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For those wanting to know, my custody mediation is scheduled......

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For next Monday.


It's a court-ordered step before going to court in front of a Family Law Judge. It's required for everyone in a custody battle. I do not expect us to be able to negotiate a settlement.


It's the first day of school for "us", and my other job, which presents some logistical and work problems.

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As a custody attorney and one who has been to many a mediation where the client said "it won't settle" and it did settle, please don't go in with the "it won't settle" attitude.


The beauty of mediation is that you get to help decide your children's futures - at least until they are 18. You have a say so. You don't HAVE to agree, but at least listen. If it doesn't settle, you're putting this decision in the judge's hands. Which, if you have a strong case and the father has a pitifully weak case, then you may be okay trusting the judge.


Mediation is not the time to argue the finer details of your case, but to simply work through the issues of custody.


I hope everything works out for the best for you and your children.

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Can I contact you privately?


FWIW, this is not an action I solicited or invited.


Thanks for your post! I am a beleiver in mediation, and my divorce was cooperative. I'm just dealing with a factor that doesn't lend well to the process.

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Best of luck to you, Joanne.


Mediation has never been pretty for me and my ex, but we're starting to get better. I'm ashamed to admit that it's taken 9 years to get there, but homeschooling has been the biggest factor in that.


I *have learned to have hope, how to negotiate, how to restrain myself, and how to be open-minded, even when dealing with the most difficult person I know (next to myself!)


Wishing you the strength to get there much faster than I did!

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Thank you, folks.


It was the absolute worst day of my life. Without a doubt.


Due to my past, and the probably less than healthy response, I am able to "check out", "shut down" and disengage. That ability saved me.


I do not know how I managed to get through the rest of the week. Fortunately, I had a dear friend from church coming over Monday night when DH went to one of his 3 jobs; I didn't want to be alone with my kids.


I still believe that the mediation process is a good thing; I hope it prevents more and more people from going to court and teaches compromise skills for people in volitile, passionate emotional places.


It didn't work for us; I knew it wouldn't. The next step is a very, very costly psychological evaluation of all 3 kids and both homes.


The kids and I are "fine". I'm glad that school has started, we are very busy and that I have school to do here, plannning/grading to do and an outside job.


The child in question and I hug 15 times a day(of his initiation since I'm not naturally huggy. That's a surprise, huh? :D), trade sarcastic comments, many text messages and enjoy each other.

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Thank you, folks.


It was the absolute worst day of my life. Without a doubt.


Due to my past, and the probably less than healthy response, I am able to "check out", "shut down" and disengage. That ability saved me.


I do not know how I managed to get through the rest of the week. Fortunately, I had a dear friend from church coming over Monday night when DH went to one of his 3 jobs; I didn't want to be alone with my kids.


I still believe that the mediation process is a good thing; I hope it prevents more and more people from going to court and teaches compromise skills for people in volitile, passionate emotional places.


It didn't work for us; I knew it wouldn't. The next step is a very, very costly psychological evaluation of all 3 kids and both homes.


The kids and I are "fine". I'm glad that school has started, we are very busy and that I have school to do here, plannning/grading to do and an outside job.


The child in question and I hug 15 times a day(of his initiation since I'm not naturally huggy. That's a surprise, huh? :D), trade sarcastic comments, many text messages and enjoy each other.


Joanne, my heart is breaking for you. My hopes are the that the costly evaluation is the absolute worst of the situation. Please do update us as you are able.



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The child in question and I hug 15 times a day(of his initiation since I'm not naturally huggy. That's a surprise, huh? :D), trade sarcastic comments, many text messages and enjoy each other.

I'm so glad you both have these little bits of sunshine to light up your days. Hugs to you during these tough times, Joanne. :grouphug:

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...you feel that your lawyer supported and prepared you well for this session. It's crucial to be able to trust your lawyer going forward.


It's really nice to hear about your son hugging you spontaneously so much. That sounds like a very good sign to me!


I hope that this is the only time that you will have to face your X directly for negotiation purposes. From now on, hopefully the lawyer will be the buffer for you. It is so nice to be able to relax into that.


I hope that you feel the love that people have for you wherever you are, and that it shows you the love of God. You have done a lot of good in your life, and you have earned the respect and affection of so many people. You are so not alone!


I hope that your X sees reason and is able to acknowlege it in his heart of hearts and then let this go. But even if he does not, it's a 'consider the source' situation for sure.


Praying for you and your children...

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