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WWYD? DS 9 broke my kindle


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He's 9. You're at least 25. You knew how he was treating the kindle, and you chose not to enforce more careful behavior. Seems to me it's on you. 



This time, show and tell him how to treat it, and enforce proper care and feeding of the kindle. Coach, show, remind, reward. If he treats it poorly, enforce proper consequences (no Kindle for 48 hours, or no dessert, or whatever). 



:iagree:    :iagree:

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StephanieZ, would you be willing to link to the case y'all love? I have such a hard time choosing things like that without being able to touch them!


I tried this one with our first Paperwhite, after having two of the more sporty-cushiony ones for prior kindles, and we all love this case. When we got our second Paperwhite a few months ago (dh's birthday), we got another one of these cases.




They are very comfortable to use, feels like leather, very secure, cannot easily be removed and can NOT be accidentally removed, and the magnetic cover holds well, and when you open it, like a book, the kindle automatically wakes up! Highly recommend! Plus, it is cheap! And, lots of fab colors! What's not to love? 

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I tried this one with our first Paperwhite, after having two of the more sporty-cushiony ones for prior kindles, and we all love this case. When we got our second Paperwhite a few months ago (dh's birthday), we got another one of these cases.




They are very comfortable to use, feels like leather, very secure, cannot easily be removed and can NOT be accidentally removed, and the magnetic cover holds well, and when you open it, like a book, the kindle automatically wakes up! Highly recommend! Plus, it is cheap! And, lots of fab colors! What's not to love? 


I have the same case, love it. And I've dropped my kindle several times since getting the cover, and no breakage yet. 

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BTW, Kindle screens are much more fragile than iPads IME. I've had my iPad for 3 years in my purse, never a scratch, never a problem. In 4ish years I've broken at least four kindles and now have three working ones (whole family . . .) Love those paperwhite screens for reading (more than the iPad), but they are fragile. Much easier to break than iPads. So, get a good case that doesn't come off EVER. I like the ones that seal magnetically and look like a leather book binding. They're under $20, and we've never broken one in a case EXCEPT if I put it in a laptop bag and said bag gets luggage stacked on it .. . THey can't handle the compression. So, anyway, don't stack heavy stuff on the kindle, and keep it in a case. If you do those things, they are much more bullet proof than otherwise.

I think iPad screens are much more fragile. My 5 yo cracked mine and he didn't even drop it. He hit is just so on metal bleachers. Screen cracked in 3 places, even in a case. I bought him a kindle fire instead of an iPad because for $139 I wouldn't be sad when he cracks the screen. Like I said I bought 5 paper whites when they first came out and they are all still going strong.

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Speaking of one who went through four Kindle Fires the first year (company issues, not mine, including a loose port and problem charger) as well as a mom to a child whose obsessions were like a stabilizing drug, I'd chalk this one up to experience and get him one of his own. Buy him a basic model with one of the highly reviewed silicone childproof cases, and preferably one that has a long battery life. Choose one location in the house where he can use it while seated when it is attached to the charger so to avoid pulling on the port. I'd have him do jobs to put towards the cost of the case since he destroyed your Kindle, but be reasonable about it.


This time in life passes quickly...I so wish my kids were voracious readers like they used to be.



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Whatever model you get, used or new - make him pay for it. He might be able to pay a little now, and then pay a bit each week or month out of any allowance he gets - or, if no allowance, he owes major chores.  Keep a running tab somewhere so he can see how much he still owes.


Ownership may well help him be more careful of the next item!


I have seen basic Kindles go on sale super cheap at Amazon (I got my basic for $29 less than a year ago, although that appeared to be a limited sale not offered to everybody. $69 is a more common sale price. )

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I think I would have him contribute at least a portion of the cost to replace it, then establish some clear rules for taking care of it--where it can be used, where it goes when charging or not in use, etc. If he is careless with it, he loses the privilege of using it for a set amount of time. You would need to be more intentional and consistent about helping him learn how to be responsible for it.

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Couple ideas if you buy a new one:


Have its charging spot in your room with a little note that says "get mom" so that you are the only one putting the cord in and out...every time. Charge it every night.


An idea for making a home for it..

In his room and perhaps another common reading spot hang a small basket on the wall. I'm picturing something like what they sell in office supply stores. I would hang it by the doorway. Perhaps in the bedroom I'd do one by the door and one by the bed. An alternative to a basket that might work is a short display ledge. The kind with a lip to keep picture frames from falling off.

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I'd buy another one and maybe have him contribute toward the cost of it, plus a case and maybe a screen protector, and a SquareTrade warranty. That's the only way I allow my children to use the electronic devices, because the reality is that children ARE forgetful sometimes, and even with the most conscientious of users, accidents happen.

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An idea for making a home for it..

In his room and perhaps another common reading spot hang a small basket on the wall. I'm picturing something like what they sell in office supply stores. I would hang it by the doorway. Perhaps in the bedroom I'd do one by the door and one by the bed. An alternative to a basket that might work is a short display ledge. The kind with a lip to keep picture frames from falling off.


We do this—we call it the "Kindle Corral," located in my room. We use a magazine file box on one of my bookshelves, in easy reach of the chargers. Then chargers stay in my room and charging is only done in my room. Kindles return to the corral when being charged, when not in use, and always at the end of the day.


Erica in OR

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I'm generally on the side of buying a new basic Kindle with a very sturdy case and letting him use it. I spend a small fortune on books for my daughter and when she is a bit older I will happily switch her to e-books.


But a couple ideas to brainstorm how to have him pay for some of it without limiting book access in the meantime, if that is what you choose to do...


1. Buy the Kindle and case. Allow him to "rent to own" it from you. He can pay a daily or weekly rental fee from his allowance for usage privileges. He would need to check it back in at the end of the rental period at which time you can check it for damages. Keep track of the total he has paid and when he has paid it off, it is his.


2. Buy the Kindle for your personal use (even if you don't use it). Require him to buy a sturdy enough case with his own money.


3. Buy the Kindle and case and give it to him outright. Every time you find the new one in an inappropriate location, take it and charge him a small amount to reclaim it. Keep this money in a jar to pay for the next replacement when it is needed.

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I love my kindle, but as a PP said, they are glitchy. We've had to get replacements twice for my very careful daughter when they were still under warranty. It wasn't damage, it was just glitchiness. Amazon is great about that. They came within a couple of days with no charges. So If your ds's new one acts up or stops working, it might just be the device itself and not how it's handled. I'm just throwing this out there, just in case...  ;)


I wish I got a kindle years ago. I love that I can borrow library books on it. Littlest dd just got her first and is having reading marathons.

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