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Feeling like a horrible mom today...


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Thanks, friends, for all the hugs. I need them today.


DD and I so very different; I often feel like I just don't get her at all, no matter how hard I try. Things that are basic common sense to me don't even seem to register with her. I know she can tell I'm struggling, and I'm afraid the message she's getting is, "There's something wrong with you." When the truth is, she's only 9 years old and simply lacks a certain amount of maturity/self-awareness/self-control. It's so far outside my reality; I've always had an unusually mature/type A/self-conscious personality. And I do NOT want her to struggle with self-consciousness like I did for years, but it's so difficult for me to relate to her and understand how she thinks. I wish we could find a balance. I love her so much.


It helps to know I am not alone. Hugs to you all.

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