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Well, she left yesterday

Night Elf

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Bear with me a moment as I have a panic attack. Dd16 left with her YMCA Teen Leadership group on a mission trip to Costa Rica yesterday. Leaving her at the airport wasn't as horrible as I thought it was, but last night as I was laying in bed it hit me. How was her flight? Was she scared? We followed the airplane via American Airlines website so we knew when it took off and landed. Was her drive from the airport to the place where they are staying uneventful? Was she hungry and what will she do if she doesn't like the food? Will her two boxes of granola bars be enough? Where did my baby sleep last night? They said the kids would have cots, pillows and bedding but to bring a sleeping bag or extra blanket. Was her blanket warm enough? Others brought their full sized pillows. Dd only has a travel size pillow. Was it comfortable? What is their plan for today? I'm assuming they won't meet the kids at camp until Monday. Maybe they'll explore today. I hope she doesn't lose her money or passport. Basically, I'll be a nervous wreck until she's home safe. I don't know how you moms of traveling kids do it. My dd is a teen and I still have too many worries!

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I have been there (where you are, not where your girl is!). My biggest comfort was to remember that the safest place for my then 16yodd to be was in the center of God's will.  And for her, His will was in a foreign country with 40 people, only one of whom we knew slightly.  I really clung to that!


Hang in there!


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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Thank you for the prayers. The group has a facebook page and they promised to post some pictures. They have one of them at the airport at the layover in Miami. I hope they post at least one a day. At least I can check on her progress as the week goes on.

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I truly understand! My son got back from a 2 week church trip to Kenya, which seemed so cool at first! When he was 2 weeks out, I couldn't believe how I could have ever thought it was cool! What were we thinking! My mantras were "most things work out well,"and EGBOK (everything's gonna be ok)!

And, it was very good for him to have gone.  Hugs and prayers for you, and your daughter!

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Ice cream. Much ice cream.


I'd be a wreck, too, if it were me. But it isn't, so I'll point out that the YMCA runs excellent programs and there's no reason to think this would be any less well organized and supervised. Your girl is brave and kind and strong. She'll be fine.


When does she come home?

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She is in GREAT hands............seriously, I don't know how big the group is but one of my close friends is one of the leaders for the group of girls for this trip.  She is AWESOME.  You can pm me if you want her name, etc.  She is experienced in this and has raised 3 kids through homeschooling.

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She is in GREAT hands............seriously, I don't know how big the group is but one of my close friends is one of the leaders for the group of girls for this trip.  She is AWESOME.  You can pm me if you want her name, etc.  She is experienced in this and has raised 3 kids through homeschooling.


Thanks, I do feel she's in good hands. Last week I was upset that we hadn't gotten an itinerary as we thought she was leaving on the 28th. I was worried about the leadership at that time. But it was a misunderstanding. Not only was dd not leaving until July 5th, but she had received the email about it a few weeks ago. She dismissed it because she thought her group was leaving on the 28th. When I emailed in a panic over what we thought was a grave error, one of the leaders called me personally at night to put my mind at ease. They've been nothing but helpful during this whole process. The first group just got back last night and they had a successful week, so I'm sure my dd's group will as well.


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