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Week 2: Jan 8-14 Low Spend Challenge Thread


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Okay, on to Week 2! Right now I am irritated because, for the second time, I somehow managed to pay my credit card out of the wrong account (online bill paying) and incurred a 35 overdraft charge. Arg. I really thought I chose the correct account--I triple checked as this happened once before. So not starting the week out on a good note. But trying to feel positive as our monthly credit card expenses thus far are right in line with where I hoped they'd be--I am trying hard to get DH to not spend money!


Week one total expenses: $288. Total amount remaining for month: $912.


Week Two:

1/8: $35 overdraft fee on account. :crying:

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1/8--Kids are going to Costco for fresh salad fixings and a pizza for dinner --$20.00

        Kids are hitting Wal-Mart for a few small items --$10.00

        Picking up lunch for all 4 of us from Chick-fil-a--$21.00 


1/9--nothing today---staying home :)


1/10--staying home today as it's raining and yucky out. :)


1/11--I stayed home--Dh had oil changed and vehicle inspection done w/ coupon $19.95

                                    Dh picked up some mineral water for me, newspaper, cilantro, limes and lemons  $10.00


1/12-- Dh took me on a date, we had free movie tickets and had lunch at Bonefish grill where we got BamBam Shrimp for free 

           for doing a survey.   $30.00  Picked up Cheesecake Factory cheesecake home to share with the kids 20.00


1/13-- Cafe Rio night...already paid for out of grocery budget. 5 people 20.00 

           The kids had to run an errand and cash in my money jar--+27.00  I save change and cash it in once a month.  


1/14--nothing I'll be staying home and schooling all day :)


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Okay, on to Week 2! Right now I am irritated because, for the second time, I somehow managed to pay my credit card out of the wrong account (online bill paying) and incurred a 35 overdraft charge. Arg. I really thought I chose the correct account--I triple checked as this happened once before. So not starting the week out on a good note. But trying to feel positive as our monthly credit card expenses thus far are right in line with where I hoped they'd be--I am trying hard to get DH to not spend money!


Week one total expenses: $288. Total amount remaining for month: $912.


Week Two:

1/8: $35 overdraft fee on account. :crying:

Oh, that is such a bummer! I hate paying those fees!


Let's see...I'm in good shape so far this year. Just something like $13? at Walmart for groceries and a couple of goods for the home. I bought a kindle book (curse that darn WTM thread about enticing Non-Fiction... :o ). 


I don't know if this tip will help anybody, but I just finished out my expenses/income from last year and I'm very pleased with the way I worked it out. See, I've always been mystified how best to handle large, infrequent expenses (like Property Taxes, dd's tuition) and also "windfall" income. These make the monthly income/expenses look wonky and creates a muddled picture of how we're doing overall. Last year, I kept a YTD (year-to-date) total on Expenses and Income at the end of every month. This made SO much sense! It was easy to see if we were staying in the "red" or the "black" on the whole and it allowed me to see how we finished out the year (in the black!) So, this I recommend, if you keep track on paper.  B)

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Oh, that is such a bummer! I hate paying those fees!


Let's see...I'm in good shape so far this year. Just something like $13? at Walmart for groceries and a couple of goods for the home. I bought a kindle book (curse that darn WTM thread about enticing Non-Fiction... :o ).


I don't know if this tip will help anybody, but I just finished out my expenses/income from last year and I'm very pleased with the way I worked it out. See, I've always been mystified how best to handle large, infrequent expenses (like Property Taxes, dd's tuition) and also "windfall" income. These make the monthly income/expenses look wonky and creates a muddled picture of how we're doing overall. Last year, I kept a YTD (year-to-date) total on Expenses and Income at the end of every month. This made SO much sense! It was easy to see if we were staying in the "red" or the "black" on the whole and it allowed me to see how we finished out the year (in the black!) So, this I recommend, if you keep track on paper. B)

We have been using Quicken for years, if you don't use a program already, you really should. It's so much easier to see where things are going. We need it for dh's business anyway.

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We have been using Quicken for years, if you don't use a program already, you really should. It's so much easier to see where things are going. We need it for dh's business anyway.


I've had a notion of doing that before - even had a program years ago - but it seems harder to keep up with it that way. The computer I'm usually on is a Mac, so that was one problem. I also found I just didn't want to go sit at the desk and get on the computer to track things. I'm weird that way. I use QB Pro for dh's businesses, but I can't get into the habit of using a program for our personal stuff. 

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1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $34.48 on groceries

1/4 $$14.34 at Goodwill & $11.60 on parts for a Kitchenaid ice cream attachment (I found the bowl at gw for .99)

1/5 nothings, snowed in

1/6-not planning on going anywhere.

$1/7 dh spent $13.28 at Walmart when he was out plowing.



Total for week one: $47.76 on groceries and $25.94 other total $73.70


1/8 $0, went out, but had to borrow the neighbor's car, I got dh's van stuck and so I just went to the dentist appointment and that was all.

1/9 $44.05


Sam's Club

joint juice for dh 16.82

2 gallons milk $2.19 each

Heavy Cream $3.16

Whole Carrots 2.98

swiss cheese slices $6.74


Total $35.26


Menards-I don't normally grocery shop here, however I had and $18 rebate check from free brats in November.

Olive Oil 2 liter was on clearance $7

2 pkgs garden seeds .35 each

Apple Cider Vinegar gallon $3.83

9 lives 12 ct cat frood $4.69

Choc. covered pretzels $2.00

Paid $1.04 oop an dgot another rebate for $2.09 (11% back on all purchases)



$3.98 for 4 dozen eggs


plastic wrap $1.58

rubber gloves $2.73

Wheat bread $1.28

Almond Breeze $2.88 for dh he's lactose intolerant

Total 3.77 after a $5 ecard from cereal I bought last week.






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Jan 8: $35 overdraft fee

Jan 9: $25 dining out

Jan 10: $120 kindle paper white. $13 dining out $4 movie rental.

Jan 11: $120 highlights. Haven't gotten my hair done properly in 4 years, and I decided in the new year i needed a pick me up. I feel GREAT and it was worth it. $54 groceries $6 ice cream reward for my son getting 100% on his latin test.


This has been a spendy week. Kindle was an unexpected expense, but paid for with cash, so that's good.

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I bought ds14 some clothes yesterday. Fortunately, they were at Goodwill, so that was just a little more than $16.  :hurray: What's great about this particular kid is he is does not like to waste money. To him, expensive clothes are a tremendous waste. As long as he likes them and they fit, he couldn't care less where they come from. When we were checking out, the clerk first asked, "Are these clothes for Outdoor Ed?" (The local school is doing a camping trip; I guess a lot of parents buy used clothes they don't care about for that.) I said, "Nope. Just outgrowing things!"  She paused and then said something like, "...kid won't wear second-hand clothes." I wasn't sure if she was talking about her own child, or someone else. For my part, I'm very glad ds is unconcerned about whether clothes are used or new. Both boys were wearing "new-used" outfits today and they looked the same as when they're dressed in new-from-the-store clothes!  :001_smile:

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1/8: $5.50 for admission for the kids and DS's skate rental at Skateland for the skate party for DD's enrichment program

$6.34 Dinner at McD's for the three of us (Kids and I)

$13 A mocha and candied almonds at the zoo (went to Zoolights with kids; tickets were purchased months ago)

$4 Merry go round rides at the zoo for both kids

$40 Walmart for hair and body products for the kids and more NyQuil (generic).


1/9: $83 Course materials for one of my law classes

$300 Yard cleanup for back yard

$84 Lowe's for weed killer, weed n feed, grass seed, some potting soil, strawberry plants, and a lilac vine

$27 Panda Express for dinner.


So, not a very spendthrift couple of days. But yesterday was really fun, we only do Zoolights once a year, and I never pay for extras like snacks purchased there or the merry go round any other zoo trip.



Oh, thought I'd add that the airtight storage canister I picked up at Costco is going to be worth the money. I just had to throw out about 30lbs. of rice because it went buggy. It had been in the bag it came in set in a plastic tote. Next bag will go into the vault container and we shouldn't have that problem again.

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Week 1: $244.91


1/8: $5.00 gas

      $21.88 groceries

      $137.95 Sociology book & EZ French to self study 

      $ xx paid electric (water & trash) bill


1/9: $0.79 snack at gas station. I had to drive my mom out of town, she paid for gas and lunch. 

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Ran to Sam's Club today where I picked up a boatload of fresh veggies, chicken breasts, and a case of juice bottles for the kids to take to dance- the juice will last us two months.  Spent a little more than I wanted, but it's not terrible, and the fresh veggies will be excellent to have on hand.


Week 1: $159.68


 1/8: $22.11 for a few grocery needs. I'll need to do another grocery trip tomorrow, but I think I can keep it pretty low.

 1/9: $55 for groceries at Sam's Club

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Week 1: $244.91


1/8: $5.00 gas

      $21.88 groceries

      $137.95 Sociology book & EZ French to self study 

      $ xx paid electric (water & trash) bill


1/9: $0.79 snack at gas station. I had to drive my mom out of town, she paid for gas and lunch. 


1/10: $ 49.38 groceries/cough drops/antacid tabs

        $ 39.95 Internet bill

        $ 32.25 cell phone bill 

        $  4.00  clear glass bowls to round out the dinnerware set I bought with Christmas money

        $ 30.50 - Target - ordered dress online. I've been looking for something to transition from winter to spring. It was on clearance, so it was buy it now or miss out. 

        $ 12.64 - Amazon - newest Thirty Seconds to Mars CD. 


This will be my last splurge of the month probably. 

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So far this week:


Jan 8th: $25.92 yarn :blush: I found out a coworker's baby's sex so I have a pink baby blanket to knit. I don't buy a lot of yarn bc honestly I have at least 3-4 projects that I have yarn for so I really have a lot of yarn but not pink yarn for a baby blanket.

Oh, I forgot about my yearly termite inspection/treatment $125

So, the actual total is $150.92

Jan 9th: $0

Jan 10th: $0

Jan 11th: $0

Jan 12th: $0

Jan 13th: $0

Jan 14th: $124.15 groceries



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1/10 I had to run to Meijer for a few things, we needed balsamic vinegar and I spent a little more than planned, but was also able to get a box of bananas for $5.  What we could fit on the dehydrator we are dehydrating and we froze most of the rest, I left a few better ones out to eat and then I will make a banana cream pie later, I have a graham cracker crust leftover from Thanksgiving to use up anyway. 

I also found a

flask for .79,

a cake ball mix .69,

a thing of liquid pump soap, slightly leaked at the top & dried, but it was .11

Also a cloth table set for $1.49, there were two and so I grabbed both, I have a red set, but it would have been nice to have more during Christmas for the table. 
Old Orchard juice (mainly so I could finish the Ibotta deal if I bought three items, get an extra $2.50)

also 4 Lunch Meat, 4 sliced cheese,

2 boxes cereal,

balsamic vinegar

& spicy mustard.  I spent $35.74 after coupons and saved $60.33.  DS weighed the bananas, and it was 40 pounds.


If you have  smart phone & don't use Ibotta, I recommend it, if you want a referral, I would love to send you one, just pm your e-mail.


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Week 1:  $370.40

Gas = $96.46

Grocery = $162.67

Eat Out = $5.30

misc. = $99 (ds#2 needed new running shoes, these were 50% off)

             $7 dvd rentals    


Week 2:

8/1 =   $18.30 lunch out for dd & I

           $ 55.17 groceries


9/1 =   $128 (dd needed new Teva sandals for work, these were 20% off)


10/1 =  $10 groceries (milk & ginger)


11/1 =  $32 (lotto)

            $219.25 groceries (I stocked up on some cleaners that we're running out of)


For some reason this January isn't as successful as last January on cutting down of our out-goings.  We do have my father visiting from the States, so I'm a bit reluctant to serve some of our more frugal meals & we are buying things (like juice, etc.) that are normally only for special times.  I am a bit more successful on keeping to our menu & shopping our pantry/freezer first.  This has helped to stop unnecessary waste.  Hopefully the rest of the month is a bit less. 

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I feel like my resolve to no-spend is not going so well- I blame it on the weather.   Last week I bought a bunch of stuff I wouldn't have normally to prepare for the extreme cold.  Today it's ice melt as our driveway and sicewalk (and street, actually) are pure ice this morning.


Week 1: $159.68


 1/8: $22.11 for a few grocery needs. I'll need to do another grocery trip tomorrow, but I think I can keep it pretty low.

 1/9: $55 for groceries at Sam's Club

 1/10: $0

 1/11: $15 for ice-melt

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Lady marmalade my spending went up this week too. :( on the plus side, I can't live without my kindle and since mine just broke, I got a paperwhite which is simply fantastic. And I got my hair done properly for the first time in years and i feel like a million bucks. :)

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Week 1: $244.91


1/8: $5.00 gas

      $21.88 groceries

      $137.95 Sociology book & EZ French to self study 

      $ xx paid electric (water & trash) bill


1/9: $0.79 snack at gas station. I had to drive my mom out of town, she paid for gas and lunch. 


1/10: $ 49.38 groceries/cough drops/antacid tabs

        $ 39.95 Internet bill

        $ 32.25 cell phone bill 

        $  4.00  clear glass bowls to round out the dinnerware set I bought with Christmas money

        $ 30.50 - Target - ordered dress online. I've been looking for something to transition from winter to spring. It was on clearance, so it was buy it now or miss out. 

        $ 12.64 - Amazon - newest Thirty Seconds to Mars CD. 


1/11 $10.00 Gas I put more in but my mom paid for that as I had to pick her up from out of town

       $  5.13 McDonalds Late morning fries, the road trip treat for ds and me

       $ 39.78 Kohls - two pairs of pants for ds, they will last him through next winter at least. 50% off. I found a denim shirt on clearance



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1/11 Paid rent for Feb-May. Not counting as it's essential (and assures I can't spend rent on something else!)

$306 Car rental for Spring Break trip. Our vehicles aren't up to cross country and get lousy gas mileage. Used USAA discount.

$87 Microsoft 365 University subscription. I've been getting by with the Office Starter programs that came on my laptop for 2 years, but I'm doing a major paper and will have to use footnotes, so needed actual Word for that. Also looking forward to using OneNote. I've decided to make the leap to taking notes on the computer like 98% of people in my classes do. 

$50 Landscapers for routine front yard maintenance. This is saving money over the $150 the landlord's management company wanted to start charging. They won't accept our DIY attempts any more because, well, they were dismally spotty.


I'm not doing so hot on this "low spend" thing.

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Jan 8: $35 overdraft fee
Jan 9: $25 dining out
Jan 10: $120 kindle paper white. $13 dining out $4 movie rental.
Jan 11: $120 highlights. Haven't gotten my hair done properly in 4 years, and I decided in the new year i needed a pick me up. I feel GREAT and it was worth it. $54 groceries $6 ice cream reward for my son getting 100% on his latin test.

Jan 12: jeans at target $27. Underwear $8. Cat food $20

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Week 1: $244.91


1/8: $5.00 gas

      $21.88 groceries

      $137.95 Sociology book & EZ French to self study 

      $ xx paid electric (water & trash) bill


1/9: $0.79 snack at gas station. I had to drive my mom out of town, she paid for gas and lunch. 


1/10: $ 49.38 groceries/cough drops/antacid tabs

        $ 39.95 Internet bill

        $ 32.25 cell phone bill 

        $  4.00  clear glass bowls to round out the dinnerware set I bought with Christmas money

        $ 30.50 - Target - ordered dress online. I've been looking for something to transition from winter to spring. It was on clearance, so it was buy it now or miss out. 

        $ 12.64 - Amazon - newest Thirty Seconds to Mars CD. 


1/11 $10.00 Gas I put more in but my mom paid for that as I had to pick her up from out of town

       $  5.13 McDonalds Late morning fries, the road trip treat for ds and me

       $ 39.78 Kohls - two pairs of pants for ds, they will last him through next winter at least. 50% off. I found a denim shirt on clearance


1/12: $ 0 

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1/11 Paid rent for Feb-May. Not counting as it's essential (and assures I can't spend rent on something else!)


$87 Microsoft 365 University subscription. I've been getting by with the Office Starter programs that came on my laptop for 2 years, but I'm doing a major paper and will have to use footnotes, so needed actual Word for that. Also looking forward to using OneNote. I've decided to make the leap to taking notes on the computer like 98% of people in my classes do. 



I'll pay my rent the same way when I get my student loan money. It's nice to have that security in place for a few months. 


Ugh! I have Word Starter and I also have a paper this semester that will require footnotes. Can you not do footnotes on starter? I guess I should look into that as well. 

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YNAB is really helping us to limit spending. I still have $45 in my grocery budget between now and Friday and I've done all our shopping for the week.  :hurray:  :hurray:


Just making budget categories has helped us to plan ahead for some upcoming larger expenses. Still need to make progress on saving to our emergency fund. Very helpful to be able to see it all on the screen.





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1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $34.48 on groceries

1/4 $$14.34 at Goodwill & $11.60 on parts for a Kitchenaid ice cream attachment (I found the bowl at gw for .99)

1/5 nothings, snowed in

1/6-not planning on going anywhere.

$1/7 dh spent $13.28 at Walmart when he was out plowing.

1/8 $0, went out, but had to borrow the neighbor's car, I got dh's van stuck and so I just went to the dentist appointment and that was all.

1/9 $44.05 groceries

1/10- $30.85 $30.85 groceries, 4.89 other

1/11 $0

1/12 $0

1/13 $0

1/14 $0 

I work all week and will not be stopping at the grocery store, we do need lightbulbs at some point and dh will get those.


So far groceries for the month- $122.66, Misc. $30.83


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I'll pay my rent the same way when I get my student loan money. It's nice to have that security in place for a few months.


Ugh! I have Word Starter and I also have a paper this semester that will require footnotes. Can you not do footnotes on starter? I guess I should look into that as well.

Nope. Starter doesn't let you do footnotes. The 365 comes with a 4 year subscription, so it's not too bad. When I think about my history of losing things to computer crashes and viruses, that sky drive becomes brilliant.


Today, 1/12 $100 counseling appointment

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Jan 8: $35 overdraft fee
Jan 9: $25 dining out
Jan 10: $120 kindle paper white. $13 dining out $4 movie rental.
Jan 11: $120 highlights. $54 groceries $6 ice cream.

Jan 12: jeans at target $27. Underwear $8. Cat food $20

Jan 13: $3.50 coffee and muffin as i was late to work. $63 New drum for my Brother printer, which stopped printing last week. Grr!!
Boy this has been a crudilicious week in terms of spending. Okay, the highlights and the paperwhite weren't "needs". I get that.  Luckily, I am still on target OVERALL with my budget for the month. I have gone over in certain categories, but if I can just keep my overall spending under my limit I will be happy. 
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Week 1: $244.91


1/8: $5.00 gas

      $21.88 groceries

      $137.95 Sociology book & EZ French to self study 

      $ xx paid electric (water & trash) bill


1/9: $0.79 snack at gas station. I had to drive my mom out of town, she paid for gas and lunch. 


1/10: $ 49.38 groceries/cough drops/antacid tabs

        $ 39.95 Internet bill

        $ 32.25 cell phone bill 

        $  4.00  clear glass bowls to round out the dinnerware set I bought with Christmas money

        $ 30.50 - Target - ordered dress online. I've been looking for something to transition from winter to spring. It was on clearance, so it was buy it now or miss out. 

        $ 12.64 - Amazon - newest Thirty Seconds to Mars CD. 


1/11 $10.00 Gas I put more in but my mom paid for that as I had to pick her up from out of town

       $  5.13 McDonalds Late morning fries, the road trip treat for ds and me

       $ 39.78 Kohls - two pairs of pants for ds, they will last him through next winter at least. 50% off. I found a denim shirt on clearance


1/12: $ 0 

1/13: $ 0 

1/14: $ 43.72 groceries 

        $   2.82 pens for school


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