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Living in Italy -- 28 Weeks in a hotel and we finally have a moving date!


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Our house passed inspection -- YAY!  Our lease signing is tomorrow morning...BUT, we cannot move in until 4/29.  The Easter Weekend and Italian Holidays will prevent any of our goods (refrigerator, freezer, microwave, oven/stove, wardrobes...and all of our furniture & stuff) from being delivered, and I'm not canceling our trip to Normandy.  Also, our electric, gas, phone and internet all have to get turned on...so even if our stuff could get delivered, living in a house without electricity or gas (and internet...haha) would probably prevent us moving in anyway.  Everything in the hotel will be packed up before we leave for our trip, so all I should have to do is wash and pack up our camping trip clothing for the move.


The trip to Gaeta, and the educational program was enjoyed by all of the kids (even my 14 year old made a cardboard shield & sword).  It was a gorgeous day...I only wish I had brought the dog (I didn't realize I could), but she was fine.


Next week, we're leaving for Normandy!  I'm psyched.  Our uniforms were taken to the tailor's to get all of the proper patches...cameras are being charged...dog boarding arranged...menus planned...car cleaned and prepped for the drive.  I won't have internet while we're there, but I'll post about it when we return.  I know I'm going to cry, though...I tend to get pretty emotional at events revolving around history, and my grandfather participated in this particular slice of history.  Walking the beach 70 years after so many young men lost their lives in this major battle...and the gratefulness for their sacrifice, and the thankfulness for the fact my grandfather's life was (in our view, miraculously...) will not be lost on me.  I will be sharing these stories with my children during this trip as well. 


Ciao for now :D


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I am so happy for you!!!  I bet you were dancing when you got the news.


Normandy is incredibly moving.  I wept like a baby.  Movies and documentaries cannot do the sheer scale of the beach justice.  If you have chance, walk out to the edge of the beach at low tide (when they landed) and look back at how far they had to go with Germans firing down from the cliffs.  It will absolutely stun you that this plan actually worked.  The beaches were hard, but the cemetery nearly did me in.  I was really sad, especially when we saw flowers on a grave with a card that read "To the dad I never knew.  I will always love you."  The thing that really got me though was when Indy, 7 at the time, said, in a very quiet and reverent tone, "Mom, there's a hero under each one of the these stones."  The tears were ridiculous.  Try to be there at sunset, when they lower the flag.  It's very moving.


Okay, enough sadness!  I'm all weepy just thinking about it.  I can't wait to see your photos and I can't WAIT to hear all about the new digs AND see photos!  Will you be sharing your photos of Gaeta?  How's your Italian coming along?

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Yay!  We loved our trip to Normandy.  My dd (11 at the time) and I walked on the beach and pretended we had arrived via boat ;)


Don't miss the Bayeux Tapestry - it's amazing.


I'm just curious because we have done 3 international moves but as expats - the company covers temporary housing for about 6 weeks, then we're on our own…. is it similar when you're military?  I guess I'm wondering whether your hotel has been on your dime or the military's.  

Regardless - enjoy Normandy and celebrate FINALLY getting permanent housing :)

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Super news from you LisaK and moving day will be here before you know it. The trip to Normandy would be awesome, but since your grandfather was there, more than awesome for you. Has your shipment been reweighed yet?  Enjoy the trip(s)

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