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I took my DD and her friend, both eleven, out of town for a two-day mini-spring break mini-vacation (Yay me.  And, yes, I am drinking wine now.)  On our way back home late this afternoon, we stopped at a major fast food outlet known for it's loud-haired clown.  One of the short people had to use the facilities and, usually, I will then purchase a drink or snack out of sheer guilt.


However, while we were in said facilities waiting for an open stall, we heard a person flush and saw her leave.  Then leave.  Without washing her hands.  Wearing a uniform.  When we left the facilities, said dirty-handed uniformed person was in the kitchen.




My DD announced, "I will never eat anything here ever again.  Ever."


Word, sister.


Thank you all for letting me share this horrible moment from my day.

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eww is right. I once saw a waiter pick his nose then go wait on a table. Yuck! I was unable to finish my meal. 


Hopefully this person washed their hands when in the kitchen.  I know this sounds weird but I have psoriasis on my hands. Dish soap works better for them than hand soap. Plus I feel cleaner using dish soap over hand soap. Often when at home or on a cleaning job I will leave the bathroom unwashed  and go straight to the kitchen to wash my hands. Hopefully this is the case in your situation.

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eww is right. I once saw a waiter pick his nose then go wait on a table. Yuck! I was unable to finish my meal. 


Hopefully this person washed their hands when in the kitchen.  I know this sounds weird but I have psoriasis on my hands. Dish soap works better for them than hand soap. Plus I feel cleaner using dish soap over hand soap. Often when at home or on a cleaning job I will leave the bathroom unwashed  and go straight to the kitchen to wash my hands. Hopefully this is the case in your situation.


Darlin', I am CLINGING to this!!!!  I will tell DD in the AM.  Thank you! 

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eww is right. I once saw a waiter pick his nose then go wait on a table. Yuck! I was unable to finish my meal.

Hopefully this person washed their hands when in the kitchen. I know this sounds weird but I have psoriasis on my hands. Dish soap works better for them than hand soap. Plus I feel cleaner using dish soap over hand soap. Often when at home or on a cleaning job I will leave the bathroom unwashed and go straight to the kitchen to wash my hands. Hopefully this is the case in your situation.

The preferring dish soap thing reminded me of a story.

Dish soap gets off the oil of poison ivy better then hand soap. During poison ivy season (my parents live in the middle of a poison ivy patch) I would keep dish soap in the bathroom beside the bathtub. I have gotten a few questions about it and a few jokes about me multi tasking a bath and dish washing.
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Agree it is gross, but this could happen at any restaurant.....it's not exclusive to the one with the clown, or even fast food. In our state, restaurant employees are required to wash their hands in the restroom after using it. They also must wash again in the kitchen hand sink. It should be reported to the manager and the local health dept. Improper/lack of hand washing is one of the most common causes of food borne illness in restaurants.

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I sure hope the person washed when returning to the kitchen.  The fast food place I work at even if you wash your hands in the bathroom you have to wash them again when you enter the kitchen so I know some of the staff don't bother in the bathroom because they have issues with skin splitting etc when washing too often, so instead of washing twice after using the bathroom they skip it in the bathroom and wash only once in the kitchen.  I wash both times and a million other times on my shifts, I only work weekends and it takes all week using moisturizer to heal my hands after a weekend at work from all the washing, I can see why some of the fulltimers would cut out some of the times they wash, though it still is icky.

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When I made subs in college, I washed hands in the bathroom and then again when I entered the kitchen. Maybe she just washed entering the kitchen.

Some places make employees wash upon entering the kitchen no matter where they went, even if they step out of the kitchen into the dining area for a second.

But you will never know the procedure.

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The preferring dish soap thing reminded me of a story.

Dish soap gets off the oil of poison ivy better then hand soap. During poison ivy season (my parents live in the middle of a poison ivy patch) I would keep dish soap in the bathroom beside the bathtub. I have gotten a few questions about it and a few jokes about me multi tasking a bath and dish washing.


You mean you don't take a bath and wash dishes at the same time?  I mean it's the perfect set up. You don't waste water or soap and you have something to do while bathing. I thought everyone did this? Hummm... Maybe I should put it to a poll to see which is more common.

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When I use a public restroom, I nearly always leave without washing my hands. I prefer to use the hand sanitizer I keep in my purse. I've always wondered what people thought of me. Perhaps this employee was doing something similar?

If I saw you use the sanitizer and not wash , what I would think is that probably have sanitized body fluids and fecal matter on your hands. Not to be gross, but, that is what I would think.
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Hmmmm... It would be a kindness to everyone if you wash in the restroom sink after using the facilities.  That way I don't have to touch your germs on the door and everywhere else when I don't have access to hand sanitizer or a kitchen sink to wash again.

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If I saw you use the sanitizer and not wash , what I would think is that probably have sanitized body fluids and fecal matter on your hands. Not to be gross, but, that is what I would think.

My same thoughts. I understand that some prefer the hand sanitizer over touching bathroom fixtures, but as more and more public bathrooms offer motion activated soap & towel dispensers, faucet controls and air hand dryers, I think the case for not washing in public facilities gets weaker (excusing a disgusting bathroom, of course).

Also, if your sanitizer doesn't have a high alcohol content, it won't kill all the germs anyway.
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When I use a public restroom, I nearly always leave without washing my hands. I prefer to use the hand sanitizer I keep in my purse. I've always wondered what people thought of me. Perhaps this employee was doing something similar?


Just FYI: This information is from the Centers for Disease Control.


Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of microbes on them in most situations. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of microbes on hands in some situations, but sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs.

Hand sanitizers are not as effective when hands are visibly dirty or greasy.


Although alcohol-based hand sanitizers can inactivate many types of microbes very effectively when used correctly 1-10, people may not use a large enough volume of the sanitizers or may wipe it off before it has dried 10. Furthermore, soap and water are more effective than hand sanitizers at removing or inactivating certain kinds of germs, like Cryptosporidium, norovirus, and Clostridium difficile

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Hmmmm... It would be a kindness to everyone if you wash in the restroom sink after using the facilities.  That way I don't have to touch your germs on the door and everywhere else when I don't have access to hand sanitizer or a kitchen sink to wash again.


That is why I NEVER touch the door handle going out.  I either use the paper towel I just used when drying my hands. If there are no paper towels, I grab my shirt and use the inside of my shirt to open the door.  Yes, that means I put any germs on my shirt and they touch my stomach, but it's better than on my hands.

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Years ago (though some of my kids vividly remember) I decided to be a Fun Mommy and actually stop at the Target food area for hot dogs.  Those weenies were turning, turning, turning on the hot dog rollers... while the flies all over them kept up like lumberjacks in a log rolling contest.


I immediately turned around and told my kids "Sorry, we can't do this."  Even though I'm sure it wasn't the counter ladies personal fault, she totally copped an attitude with me.

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Years ago (though some of my kids vividly remember) I decided to be a Fun Mommy and actually stop at the Target food area for hot dogs.  Those weenies were turning, turning, turning on the hot dog rollers... while the flies all over them kept up like lumberjacks in a log rolling contest.


I immediately turned around and told my kids "Sorry, we can't do this."  Even though I'm sure it wasn't the counter ladies personal fault, she totally copped an attitude with me.


:lol: :lol:   I don't know why, but I find this part extremely funny!!!!! 


What, you're too good for fly-ridden hot dogs?  (And why wasn't it hot enough to kill the flies?)

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That is why I NEVER touch the door handle going out.  I either use the paper towel I just used when drying my hands. If there are no paper towels, I grab my shirt and use the inside of my shirt to open the door.  Yes, that means I put any germs on my shirt and they touch my stomach, but it's better than on my hands.


In my daughter's PS, they teach the kids (kindergarten) to use a towel to turn both off the faucet and open the door.  Makes sense to me.

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Hmmmm... It would be a kindness to everyone if you wash in the restroom sink after using the facilities.  That way I don't have to touch your germs on the door and everywhere else when I don't have access to hand sanitizer or a kitchen sink to wash again.


I am sure I'm getting way tmi here and maybe everyone does not do this. It is possible to do what you have to in the bathroom with one hand. Then use the other hand to open the door. That way you don't spread germs and still get to use the dish soap:)


Now ask me why I don't just keep dish soap in the bathroom. I a little slow as it just now occurred to me to do this.

ftr I always wash my hands in public restrooms dish soap or not.

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Agree it is gross, but this could happen at any restaurant.....it's not exclusive to the one with the clown, or even fast food.


Actually, we discussed this in the car after the "experience."  DD was freaking out and having her "As God as my witness, I am not eating .... again" moment (Incidentally, this was funny on it's own b/c she had already foresworn fast food after reading The Omnivore's Dilemma.  Poor traumatized child.)  Anyhoo, being a good, rational mom, I interrupted and explained that, really, we risk that every time we eat out...  Because... we are subjecting ourselves to the standards-or lack thereof-of others...  And then I felt really icky.  :ohmy: But I kept my "As God as my witness, I am not eating out ever again" moment internal.


That young woman has NO idea the level of angst she has inflicted upon total strangers.  (And yay me for spreading the pain around the globe, no? :p )

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