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Stepping up.. Please pray.


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Anyone who has either been in an abusive relationship, or has had a close friend in an abusive relationship probably knows how this feels.  It is not me.  It is someone I met here.  Little comments, sentences stopping short, you sense the fear and manipulation, you see the couple interact and red flags go up.  You try to shake off the feeling...but bit by bit you get more and more confirmation.


Please pray for this young woman, for physical and mental protection.  For her to be surrounded by those who can and are willing to help.  For her to have the mental strength to get through what is coming, and, please pray for the children.


No further updates until the crisis is passed.

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things have changed since i was a military social worker. 


that said, there are restrictive reporting options that the family advocacy people have (where the unit does not necessarily become informed).  

flip side, is that i believe military commanders still have the option to issue the protective order, remove service weapons, etc.  


however, in reality, protective orders aren't worth the paper they are written on.  this is the most dangerous time for her and the dc.   at our base in germany, we had safe houses off base we could use.  perhaps she could ask the family advocacy people about that?   we also had the option of restricting the military member to the base, which helped the protective order mean something.


we will pray.  




ps.  in some situations, trusting the system isn't as good a solution as fleeing.  is she at that point do you think? 

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Praying for all involved.


However, know that it takes on average seven times for somebody to leave….and leaving (and just after) is the most dangerous time.  I know women who stay precisely because they do not trust restraining orders to keep them and their kids safe should they leave.  They don't trust the courts to keep their kids safe.  Sadly, today the way things stand now, leaving does not guarantee safety, and I've had to learn to accept that.


The National DV Hotline really is a great resource, although I'm sure you're aware of it.  1-800-799-SAFE.

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Many positive thoughts/vibes that this family gets out of that situation safely. :(


(However, I would be afraid that you have already given too much personal information about this woman/her family. Your previous post gives a lot of specifics, and I imagine, with all of the past info you've given about your location, it would not be hard to figure out who is who in this situation. You may want to consider modifying? Just a thought. :))

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I will say prayers, too.  A good friend was in a similar situation several years ago--peaks/valleys, putting things into place to escape, TRO, etc.  I pray for your friend and for her children. 

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Lisa, I have been watching this thread, and want to say this as gently as possible... You must know that this, right now, is the The Most Dangerous Time in a domestic violence situation.  


I know that helping her is difficult, and worrying, and in some ways all-consuming.  And that you need support.  Posting here may seem like a safe way to get that support, but it is so easily searched, and her husband is likely searching.


May I suggest, also, that you take down the posts about it?  Even leaving them up for a short time heightens the danger for both the family in question, and your own family.  


Through college and after, I worked at a domestic violence shelter.  The stories we lived there are frightening, and very, very real.  We were trained not to discuss the situations, and for good reason.  If we needed support, a trusted friend, in person, was the way to go - but putting anything on the internet would be considered very dangerous.


I'm very concerned for the family involved, and also for your family.  Retaliation is not unheard of.  You are at risk as well.  Your children are at risk.


Unfortunately, you are very recognizable through your posts, and, through you, this friend will be as well, especially with some of the details posted.  


Not trying to offend at all, and I hope you take this in the spirit it's intended: concern for the safety of all.


Hoping for the very best outcome possible, and that everyone is safe soon.   :grouphug:

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Lisa, I have been watching this thread, and want to say this as gently as possible... You must know that this, right now, is the The Most Dangerous Time in a domestic violence situation.  


I know that helping her is difficult, and worrying, and in some ways all-consuming.  And that you need support.  Posting here may seem like a safe way to get that support, but it is so easily searched, and her husband is likely searching.


May I suggest, also, that you take down the posts about it?  Even leaving them up for a short time heightens the danger for both the family in question, and your own family.  


Through college and after, I worked at a domestic violence shelter.  The stories we lived there are frightening, and very, very real.  We were trained not to discuss the situations, and for good reason.  If we needed support, a trusted friend, in person, was the way to go - but putting anything on the internet would be considered very dangerous.


I'm very concerned for the family involved, and also for your family.  Retaliation is not unheard of.  You are at risk as well.  Your children are at risk.


Unfortunately, you are very recognizable through your posts, and, through you, this friend will be as well, especially with some of the details posted.  


Not trying to offend at all, and I hope you take this in the spirit it's intended: concern for the safety of all.


Hoping for the very best outcome possible, and that everyone is safe soon.   :grouphug:

I am not offended.  

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Praying! Also, if you need someone to talk to the Ombudsman can give you resources as well. I know the whole situation is scary and I'm sure overwhelming. You did  the  right thing and I'm praying for their safety.


I have a JAG commander -- going on Captain -- looking out for us. We are on their radar.  He has never met anyone else in my family, and he doesn't know where I live. There are others far more exposed than I, though.  

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