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Dropping in to say hello.


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  :seeya:  I haven't visited in almost a year. I see that there has been some changes. My life has been crazy of course. My oldest dd and her hubby are getting ready to start their own business. My grandson is almost six and is beginning his own homeschool journey. The 22 yr. old has settled into a long term relationship with a very nice young man and she is getting ready to get a double A.A. degree and move on to a 4 year college. The 21 yr. old and her finance' moved to Knoxville to attend U.T. at Knoxville so I only have the youngest two left at home. The 17 yr. old decided to leave PS and come back home last summer. She is doing some dual enrollment and most of the rest fairly independently. She has one year left and then she is hoping to go to college in NYC. The youngest is finishing the 9th grade at the local PS and planning her first summer away from home. Anyway, no idea if this will be a drive by posting or if I will be visiting again soon but it is nice to see so many old familiar faces.

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I still think about you. I'm glad you decided to stop by and update. I hope your dh is well.


Hubby is doing well. He had one extensive heart check up and angioplasty in the last year and he was all clear. I think they have his medication right now too so it's all good on that front. Thanks for asking.

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