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Flat earth-how do you even deal with this?


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Here's a interview with a member of the Flat Earth Society. It's conducted by skeptics but isn't confrontational or a debate. That isn't the nature of the podcast. So skip if that might prove frustrating. :)



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I have a friend whose brother is a member of The Flat Earth Society.  She says is absolutely serious in his belief.  That's the only time I've heard of it, and I still tend to think he's pulling her leg. 


Oh, there was a kid who was telling my dd that there was roof (literally) in the sky, the firmament.  The sky is a dome.  I presumed he had heard that from his parents.

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You are aware that Landover is a spoof site correct?

I thought it would add extra flavor, given the topic. ;)


I have personally known many people who believe that dinosaur bones are not real and planted by the devil or similar. Several other people have said the same. Lots of churches teach that. But, it's okay of creek land doesn't believe me, she usually doesn't, lol.


I don't see believing that dinosaurs were alive at the time of the flood and were placed on the ark as much different; it is just a different version of that.

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I thought it would add extra flavor, given the topic. ;)


I have personally known many people who believe that dinosaur bones are not real and planted by the devil or similar. Several other people have said the same. Lots of churches teach that. But, it's okay of creek land doesn't believe me, she usually doesn't, lol.


I don't see believing that dinosaurs were alive at the time of the flood and were placed on the ark as much different; it is just a different version of that.

So, umm, really? Are you pulling my leg?

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So, umm, really? Are you pulling my leg?

Pulling your leg about what? I know many people who believe dinosaurs are fake? No, that is true.


That I don't believe it is any different science-wise to believe they perished in the flood? No, I don't think it is any different from a scientific perspective, it is about the same as believing in a flat earth.


Providing a parody to point out that these types of beliefs are widespread enough for people to provide parodies of said beliefs?

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I have an acquaintance that falls into a young earth/no dinosaurs viewpoint but believes that dragons are real because they show up in mythology so often.  So, no dinosaurs but dragons.

I'm thinking perhaps you misunderstood. I'm guessing he/she believe dragons are dinosaurs and dinosaurs are dragons. The word dinosaur being a modern word and all. ;)

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I'm thinking perhaps you misunderstood. I'm guessing he/she believe dragons are dinosaurs and dinosaurs are dragons. The word dinosaur being a modern word and all. ;)


Nope.  I've heard that explanation before.  


She thinks they are two separate things - dinosaurs which aren't real and the fossil record is false (I think she's in the scientist created conspiracy category for that one), and dragons - fire-breathing, flying dragons are real.


Science is lies, mythology must be true because it's been around for a long time.

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Nope.  I've heard that explanation before.  


She thinks they are two separate things - dinosaurs which aren't real and the fossil record is false (I think she's in the scientist created conspiracy category for that one), and dragons - fire-breathing, flying dragons are real.


Science is lies, mythology must be true because it's been around for a long time.

Well that is a new one on me.

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Any idea you know what her reasoning is?  How does she explain what has been found - or still can be found - in the earth (not just museums).



Who's the deceiver?  Satan/demons?  Or scientists trying to fool people?


(Seriously trying to understand their reasoning - not to agree with it - just to understand it.)


Sadly, no. He was embarrassed to tell us this fact until after they broke up, so I never got to ask her. 

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I think I'm going to create my own science, possibly with an associated religion.  


We'll have lots of mythical creatures, including a mercorn or unimaid. It will be a hybrid of a mermaid and a unicorn, because that's twice as awesome as a mermaid or unicorn on its own.  Haven't decided on the naming scheme yet, but it will definitely be sparkly.  


I'll set up a website (because having a website will make our beliefs legitimate), which will have indoctrination training materials available for download as well as a proselytizing discussion forum.  We'll have a set-up like some existing cults organizations, where you can buy your way become a supporter of the cause in order to achieve higher levels of delusion consciousness.


It'll be fun.   :D

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:huh: ok. So no one has accidentally discovered the edge of the world. Or are they sworn to secrecy and killed for talking?

They say that Antarctica forms an ice wall around the edge of the world that nobody has penetrated. Anyone claiming to have crossed Antarctica is part of the scientific hoax.



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I have personally known many people who believe that dinosaur bones are not real and planted by the devil or similar. Several other people have said the same. Lots of churches teach that. But, it's okay of creek land doesn't believe me, she usually doesn't, lol.



FWIW, I'm not saying there aren't folks that believe it.  I'm only saying I haven't come across those people (with the possible exception of the one young lad I've heard about). I definitely don't claim to know everything... learning new things about our world (or the people in it) is part of the spice of life IMO.  Hence, my questions.


And some time or another in the past we're bound to have agreed on something...


At the very least, we agree that the earth isn't flat... ;)


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Okay, I've been rolling my eyes at this whole notion, but now I'm confused, and I simply must ask.  If the north pole is the "center" of this flat earth, where is the south pole?


(flat earther sticks fingers in ears) Lalalalalalalalalalala, I can't hear you!   :willy_nilly:



Stop making sense already.    :p

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Okay, I've been rolling my eyes at this whole notion, but now I'm confused, and I simply must ask.  If the north pole is the "center" of this flat earth, where is the south pole?

The South Pole is a lie. We all know from Coca Cola that Penguins love hanging out with Polar Bears.

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I have. For all of my 51 years on earth. And I've never met anyone who thought the earth was flat.

I have spent most of my life in the south. If you read *all* of the posts, then you'll see that I wasn't talking about the earth being flat. I was talking about people who believe that dinosaurs are fake/planted by God or satan/made up by scientists/died in the flood.

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I have spent most of my life in the south. If you read *all* of the posts, then you'll see that I wasn't talking about the earth being flat. I was talking about people who believe that dinosaurs are fake/planted by God or satan/made up by scientists/died in the flood.

Never met anyone who believes those things, either. Maybe I don't get out enough.

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FWIW, I'm not saying there aren't folks that believe it. I'm only saying I haven't come across those people (with the possible exception of the one young lad I've heard about). I definitely don't claim to know everything... learning new things about our world (or the people in it) is part of the spice of life IMO. Hence, my questions.


And some time or another in the past we're bound to have agreed on something...


At the very least, we agree that the earth isn't flat... ;)


There are a good chunk of people on this board who have "Young Earth" beliefs. And currently 1/3 of Americans reject evolution (on increasingly partisan lines). http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9BT0LC20131230


Dinosaurs, flat Earth, climate change... Oh my.

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Never met anyone who believes those things, either. Maybe I don't get out enough.

Really? There's a thread right now on the board where some people are mad about the Ken Ham/Bill Nye debate because they agree with Ken Ham.




What Ken Ham believes:


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There are a good chunk of people on this board who have "Young Earth" beliefs. And currently 1/3 of Americans reject evolution (on increasingly partisan lines). http://www.reuters.c...E9BT0LC20131230


Dinosaurs, flat Earth, climate change... Oh my.

Not to stir the pot but I find the notion that, people who believe in a young earth and those that believe the earth to be flat are comparable, to be extremely offensive. There has been a few other such comparisons made in this thread that have been similar so I am not trying to single you out. 

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Not to stir the pot but I find the notion that, people who believe in a young earth and those that believe the earth to be flat are comparable, to be extremely offensive. There has been a few other such comparisons made in this thread that have been similar so I am not trying to single you out. 

They both reject verifiable and observable science.  Sure, one is obviously crazy.  But much crazier than a conspiracy by Satan to make us think the earth was older?  I think many people can argue about that one. 

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They both reject verifiable and observable science.  Sure, one is obviously crazy.  But much crazier than a conspiracy by Satan to make us think the earth was older?  I think many people can argue about that one.

We will have to agree to disagree on that. I hate arguments. I don't believe in some sort of Satan conspiracy theory or that someone planted fossils/bones. Unless we are talking about bones that were clearly hobbled together from various animals and/or locations. ;)

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Really? There's a thread right now on the board where some people are mad about the Ken Ham/Bill Nye debate because they agree with Ken Ham.




What Ken Ham believes:



I thought we were talking about people we've met in real life.  I've never met Ken Ham.


If we're not talking about people we've actually met, then I don't understand the implication of your question "Have you ever lived in the south?"  Which to me can only be interpreted to mean that people who've lived in the south must have personally met people who hold these beliefs.  And I have not.


You seem to not like the fact that my experience has been different from yours.  You do realize that one person's experience doesn't negate what another person has experienced?  They're just . . . different.

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I thought we were talking about people we've met in real life.  I've never met Ken Ham


If we're not talking about people we've actually met, then I don't understand the implication of your question "Have you ever lived in the south?"  Which to me can only be interpreted to mean that people who've lived in the south must have personally met people who hold these beliefs.  And I have not.


It's been my experience that this belief is not at all uncommon, so I find it surprising. I have personally found that more people in the south believe this than elsewhere. Have you attended a homeschooling conference?


You seem to not like the fact that my experience has been different from yours.  You do realize that one person's experience doesn't negate what another person has experienced?  They're just . . . different.




Forty percent of Americans believe in YEC. I neither like nor dislike your experience, I merely find it surprising that you've never encountered someone who held a belief like this.

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Not to stir the pot but I find the notion that, people who believe in a young earth and those that believe the earth to be flat are comparable, to be extremely offensive. There has been a few other such comparisons made in this thread that have been similar so I am not trying to single you out.

They're not necessarily linked. I know climate change deniers who aren't creationists. Certainly there are creationists who believe the earth is spherical. That doesn't change the fact that all three are rejections of accepted science. Lions, tigers, and bears aren't related; they were all things Dorothy et al worried about meeting along the path to Oz.

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Have you lived in the south?


Well, do VA and FL count?  FL I can understand not counting, but VA should.


There are a good chunk of people on this board who have "Young Earth" beliefs. And currently 1/3 of Americans reject evolution (on increasingly partisan lines). http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9BT0LC20131230


Dinosaurs, flat Earth, climate change... Oh my.


Not the same.  YEC admits all the seen "evidence" is there - they just interpret parts differently.  Flat earth and dino disbelievers are rejecting seen evidence and claiming it's all a hoax (apparently).


There's a huge difference between them.


FWIW, I don't particularly care if one is YEC, OEC, or non-C as the differences there don't really affect much of life.  To me, it's interesting to know all the ways people think about it and who cares who is right (sort of like Atlantis or Nazca lines or similar). I know that's not a popular view on here, but so be it.  I've looked at the "sides" and don't feel the need to choose one.  I've met and are friends with intelligent people who take totally opposite views and both (types) are fun to be around to be honest.  Nothing that ever comes up is affected by their views - not even those who are YEC, yet are scientific researchers at some pretty high places. ;)


However, it's interesting that there are a few folks out there who don't believe the "seen" evidence.  I've yet to come across that "view," so have been curious about it.  I'm guessing the majority don't use our public schools.


I still feel they're entitled to believe whatever they wish though.  It really doesn't affect my life in the least.

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It's been my experience that this belief is not at all uncommon, so I find it surprising. I have personally found that more people in the south believe this than elsewhere. Have you attended a homeschooling conference?





Forty percent of Americans believe in YEC. I neither like not dislike your experience, I merely find it surprising that you've never encountered someone who held a belief like this.


No, I've never attended a homeschooling conference.  I've intentionally avoided them.


The people I tend to associate with most are all well educated and open minded.  There are plenty of those types even in the south, you know. ;)  Certainly there are pockets of ignorance everywhere, and I have no doubt been fortunate to have been able to avoid them.

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It's been my experience that this belief is not at all uncommon, so I find it surprising. I have personally found that more people in the south believe this than elsewhere. Have you attended a homeschooling conference?





Forty percent of Americans believe in YEC. I neither like not dislike your experience, I merely find it surprising that you've never encountered someone who held a belief like this.


I've never been to a homeschooling conference either, but I'm guessing you've switched the topic from flat earth and dino bones being real to YEC.  There are people in the north who are YEC.  There are people with Ivy educations who are YEC.  There are people actively doing scientific research at secular places who are YEC.  It's all how they want to interpret "the beginning" as none dispute what is seen now (even mutations and the like).  The 40% seems a little high to me, but not super surprising I suppose.


There are none I personally know who believe in a flat earth or dino bones being faked.


Bait and switch?  They're different.


I suspect the same polling group wouldn't find anywhere near 40% agreeing with a flat earth nor dino bones being a hoax.


I'll admit to being curious what the numbers are though.  I'm guessing miniscule.



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Not the same.  YEC admits all the seen "evidence" is there - they just interpret parts differently.  Flat earth and dino disbelievers are rejecting seen evidence and claiming it's all a hoax (apparently).



I have to disagree with this a little. YECs definitely reject many pieces of the science as wrong or even view aspects as hoaxes. Carbon dating is something they basically reject, for example. 







The people I tend to associate with most are all well educated and open minded.  There are plenty of those types even in the south, you know. ;)  Certainly there are pockets of ignorance everywhere, and I have no doubt been fortunate to have been able to avoid them.


I can't disagree with any of that. :)

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