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Gifted? - Can I vent


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I'd agree with people saying you should read up on ADHD. A person can focus when they have ADHD.




Yes, in fact many with ADHD can hyperfocus on one thing. It's sort of being so absorbed in something that you don't know the house is on fire.


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Cat, I think we can read each other's mind. :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I wish I could read the OP's mind, because she still hasn't answered any of my questions. :glare:


Her story has been quite inconsistent, and I'm hoping she will clarify the things I asked her about.


I would like to help her, but it's hard to do that when she ignores some questions and tries to joke her way out of answering others. (I could understand it if any of us had asked personal questions, but I don't think we did.)


I'm still not entirely sure why she started the thread, because initially it seemed to be about finding a way to occupy her mind while she was driving... but then she said she hadn't driven in years, because it was too painful for her, and she didn't even have a license anyway... but the state where she used to live didn't require that she have a drivers license or a permit... :confused:


I'm still wondering about the psychic angle, as well.


Obviously, if she needs help, she should feel free to post and ask for advice. I don't want her to think that she shouldn't feel welcome here. But I do wish she would be more consistent in her posts so I can figure out what she really wants from us.


I think the suggestions that she research ADHD and get a neuro-psych evaluation are excellent, but I'm also hoping we can give her some practical ideas on how she can start feeling better, as well.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I wish I could read the OP's mind, because she still hasn't answered any of my questions. :glare:


Her story has been quite inconsistent, and I'm hoping she will clarify the things I asked her about.


I would like to help her, but it's hard to do that when she ignores some questions and tries to joke her way out of answering others. (I could understand it if any of us had asked personal questions, but I don't think we did.)


I'm still not entirely sure why she started the thread, because initially it seemed to be about finding a way to occupy her mind while she was driving... but then she said she hadn't driven in years, because it was too painful for her, and she didn't even have a license anyway... but the state where she used to live didn't require that she have a drivers license or a permit... :confused:


I'm still wondering about the psychic angle, as well.


Obviously, if she needs help, she should feel free to post and ask for advice. I don't want her to think that she shouldn't feel welcome here. But I do wish she would be more consistent in her posts so I can figure out what she really wants from us.


I think the suggestions that she research ADHD and get a neuro-psych evaluation are excellent, but I'm also hoping we can give her some practical ideas on how she can start feeling better, as well.

No problem, I the psychic will put my fingers to my head and tell you!  It was Personality A who gets bored in the car and Personality B who's too anxious to go out driving!  It was Personality C who answered so calmly and said she'd look into it, but when Personality D answered the questions the psych concluded nothing was wrong.  If only he could have talked with her before coffee...   :lol: 


I have no clue.  I'm just having a little fun with you there.  ;)  Seriously though, you can conclude it's adhd and then have it turn out it crosses into another label.  Jean's right that talking with a psych is how you'd sort that out.  

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I wish I could read the OP's mind, because she still hasn't answered any of my questions.


Her story has been quite inconsistent, and I'm hoping she will clarify the things I asked her about.


I would like to help her, but it's hard to do that when she ignores some questions and tries to joke her way out of answering others. (I could understand it if any of us had asked personal questions, but I don't think we did.)


I'm still not entirely sure why she started the thread, because initially it seemed to be about finding a way to occupy her mind while she was driving... but then she said she hadn't driven in years, because it was too painful for her, and she didn't even have a license anyway... but the state where she used to live didn't require that she have a drivers license or a permit...

Where I live, we call that trying to get blood from a turnip.

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No problem, I the psychic will put my fingers to my head and tell you! It was Personality A who gets bored in the car and Personality B who's too anxious to go out driving! It was Personality C who answered so calmly and said she'd look into it, but when Personality D answered the questions the psych concluded nothing was wrong. If only he could have talked with her before coffee... :lol:


I have no clue. I'm just having a little fun with you there. ;) Seriously though, you can conclude it's adhd and then have it turn out it crosses into another label. Jean's right that talking with a psych is how you'd sort that out.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Of all the rotten weeks for your crystal ball to break! ;)

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Obviously, if she needs help, she should feel free to post and ask for advice. I don't want her to think that she shouldn't feel welcome here. But I do wish she would be more consistent in her posts so I can figure out what she really wants from us.



I do believe she wants us all to proclaim that yes, she's obviously a genius because she gets bored while she drives, then ooh and ahh for a while.  The fact that we didn't all immediately swoon must have confuzzled her.  I'm guessing she didn't realize that we have a freakish number of gifted people on the forum.  

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I do believe she wants us all to proclaim that yes, she's obviously a genius because she gets bored while she drives, then ooh and ahh for a while.  The fact that we didn't all immediately swoon must have confuzzled her.  I'm guessing she didn't realize that we have a freakish number of gifted people on the forum.  


Tsk, tsk, Mergath Darling, pour yourself a cup of chamomile tea and inhale deeply. :lol: :lol: ;)

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I do believe she wants us all to proclaim that yes, she's obviously a genius because she gets bored while she drives, then ooh and ahh for a while. The fact that we didn't all immediately swoon must have confuzzled her. I'm guessing she didn't realize that we have a freakish number of gifted people on the forum.

It's good that the geniuses are brainwashing the next generation.


bTW, I hate driving, too, even though my knees work.

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Tsk, tsk, Mergath Darling, pour yourself a cup of chamomile tea and inhale deeply. :lol: :lol: ;)


Lol, I just have no patience for the gifted people who come online and complain about how very bored they are with the ordinary people and their tiny minds, and the plebeian everyday activities of life.  Suck it up, buttercup.  It's stuff like this that makes me have to work very, very hard not to roll my eyes when I have to mention that I tested as gifted.  Or when other people mention that they did, too.


Honestly, I should really just avoid any thread with the word "gifted" in the title. ;)

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Wow, I was venting out here hoping some kind encouraging words would make me stronger.  If I can stay composed despite my already stressed brain having to assume an additional responsibility of being the clown here, that does mean I am stronger than I think and I could use that strength to let go off my stress baggages.


I am sure my reply again would stir up another round of fun here, but I will save my replies because it cant go beyond Personality Z.


I dont think its uncommon for people get into a life phase that completely drains them out emotionally and physically which leads them to lose their balance or clarity.  And looking for kind encouraging words aren't bad either.    I tried to politely accept the suggestions considering good intentions.


I wasn't seeking appreciation or bragging because I consider talents as a responsibility to use them in a right way and if its not done its equivalent to not existing.


I understand everyone was truly trying to help while having fun, but some encouraging words or completely ignoring this pointless thread instead of dissecting a stressed out brain would have been kind.


And a special thanks to you Quill, for considering me.

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Wow, I was venting out here hoping some kind encouraging words would make me stronger.  If I can stay composed despite my already stressed brain having to assume an additional responsibility of being the clown here, that does mean I am stronger than I think and I could use that strength to let go off my stress baggages.


I am sure my reply again would stir up another round of fun here, but I will save my replies because it cant go beyond Personality Z.


I dont think its uncommon for people get into a life phase that completely drains them out emotionally and physically which leads them to lose their balance or clarity.  And looking for kind encouraging words aren't bad either.    I tried to politely accept the suggestions considering good intentions.


I wasn't seeking appreciation or bragging because I consider talents as a responsibility to use them in a right way and if its not done its equivalent to not existing.


I understand everyone was truly trying to help while having fun, but some encouraging words or completely ignoring this pointless thread instead of dissecting a stressed out brain would have been kind.


And a special thanks to you Quill, for considering me.


If you discuss giftedness amongst gifted people some dissection is bound to happen. It goes along with the over analyzing I suppose. Also, a lot of people have learned that we either laugh or life is too stressful so we learn to laugh at whatever life offers us to laugh at. Although I don't believe I poked fun at you at all, I just stated where I was at. I would've given encouragement if I had any to give. The closest I could come was saying in my long winded way that you aren't alone.

Life is hard, life is long, it definitely sucks and has some seriously hard things to work with right from the get go, but I don't think anyone has the answers.


You will learn from trial and error what works for you with some things and you'll get to the point where you just live with what you can't seem to change.


Also, don't knock ideas like ADHD unless you have truly looked into it. People that suggest things suggest out of their studied knowledge usually I have found (in this forum anyway). If they are suggesting it, it's because they honestly know about it. If all you know about it is what popular culture has portrayed it to be, then don't knock it off the table of possibilities.


Your original post was phrased in a way that looked as though you were looking for solutions and ideas. The ladies tried to give that and then were confused by your replies.

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I have found on this forum that gifted conversation tends to do better in the gifted forum. Even there, though, people will tend to hear you state a problem, even if you were just trying to vent, and then help you fix said problem, even if you weren't wanting anything fixed. Wording is very important here. Tricky and annoying at times, but these ladies are amazing enough to stick around long enough to learn how to word things.



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Wow, I was venting out here hoping some kind encouraging words would make me stronger. If I can stay composed despite my already stressed brain having to assume an additional responsibility of being the clown here, that does mean I am stronger than I think and I could use that strength to let go off my stress baggages.


I am sure my reply again would stir up another round of fun here, but I will save my replies because it cant go beyond Personality Z.


I dont think its uncommon for people get into a life phase that completely drains them out emotionally and physically which leads them to lose their balance or clarity. And looking for kind encouraging words aren't bad either. I tried to politely accept the suggestions considering good intentions.


I wasn't seeking appreciation or bragging because I consider talents as a responsibility to use them in a right way and if its not done its equivalent to not existing.


I understand everyone was truly trying to help while having fun, but some encouraging words or completely ignoring this pointless thread instead of dissecting a stressed out brain would have been kind.


And a special thanks to you Quill, for considering me.

And yet again, you have failed to answer even a single question that has been asked of you, nor have you explained any of the multiple inconsistencies in your posts. :glare:


If you're as gifted as you keep bragging that you are (and for someone with alleged self-esteem issues, you certainly boast a lot about yourself,) I would think you would be capable of keeping your story straight. :rolleyes:


Honestly, I thought at first that you came here looking for help and advice. At this point, I think you may have just posted so people would be amazed at your brilliance and tell you how gifted you are. I no longer believe for a minute that you were seriously wondering whether or not you were gifted, so I must admit that I question your entire motivation for this thread.


At this point, I have no idea what you want. :confused:

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LiketoListen - is English your first language? The way you phrase sentences and some of your misspellings make me think that perhaps it is not. I really think that going to a psychologist would help you to see what your strengths and weaknesses are (we all have both) and will help you deal with stress.


See Jean, now you are the psychic one because that is EXACTLY what I was thinking!  I just re-read every post and it seemed to me that there was a difficulty with the language that went beyond just lack of editing. Perhaps, LiketoListen you are having a difficult time getting the type of answers you want because you are not asking the question in a way that draws those responses. 


Edit here because this silly thing didn't include my second quote :

Wow, I was venting out here hoping some kind encouraging words would make me stronger.  If I can stay composed despite my already stressed brain having to assume an additional responsibility of being the clown here, that does mean I am stronger than I think and I could use that strength to let go off my stress baggages.


While I can't help if English is not your forte I can make some suggestions for clarifying your posts.  If you want people to acknowledge you giftedness, use a JAWM (Just Agree With Me) in your title and that's what people will do. If you just need to vent your frustration, use Vent in your title and people will nod and listen while you get it all out. But, if you put your question/problem/mussing out there without any qualifiers, you need to be prepared to hear advice from all corners. Not everyone will agree with you - heck, we frequently don't agree with each other. But, that doesn't mean you can't garner plenty of wisdom and insight from the ladies ( and gents) here on this board.

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Guest submarines

And yet again, you have failed to answer even a single question that has been asked of you, nor have you explained any of the multiple inconsistencies in your posts. :glare:


If you're as gifted as you keep bragging that you are (and for someone with alleged self-esteem issues, you certainly boast a lot about yourself,) I would think you would be capable of keeping your story straight. :rolleyes:


Honestly, I thought at first that you came here looking for help and advice. At this point, I think you may have just posted so people would be amazed at your brilliance and tell you how gifted you are. I no longer believe for a minute that you were seriously wondering whether or not you were gifted, so I must admit that I question your entire motivation for this thread.


At this point, I have no idea what you want. :confused:


I didn't read the OP the same way, not at all.


Her title says that she's venting. She seems a bit scattered and has a lot of pent up emotions and thoughts, and they are pouring out.


Even a new member is allowed to vent here, the last I heard. :D She is not in the court of law to reply to every question with her hand on the Bible. If it were me, I'd sense hostility in your questions and I wouldn't reply to avoid confrontation. But hey, I hope I'm reading your posts wrong. :) It is difficult to judge intonation on the internet.


If this thread annoys you (and it seems that it does), you can step away. Other people can figure out for themselves whether to post here or to step away.

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Guest submarines

See Jean, now you are the psychic one because that is EXACTLY what I was thinking!  I just re-read every post and it seemed to me that there was a difficulty with the language that went beyond just lack of editing. Perhaps, LiketoListen you are having a difficult time getting the type of answers you want because you are not asking the question in a way that draws those responses. 


Edit here because this silly thing didn't include my second quote :

Wow, I was venting out here hoping some kind encouraging words would make me stronger.  If I can stay composed despite my already stressed brain having to assume an additional responsibility of being the clown here, that does mean I am stronger than I think and I could use that strength to let go off my stress baggages.


While I can't help if English is not your forte I can make some suggestions for clarifying your posts.  If you want people to acknowledge you giftedness, use a JAWM (Just Agree With Me) in your title and that's what people will do. If you just need to vent your frustration, use Vent in your title and people will nod and listen while you get it all out. But, if you put your question/problem/mussing out there without any qualifiers, you need to be prepared to hear advice from all corners. Not everyone will agree with you - heck, we frequently don't agree with each other. But, that doesn't mean you can't garner plenty of wisdom and insight from the ladies ( and gents) here on this board.


The OP did use the word VENT in her title. But apparently new members here are not allowed to vent. I must go and check the rules again. I'll go and check the rules for those of us who are not native English speakers. Maybe we have different rules here as well. :coolgleamA:

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The OP did use the word VENT in her title. But apparently new members here are not allowed to vent. I must got and check the rules again. I'll go and check the rules for those of us who are not native English speakers. Maybe we have different rules here as well. :coolgleamA:


You are absolutely right. She did use the word vent in her title. I missed that and I apologize. Perhaps responders should have been more careful in the replies.


You are also correct that new members are allowed to vent. I wouldn't suggest otherwise. As I said, I missed that she used that request in her title and her wishes should be respected.


In no way did I mean to disparage non-native English speakers. Why would you think that? Jean said that it felt like  English wasn't her first language. I happened to agree. I suggested that perhaps that was why she was having a hard time getting the responses she was looking for and offered a few suggestions on how she might fine-tune her post because sometimes new members don't know that acronyms or key words we use here. There are plenty unique to this board that might not be know to newcomers. That is all I meant - no insult implied or intended.


I've lived overseas in several countries and I've always tried to learn the language, I appreciate how very difficult it can be. Frankly, I speak German about as well as a 2 year old.  Sometimes I can't quite get my point across. In those situations I find it helpful if people point out to me ways I can alter my vocabulary/syntax/whatever to make my point clearer. 


Her English is obviously not at the same level as my German. But, to me, as I read her posts, it feels as if there is a hint of disconnect that could be because she is a non-native speaker. That is all I meant!! I have great admiration for people who master a second language. Good on you!


edited to fix my own stupid mistakes!

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I didn't read the OP the same way, not at all.


Her title says that she's venting. She seems a bit scattered and has a lot of pent up emotions and thoughts, and they are pouring out.


Even a new member is allowed to vent here, the last I heard. :D She is not in the court of law to reply to every question with her hand on the Bible. If it were me, I'd sense hostility in your questions and I wouldn't reply to avoid confrontation. But hey, I hope I'm reading your posts wrong. :) It is difficult to judge intonation on the internet.


If this thread annoys you (and it seems that it does), you can step away. Other people can figure out for themselves whether to post here or to step away.

I didn't get the impression from her OP that she was venting. It seemed like she was looking for specific advice, as well as general affirmation of her giftedness. OK, that was fine. But then the inconsistencies started.


As just one example, I asked her to explain her inconsistency about the driving. I think that was a perfectly legitimate request, because in her OP, she said her biggest problem was when she was driving. It appeared to me (and to several others) that she was asking for ways to keep her mind occupied while she was driving.


But... in another post she said that she doesn't drive at all, and she can't drive because it hurts her knees, and not only does she not have a license (or the confidence to take a driver's test, despite her claims about being so gifted,) the state she used to live in doesn't even require driver's licenses, anyway.


That's not being scattered. That's telling two completely different stories.


I was also curious as to which state requires adult drivers to have neither a license nor a learner's permit, as I had always thought every state required them. But again, no reply.


And she has yet to explain what she meant when others questioned her, as well. I have been more than willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she has dodged every question that has been asked of her.


I'm sorry if you disagree with me, and you know I always respect your opinion, but I don't think I'm being mean as much as I'm being impatient. I'm trying to give her every opportunity to clarify what she meant so people will take her seriously, but now she has decided to play the victim card and "save my replies because it can't go beyond Personality Z," whatever that means -- I truly have no clue.

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I was also curious as to which state requires adult drivers to have neither a license nor a learner's permit, as I had always thought every state required them. But again, no reply.


I kind of assumed English wasn't her native language from her phrasing, even before Jean suggested it.  And so when she said that I thought she might be living in another country - 'state' can also mean 'country', as in "head of state".


But maybe she'll clarify. :)


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I wasn't seeking appreciation or bragging because I consider talents as a responsibility to use them in a right way and if its not done its equivalent to not existing.




I just don't think that "using your talents in the right way" necessarily means anything other than being a housewife and a mother, even for very bright people.  It *can* mean that, for some people, but it doesn't have to.

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I wasn't seeking appreciation or bragging because I consider talents as a responsibility to use them in a right way and if its not done its equivalent to not existing.



I agree with you that talents are a responsibility. Everyone needs to be useful and to be truly useful one needs to use their own abilities and talents. I don't think that there is only one right way to use them though. There are a dozen different avenues I couldn't taken my abilities. I chose to use them to raise my children and run my home to the best of my ability. That means I read textbooks about problems that my kids have, and research material that my kids need, and learn how to feed my family now. I am still using my mind and the abilities I have, and what better way to use them then to help the next generation get an awesome start on life.


I have found that often what one really loves, tends to land close to where ones talents are anyway. The tendency with gifted individuals is that they rationalize everything and that isn't a bad thing at all, but often it is to the detriment of their emotional selves. Sometimes just checking in with how we feel about things will lead us in the direction we need to go. Not always, there has to be balance between the emotional self, and the rational self, but don't the head down for the sake of the emotions, and don't stuff your feelings for the sake of the head, let them help each other out.

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I didn't read the OP the same way, not at all.


Her title says that she's venting. She seems a bit scattered and has a lot of pent up emotions and thoughts, and they are pouring out.


Even a new member is allowed to vent here, the last I heard. :D She is not in the court of law to reply to every question with her hand on the Bible. If it were me, I'd sense hostility in your questions and I wouldn't reply to avoid confrontation. But hey, I hope I'm reading your posts wrong. :) It is difficult to judge intonation on the internet.


If this thread annoys you (and it seems that it does), you can step away. Other people can figure out for themselves whether to post here or to step away.


I think Cat genuinely tried to address some issues mentioned in the original post and second post but there were inconsistencies that made it difficult to ascertain where to go with an answer.


If LiketoListen can answer some of those questions or clarify, we could better communicate with her - and perhaps even be of some help.

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I think Cat genuinely tried to address some issues mentioned in the original post and second post but there were inconsistencies that made it difficult to ascertain where to go with an answer.


If LiketoListen can answer some of those questions or clarify, we could better communicate with her - and perhaps even be of some help.

Thanks, Liz. :)

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I dont think its uncommon for people get into a life phase that completely drains them out emotionally and physically which leads them to lose their balance or clarity.  


Not uncommon at all. From what I hear around here, it happens to nearly everyone, even us non-gifted bods. 

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Well guys, I am back :)

I wrote my first post here asking for motivation and you guys motivated me enough to go get my differences/weirdness labelled as "Giftedness".  You replies were enough to push aside the extreme perfectionist in me and to begin my self-discovery looking for good qualities/abilities.  Thank you. I did consult a Psychotherapist/Motivational Coach at a counseling center for gifted adults.  Well, I was right.  I am gifted (possibly highly gifted) and multi-potential.  I did take several Gardner's multiple intelligences test and scored way-above average on Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical/mathematical and Visual/Spatial.  My kinesthetic scores were very good too. 

I didn't reply to questions appearing to help me because (1) I never asked for any suggestions nor had any questions. When I was offered suggestions, I politely accepted them. (2) I could answer questions if you made genuine inquiries to help me.  If you wanted me "justify" that I really am venting here, well, that's beyond the purpose of this thread. (3) Since you guys already CONCLUDED that I have ADHD, a possible multi-personality disorder, smart and extrovert but not gifted,  and ofcourse ESL (is that a label here?), I didn't see a need to explain.


Since I proved your conclusions wrong, here you go with my replies.  If you dont need them, simply ignore them.  (Well, you were right about one though - English is my second language).

The state that would let an unlicensed teen driver (15Ă‚Â½ years old) drive with an adult supervision is New Hampshire. No learner permit is required.  

I am trying not be offended by the statement that said I do not understand the difference between a state and country. Seriously?  I am letting this go because I am considering (not concluding) it as a possible lack of experience with international travel and multi-cultural exposure.  Well guys, language is a mere tool for communication.  It would never ever equal communication.  We can understand a 2yr old if we want to.  We can overlook any conversation if our willingness has been turned off and assumptions on.  It was my emotional state of mind that led me there.  I knew I made mistakes but was too frustrated to go back and correct them (and it was clear enough to understand what I meant).  Yes, I admit I make mistakes because I don't think in English (if you can understand what I mean).  If you never had the chance to familiarize yourself with a second language, ignore this and consider me ESL. For what its worth, I have a 97% TOEIC score with 100% in writing.

Well, I knew there are a freaking number of gifted minds on here. That is why I started my post saying



I am so glad to have found this forum. A forum where I have people to understand what I am talking about

Yep, totally wrong.  Why would one think all posts with "gifted" as a subject line would be about boasting? - Unless you have been told at a young age that you are gifted/smart, you know you were "different" for a good reason,  and you were brought up in a nurturing environment that encouraged you for "being different".  Please understand, it isn't the same for UNIDENTIFIED gifted adults.  My profound empathy for others made me take decisions ignoring my own interests, my multi-potential ability was ready to learn anything and everything that came its way and when it comes to actually doing them - my intellectual ability wasn't ready to settle for anything less (it didn't challenge my brain enough).  You could consider this boasting, but it doesn't feel like a heaven to me.  It becomes a terrible world of inner struggles. And, if at all one makes an attempt to share these struggles, sharing is seen as boasting, frustrations as dramatic and intellectual ability for abstract thoughts are seen as inconsistent/scattered/neuro disorders.  And that is why I said "Talents are a responsibility". If you aren't aware enough to use them purposefully, its better they don't exist.  It just becomes a baggage.

I never assumed I knew everything about ADHD but you guys need to stop assuming you know everything about being "gifted".  There is a dark side to it. Unless you have been certified as "gifted", everyone would be ready to conclude the "differences" as a neuro disorder.  No one would be willing to accept that the other person could possibly be gifted (and hence the abstract thoughts). This is more than enough to create a self-doubt and affect confidence levels of a person.

I have enough other things to brag about in my life - my husband for his unconditional love and for admiring me for who I am, my parents who taught me the moral values and to remain strong that I never fell for any addiction despite my frustrations and remain strong in my faith, my little one who has been my source of strength all these years and the very reason I want to get this fixed.

I see giftedness as nothing but an enhanced ability to learn and explore, but not the right to conclude.


Here comes the psychic part.  Well I think I can be a good counselor because I empathize with people.  I am considerate. I am courteous. I am not judgmental. I make genuine inquiries with due consideration to the individual's emotional state of mind.  I don't shoot questions with an underlying curiosity to figure, rather, rule things out.  Well, we just need to be open and willing to read a person's mind.  It does not mean/need magic.


For the comment on dissection and over-analysis by the gifted minds here -  dissection and over-analysis are supposed to happen vertically and never horizontally.  If dissection happens at a surface level, it would be a synonym for hurting.  Unless it is done to identify the unsaid and unnoticed, its of no use.


If you consider this as an unnecessary post, ignore it (or rate it one star).  There were a lot of replies on here that weren't appropriate for a "venting" thread.  So its alright to have one reply that seems unnecessary.   Please note, I am not asking for any suggestions.  However, I am happy to accept them or answer genuine questions. I reserve the right to "politely" refuse to answer any questions if I deem them uncomfortable.  Please don't come back saying I am not making it favorable for you to answer my "unasked" questions.

Thanks to those who had the willingness to see beyond my words and read my mind.  

Pod's mum - You were spot on about a very busy mind and fingers racing to match the speed.  Yes, very true. I am aware that my vocabulary can never be compared with that of a native English speaker. But, whatever I know, I use them thoughtfully.  Do gifted minds expect me to right a thesis on how frustrated I am?

67_others and Quill - thank you so much.  No matter how illogical it may seem, I couldn't bring myself to justify that people could "have fun" while a person is trying to vent and talk about their years of emotional/physical pain.   Why wouldn't I consider myself a victim?

I don't regret having been gone unidentified - probably I wasn't mature enough to handle it.  If I can help people around me bringing smiles to their faces and don't intentionally/unintentionally hurt people, I would call it a life with a purpose.  Being aware of my giftedness would help me in making it more meaningful and its never too late for it.  Thanks guys, I did learn a lot here.


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Yeah, but she said that her biggest problem is that she hates driving, so people started giving her ideas on how to keep her mind busy while she was driving... and now she's saying that not only does she not drive, it's too painful for her, and she doesn't even have a license.


That's why I'm confused.


Since I could never convince you with my reply, below are the words by my therapist/motivational coach.


"Your intellectual abilities are like a hungry lion. If you don't feed it enough, it will go mad and make you frustrated".  My frustrations/depression made me hate driving.


I expect to start driving soon. 

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Since I could never convince you with my reply, below are the words by my therapist/motivational coach.


"Your intellectual abilities are like a hungry lion. If you don't feed it enough, it will go mad and make you frustrated". My frustrations/depression made me hate driving.


I expect to start driving soon.

Thank goodness you're not bragging any more. Now you're quoting others who are bragging on your behalf. :rolleyes:


How will you start driving if it's so physically painful for you? As I recall, the pain was so intense, you couldn't drive.

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Well guys, I am back :)


I wrote my first post here asking for motivation and you guys motivated me enough to go get my differences/weirdness labelled as "Giftedness". You replies were enough to push aside the extreme perfectionist in me and to begin my self-discovery looking for good qualities/abilities. Thank you. I did consult a Psychotherapist/Motivational Coach at a counseling center for gifted adults. Well, I was right. I am gifted (possibly highly gifted) and multi-potential. I did take several Gardner's multiple intelligences test and scored way-above average on Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical/mathematical and Visual/Spatial. My kinesthetic scores were very good too.


I didn't reply to questions appearing to help me because (1) I never asked for any suggestions nor had any questions. When I was offered suggestions, I politely accepted them. (2) I could answer questions if you made genuine inquiries to help me. If you wanted me "justify" that I really am venting here, well, that's beyond the purpose of this thread. (3) Since you guys already CONCLUDED that I have ADHD, a possible multi-personality disorder, smart and extrovert but not gifted, and ofcourse ESL (is that a label here?), I didn't see a need to explain.


Since I proved your conclusions wrong, here you go with my replies. If you dont need them, simply ignore them. (Well, you were right about one though - English is my second language).


The state that would let an unlicensed teen driver (15Ă‚Â½ years old) drive with an adult supervision is New Hampshire. No learner permit is required.


I am trying not be offended by the statement that said I do not understand the difference between a state and country. Seriously? I am letting this go because I am considering (not concluding) it as a possible lack of experience with international travel and multi-cultural exposure. Well guys, language is a mere tool for communication. It would never ever equal communication. We can understand a 2yr old if we want to. We can overlook any conversation if our willingness has been turned off and assumptions on. It was my emotional state of mind that led me there. I knew I made mistakes but was too frustrated to go back and correct them (and it was clear enough to understand what I meant). Yes, I admit I make mistakes because I don't think in English (if you can understand what I mean). If you never had the chance to familiarize yourself with a second language, ignore this and consider me ESL. For what its worth, I have a 97% TOEIC score with 100% in writing.


Well, I knew there are a freaking number of gifted minds on here. That is why I started my post saying


Yep, totally wrong. Why would one think all posts with "gifted" as a subject line would be about boasting? - Unless you have been told at a young age that you are gifted/smart, you know you were "different" for a good reason, and you were brought up in a nurturing environment that encouraged you for "being different". Please understand, it isn't the same for UNIDENTIFIED gifted adults. My profound empathy for others made me take decisions ignoring my own interests, my multi-potential ability was ready to learn anything and everything that came its way and when it comes to actually doing them - my intellectual ability wasn't ready to settle for anything less (it didn't challenge my brain enough). You could consider this boasting, but it doesn't feel like a heaven to me. It becomes a terrible world of inner struggles. And, if at all one makes an attempt to share these struggles, sharing is seen as boasting, frustrations as dramatic and intellectual ability for abstract thoughts are seen as inconsistent/scattered/neuro disorders. And that is why I said "Talents are a responsibility". If you aren't aware enough to use them purposefully, its better they don't exist. It just becomes a baggage.


I never assumed I knew everything about ADHD but you guys need to stop assuming you know everything about being "gifted". There is a dark side to it. Unless you have been certified as "gifted", everyone would be ready to conclude the "differences" as a neuro disorder. No one would be willing to accept that the other person could possibly be gifted (and hence the abstract thoughts). This is more than enough to create a self-doubt and affect confidence levels of a person.


I have enough other things to brag about in my life - my husband for his unconditional love and for admiring me for who I am, my parents who taught me the moral values and to remain strong that I never fell for any addiction despite my frustrations and remain strong in my faith, my little one who has been my source of strength all these years and the very reason I want to get this fixed.


I see giftedness as nothing but an enhanced ability to learn and explore, but not the right to conclude.


Here comes the psychic part. Well I think I can be a good counselor because I empathize with people. I am considerate. I am courteous. I am not judgmental. I make genuine inquiries with due consideration to the individual's emotional state of mind. I don't shoot questions with an underlying curiosity to figure, rather, rule things out. Well, we just need to be open and willing to read a person's mind. It does not mean/need magic.


For the comment on dissection and over-analysis by the gifted minds here - dissection and over-analysis are supposed to happen vertically and never horizontally. If dissection happens at a surface level, it would be a synonym for hurting. Unless it is done to identify the unsaid and unnoticed, its of no use.


If you consider this as an unnecessary post, ignore it (or rate it one star). There were a lot of replies on here that weren't appropriate for a "venting" thread. So its alright to have one reply that seems unnecessary. Please note, I am not asking for any suggestions. However, I am happy to accept them or answer genuine questions. I reserve the right to "politely" refuse to answer any questions if I deem them uncomfortable. Please don't come back saying I am not making it favorable for you to answer my "unasked" questions.


Thanks to those who had the willingness to see beyond my words and read my mind.


Pod's mum - You were spot on about a very busy mind and fingers racing to match the speed. Yes, very true. I am aware that my vocabulary can never be compared with that of a native English speaker. But, whatever I know, I use them thoughtfully. Do gifted minds expect me to right a thesis on how frustrated I am?


67_others and Quill - thank you so much. No matter how illogical it may seem, I couldn't bring myself to justify that people could "have fun" while a person is trying to vent and talk about their years of emotional/physical pain. Why wouldn't I consider myself a victim?


I don't regret having been gone unidentified - probably I wasn't mature enough to handle it. If I can help people around me bringing smiles to their faces and don't intentionally/unintentionally hurt people, I would call it a life with a purpose. Being aware of my giftedness would help me in making it more meaningful and its never too late for it. Thanks guys, I did learn a lot here.

Well, you've certainly accomplished a lot in less than a week.


Most of us couldn't have even gotten an appointment for all that testing and counseling in just a few short days, but apparently you managed to do it in a hurry so you could "prove our conclusions wrong."


All you've proven to me is that it took you a week to come up with explanations for some of your inconsistencies. You've also proven that you're not a "victim" of anything at all. You just wanted to come here and boast about how brilliant and wonderful you are.


I don't particularly care if you're gifted, profoundly gifted, or if you'd put Albert Einstein to shame. My only impression of you right now is that you seem to need validation from a bunch of complete strangers on a message board, and I find that kind of sad.

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I don't need any affirmation.   I don't have to convince you that I was able to get an appointment.  


There are tons of articles on internet that talk about difficulties of unidentified gifted.  If you don't believe, ignore it.  I just gave my reply.  

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I'm confused :huh:


If you're real, I'm glad you seem to have found some help/support/vaildation.  And I'm seriously impressed at the turn around time on assessment from first contact to conclusion. 


If you're not.  Well.  Ok. 

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I hve a genuine question.


What is personality Z? That is not a phrase I have ever come across and I can't seem to parse it into anything useful.

I found this on the internet. (You know, if it's on the internet it's right.)


Type ZĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s are those who are often negative, hostile, depressed and moody and they are often insecure and tense in social situations. On the outside they can appear calm. but, on the inside it like a volcano ready to erupt.


You probably know which personality type fits you the best and there are pros and cons to each type.

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I didn't think I might be in the "gifted" intellectual range until I took a photography class when I was 29. I never really paid attention to how quickly I could remember new information, until I saw other adults doing this rather slowly. I was a depressed underacheiver in high school, so it never came up as a possibility there. That said, I never have been evaluated (or whatever) as an adult, as it is now moot. So, maybe I merely *think* I am gifted; maybe my class was full of dopes. I'm not sure.


I am flattered the OP said something nice about me. What can I say - my love language is "Words of Affirmation."

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ohhh, thank you Caroline, I didn't even think to google, just assumed it was an idiosyncratic / not quite first language thing.  That makes sense now.  I've only heard of type A/B trait theory... now I need to go and do some more reading :-)



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I hve a genuine question. 


What is personality Z?  That is not a phrase I have ever come across and I can't seem to parse it into anything useful. 


My first reply was labeled as "Personality  A", second as "Personality B", third "Personality C".....Since some have decided not to accept anything that I write, no matter how many replies I could give, I said that.  If one continues to label my replies, they have to be creative to go beyond the "Personality Z" label.  I am sure gifted minds would come up with ideas.  I am sorry it wasn't easy to figure out.

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I didn't think I might be in the "gifted" intellectual range until I took a photography class when I was 29. I never really paid attention to how quickly I could remember new information, until I saw other adults doing this rather slowly. I was a depressed underacheiver in high school, so it never came up as a possibility there. That said, I never have been evaluated (or whatever) as an adult, as it is now moot. So, maybe I merely *think* I am gifted; maybe my class was full of dopes. I'm not sure.


I am flattered the OP said something nice about me. What can I say - my love language is "Words of Affirmation."

Let's say the class was full of geniuses and you're a Super Genius. It sounds so much better than "not a dope." ;)


My love language is "brand new car." I don't think that one is listed in the book, but I figure the revised edition will include 6 love languages. Remind me to email the author to point out the omission. :D

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