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Are you quirky?

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A friend called me quirky a couple of days ago. I guess I can be. I mean, if I go to your house and your toilet tissue is on the wrong way (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to display your tp on the roll - the paper should come over the top - easier to tear off that way), I WILL correct it. Same with paper towels, too, but since I would probably get caught changing that one, I try to restrain myself.


Maybe I should say I'm anal retentive. Quirky sounds nicer and cuter.

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A friend called me quirky a couple of days ago. I guess I can be. I mean, if I go to your house and your toilet tissue is on the wrong way (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to display your tp on the roll - the paper should come over the top - easier to tear off that way), I WILL correct it. Same with paper towels, too, but since I would probably get caught changing that one, I try to restrain myself.


Maybe I should say I'm anal retentive. Quirky sounds nicer and cuter.


I've been known to flip the TP rolls, re-fold towels, and even straighten up stuff on the shelves in other people's houses.


Personally, I prefer "nutty as a fruitcake". :D

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I mean, if I go to your house and your toilet tissue is on the wrong way (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to display your tp on the roll - the paper should come over the top - easier to tear off that way), I WILL correct it.


Well, if that is the definition of quirky, no, I am not quirky.


But, if someone w/ that quirky behavior came in our house & changed the tp, would I be considered quirky if I didn't notice that the tp had been changed? :laugh: It really doesn't matter one whit to me if the tp rolls off the top or the bottom. (Please, no flames! I realized this is a heated political issue on these boards. :lol:)


And, I agree, quirky sounds better & cuter than anal-retentive. (So, did you change the tp in this particular friend's house?)

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A friend called me quirky a couple of days ago. I guess I can be. I mean, if I go to your house and your toilet tissue is on the wrong way (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to display your tp on the roll - the paper should come over the top - easier to tear off that way), I WILL correct it. Same with paper towels, too, but since I would probably get caught changing that one, I try to restrain myself.


Maybe I should say I'm anal retentive. Quirky sounds nicer and cuter.


My brother tells me all the time I am anal retentive. As far as I am concerned, there is a correct way the TP should be put on (I'm an over the topper too) and the towels should be folded. I also keep a minimum of 60-rolls of TP in stock at all times, just in case times get bad, and for the most part, everything has to be in its place before I go to bed at night, or I will not be able to sleep.


Glad to know I am not alone in the world!



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I'm guessing we're all quirky in our own ways. Me? I proofread everything I read. I can't help it - it is a blessing and a curse. I "proof-hear" as well.


Very often when I come into the bedroom dh, who is invariably working diligently on his computer, asks, "Are you going to lay down now?" Sometimes I just say yes, but other times I can't resist saying, "No, I am going to *lie* down," or, on occasion, "Lay what down?" He has threatened to have the following inscription on my headstone if I should die before he does:


"Here lays the body of ....."


I wish I didn't care because it would make my life so much simpler. I suppose there are worse quirks however.:D


Oh, and you are welcome to come to my house and fix the tp and the paper towels any time you like.

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I'm guessing we're all quirky in our own ways. Me? I proofread everything I read. I can't help it - it is a blessing and a curse.


Oh - mercy - this is me, too. I am blessed/cursed with the ability to spell durn neer anyfing, and it makes me NUTTS to see mispelled words and misgrammered sentences.



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LOL, I know a few people (my husband included) who would describe me that way.


Some of my OCD behavior (I'm talking the actual condition, not obsessiveness, anal retentiveness, or an obsessive compulsive personality) probably looks 'quirky' (although I mask it pretty well...or at least, I like to think I do, lol), but I've got a few preferences and habits that are just genuinely kooky, too.


As the parent of one 'different' child (that my mother can't quit comparing to me in younger years), I've learned to love 'quirky'. :-)

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Oh - mercy - this is me, too. I am blessed/cursed with the ability to spell durn neer anyfing, and it makes me NUTTS to see mispelled words and misgrammered sentences.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! :lol:


(Although in all of that it's the "e" in grammar that does it -- you could have spelled everything else perfectly and I'd still be twitching! LOL That or if you'd managed to mis-apostrophize any of the versions of its/it's)


Me? Quirky?? ;)

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Hello quirky people. Yes, the TP must go over the top, is there another way?


I pick up dropped items in retail stores, Clothes, food, anything. I also hate store shelves that are disorganized. I looked at Wal-mart school supply section the other day and felt the overwhelming need to straighten it. It was a mess, I finally left the aisle.

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if I go to your house and your toilet tissue is on the wrong way (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to display your tp on the roll - the paper should come over the top - easier to tear off that way), I WILL correct it.


But, alas, if you do that in the guest bathroom at my house, the furnace vent under the toilet paper holder will be able to blow the toilet paper up into the air, and the entire roll will unroll itself into a puddle on the floor. And, lo, I will enter into the bathroom and yell, "WHO MESSED UP THE TOILET PAPER -- IT'S GOTTA GO THE OTHER WAY IN THIS BATHROOM, FOR PETE'S SAKE, GET A CLUE AND PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR ENVIRONMENT!"


And, by the way, don't you hate it when people use all caps, or is that just a quirk of mine?

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A friend called me quirky a couple of days ago. I guess I can be. I mean, if I go to your house and your toilet tissue is on the wrong way (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to display your tp on the roll - the paper should come over the top - easier to tear off that way), I WILL correct it.


LOL! Yeah, quirky, that's much betterway to say it than neurotic.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! :lol:


(Although in all of that it's the "e" in grammar that does it -- you could have spelled everything else perfectly and I'd still be twitching! LOL That or if you'd managed to mis-apostrophize any of the versions of its/it's)


Me? Quirky?? ;)


Editing errors in printed books make me twitch to the point that I have to just put.them.away.forever.


Its a sad day when the children no longer love they're books and instead take up the remote control. Makes you're heart break, does'nt it? Your going to have to take drastic action to insure that the affects don't stunt there learning of grammer. <-----completely manufactured sentence designed to make the ... quirky ... amongst us twitch. I have to go take my medication before I can press the "submit" button on this one. It will send me into convulsions to see it on a public forum with my name on it.

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A friend called me quirky a couple of days ago. I guess I can be. I mean, if I go to your house and your toilet tissue is on the wrong way (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to display your tp on the roll - the paper should come over the top - easier to tear off that way), I WILL correct it. Same with paper towels, too, but since I would probably get caught changing that one, I try to restrain myself.


Maybe I should say I'm anal retentive. Quirky sounds nicer and cuter.



I'm quirky, and proud of it.


Quirk is defined by Merriam-Webster as: 1 a: an abrupt twist or curve b: a peculiar trait :idiosyncrasy


I am not, however, anal retentive. My quirkiness is demonstrated more by my tastes in movies and general lifestyle. (But I do prefer the TP to come over the top.)

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I *prefer* the TP to come over the top, however, I have been known to put it the "wrong" way for a season to foil a cat or toddler who enjoyed rolling it off onto the floor. Did you know that if you're bored on the potty, you can merely flick your wrist and cause a huge pile of TP on the floor when it's loaded the *right* way? Now you know why the people you switched TP on didn't speak to you for a week.

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