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Any ways to save on going out for breakfast?


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It is an annual tradition. However, frankly, Ana starts college Monday. I have to buy a parking pass ($220), a lunch ticket ($240), we fixed the brakes this weekend ($693), and I need three tires this weekend for her car. Homeschooling officially looks cheap.


So everyone wants to do our annual big out to eat breakfast thing. I do too, I'm just trying to make my budget pig stop squealing.


My idea of at home breakfast was vetoed by dad as was donuts. So out to eat we go, but I'd love if anyone has any ideas. Oh, and iHop has kids eat free in the evenings, but that was vetoed too. Annoyed and looking for ideas. Breakfast out for twelve is more than one would think.....

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We convinced the kids to do our back-to-school breakfast one year at home—the deciding factor for them was setting a budget amount at the grocery store that they got to split up among themselves and then go shop for what they wanted. They all planned the menu and made sure to get something that made it special for them. So, one got whipped cream for hot chocolate (spraying on as much as you want) and fruit/whipped cream for waffles, one got special sausages, one picked out exotic fruit and juice, etc. That way ingredient leftovers stayed at the house too, even though the budget was still fairly high for a single meal. I think we did ~$30, which was still cheaper than all of us out locally, plus tip.


Erica in OR

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Couple of ideas to maybe get the family on board with an at home breakfast:


1. Buy a box (or 3) of donuts and bring them home.  Easy peasy.  Get a variety or get all of dh's favorite.


2. Make the breakfast about making fresh donuts at home.  So, so yum, not nearly as hard as you think.  Plain, fresh donuts with a cinnamon sugar topping are divine!


3. Have a meeting and plan an elaborate at home breakfast of amazing food that you pick out of your cookbooks.  You can have far better food, for way less money, than IHop even knows how to make.

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Make it a picnic? Bring donuts to the park, or slap a skillet on the grill at the picnic shelter and scramble some eggs. I bet you will have the place to yourselves. Eat at the food court of the grocery store, buy some breakfast pastry and cold drinks (that can be tricky) and some Go-gurts?


Alternatively, offer to do it if everyone is ok with giving up "something that would cover the cost at a later date"? Hard to build consensus, though ..

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Do you have a Denny's in your area? They have a 2/4/6/8 dollar menu. The $2 menu has things like biscuits and gravy with hash browns, the $4 menu has a plate with 2 pancakes, 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon (or sausage links). It could be cheaper than most places, if you give everyone a $5 limit, maybe?

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Waffle House?


Seconding no juice and have kids share an adult meal. Or depending where you go, you can order the food and then make everyone eat it buffet style. It's better that way, right? A little of everything! And less waste when three kids only eat half their pancakes...

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If they are vetoing all this stuff, will they even want to share or only be limited to the $3 Denny's menu or just drink water?

I think you need to know upfront what your obstacles are.


Is it your DH who is vetoing you?  He knows your financial situation, so he may be thinking this is fine and within budget.  


There really is only so much you can do in that situation.


My DH is a tightwad and would be thrilled if I offered to make the pancakes and sausage and buy a gallon of OJ!  $30 max for breakfast over $200 would be a huge winner.

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Do you have any hole in the wall taquerias in your area? We have several that serve amazing (and huge) breakfast burritos for anywhere between 99 cents to three or four bucks. You could get a few large cups of agua fresca or horchata to share amongst you to make it more special. You might have to try Yelp or call around to find a place.

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Honestly, as the Mom, I think you have every right to say, well, we can't afford that right now….but these are your options.  So many good ones upthread. I'd also give kids the chance to help prepare the going away to college breakfast for their DD.  Maybe even make donuts at home. My kids would love McoDonald's…and we always get whatever breakfast sandwich is 2 for $3.  Also, if you have a local diner place, they are often cheaper than IHOP.)


We go out to eat rarely….and even more rarely for breakfast.  Our family of six adds up quickly.  I also have a hard time justifying the expense because I know I can do better, cheaper. :)



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Rather than have them veto ideas, how about they come up with some suggestions (within a budget) by a certain deadline.  Then the family can vote on the best idea or combine a couple of the ideas.  They can work in pairs or individuals, look at the actual menus, cost of ingredients, recipes, etc. and make a presentation.  Breakfast and learning combined.  :)  


You can even have a "default" option (donuts at home with fun drinks or some such) which will be done if no one comes up with suggestions or can't agree.

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I can feed three kids breakfast at McD's for $6 ... $8 if the teens get hash browns LOL.  I come from a pretty big family, we had a few more than you do, and McD was always our special meal out :lol:.


I'd probably present three options and put it to a vote.


1. doughnuts - at home or at the doughnut shop, doesn't matter


2A. IHOP - but we're going after 4pm, dang it! Either the night before or the night of, we're going at night.

2B. IOHP - fine, we can go that morning but all students are limited to $5. Good luck eating well on that, kids!


3. eat at home, but since you all are the picky ones then you get to cook and clean. I'm getting waited on, one way or another! :tongue_smilie:


Waffle House is a great suggestion!



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Rather than have them veto ideas, how about they come up with some suggestions (within a budget) by a certain deadline.  


I agree with this. My general rule in life is if someone vetoes an idea, they need to provide a substitute. Give them a budget and put it to them to work creatively to figure something out. You might be surprised what they come up with.

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Breakfast is one of our favorite meals to eat out, but even with 5 kids it can be quite expensive.  We do pretty much what others have suggested.  No juice, hot chocolate for the kids; sometimes we even skip the coffee and have it at home.  That can save a bunch right there.  When my kids were smaller, I would have them share an adult mean which usually is cheaper than ordering off the children's menu.  My dh and I always share a meal anyway since neither of us are big eaters.  We still have fun and enjoy going out even if we're skimping a little here and there.  One time I added up the cost of ordering drinks for everyone in the family, and they were surprised how much just drinks cost.  After that, they were on board with no juice or whatever.  I also think explaining to them how much eating out can cost and see what suggestions they can come up with.

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I'm trying to decide if I'm being a pain. It's like once a year and it's a tradition. I I'm just seeing a huge outpouring of money right now between work on the house, car repairs, preparing for her to go to college, I'm clutching the pocketbook as tight as possible. :( Maybe I just need to suck it up, go, have a great time, and make grocery budget allowances this week to adjust. sigh. I'm very bad at discerning between budget conscious and tightwad.

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I'm trying to decide if I'm being a pain. It's like once a year and it's a tradition. I I'm just seeing a huge outpouring of money right now between work on the house, car repairs, preparing for her to go to college, I'm clutching the pocketbook as tight as possible. :( Maybe I just need to suck it up, go, have a great time, and make grocery budget allowances this week to adjust. sigh. I'm very bad at discerning between budget conscious and tightwad.


We have months where everything seems to come due at the same time- like this month with two starting back to college. So I totally get where you're coming from. But like you say, it's a tradition and there's something to be said about maintaining those traditions. 



Maybe a little compromise- you all go out to a nice breakfast but the kids drink water.  Or you tell them that you're going to trim your grocery budget a little this week to make up for the restaurant bill, and then plan cheaper meals this week.  The best of both worlds- maintaining the tradition without completely breaking the budget. 

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Do you have Carrow's near you? They have kids eat free (would only cover 1 kid's meals per adult meal ordered,  but better than nothing) all summer. Actually you could order 5 adult's meals and 5 kid's meals probably and be fine.



For my kids they would rather do the picnic breakfast at a park with a great playground and lots of breakfast treats that I never buy :lol: .

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Mine would too, if they could get the super big $8 breakfast and a $2 orange juice!



Honestly, as the Mom, I think you have every right to say, well, we can't afford that right now….but these are your options.  So many good ones upthread. I'd also give kids the chance to help prepare the going away to college breakfast for their DD.  Maybe even make donuts at home. My kids would love McoDonald's…and we always get whatever breakfast sandwich is 2 for $3.  Also, if you have a local diner place, they are often cheaper than IHOP.)


We go out to eat rarely….and even more rarely for breakfast.  Our family of six adds up quickly.  I also have a hard time justifying the expense because I know I can do better, cheaper. :)


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When money is tight I don't think that makes the person clutching the pocketbook a tightwad! It makes them financially responsible. I've been in a similar boat lately, having to postpone certain purchases and watch budget more closely.



Your dh should be on board with you, not making things more difficult for you, unless he really feels you can afford to spend the money, or feels the tradition is more important than the money spent, since it's only a once a year thing.


I'm also big on traditions, but if you're concerned about the money, I would see if there was an alternative to IHOP, rather than restricting the kids to only drinking water or only being allowed to order low-priced items. If you start restricting stuff, you might as well stay home because the kids will be unhappy and then you will be unhappy, and by that point the money you saved won't be worth the aggravation.


Most places seem to have online menus these days, so maybe you could do a bit of research and see if you can find a different place to go. If not, check online for IHOP coupons.

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The other kids just see their special breakfast being cut. They don't care about dd college, tires or house stuff. :D If you can swing it I would go since you don't go often.

The more I think about it, the more I agree with this.


So what if you have to skimp on the groceries for a week or two to help pay for it? It's a special day and your whole family is looking forward to it.


I'd economize elsewhere and go out for breakfast.


(It would be different if you said you went once a week or even once a month, but once a year is a big deal.)

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