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Sometimes, I wake up and I just don't want to school.  I love homeschooling but the headache that comes with a screaming toddler just makes me want to let them both play all day so I don't have to hear her scream because someone is not giving her their undivided attention.  



Okay, it felt really good to let that out LOL.


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Confession:  I want to run to the local PS and drop off my 10 year old who year after year acts as if school is a joke!  Come on kiddo, get a grip!!! :banghead:

I have threatened ps many times and I need to stop.  It really isn't an option for us at this time in our lives.  DD doesn't want to go and she does fairly well most days.  I just get overwhelmed with them home all day every day.  I love it being with them and did the working mom thing so I know the difference and I know that is not what I want for our family.  I am sure things will be better when we are all settled into our new place.   


I hope you boy eventually appreciates homeschooling.  

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I know the feeling! I have had plenty of times where I decided math was not worth letting the toddler who wants to play with big sibs scream. 


I do know of a parent who makes playing with younger sibs, or reading to them, or whatever, a part of the curriculum. I justify it with that now.

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Confession: I bit my 10 year old's head off, chewed it up, and spit it out today. Texted my husband and said I need an island to run away to today. I am irritated today by chewing, coughing, breathing, pencil dropping. I recognize there is really nothing they can do right today, because of my own level of irritability. We got thru school this morning, just barely, and they are watching a movie thru lunch.

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I'm with ya! It seems like doing school with my DS is the easiest thing I do....keeping the other two entertained while I do it is the hard part.  I set out little activities for them to "find" in a few different rooms.  It helps a little. Hang in there :)

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Confession: I'm considering sending my oldest to science camp in the summer so that I don't have to teach during that week even though we HS year-round. Also, we're 2 days behind on completing assignments for this week. Eek!

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I am in the same boat most days with my 19 month old and she hasn't taken a nap in the last 3 days. As a matter of fact, she is in her crib calling me to come get her now.


You're not alone!


Sometimes, I wake up and I just don't want to school. I love homeschooling but the headache that comes with a screaming toddler just makes me want to let them both play all day so I don't have to hear her scream because someone is not giving her their undivided attention.



Okay, it felt really good to let that out LOL.

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Confession: I woke up today not at all in the mood to teach. I have brought in a supply teacher named Miss Frizzle. We are marathoning that and River Monsters today and calling it a science intensive.



I love this.  I think I may plan a "Science Intensive" tomorrow.  


Someone here recently mentioned University of Nottingham's Periodic Table videos - many include explosions.  Tomorrow, they will learn about the Periodic Table, and I will try not to care, too much, of all the things I wish they were doing instead.

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Confession: We made school extra short today so we could go to the history museum. We spent over an hour on buses so I didn't have to deal with the traffic and find a parking space. We were in the museum 15 minutes, looking only at the auto racing exhibit.

And when quiet time is over, DS is going to watch Cars for probably the tenth time this month. :driving:

(I think racing is a ridiculous waste of resources to begin with, and too d*** loud.)



But it counts as a school day 'cause we did reading, math, and geography before we left.  :P

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Confession: Sometimes, I cancel school for an entire week...on the fly...because I'm just so far behind in other areas of life, that I need that week to catch up.  


Confession: Sometimes, when I see the school bus drive by, I literally want to run after it, screaming, "PLEASE TAKE MINE TODAY!  JUST FOR TODAY!" because I'm home with four kids ALL DAY LONG and rarely have a break from them.  


Confession: I, too, have threatened the "I'll send you to public school if you don't shape up" routine.  And to make it worse, my husband has (against my wishes) completely vilified public school...to the point where my oldest two firmly believe that the public school is a place where you go to get beat up and made fun of by other kids.  


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Confession: My kids did their school work almost entirely on their own today.  I haven't been feeling good and just wanted to do nothing.  So I did. At least mostly...I DID read History and Math to DD...


ETA: I also did not make their lunch.  DS11 made it.  And DS14 fed everyone breakfast.  If I could just find someone willing to do dinner, I'll have escaped the making of every single meal in the house for the day. :)

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My kids make their own breakfast, lunch, and dinner more often than not. I call it teaching them independence. In reality I hate to cook. We've only done the 3 R's all week, because I just got licensed as a real estate agent last week so I have been setting up email, website, twitter, etc... all week.

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This thread has has made me smile. Thank you!



Confession: we are on spring break and are doing absolutely nothing educational...despite my intentions. And I a totally ok with it.


Confession: my kids fed themselves breakfast the last 3 morning. And the 8 yo made lunch today.


Confession: I dropped my 4 yo off at church nursery first last night (usually I drop the big ones off first), when they were surprised to see my big kids in preschool I confessed that I NEEDED to drop off the little one first...she may not make it up and back alive....all of my buttons were broken...as in nothing left to push...all broken.


Confession: I am looking at the next 11 weeks wondering what we can cut to make summer break happen just a little earlier...


Confession: I have too often threatened my kids about b&m school lately that my 4 yo has been saying "don't you think they should go to school so we can have some time just you and me?" And sheesh. It sounds tempting!


That's enough. My confessions are making me depressed! :lol:

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This thread really makes me feel like I'm not alone - thank you! :)


Confession: Today I conducted half of school from my bed.. Everything got done and Mama and kids were all happy and now we're outside at the park.

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I used to threaten b&M school to my olders but realized that was not a productive thing to do. It doesn't take much to vilify public school because all the stories are true! Once I realized this, I determined to stop the threat. It loses effectiveness anyway when the kids know you won't do it.


If a day is going off, we stop for the day. Nothing wrong with that. Better to preserve the relationship then prolong the agony for us all.


We school year round and that is also easier on me because I don't feel the pressure to cram it all in. Every State is different, I know, in what they require. 



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Confession: we watched Winnie the Pooh. Pretty sure my kids are doing this on purpose lately..bringing me books and then " heeeyyyy we should watch the movie." Lol.


Here is a bad one- I read The Classical Teacher while my husband and son put up laundry. I did feel guilty. That counts right?

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Confession: Sometimes, I cancel school for an entire week...on the fly...because I'm just so far behind in other areas of life, that I need that week to catch up.  



UGH. Yes. Yes. Yes. Too many times, yes.


Confession: If I am not up and moving by 9:30/10, school doesn't ever start that day. :/

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Can I just say BEST THREAD ever! We had a really rough day and this was exactly what I needed. :)

Confession- our dog found a very a large bug and dropped it on our back patio. We googled and found out what kind it was. I totally counted this as science for today and maybe tomorrow!


Confession- I need to call my bug man. :)

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Of particular relevance to the OP:


So here's my confession: when I started homeschooling, I put my youngest in preschool 5 days a week. I didn't even care about whatever educational content the preschool did or didn't have. I just wanted affordable, structured, with a nice teacher so I could get the little one out of my hair for a few hours while I homeschooled her sister.


I don't even feel guilty about it.


Best. Decision. Ever.

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I don't like to cook. Atleast twice a week I eat out with DD to try lunch sets at different restaurants. I justify it as research for when DH gets back from deployment , we know which are the good ones to take him. I also count it as culture class and away for DD to practice Nihongo and immerse in Japanese culture.


Did I mention that DD and I live on fruits and salads when it's only us? I love to bake though, we have a steady supply of cookies or cupcakes in the house.

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