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I ordered a board game for this year called pandemic :) it has been back ordered so I can't give a review yet.

So I did some googling for you, and found the following

Pandemic movies: "The Happening"; "Quarantine", "Black death", "Outbreak", "12 monkeys", "the plague", "Contagion"
This link has titles of non-zombie pandemic horror movies.

The goodreads popular pandemic book list
This link has both nonfiction and fiction titles included

What I am seeing listed often as the best nonfiction book is The Viral Storm:The dawn of the new pandemic age

Some pandemic books for the younger readerhttp://wowlit.org/blog/2013/09/11/21561/

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Non-fiction: The Great Influenza by John Barry


And fiction...The Stand by Stephen King, the longer version published in 1990. It has 400 more pages than the original.


I wonder if the price of The Stand is going to go up with what's happening in the world. I can't be the only person interested in reading it now (especially since I can't remember if I've ever read it). Plus it was only $5 for the Kindle version.

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Oryx and Crake, by Margaret Atwood

Blindness, by Jose Saramago


I heard some expert on NPR say that the movie Contagion was the most accurate of fictional movies. Based on that, I watched it and am often reminded of it.


I liked the Will Smith movie I Am Legend, but that was more post-pandemic (and zombie laden).

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the Hot Zone


Nonfiction--although it's probably somewhat dated. I read it many years ago.


I recently read this. It's about the discovery of ebola.  I literally stayed up until 4am reading it was so compelling.  And then I fell asleep and had bloody diarrhea dreams.  


Fabulous book.

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I wonder if the price of The Stand is going to go up with what's happening in the world. I can't be the only person interested in reading it now (especially since I can't remember if I've ever read it). Plus it was only $5 for the Kindle version.

I wonder that too. I'm not reading it because of what's happening now but I think its making the book more enjoyable(is that bad?)

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There is a game called Pandemic that is a lot of fun. It is a cooperative game too. Not really something for education, but a lot of fun.


Also....Ebola is clearly a Pandemic in Africa and has a potential here. It does need aggressive action to contain it, because the results if it is not contained are so severe.


BUT..this country has a habit of calling something a Pandemic just to be alarmists in the news, and often times, to promote vaccinations that have not even been properly tested yet. It is starting to see like every year, we hear about some new Pandemic. To me..if something is called a Pandemic, it should be deadly and quite contagious.

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