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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

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drop ds16 off at bus stop at 6:20 am

 went for 6 km walk

vacuumed house

morning schoolwork with ds10 &dd14

2 loads of laundry hanging under veranda + brought in laundry that was hanging form yesterday and put on clothes airier to finish off drying

clean bathrooms

took 2 younger kids to Library to participate in  " School holiday afternoon movie"

did a little bit of shopping and paid bills

folded laundry


still to do

 cook dinner of chicken drumsticks and salad with sago for desert

put away folded laundry

Pick DH up from bus stop at 7:20 pm  :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: ( in 2 hours)



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Humidity is back for a few days---I hate having the a/c on :( I miss the breezes and the birds. But at least we have a/c!


So today:

--watch Twitter all day for Diagon Alley pictures from opening day at Universal Studios Florida (I've been watching all the soft opening pictures but it will be different w crowds lol)

--give dd her daily assignment for APHG

--explore the AP Human Geography teacher community (online)

--work on APHG schedule; difficult to do as I don't know how much the kids will get through this summer

--create a brief Intro to Archaeology syllabus w course description and schedule (I'm trying to write the course descriptions as I plan the classes to save time----they can be needed for college applications)

--write the year-long developing country project for APHG (I'm combining/adapting from six or seven different teachers)




And that's enough :lol:

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Good Morning! 


It's blazing hot outside already.   On a positive note--only 76 days until fall. 



  • hide out in the AC and stay cool
  • laundry-2 loads
  • vacuum first floor and tidy house
  • school 
  • prep dinner early--homemade sub night 
  • work on lesson plans for fall
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Good morning! Melissa, I hope you are enjoying your dh being back home!


Not necessarily in this order, but here's what needs to get done today:


do some research on visiting some nearby museums with my dad if he comes later this week

bank deposit

pay bills

clean bathrooms

tidy kitchen, our bedroom, and laundry room (did living room and dining area last night)

have kids tidy their bedrooms


plan out the light school work I want accomplished during the rest of our summer

take dd to play practice 

watch something with dh







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Good morning!


We had an amazing storm in the middle of the night, so it is wonderfully cool this morning. I am getting coffee ready, and might just have time to eat before we leave for am practice.


Then home to:


travel odds and ends

sports administration

school administration

making appointments for various people

clean up study

pm practice/track/judo pick up


Have a great day, everyone!

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Looks like everyone is having a good day today :)


So far, I've managed to do all of the normal daily chores and things.  We're having lots of rain today so it's been a bit harder to get started.  I'm felling lazy and just want to read in bed.  That so can not happen today. 


Here's what I want to accomplish:


DDs math lesson

Master bedroom closet --  de-clutter

Laundry for the week

Laundry area -- de-clutter and wipe down



Gym for a workout


Phone calls:


Dr Appt

Business License -- This may take a while.

Non-profit Fundraiser Calls


Continue to add to packing list


Now, off to surf the board for a few minutes and get back to work!


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Good Morning,

I am being quite ambitious today.....

** popcicles made and in freezer - it's supposed to be 107 degrees today!

** canning tomatoes - in the process

** canning peaches - will begin after tomatoes

** laundry


And our piano will arrive today! Went out and bought one yesterday. Pretty excited. It's pre-owned, but we bought it from a dealer who checked it out and certified it.

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A piano! How wonderful :) I really want to learn to play someday.


Did some laundry, sent dd her assignment, spent 3 hours exploring resourcing available to members of the AP Human Geography community, and talked with the girls for a while.


Lunch after I hang up the next load!

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A piano! How wonderful :) I really want to learn to play someday.


It was fun to buy. We went to a reputable dealer and bought a modestly priced pre-owned Baldwin, but while the salesman was writing it up, I sat down and played scales on a $117,000 Bosendorfer piano. And to my peasant ears, it didn't sound a whole lot different. But we did ask the guy why....why is this piano so expensive? Well, it is built from Austrian spruce that is grown on the north side of the mountain and harvested within a narrow window of time when the sap is doing something, blah, blah, blah. I was impressed!

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Good Morning!




two loads of laundry

beds made

swim lessons

2 chapters read to DD2



Pay bills

go to the bank

take the kids swimming at the community pool (I guess swim lessons aren't the same as fun swimming to them, darn that worked when they were little!)

Listen to DD1 read a chapter of her creative writing to me.

Clear off hutch

take yard sale box of items to the garage

fold laundry AND put away

spend 1 hour tackling the homeschooling room.

Sweep and vac the living room and hall way

Clean the upstairs bathroom.


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These early morning practices are killing me...I think I get up right in the middle of my sleep cycle.  MysteryJen, how do you keep going the rest of the day? 



I drink coffee. Many cups.


All morning long.


And, though it is starting to get too hot, I have been known to take a catnap in the car during the pm practice.


It is a little embarrassing. But hey, you have to do what you have to do.


After about a year and half, my sleep cycle has seemed to adjust. In bed at 10 or earlier, I wake up frequently on my own a little before 5 am now. I am not actually happy about that, as when I can sleep in, I also can't!

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Today isn't going as planned, but that's okay. 


A friend called and her son wants to come back to homeschooling after a year in public school. I've gone through my books to see what she might could buy from me. I'm meeting her for lunch tomorrow.


Dh had to start filling out paperwork, so I've been helping him gather information for taxes, insurance, etc.


I spoke with Daddy after doing some research about places to visit. He wants to go to the biblical antiquity center in LaGrange. They have replicas of biblical homes, a Roman theater, aquaducts, olive press, etc. They have a biblical artifacts gallery as well.


I've had ds doing some review/math placement tests. I can't believe how much he has forgotten over the last month and a half. He is my mathy kid, too. I just ordered CLE math for him to begin doing because I think he may need a spiral program. I want to make sure it's all cemented very, very well before high school math hits.


I'm about to go get some laundry started. 



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wipe down countertop

clean bathrooms

clean 14 year old's room for company coming

vacuum stairs

clean carpet on stairs

call Marriott and pay for banquet 



UGH!  Apparently 14 year old's idea of a clean room is FAR different than mine!  I have spent about 2 hours cleaning his room and his bathroom for company coming.

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Pool reached maximum occupancy really quickly so DQ and happy kids playing in the sprinkler. Not going to make my errands to the bank  since DD2 is going to Skype with her BFF who moved last month 3 states away.


so changing gears with a new plan.


Get caught up with laundry

have DD1 read me her story

spend 1 hour in homeschooling room organzing for next year

drink a glass of wine


read 2 chapters of my book

answer my states homeschooling organization voicemail. (I volunteer once a week. Answer messages and help steer people in the right direction. I love it)

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A very late afternoon update:


--watch Twitter all day for Diagon Alley pictures from opening day at Universal Studios Florida (I've been watching all the soft opening pictures but it will be different w crowds lol)

--give dd her daily assignment for APHG

--explore the AP Human Geography teacher community (online)

--work on APHG schedule; difficult to do as I don't know how much the kids will get through this summer

--create a brief Intro to Archaeology syllabus w course description and schedule (I'm trying to write the course descriptions as I plan the classes to save time----they can be needed for college applications)

--write the year-long developing country project for APHG (I'm combining/adapting from six or seven different teachers)




Dh is going to swim laps at the university pool. He'll grill the shrimp once home. I think I'll do some Pilates tonight instead of cardio.

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Tomorrow's list will have to look suspiciously like today's list. I hit a few snags with the phone calls and before I knew it, two hours had passed. Then, I had to deal with an urgent co-op situation that went on for far too long. I did leave home and go to the gym so that nobody could call me there :-) My workout was wonderful! Dinner is on the stove, and I just might join you all in a glass of wine. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

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I'm going about this all wrong. Note to self: post in the morning!


Done So Far:

Dd to and from music camp

Whole foods

Cleaned another shelf in pantry. Threw stuff away.

Weeded around hydrangea, peeked at pumpkins, checked on transplanted peonies (not dead yet)

Researched possible causes of dd's hives

Made shopping list for tomorrow


To Do:

Littles in bed

Put away folded laundry

Help dds bring laundry downstairs and sort


Our van (which we just spent $1200 on to fix) has an engine noise that I've been hoping I could ignore for another week but that may not be possible. Rats.

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Lucky, that's some kind of wind. Sorry about the tree! 


Dd and I walked tonight after getting back from her practice.


Ds enjoyed swimming because he swam fastest in the races he did tonight.


Dh and I watched the rest of GOT season 4.


We might go do something tomorrow if we can figure out something fun for all of us. 



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