories for two days off the wall. 

good news is I managed to exercise 45-60 mins each day !!!

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calorie counters.. how do you motivate your self after a disaster of a day

i was doing great for two days a bit over on the third (ladies night out) good for a day then couldn't even count the calories for two days off the wall. 

good news is I managed to exercise 45-60 mins each day !!!


I get back on the horse.


some days are going to be disasters - calorie wise. birthdays, holidays, special occasions, etc.  just get back on the horse.

sickness . . . .


(traveling, camping - I gave up while we were gone.  situation became absurd.  when we came home, I got back on the horse.) 


you don't focus on the now - focus on the long term.  a disaster of a day is not who you are - you are the person who is good to yourself.  get back on the horse. . . .



eta: If I want to eat something between meals - I make sure it has protein.  e.g. celery with peanut butter and cinnamon. 


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Tracking everything that goes into my mouth, even a single cracker. If I eat it, I write it down. As the day goes on, I take a look at what I've eaten and will adjust my evenings according to that. It's not easy, that's for sure. But tracking keeps a lid on my mindless eating.


there are many free websites where you can enter what you eat - and it will give protein, calorie, fat, etc. guidelines based upon your weight and how much weight you want to lose.


my dr pointed me at myfitnesspal (you can also enter calories burned from exercise - and it adds it to your daily allowance) - but there are many others.



eta: years ago I noticed  sometimes I ate because I was TIRED - and really just needed a nap, but felt like I had to stay awake.  I have a yoga dvd where the teacher also has a degree in psychology.  she talks about that during the practice. 


ask yourself - *what* are you hungry for?  is it really food?  or sleep?, water? (many do confuse dehydration with hunger), a hug?  flowers?  "me" time?  etc.

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calorie counters.. how do you motivate your self after a disaster of a day

i was doing great for two days a bit over on the third (ladies night out) good for a day then couldn't even count the calories for two days off the wall. 

good news is I managed to exercise 45-60 mins each day !!!


I don't let a day get me down. I consider it a done deal and begin fresh the next day.


I'll also say that some of those days aren't full days. I have times when I eat too much with snacking and meals. Sometimes I can restrain myself the rest of the day. But that is rare. Usually once I get started with the mindless eating, my day is shot. But then there is tomorrow as a new day.

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calorie counters.. how do you motivate your self after a disaster of a day

i was doing great for two days a bit over on the third (ladies night out) good for a day then couldn't even count the calories for two days off the wall. 

good news is I managed to exercise 45-60 mins each day !!!

A couple things

1. A stupid pinterest thing I saw but it spoke to me.  If you have a flat tire do you slash the other three?  It's just a meal or an event.  Move on.

2.  I track like I brush my teeth.  It just needs to be habit.  No one will see it but you.  Don't fudge and don't feel shame.  It's just a report for you to get data.  It is not an essay on your moral strength.

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